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Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:27 pm


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Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:31 pm

PhilThib wrote:Bismarck called a 'Congo Conference' in Berlin to regulate colonization and trade in Central Africa. Fourteen countries were represented. King Leopold of Belgium was able to persuade the national delegations that it would be best to declare the Congo River and Niger River mouths and basins a neutral and free trade area and give it to him. He emerged triumphant and became the personal ruler of 30 million people and of a million square miles of unmapped jungle (75 times the size of Belgium itself), to be constituted as the 'Congo Free State'. After this Berlin Conference, the European powers launched a period of heightened colonial activity, while simultaneously eliminating most existing forms of African autonomy and self-governance.

Text missing from the CMN event. In essence, lots of Belgian CP added in the Congo. Other effects of the event look bugged (they had outposts and tradeposts almost everywhere), so will need to be fixed in tomorrow's session :cool:

Some regions with African military control destroyed some structures in the past, perhaps will change as/if Belgium military %
rises. (what I'm saying is: I don't know if they are bugged......I haven't looked very closely tho')

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:14 am

The event fired normally and I noticed only one 'error' in the script report, in the region of Kisangani...the rest seems to have worked as expected.

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:46 pm


London, Late February 1884


... the honorable member speaking for the Conservative party in response to the government's brief statement that the response to tensions in Africa was well in hand:

"The Foreign Minister has assured us, yes, that the amiable and substantive understanding with Herr Bismarck that is supposedly beneficial to Britain and to peace remains in effect, and that British subjects, British assets, British interests, and the welfare of our allies and the peoples in our charge shall be well protected. Yet the nature and terms of this boon we do not know, and those who know may not disclose save by leave of the prime minister . . . ."

"I thank the Honorable Undersecretary for his comforting assurance that the matter is in hand, indeed in the firm and sure grip of the government, yet, look, what here do we see in the estimable Times but revelations almost each day from Africa that show matters to be getting quite out of hand. And if the government cannot keep its grip, perhaps it should let go in favor of surer hands." Upon this statement, interjections of "Bismarck" were heard among the Conservatives. "Let us pray that the fate of neither Britain nor the world falls into that merciless iron grip. But there stand ready surer hands on this island, indeed in this chamber, who may steer the ship of state on a true and steady course. . . ."

"Gentlemen, indeed, it is not the Germans who cause alarms to be raised, but where they are and where they are going. We have - we had - and would maintain good relations as was promised three years past by the Prime Minister. German Zanzibar. German Tanga. German Camerone. We understand this. Kenya and the lake country, certainly an influential matter, and a matter of generosity, and accommodation, all for peace and security for British Africa. Have we received what we bargained for? Has faith been kept? How foolish a bargain must it have been if we see plainly today a German tide sweeping like a brush fire across Africa to the north, west and south, threatening to consume the whole continent, British Africa or not.

And a tide cloaked in peaceful garb, but seeking blood. European blood. That of our ally, gallant Portugal. Gentlemen, members, of any party - we are all British - tell me now are any among our ranks not astonished by this latest Prussian stroke. Any so wise and foresightful that they saw this inexorably impending? Be not shy and tell me true. None it is then, not one among us foresaw this. And is that not a clear and common proof of the nature of the course which has been set in Berlin. Talk peace, then make war - on Portugal, a civilized country with ancient rights in Africa to which the Germans seem to give no more respect than to our own. It is not some far-off princedom of which we know nothing, but our faithful hereditary ally for four hundred years, and we theirs, though in time of peace this government neglected to memorialize it in proper form.

Were the Duke of Wellington alive I daresay we should hear so much more of the gallant Portuguese that we would bear no equivocation from the government. Who would dare to offer his Grace for more than a moment the vapid protestations of a policy of languid diplomacy and supine surrender while Herr Bismarck sates his hunger by carving up Africa to his taste.

I am ashamed, yes, I am ashamed, that hope of a beneficial peace beguiled me, and beguiled many in this House, to lend credence to the assurances by this government regarding Germany and by Germany to the world. I pray that I be mistaken in all this, that it is a misapprehension on uncertain and unknown circumstances. I pray the government shall prove me wrong and the world safe from danger - so let them answer me now.

