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Washington DC

Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:56 pm

Does any of you guys made some experience with attacking Washington from Manassas directly in the first turns? Makes it any sense or is it just too much risk and you have to stay in Manassas for....yeah,dont really know^^...maybe Beauregard asked the same his self and his decision beeing inactive wasn't the worst decision?

But than McDowell starts ransacking the way towards Richmond(if waiting in Manassas) and my capital is in danger soon(trying to attack from behind with P.G. Beauregard causes mostly in a pursuit direction Williamsburg--->Fort Monroe--->upload to transports and Banks and Heintzelman rushing Manassas from behind while Johnston have to wait in Harpers Ferry for activation. So in opposite to the real war...i guess... as the confederade in the east i mostly/ever are in a defensive role from start of the April 1861 scenario(in opposite to the MidWest where it's often not very difficult to take over St.Louis and control the Mississippi) any hints for the east?^^

Next Question...any good advices how to use the CSS Virgina after beeing ready?....controlling the Potomac or maximum effort on bombarding Ft. Monroe

PS:sry for bad english :( and thx in advance for any hints in the early game-phase

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Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:42 pm

You can go for Washington, if the enemy fails to man its defenses and heads on for Richmond with McDowel. Since it is rarely the case, I would however try to merge Johnston and Beauregard and force McDowell to battle deep in hostile territory if he wants to bypass me.

You can do little with CSS Virginia. Use it for fleet in being strategy. As a threat if he sails to James river past your guns at Norfolk. Do not try to bomb FtMonroe with it. You 'll be outgunned.

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Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:59 pm

In another thread someone stated that one out of twenty rushes into Washington resulted into failure. You need to come over Montgomery, that seems sure for me. There are too many unaccountable figures for an early offensive in the East. On the other hand, you must not sit around in Manassas. Confronting the Union on your side of the Potomac, including Alexandria might make McDowell give up plans on moving South.
I usually wait for Lee to arive to go offensive in the East and meanwhile secure what I have.
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Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:18 pm

I always go for Alexandria the moment it becomes unguarded, easy NM points and ideal for digging in and shootin' some Yankees as they try to go over the river. Also disrupts supplies to any Union stack that is trying to move into Virginia.

As for CSS Virginia, I have never found any use for the Ironclads. Apart from bunching 10 of them of during the end game for a laugh.
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Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:41 pm

In AACW 1 I usually built two more to have some brown water force. Great to lift blockades in the early-mid game and, before the disembark-feature was introduced, to prevent landings. Maritime affairs shouldn't be neglected as the Southern player.
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Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:54 am

I like to push for Washington in the early war.
It feel like the South has a small advantage then.
If you can score some early victories and lot's of casualties for the union, the Union needs to concentrate more
on replacing the soldiers instead of building a large fleet or planning invasions.

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Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:28 am

Thanks for the advices(i will try the merge of both armies) and yes i forgot taking Alexandria to prevent the enemy raiding into Virginia.The "Fleet in beeing" seems the best in my opinion for the CSS Virginia and i will try to bind as much enemy ships i can with it. I got also a screenie here from my described problem.


J.Johnston is heading for New Market now, Beauregard is trying to defend Fredericksburg vs McDowell equally to Lee in Richmond against Banks(maybe this happens if you are too anxious from start^^

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Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:32 am

Defeat them in detail. I would try this. Butler in New Market is low on supply and will need to withdraw soon anyway. Sending Johnston down to make his campaign a desaster seems prudent. On the other hand he imposes no big threat. I personally would move Johnston to Manassas, Fredericksburg or Alexandria. I would order Beauregard to abandon the Rappahannock, pick up some fresh troops and leave the shattered divisions in Richmond and then defeat Banks. He failed to seize a port to supply his troops and if you can make him run he will soon wish he never got to Virginia. Just make sure that Richmond can't be taken by a blow and keep your main army close to it.
Your opponent split up his troops, so amass yours should be the key.
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Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:19 pm

Against the AI is doable, I`ve won the war before corps are allowed rushing Washington DC

Obviously you need to put almost everything in Virginia together and some luck against McDowell, the combine morale drop of the Union army disappearing and the fall of Washington was enough

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Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:21 am

You have interesting situation here. You have advantage of interior lines here. I would concentrate Johnston, Beauregard and Lee and go against Banks. The aim would be to push and pursue Banks' army to destruction. His entrenchment level is not high, and you could outnumber him 2,5:1. This is the victory Lee sought against McClellan, but never with such good odds.
If you are looking for more general strategic tips, I would surely visit Sondoff vs Banks topic in the CW2 AAR section of this forum. Some interesting strategic tips will surely be posted there as their game unfolds.

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