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Diplomacy & News

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:25 am
by PhilThib
The game will start very soon. Welcome all :cool:

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:27 am
by Jim-NC
Letter to all foreign governments from the United States:

It is the intent of this administration to enforce the Monroe Doctrine. For those who don't know, the Monroe Doctrine states:

The occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.
We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.

With the further Grant corollary:
"hereafter no territory on this continent [referring to Central and South America] shall be regarded as subject to transfer to a European power."

Thus, we desire that the Americas shall not become protectorates or colonies of European Powers. We shall view any such attempt as a severe provocation.

US Secretary of State for President Hayes

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:43 am
by unclejoe
Statement of Hendrik Van Loon, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Belgium pledges to remain neutral in all European matters and is only interested in the Congo Territories in Africa at this time. We will restrict all colonial adventures to the Dark Continent in the Congo Environs. We believe this can be a very rewarding Continent, yet dangers abound as well. We suggest all European Nations restrict their African Adventures to Diplomacy and not resort to Military Strong Arm Tactics. Granted, we understand certain Pacification of hostiles may be Necessary in order to open these Regions to Civilization. We believe there are plenty of Colonial lands for Africa as well as the rest of the Known World.

Communiqué from the Reich Kanzler Prinz Von Bismarck

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:17 am
by PhilThib
The German Empire wishes that peace and diplomacy remain the basis of conduct between civilized nations and its government is solemny making the following official pledges:

* We shall adhere and respect the Monroe Doctrine

* We have no territorial claims or ambitions in Europe and won't use force to resolve conflicts there

* We shall respect all our alliances, signed or about to be signed

* We support the statement of the Belgian government in which normal conduct of affaires between nations must be peaceful and civilized. Unprovoked aggression, or without a valid CB, especially against minor nations, will be considered as unfriendly.

* We have decided to opt for an open trade policy and a laissez-faire economic approach, meaning we won't interfere in business negotiation between private entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, we shall require that all such discussions involving our national territorry be advised beforehand to our Ministry of Interior and Economy for approval.

We wish to organize in the coming months a grand colonial conference in Berlin where all civilized nations shall be invited and receive a warm welcome.

The Imperial government finally extends to all nations an invitation to proceed in peaceful and constructive diplomacy. We shall listen to all parties, old enemies included, with open mind and ears, and will strive when possible to find compromises and balanced agreements.

Philip von Thibau
AussenMinisterium Deutschland

Business News - Coal vs Coconuts

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:32 pm
by PhilThib
Gandrange - Mayotte Agreement - 16 January 1880

[color="#FF8C00"]------------------------------- News -----------------------------[/color]

Nancy - February 1880 - Minutes of the last Meeting of the Chambre de Commerce Franco-Allemande de Lorraine
The main industrial managers of Lorraine from both sides of the border have held an important meeting at the Stanislas Palace Hotel of Nancy, France, last 15th February 1880. The shareholders of the Petite Roselle Minen GmbH have sold all their shares to the Chargeurs SA company of France, which now runs the newly renamed 'Charbonages de Gandrange' coal mines near Metz, Lothringen (Germany). In exchange, the original German shareholders have received majority equity in the 'Compagnie de Mayotte' which was controlling most trade affairs and representatives in the Comorros archipelago, off Madagascar. The company has consequently changed its name to 'Komoren Inseln Gesselschaft' and has been re-incorporated at the Lübeck stock exchange.
In effect, all interests and assets in the Comoros islands have passed under German control, while half of the coal production in Lorraine is now property of French industrialists and shipped regularly among the border.

It seems that businessmen on both sides are more open to agreement that their respective governments, but the latter could not be reached, and thus have not commented or reacted for the time being, as we were told that their official position is to uphold an economic laissez-faire policy.

------- A Joint dispatch form Agence France-Presse and Reuters - 02/1880 --------

PS: Game Effect

A - One German coal mine in Lorraine removed and transferred to France
B - The French protectorate of the Comorros is transfered to Germany

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:09 pm
by PhilThib
[color="#DAA520"]Texel Treaty[/color] - 01 February 1880


Texel, Holland - 01 February 1880
Today, a squadron of 4 former Ironclad battleships of the German navy was transferred to the Royal Dutch Navy, in the cadre of a friendship and good neighbour partnership between the two nations.
The German crews disembarked at the Dutch naval base of Texel before returning to Wilhemshaven by train. Their fellow Dutch midshipmen and officers took charge, although it may take a month before the ships become operational again. A symbolic financial transfer occurred when the ship's emblems were given to the representatives of Holland.
It is rumoured that the squadron should soon sail for the embattled Dutch East Indies, where the ongoing war with Aceh drags on. Some well informed sources also mentioned to our correspondent that part of the ships payment would consist in some exotic merchandises from those same islands that would be shipped to the trade houses of Hamburg in the ensuing months.