SLUMBERING LIBERALS, AWAKE to your country's danger. Join us and present it fairly to the nation and to the world as our witness to the infamy we see brewing up in Africa. Those honorable powers who held hope of peace shall be sorely disappointed if I have the right of this matter - too honorable to be fully alert to the circumstances. But now it is time to awaken and hearken well when the government makes clear to us what bargains have been made, or broken, and the consequences, for upon those we stake our honor and our fortunes. Let Britons and our European friends rally to this cause.

Upon the other matter, which is ever before us, I am proud to say that the failing diligence of some in this administration in the defense of the realm government leaves us unshaken. We stand prepared to answer any challenge, and so let us preserve our honor by standing fast to defend poor Portugal and British Africa. If the Prime Minister permits the nation to hear the truth, they will speak, and I am sure they will answer any affront with manly vigor. We have the ships, we have the men, and, with thanks to the able and parsimonious Chancellor of the Exchequer, we have the money too."

After applause from both sides of the house, the Undersecretary responded that the government had reviewed relations with the Kingdom of Portugal and concluded that diplomatic formalities were not sufficiently advanced to offer local support to Portugal presently even should the government determine to do so. Nor could defensive relations be renewed under current conditions. After cries of "shame" amid uproar from the conservatives and some liberals, the session was adjourned.

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:01 pm

News from Sino-Japanese War - 1884, late February
Japan army on north side of the Jalu river was completely destroyed and war hounds moved to Taiwan, where north part is occupied by Japan army and south by China army. China Navy tried intercept enemy ships, but was defeated by stronger navy ...

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:27 am


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Massacre in Angola

Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:37 pm

REUTERS - Lüderitz, German Southwest Africa, March 3rd, 1884


Naulila is a town in Cunene Province in southern Angola, located on the Cunene River which separates Angola and Southwest Africa. We have reports of the occurrence of an atrocious massacre there.
News was received only recently that on February 19, 1884, a German column of 50 Askaris led by 3 German Police officers crossed inadvertantly the border and entered Angola without authorization from the Portuguese authorities.
The column was intercepted by Portuguese forces and conducted to Fort Naulila. There, according to a local Dutch missionary, a dispute occurred between the Portuguese and the Germans which resulted in the death of the three German officers. When the German Askaris soldiers heard about the shooting, they tried to grab their weapons but were killed by Portuguese Nama auxilliaries, most of them beheaded. Tales mention that the German officers heads were paraded on pikes through the Portuguese settlement.

The German government has immediately recalled its ambassadors for consultation in Berlin, and is considering issuing an ultimatum to Portugal that formal apologies be issued, followed by condemnation and prosecution of the murderers to be handled swiftly. The statement to Lisbon would clearly question the ability of the Portuguese colonial authorities to teach and impose civilized behavior to the natives under their rules.


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Words from Prinz Otto von Bismarck

Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:47 pm

While on the exit from a cabinet meeting with Emperor Wilhelm I, Prinz Otto von Bismarck accepted to answer a few questions from a reporter of the "Die Welt" newspaper from Frankfurt.

Asked to comment on the incidents in Südwest Afrika, Herr Bismarck said diplomacy would follow its course before any resort to arms be taken. Normal channels of exchanges with most great powers have been activated, and a solution agreeable to all will most likely be found as to what to do with the unacceptable behavior of Portuguese local colonial authorities.

When the speech of Herr Randolph Churchill at the British Parliament was mentioned, the Prinz smiled and declared: "Some politicians are known to enjoy port wine, and they get carried away in their speeches when indulging too much in this natural plaasure... Mr Churchill should stick to cigars, the best come from Cuba, not Portugal". He then added: "it is well known that some ancestral mercantile interests are involved with the re-election process in some English constituencies. The wine traders of Oporto are not the least in this, as are some of the shipping masters involved on the mouth of Congo commercial interests...but this is pure verbosity with electoral afterthoughts...", "in the end, the Queen knows better of her Germanic cousins and family, and the last word will remain to HM's Government, who has already given commitments and pledges in the past of its fairness and gentlemanship...much more so than Mr Churchill"...

