PhilThib wrote:Not really...what you see here is the difference of technology, where guns firing at long range leave almost no chance to the weaker side...in history, you can take a good comparison with the battle of the Falklands in 1914 where the British battlecruisers 15" guns killed the German squadron ships without them ever able to close range to make their return fire felt...
bjfagan wrote:Actually, if you check the battle screen you will see that you had 100% ammo (lower right hand corner). Plus if you check the combat round screen you will see that none of your squadrons suffered from a lack of ammo.
PhilThib wrote:Not really...what you see here is the difference of technology, where guns firing at long range leave almost no chance to the weaker side...in history, you can take a good comparison with the battle of the Falklands in 1914 where the British battlecruisers 15" guns killed the German squadron ships without them ever able to close range to make their return fire felt...
Lemoni wrote:DUTCH NEWS
A few months ago one of our Garisons in Busaso,in SOMALIA deserted without a reason ( I never understood why I lost control of it ,bug? ) and started to wander
in the inner lands of Africa. ITALY took advantage of this fact , send troops to the area and started to gain military control.
I understand that Italian Goverment could not accept the fact that after 3 years they fell well behind Holland in Prestige Points and initiated what we call COLD WAR.
The Dutch Goverment will not answer to all these provocations for the time being but demands Italy to withdraw from the area and maintain the previous
Status Quo.
There have been big efforts from Holland to develop the area and build a medium sized harbor there,useful for resapply and rest in the big journey from Europe to Indonesia
for our ships and sailors and of course for the ships and sailors of almost every nation with good relations to Holland.
bjfagan wrote:OOC: Soulstrider you will note that last turn the fort at Massawa was assaulted 7 times and the garrison eliminated each time. There is a respawn bug for some reason. I mentioned this to PhilThib and he is going to fix it with a script.
Jim-NC wrote:Diplomatic Note from America
We regret that due to unforseen circumstances, America will not be able to reply to any diplomatic cables during this period (OOC - there was a major wind storm, and I don't have power at home, so I can't submit a turn for the Friday processing, and may or may not be able to submit for Saturday processing).
Once the telegraph system is re-built, we can respond to messages.
Treaty of Versailles
To every citizen of Lorraine, Jules Ferry President of the French Republic, is proud and filled with joy to officially announce the reunion of Lorraine to the territory of France in a totally peaceful treaty signed at Versailles with the German Empire.
Our hatred towards those who have once beaten us by the force of arms is no longer, because we admitted that it was more important to recognize the rights and will of the people who lived in different territories than to be in a constant state of eternal war. As a consequence, France recognizes the eternal attachment of Elsass (Alsace) to Germany by the simple fact that the majority of its population is of German ethnic and, reciprocally, the Kaiser agrees to recognize the eternal attachment of Lorraine to France by the simple fact that when one looks at you, one can only can see brave and happy citizens of France!
Today we celebrate the victory of the words over swords! No other victory has a better taste, and instead of seeing in Germany a long-lasting enemy of France, our nation is pleased to announce that a formal treaty of alliance is now linking the fate of the Franco-German Relations!
Long live Germany!
Vive la France!
Jules Grevy, President of the French Republic
Jules Ferry, Chairman
Mikael Lanouette, French Ambassador in charge
Philip von Thibau, Imperial Secretary of the Außenministerium Deutschland, representing in Metz
Wilhelm I, Emperor of the German Reich
Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of the German Reich
PhilThib wrote:BERLIN
The Kaiser and the German Reich Chancellor are pleased to confirm that they are now 'surrounded' by friendly neighbours. We are confident that Europe can prosper and develop in peace, provided no stupid colonial incident turns into a conflict, like what just happened in Africa. This can not always be prevented, but logic and reason shall prevail over time. It's important that we all bring the light of civilization to the people of the world, starting with those of the Dark Continent who need our enlightened guidance and economic goods.
As a gesture of goodwill (and also a proof of Germanic "Kunst und Teknik"), Germany will offer each of its major trading partner 1 Automobile when the new Benz Motorwagen GmbH factory of Mainz will be operational in 1885
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