From Reuters


Game Effect

A - One German Ironclad Battleship squadron removed - Same squadron transferred to Holland, where it will be locked 2 turns (refitting & training)
(cost in crew and officers adjusted accordingly for both nations)
B - Holland pays a flat transfer fee of $200
C - Balance of ships' cost paid in goods from the NEI (1 of ea Silk, Rice, Coffee and Sugar) every months for 2 years.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:23 pm
by PhilThib
[color="#FF8C00"]Shanghai Treaty - 01 March 1880[/color]


Shanghai, China - 01 March 1880
Today, a squadron of 3 former Ironclad battleships of the German navy was transferred to the Imperial Chinese Navy, in the cadre of a commercial agreement between the two nations.
The German crews disembarked at the Chinese naval base of Shanghai before returning home by liner. Their fellow Chinese midshipmen and officers took charge, although it may take a month before the ships become operational again. A symbolic financial transfer occurred when the ship's emblems were given to the representatives of China.
This deal is part of a more general commercial agreement, as some well informed sources mentioned to our correspondent that part of the ships payment would consist in Chinese tea and silks that would be shipped to the trade houses of Kiel in the ensuing months.

From Reuters


Game Effect

A - One German Ironclad Battleship squadron removed - Same squadron transferred to China, where it will be locked 2 turns (refitting & training)
(cost in crew and officers adjusted accordingly for both nations)
B - China pays a flat transfer fee of $200
C - Balance of ships' cost paid in goods (2 of ea Silk and Tea) every months for the coming year.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:24 pm
by PhilThib
[color="#FF8C00"]Smyrna Treaty - 01 March 1880[/color]


Smyrna, Asya Province, Ottoman Empire - 01 March 1880
Today, a squadron of 3 former Ironclad battleships of the German navy was transferred to the Ottoman Navy, in the cadre of a commercial agreement between the two nations.
The German crews disembarked at the Ottoman naval base of Smyrna before returning to Wilhemshaven by train. Their fellow Ottoman midshipmen and officers took charge, although it may take a month before the ships become operational again. A symbolic financial transfer occurred when the ship's emblems were given to the representatives of Turkey.
The German treasury has offered some credit terms to the Ottoman finances, with light interests. Part of the payment will consist in rare minerals and medical opiate supplies.

From Reuters


Game Effect

A - One German Ironclad Battleship squadron removed - Same squadron transferred to Turkey, where it will be locked 2 turns (refitting & training)
(cost in crew and officers adjusted accordingly for both nations)
B - Turkey pays a flat transfer fee of $50
C - Balance of ships' cost paid in money and goods from Turkey (3$ each turn, 1 Opium, 1 Minerals) every months for 3 years.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:03 pm
by Jim-NC
Dateline 5 Mar 1880, Washington D.C.
From the US State Department:

We protest the Chinese attacks upon our commercial establishments. Our Amoy concession in the province of Xiamen was seized by armed bandits. We demand that the government of Empress Cixi stop these blatant attacks upon American businessmen.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:20 pm
by Matto
8 Mar 1880, China embassy in US:

No armed bandits in the area of Xiamen. We are sending an army troops for sure, but other countries commercial establishments are in save. Please check your save work and fire policy ...

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:12 pm
by PhilThib
Some bandits are quick to hit and run...may be they held grudge or business conflict with the local US Consul....who knows who will be hit next time..

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:58 pm
by unclejoe
Antwerp Daily Globe Feb 1880
German Navy Going Going Gone!
Ships have been leaving German ports for points East (China), Southeast (Ottoman's), and West (Holland). And it has come to our attention that Ships were offered to our own fair Nation. What is going on???
Sources in the know have varying thoughts. Germany will be refitting with magnificent State of the Art vessels that can take on Anything in the Seven Seas. Germany is becoming a Closed Shop.....looking inward, becoming Conservative, becoming less War-Like. Germany is Gearing Up for Major Land Battles in the near future. Lots of Opinions being thrown around.