To conclude, our Chancelor just said that in the end, all this would be discussed between high level officials of the involved nation, and not via some inflamed speech of backbench politicians desperate of getting back into power...

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:41 pm

Vienna - March 4th, 1884
The Austro-Hungarian imperial government wishes to state it supports the legitimate claim of Germany to receive reparation from the incidents in southwest Africa. We hope the matter can be resolved peacefully, although we would not interfere if our German cousins were forced to resort to arms to get their prejudice repaired. But we would not participate in that potential feud.

In Vienna we think there are other ways to solve the crisis but not by force of arms. In such an instance, we already reinsured Berlin that our alliance stands firm and that any great power declaring war to Germany would find us strongly committed at her side.


Maximilliam Miguel Santcross von Torr, herald, chancellor,prime minister und Krieg bussiness chief department.
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Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:05 pm

##News from the front##

After a series of offenses against Japanese citizens and property, the government of Japan felt itself forced to announce a state of war with Korea. Initially, Japanese politicians sought that it would only be a conflict of limited scale, with a quick punitive expedition against Seoul. However, China, calling themselves the overlords of Korea, decided to intervene into the conflict. Thus the war grew much larger in scale, and significant portions of the Japanese army were released to restore peace.

So far, the war has primarily been fought on three distinct battlefields, with mixed results.

The initial Japanese campaign targeted the Korean peninsula, with a quick capture of Seoul and successful battles against the Korean army. Later, the Japanese forces settled to hold their advance at the Yalu river on the border with China, since Japan was still under the belief that a peaceful settlement could be reached at that time, and thus was reluctant to invade China proper.
However, after the Chinese landing on Okinawa (see below), the Japanese high command ordered a first foray into Manchuria. This offensive has seen mixed success. Due to unfavorable circumstances and communication problems between the involved corps, a Japanese field army suffered a severe defeat and was threatened with total destruction, but determined efforts and superior willpower eventually saved much of the army.


Pictured: A battle between Japanese and Korean forces

The Okinawa island chain briefly became the second theater of the war. For unknown reasons, the Chinese landed a force on the islands. A determined counterattack, seeing the first successful naval landing ever conducted by a Japanese force, eventually drove the Chinese away. Since then, no further combat has occurred on the islands, and they seem to be firmly back under Japanese control.


Pictured: Successful Japanese landing on Okinawa

Lastly, Taiwan has recently got into the spotlight of the military thinkers in the Far East. After the victory on Okinawa, Japanese forces made a landing near Taipeh, which was quickly occupied. In return, the Chinese built up a significant force in Kaohsiung, which caused concerns for the Japanese high command. Ultimately, it was decided to reinforce Taipeh in a daring manoeuver. A second force, supported by the heaviest units of the Imperial Fleet, would attempt to break through the Chinese naval blockade. This manoeuver turned out to be a stunning success, with the fleet successfully breaking the naval blockade and the land forces soundly defeating the Chinese troops. However, China still remains in control of southern Taiwan.


pictured: Naval victory off Taipeh

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:44 pm

The Times of London

March 1884

Summary of Gladstone's reply to conservative support for Portugal. Situation in Angola, Mozambique much worse than thought. Atrocities occurring against Germans and British alike. Hm's government fully supports Germany, calls on Portugal to stabilize situation.

"I speak today to clarify the situation in Mozambique and Angola, and to reply to the claims made yesterday regarding the situation by the honourable member for Woodstock.

Gentlemen, it is true that the Kingdom of Portugal has been a close and valued friend of Britain for many years. Thus she deserves our support and consideration. We have and will continue to have strong feelings of affection and brotherhood for the Portugese people. However I must remind you, that British support, British interests, British dollars, and yes, British blood must only be given in support of those nations who have proven to deserve our friendship.

