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Next patch? or version 3?

Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:24 pm

Where is this title in the develoment cycle?, is there a patch comming or is a newer version the next step?

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:00 am

Good question. I don't know, I hope the lack of recent patches means we'll be gearing up for CW III. There are a lot of features that could still make this game better that it already is.
I would really enjoy having more political (state) options.

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AGEod Grognard
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Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:47 pm

I would like to see work on the AI, she could use some new tricks!

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:27 pm

I would love to see more regional developments that allow city growth, hence increases in taxes, resources, supply, and conscript availability.

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Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:31 pm

What wondering the same thing, if there is another DLC coming or a kind of gold edition?

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Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:43 pm

I guess the devs are busy with WoN.

What i would like is a more detailed economic model, i can make options of RR and industry suckup manpower to dilute theat industry works without people to produce it,but it would be better,if the devs went into more detail.

Using 1860 census n( $ value of all manufacturing production value) here is the breakdown of the CSA States manufacturing output. iE a reflection on at start WSU output.

VA 33%
TX 4%
Tenn 12%
SC 5%
NC 11%
Miss 4%
La 10%
Ga 11%
FL 1%
ALA 7&
ARK 2%

This total output is slighltly less than the border states value. Ie the WSU of the Border States is equal to all CSA.

CSA has 15% of the national total, the Border States 17%, Ohio 17% Mass 16%, NY 13%,NJ 10% the rest the remainder.

IF only heavy Industry is counted ( ie rolled iron, bar and sheet plate, railroad lines etc) IE RR locomatives 19 built in the CSA in 1860 can only be built in the below listed States, the USA built 244.

VA 68%
Tenn 22%
GA 6%
NC 4%#

A map with more emphasis on important regions, the VA theatre is too small, while there is vast areas of map that serve next to no purpose.

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Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:22 am

hanny1 wrote:I guess the devs are busy with WoN.

What i would like is a more detailed economic model, i can make options of RR and industry suckup manpower to dilute theat industry works without people to produce it,but it would be better,if the devs went into more detail.

Using 1860 census n( $ value of all manufacturing production value) here is the breakdown of the CSA States manufacturing output. iE a reflection on at start WSU output.

VA 33%
TX 4%
Tenn 12%
SC 5%
NC 11%
Miss 4%
La 10%
Ga 11%
FL 1%
ALA 7&
ARK 2%

This total output is slighltly less than the border states value. Ie the WSU of the Border States is equal to all CSA.

CSA has 15% of the national total, the Border States 17%, Ohio 17% Mass 16%, NY 13%,NJ 10% the rest the remainder.

IF only heavy Industry is counted ( ie rolled iron, bar and sheet plate, railroad lines etc) IE RR locomatives 19 built in the CSA in 1860 can only be built in the below listed States, the USA built 244.

VA 68%
Tenn 22%
GA 6%
NC 4%#

A map with more emphasis on important regions, the VA theatre is too small, while there is vast areas of map that serve next to no purpose.

I'm loving this development of the discussion. That kind of historic economics could provide some wonderful (though frustrating) results. I would like to see that as a option, for sure. I'd even pay DLC $ for this kind of update.

Prior to discovery of this game (and what a shame I missed the prior 10 yrs), the best near historic model was by a DOS game (Empire Interactive) that made such options for economic supply. At the most advanced level, the CSA had tough supply issues by regional (realities I assumed). It made the production of Art. and heavy inf. very difficult for the South--but tons of fun.

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AGEod Grognard
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Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:53 am

While I don't necessarily agree with changing the economic model (it is simple and suits the purpose quite well imo) I agree 100% on the map issue. Many years ago now in the aacw2 wishlist thread I had argued for a map with more emphasis on important regions and exclusion of the regions which 90% of the time serve no purpose. I just want a map of the USA. On the VA issue, what I would have done was made smaller but more numerous regions the east.

Alas, it was not to be. Still find myself playing in any case! (Although with FI off)
"Tell General Lee that if he wants a bridge of dead Yankees I can furnish him with one."
-General William Barksdale at Fredericksburg

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