Germany has also Very Quickly agreed to the United States announced Stay Out of the America's if you are not already Here Monroe Doctrine (Monroe is the name of one of their Presidents from many years ago......who first suggested this notion...back in 1823).

This reporter for one wonders, What are they up to? Are they actually facing our Nation seems to be.

Internationally, our own King Leopold is determined to exercise every opportunity to expand in the Congo to the benefit of the Belgian Nation. Will there be darker faces working in Antwerp shortly? The Congo 'Company' has been hiring rather heavily. Belgians going to the Dark Continent. It is an interesting time for the World, we at the Globe note.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:39 am
by PhilThib
Communication from the German Admiralty - Berlin, March 1880
The Kaiser has requested our Navy to modernize and find a way to reform older ships and get latest state-of-the-art ones. Instead of scrapping the vessels and collecting back the materials, it was agreed to offer them for sale to our friends and neigbours. For information, we have still some deal pending, offers in the way from some minor nations, and still 3 frigates ships that will be on sale once they return from their overseas duties.

This is in no way a buildup, as we are replacing 1:1 the older units, and we already gave insurances about this to concerned naval powers.

It's not the admiralty duty to comment on foreign policy, but we have been authorized to state that the German Navy's role will be to enforce protection against piracy and protect free commercial activity. Germans guns are tried and ready, but shall mostly focus on protecting European traders in the savage lands.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:41 am
by Lindi
Lunéville, March 15, 1880 - Convention of Lunéville
The Government of the French Republic and Germany proposed an agreement to freeze troops on our respective borders. Germany is parked no new force in Alsace or Lorraine for a period of 10 years. Respectively, France parked no new units Meuse and Vosges.
A commission of French officers conduct an annual inspection of the forces of the German Army (not navy). This commission (and all its expenses, $ 300) will be financed entirely by France and the amount paid to Germany. If ever Germany does not allow annual visit will lead to a financial penalty double Planned Spending ($ 600), or a default if not Casus Belli immediate refund.
This agreement is a great day for peace in Europe.

Game effect :
-300 State funds to Germany

-Each Years I can watch the first turn of years in Germany for see the number of troop in Germany army
-The treaty dos not include the Germany navy
-If Germany lies and does not pay 600$ back to France, then France has instant Casus belli for war

Il Messaggero, Late March 1880

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:49 am
by bjfagan

Without provocation or legal justification, French troops invaded Tunisia and seized Tunis, the capitol. France stormed into an independent country in an effort to expand its already large empire, will any of the powers in Europe protest this seizure and ask the French to withdraw? King Umberto, was alarmed at such French boldness and requested Prime Minister Benedetto Cairoli to send a letter of protest to Paris.

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:38 am
by lukasberger
Partial Statement of British Foreign Policy, March 1880

We intend to adhere closely to the Monroe doctrine.

We will not enter into any alliances at this time, as we wish to be friendly with all. This will encourage free trade and enterprise between our nation and all others, which is a top priority of our government.

We guarantee Belgian Neutrality as set out in the Treaty of London. Any nation which violates this neutrality will face an immediate military response from the United Kingdom.

The Most Honourable
The Marquess of Salisbury, KG, GCVO, PC
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

French Intervention in Tunisia

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:59 am
by PhilThib
We have read this in various newspapers :blink:

The Times: Numerous raids in Algeria by the Tunisian Kroumer tribe were reported. The French government prepared an expeditionary force to defeat the tribesmen. The Italian influence in the area is an issue - due to the huge colony of Tunisian Italians that had immigrated to Tunisia - that could initiate a long period of Franco-Italian tension.

Le Monde: De nombreux raids en Algérie par la tribu des Kroumer tunisiens ont été signalés. Le gouvernement français prépare un corps expéditionnaire pour vaincre ces tribus. L'influence italienne dans la région (liée à l'énorme colonie d'immigrés italiens en Tunisie) est une question toutefois qui pourrait amorcer une longue période de tension Franco-italienne.

El Pais: Se informa de numerosos ataques e incursiones en Argelia, provocados por la tribu tunecina de Kroumer. El gobierno francés prepara una expedición para derrotar a los guerreros tribales. Pero la influencia italiana en la región, debido a la gran colonia italiana que ha emigrado a Túnez, es un problema a tener en cuenta. Podría causar tensiones en las relaciones franco-italianas.