Portugal has gallantly stood shoulder to shoulder with our ancestors in resisting the tyranny and oppression of the Napoleonic Dictatorship. For this we owe them a debt of thanks. Britain will always continue to oppose tyranny and oppression, wherever it may be found. It is said that hard truths come best from the mouth of a friend. And we are Portugal's friend, make no mistake about that. However the reports that we have received regarding Portugal's conduct in her colonies make this a time, not for soothing platitudes, nor for the flaunting of jingoistic sentiments, nor for the rattling of sabres against some third nation, but for the application of hard truths.

It is not generally known the depths to which the colonial administration and domestic conduct in Angola and Mozambique has fallen. Portugal is rife with political division and radical anarchists, who in odd fellowship with the more venal sorts of officials and office holders have produced results from oppression of the natives in their care, tantamount to virtual slavery, to subversion and plots, attacks, and extortions against the subjects of neighboring powers - notably the United Kingdom and the German Empire.

We have been shocked to learn the magnitude of these iniquities, and saddened to discover that Portugal at home is too troubled with conflict, corruption and administrative to have any change of remedying this situation in any reasonable span of time. Chaos and disorder are a continual risk, at home and in their African domain. Our German friends have so advised us, yet, so sensible are we of the remembrance of past relations, we were reluctant to accept the facts of the matter and have withheld comment in public in the hopes that matters might be favorably remedied with a solution other than the one envisioned and discussed with Germany.

Germany, unencumbered by such sympathetic relations, has taken the first actions needed to address this unfortunate situation. For this, they deserve, not condemnation, not windy words of approbation that speak emptily of consuming fires, of blood and shame. Words that boast of much, but offer little value and no solutions. Word only meant to gain a political point at the expense of the interests of the suffering inhabitants of Mozambique and Angola. Rather Germany deserves our gratitude and praise for bringing the conditions in Portugese Africa to our attention, for daring to shine a bit of light in the darkness that has so far covered Mozambique and Angola.

Given the circumstances, the necessity for immediate action is upon us. Our two countries have determined to protect the inhabitants of Angola and Mozambique and relieve them from their burdens by a fresh and sound administration that will also end the current abuses and safeguard Englishmen, Germans, and all others from the continuing pattern of abuses.

What has been agreed upon is that Mozambique shall pass to British administration and Angola to German administration forthwith. The corrupt colonial administrations may resist, as may their cronies and creatures in the government in Lisbon. In token of our past relations, it is our view that if it is necessary to restore order in Portugal itself, we should step forward and accomplish that task. Let us hope it shall not be necessary....

We call on Portugal to voluntarily relinquish control of Mozambique and of Angola to the control of an international tribunal, headed by England and Germany. We do so in the full faith that Portugal will recognize that this is a necessary step to restoring her to her proper place amongst the great nations of the world, and in regaining the honour and respect that has been hers for many years."

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:52 pm

Paris - March 7th, 1884

The France gouvernment hope not see war between Brithis and Germany, but for really clarified if the Great Britain declare war to French Ally, the French gouvernment go to help ally same if this situation create a world conflict. However The France wish not war between this two nations, and hope to British government clarify this situation.

Edit : writed and post before see new post of British

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:38 pm

Antwerp Daily News March 1884
In this modern age it is hard to understand atrocities of this kind taking place. Portugal must take a strong stand in their colonies or lose them, which looks to be the case in Mozambique and Angola.
Belgium is proud of our New territories in the New World of Africa ...... there are many clamoring to go and take part in the civilizing and advancing their lot and that of our African friends. Much can and will be done. Surely, good times for all are ahead.

(I suspect a ruler in Portugal would of course be saying they will take care of it.....and tell Germany and Britain to keep their hands off. :>)

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Portugal - Germany War

Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:50 pm


Berlin, early April 1884
Failing to receive proper and timely satisfactory response from the Portuguese government to repair the prejudice of the Nautila incident, the German government has issued a Declaration of War to the Portuguese government.
According to international accepted behavior, the war operations shall not commence before late April, as the Reich government considers that the 15 days of lapse must always apply between civilized nations.

War Goals and Conduct
The Imperial government of Germany wishes to specify that this war is directed against the clique currently holding power in Lisbon and the Portuguese colonial empire. The representatives of those authorities are the ones to blame for the derelict situation of the Portuguese nation. Germany has nothing against Portugal or its inhabitant and properties. Therefore, the Chancelor of the Reich, Prinz Otton von Bismarck, solemnly declares:

- No attack will be made against Portuguese merchant shipping. Naval operations will be restricted to blockade, support of amphibious operations and generally purely military actions.
- Any Portuguese private property destroyed during the course of the conflict, because of uncontrollable acts of war, will be repaired and replaced at the cost of the Reich
- Following on the above, Portuguese private property will be guaranteed and preserved. If necessary, the colonial status of captured territories will be changed to ensure this.

- In agreement with HM Government, Germany will take a mandate to govern Angola (as a Protectorate) and fully develop the area, to bring the benefits of progress and civilization to all of its inhabitant. Likewise, a mandate to govern Mozambique (as a Protectorate) will be given to Britain to ensure a similar treatment. In all cases, the two powers refuse to transform those mandates into colonies, as this would be a breach of the initial pledge of preserving the Portuguese private interests and thus entail a spoliation of Portuguese private property in those same territories.
- In case other Portuguese colonial establishments are captured and taken over during the course of the conflict, Germany will transfer them as a similar mandate to other neutral powers (different from Germany or Britain), provided those powers undertake the same commitments and obligations. In no case those colonial establishments shall be kept, and if no suitable candidate is available, they will be returned, although reluctantly, to Portugal.

- At the end of the war, it is the wish of Germany to improve relations with Portugal, provided a new administration takes over and is committed to bring progress and confort to the Portuguese people and controlled natives.
- Germany will not annex or take over any Portuguese national region in this war.
- Germany will also not ask any financial or military indemnity for the war to Portugal. Depending on the duration of the conflict however, some occupation force might be required till a formal peace treaty is signed, which we hope can be the soonest.

War preparations are now started. Orders have been given to the Reichmarine to avoid all encounters with the Portuguese naval units until the official operations begin in late April.

This Statement is confirmed as exact,
This 2nd day of April, 1884

[color="#0000FF"]Philip von Thibau[/color]
Außenministerium Deutschland

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Small Fix for Colonial Areas capitals

Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:32 pm

According to Sir Garnet, an error was made between the colonial capitals of Mali and Niger. This is fixed in the file enclosed (unzip it inside gamedata and accept overwrites). I shall add it into my home PC tonight (where the game is run).
(2.46 KiB) Downloaded 520 times

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Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:04 pm

PhilThib wrote:According to Sir Garnet, an error was made between the colonial capitals of Mali and Niger. This is fixed in the file enclosed (unzip it inside gamedata and accept overwrites). I shall add it into my home PC tonight (where the game is run).

Should we do this in the CIE game too?

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Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:36 pm

Last week a company of russian infantry cross the border with our country and being halted by our men garrisoning the region it seems that the russians opened fire.
One austrian soldier resulted dead and two wounded. We cannot do other thing saddly but broke our treaty of mutual defense with the zarist country.
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Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:40 pm

OOC: Brian, look in CIE Dropbox Misc Files/Corrected for files that describe the changes at the locations marked xxxxin the files so it is clear what they are (the changes are not made in the files, they are just for information to show the issue). These were fixed in CIE GameFiles in summer 2012 but the areas.ini dropped out at some point since I suppose it was thought fixed in the patch, but apparently not. So they should be added back, but please check your files first.