Die Süddeutsche Zeitung: Aus Algerien werden zahlreiche Überfälle des tunesischen Kroumer-Stammes berichtet. Die Regierung bereitet eine Expeditionstruppe zur Bekämpfung der Stammeskrieger vor. Der italienische Einfluss in der Region, der sich durch die Auswanderung vieler tunesischstämmiger Italiener nach Tunesien begründet, stellt jedoch ein Problem dar, der eine lange Spannungsphase zwischen Frankreich und Italien einleiten könnte.

Well, it seems that such an event occured a bit early, and that the French military in North Africa has been a bit too restive lately... (OOC: game event evt_txt_FRA_ExpeditionTunisia1881)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:46 am
by Lindi
Letter of protestation, France

The France are proposed a solution with your gouvernamant, your answer is not and none counter solution. So the France use the power of France for defence the interest of France in Tunesia.

The other reality is tribal nation need education and good school, for them a fast conquest is really more good compared a long colonisation. For all, the France have only interest of North Africa in Tunesia and Algerie, not other colony, excepte for war and if other country begin the war.

For finish the answer, many troop go now on Savoie, and other border territory with Italy for to calm that country, I no go war, but I have the army for defence my country!

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:03 pm
by Ojodeaguila
PhilThib wrote:We have read this in various newspapers :blink:

The Times: Numerous raids in Algeria by the Tunisian Kroumer tribe were reported. The French government prepared an expeditionary force to defeat the tribesmen. The Italian influence in the area is an issue - due to the huge colony of Tunisian Italians that had immigrated to Tunisia - that could initiate a long period of Franco-Italian tension.

Le Monde: De nombreux raids en Algérie par la tribu des Kroumer tunisiens ont été signalés. Le gouvernement français prépare un corps expéditionnaire pour vaincre ces tribus. L'influence italienne dans la région (liée à l'énorme colonie d'immigrés italiens en Tunisie) est une question toutefois qui pourrait amorcer une longue période de tension Franco-italienne.

El Pais: Se informa de numerosos ataques e incursiones en Argelia, provocados por la tribu tunecina de Kroumer. El gobierno francés prepara una expedición para derrotar a los guerreros tribales. Pero la influencia italiana en la región, debido a la gran colonia italiana que ha emigrado a Túnez, es un problema a tener en cuenta. Podría causar tensiones en las relaciones franco-italianas.

Die Süddeutsche Zeitung: Aus Algerien werden zahlreiche Überfälle des tunesischen Kroumer-Stammes berichtet. Die Regierung bereitet eine Expeditionstruppe zur Bekämpfung der Stammeskrieger vor. Der italienische Einfluss in der Region, der sich durch die Auswanderung vieler tunesischstämmiger Italiener nach Tunesien begründet, stellt jedoch ein Problem dar, der eine lange Spannungsphase zwischen Frankreich und Italien einleiten könnte.

Well, it seems that such an event occured a bit early, and that the French military in North Africa has been a bit too restive lately... (OOC: game event evt_txt_FRA_ExpeditionTunisia1881)

OOC for the Spanish edition use ABC, el pais is a modern newspaper.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:53 am
by Jim-NC
Statement from the Secretary of State on the France/Italian Conflict:

The American government is extremely worried regarding the apparent breakdown of negotiations, and increase in tensions between France and Italy. We urge all parties concerned to settle this dispute peacefully, without resulting to war.

Secretary of State, William Evarts

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:50 pm
by Soulstrider
Constantinople, April 1880
Franco-Italian Conflict

Ottoman authorities in Tripolitania are greatly worried about the neighbouring conflicts. They urge both sides to negotiate a peaceful deal and to prevent it from spilling over to the rest of the region

Ironclads ready to join active forces

The modern Ironclad battleships brought from the German Empire are finally completely manned and outfitted. This mighty vessels will be sent to reinforce the Black Sea Feet.

Wuchang convention

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:16 pm
by PhilThib
[color="#DAA520"]Wuchang - China [/color]- 21st March 1880


Wuchang, China - 21st March 1880 - Minutes of the last Meeting of German investors with Chinese authorithies at the Wuchang German Concession
The governor of Wuchang, acting under authorization of the central government in Beijing, has held yesterday a meeting with Herr Wolfram von Dreyse, head of a delegation of German business interests and Honorary Consul of the German Empire in Wuchang.
An agreement was found so that German capital could be allowed to invest in an arm factory in Wuchang, with guaranteed sale of production to China. Similarly, German investments in the coastal province of shantung was allowed, to the limit of two plantations in the vicinity of Quigdao.