This paper's intrepid reporter, investigating the workng conditions of the impoverished Transylvanian peasantry in the Carpathians, was not far from a scene of curious violence on the Austro-Russian frontier. According to Corporal Pyotr Topoloff of the Imperial Russian army, his men were part of a pre-dawn patrol near the frontier commencing before dawn on the 14th. They were unnerved by the recent disappearance of one of their felllows in the area and reports that a local hunter had been found slain and partially consumed by what was believed to be a large wolf. One of his men fell out of formation to answer the call of nature while the patrol continued its advanced along a path through the barely illuminated forest. Two minutes later, a gunshot was heard to the rear and one private reported hearing a scream, muffled by the dense foliage. Rushing back down the path, the soldiers they discovered a noise of motion some distance away from the path. Proceeding in that direction revealed the ravaged body of their comrade, Ivan Krapinsky, having been dragged away from the path, and sound and sight in the twilight of a large shadowy figure making off through the brush. The riflemen gave fire and commenced a pursuit, further discharging their weapons in the direction of the motion they detected ahead. Some declared they saw a wolf, others the shape of a man. The pursuit continued for several minutes through the woods, losing ground despite the improving twilight, and then the detachment experienced return fire from the general direction of the pursuit. "Ambush!" cried Senior Private Vlasoff, a veteran of combat in the Caucasus and acknowledged as the most experienced of the men. The fatigued infantrymen spread out and returned fire . . . .

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:03 am

PhilThib wrote:According to Sir Garnet, an error was made between the colonial capitals of Mali and Niger. This is fixed in the file enclosed (unzip it inside gamedata and accept overwrites). I shall add it into my home PC tonight (where the game is run).

I lose protectora in Maly, and my action for colony also...

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:19 am

Lindi wrote:I lose protectora in Maly, and my action for colony also...

Should be scripted back in.

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:52 am

Sir Garnet wrote:Should be scripted back in.

thank =), also if you get no fight with tribal, I have begin now I guess with protectora lose that no help.

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:32 am

Lindi wrote:thank =), also if you get no fight with tribal, I have begin now I guess with protectora lose that no help.

Not clear what you mean. Also, Britain lost two Protectorate cards that failed due to it not being the right capital due to the bug.

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:39 am

Guys, I'll script your protectorates back. I guess this is because of the change of the colonial capitals requested by Sir Garnet yesterday, which I implemented yesterday evening. So, could you let me know who lost what, to be honest I am totally lost at the split/share and agreements between Britain and France in Western Africa :)

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:13 am

French protectorate already created in Mali, with a Colony card ticking in the capital (would be Bamako as corrected). British 2 protectorate cards were placed and replaced in Niamey for Niger so should be mostly ticked down by now if counting from the first.

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:15 am

Scripting does not allow to place cards on map (only remove ongoing already placed ones), so it's either granting the status in full already, or nothing...the easiest is that I grant the relevant protectorate/colony status to both directly, so i'll script this tonight:

- Mali: Bamako will become colony capital for France (required buildings and CP added/fixed as necessary)

- Niger: Niamey will become protectorate capital for Britain (required buildings and CP added/fixed as necessary)

It should work ok. if anything goes wrong, we shall know by tomorrow's hosting, when the engine destroys my work if illegal or unapplicable...let's hope not :cool:

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:46 pm

News Flash: Computers are now capable of declaring work illegal and destroying it. Shades of 2001. Hal Lives!

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German-Portuguese War - News from the Kriegsleitung Amt

Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:47 pm


The German bureau of war operations has published today the first news bulletin of the first combats in the conflict.

[color="#DAA520"]In Europe[/color]

The two main German fleet escorted Prinz Friedriech Karl army directly to Lisbon. An encounter in the channel with a Portuguese scouting squadron ended with the total destruction of the latter by long-distance fire of the Reichmarine battleship. Landing was unopposed, despite strong exchange of fire between the fleet and the coastal batteries (a few light ships escorting the landings were sunk). In the ensuing battle in the Torres Vedras hills, the Portuguese were defeated and retreated into the city, leaving behind for capture their supplies and heavy artillery.
In the north, two Marines division stormed Porto, which they were surprised to find totally defenseless.

The 6 Marines regiments assigned to the island were in for a very bad surprised: 3 Portuguese divisions (2 infantry and 1 cavalry) were waiting for them ashore. But in a strike of luck, the Ostsee Division of the Reichmarine had its strong heavy guns pounding the defenders, and the elite Marines carried the day, despite being outnumbered and suffering heavy losses



Atlantic Islands
Madeira and Cabo Verde fell, however with some local resistance of the local Portuguese.