It is understood by both parties that those enterprises shall pay all taxes to China, and receive in exchange protection of the imperial forces against local unrest, and that the chinese government shall have a right of first regards if and when those establishment come for sale.
Also, the convention gives the Chinese government an option to buy the said investments in China at its faire value after 10 years of continuous exploitation.

It seems that the investors in Germany found a pacific way to increase their business opportunities in the Far East without resorting to a 'Big Stick' approach


Game Effect

A - Germany is allowed to build, at her full own cost, an Arms factory in Wuchang, and a silk planatation and a tea plantation in Qingdao.
B - The full production of the factory will be offered exclusively to China for purchase, at normal market prices. Taxes on the investment will be paid normally. All unpurchased production can be exported at will by owner.
C - The Chinese government guarantees the German investors against seizure (may happen automatically by game engine) for 10 years: if this happen, seized property will be returned with 15 days to German ownership.
D - After 10 years, China may offer to buy (at cost) the factory, and Germany shall accept the offer.

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:25 pm
by coolbean
Министерство внутренних дел
Российская Империя
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Russian Empire


After receiving a briefing from an unnamed St. Petersburg University professor, the Czar called an emergency meeting of the Imperial Council and demanded that great strides be made in modernizing the Empire. The Czar expressed his distress at how far Russia has fallen behind to the world's great powers.

Enormous sums have been devoted to expanding the rail system, and extending lines into the deepest regions of the Empire. His highness has tasked this Ministry with completing a trans-Siberia rail line in five years, and we are pleased to announce that the project is ahead of schedule!

Massive state funds - to the dismay of the General Staff - have been poured into modernizing mining and farming equipment, and creating a nation-wide educational system. The Czar hopes these moves will create a base for which industry may grow in Russia. His highness hope that advances in Russian production of luxury wares - such as gold, silk, and opium - may allow for capital to flood the Empire, allowing for more growth!

There are of course some who complain loudly of a lack of funds being sent to the Imperial Army and Navy. These subversive elements will be found and dealt with. The Czar has confidence that growth in the economy and other sectors will perhaps allow for investments in the military at some point in the future. His Highness is much more concerned at the lagging state of the Russian economy, and has said that Russia is in a period of peace that can only be disrupted by an outside power encroaching in Russia's sphere of influence, and has high hopes for the Empire and the Slavic people in avoiding unnecessary war in the future.

Bashkir switchman near the town Ust' Katav.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:39 am
by bjfagan
Wow, color pictures in 1880! How did the Russians do that?

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:48 am
by Jim-NC
Actually some guy in Russia did that (and the picture is one of his). He took a camera, and used a red, yellow and blue lens in front. He then took the picture 3 times (with each lens). Then he combined them. see the post below:
color pics

You can even see where someone moved between shots (look at # 21, and # 34 for example).

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:59 am
by PhilThib
Impressive pictures..and giving so much feeling about how it could be 100 years ago...I had seen a few before, that's great indeed.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:27 pm
by unclejoe
Jim-NC wrote:Actually some guy in Russia did that (and the picture is one of his). He took a camera, and used a red, yellow and blue lens in front. He then took the picture 3 times (with each lens). Then he combined them. see the post below:
color pics

You can even see where someone moved between shots (look at # 21, and # 34 for example).

Cool pics! Thanks Bean! Most color 'photos' from the early 1900's were hand colored. The Tri-color method.....I didn't know about it.

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:15 pm
by unclejoe
This from the Congo Africa area:

Back at home, the Belgian Economics Minister Statement:
We are have Higher Inflation due to some difficulties controlling investment capital outlay needed to keep the Country running on a good footing. We hope to have it under control soon. Previous administrations perhaps invested to heavily in certain areas and these are being shutdown or curtailed somewhat while we upgrade and production is placed on a more efficient path.

In Game: Have had to close some structures .... Also: we don't seem to have the usual F4 Cards which would allow us to cut inflation down 1% per card.... (Steel, MfgGoods, Coal subsidies)....we only have one card, which is the one that increases inflation.
Plus: Does anyone have a Transport vessel or two which they would like to sell for state funds?

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:43 am
by lukasberger
unclejoe wrote:Plus: Does anyone have a Transport vessel or two which they would like to sell for state funds?

Sure. What do you want? One squadron or two? How much will you pay?

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:20 am
by unclejoe
How about one to start with. (two if they are cheap :) ) How much do you want?