The rainy season almost stopped the operation on the land, as troops are struggling in the mud and heavy tropical storms. The main force landing at Luanda was met with strong resistance and suffered a few losses, but Portugal morale broke and the Angola army is reported retreating towards the interior, leaving some garrison in the city.
In the south, the wheater was nicer and some progress was made on the border regions. The post at Mocamedes surrendered without a fight.

Here too, the very bad weather put most movements to a grinding halt. The only succesful operations (in terms of time) were the forceful landing at Sofala and Lourenco Marques. The Ostafrika tribal recruits did move on the coastal jungles, but no real fight except an ambush at Ibo occured (a Portuguese cavalry squadron had wandered in the jungle and got caught by our Askaris).
The most noticeable issue in the area was a general uprising of natives, the WaoYao, the Teke and the Shonas all suddenly at war against our gallant troops...the hands of some foreign powers could be seen in this that it would not surprise us...
The Portuguese city of Porto Amelia remain strongly in Lusitanian hands, our troops led by Ostafrika Governor Karl Peters are bogged down in the muddy outskirts of the city, awaiting reinforcements (which won't be there before weeks, as their transports were delayed by storms at sea in the Indian ocena).

India & Asia
As planned, Marines brigades seized Goa and Dili (East Timor). This should deprive Portugal all basing in the Far East.

The operations were gloabally succesful, and the sole unexpected points turned out a good surprise: the capture of empty Porto and the victory against odds in the Azores.

The plan is now to secure Portuguese defeat in Europe by strong occupation of Portugal (reserve troops fit for occupation duty are expected next month). A corps-strong force has been detached to besiege the main city of Algarve.
In the African colonies, the campaign may unfortunately take longer, as the rain season has just started and weather will remain bad and hampering operations till at least September. The return of the dry season should allow completion of the operations

Once this is achieved, talks will resume with the representatives the Portuguese king will finally accept to send to Berlin to discuss terms of surrender according to the conditions set out in Prinz Bismarck official statement at the start of the war.

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Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:28 am

PhilThib wrote:Scripting does not allow to place cards on map (only remove ongoing already placed ones), so it's either granting the status in full already, or nothing...the easiest is that I grant the relevant protectorate/colony status to both directly, so i'll script this tonight:

- Mali: Bamako will become colony capital for France (required buildings and CP added/fixed as necessary)

- Niger: Niamey will become protectorate capital for Britain (required buildings and CP added/fixed as necessary)

It should work ok. if anything goes wrong, we shall know by tomorrow's hosting, when the engine destroys my work if illegal or unapplicable...let's hope not :cool:

For France all good, sorry for time for answer, not big time in the week, my vacancy is finish :)

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Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:20 pm

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News from Sino-Japanese War - 1884, late May - PEACE !!!
China and Japan leaders exploited the Sino-Japanese war stalemate and returned to green table. After short discussions signed similar terms discussed before the war ...

Korea will become new Japan Protectorate
Japan will guarantee peace with China for 10 years and vice versa
Japan will send each turn for 10 years 10 units of coal and 5 units of iron to China
Japan will build each year one railroad somewhere in China (according Mat To's choice) again for 10 years
Korea will pay 300 reparation to Japan
Treaty ports in Seoul and Pusan should be reopened

The war ended with 50.000 killed men on China side and 100.000 on Japan side, Korean loses unknown. Japan sunk one new battleship, China sunk one cruiser and three frigates. Korea and half of Thaiwan was occupied by Japan forces ...
Napoleon days in Austerlitz 2011 - photo gallery
My Czech pages agout AGEOD: AGEOD games, RoP AAR - Prussian side
My AGEOD games: WoN, TYW, EAW, CW2, AJE, PoN, NCP, ROP Gold, RUS Gold and BOA2

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Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:34 pm

Turn processed.

[color="#FF0000"]Note:[/color] tomorrow, turn processing will be delayed at least 4 hours, as I shall be out till late past midnight.

Also, from 14th July (included) to 22nd July, I am travelling to Canada and USA (going to attend Historicon): turn processing will be made around 21:00 PM as usual, more or less, but it will be EST instead of CET (i.e. Eastern USA timezone).

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