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Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:50 pm

Kensai wrote:Any more minor German States accepting Austria's supreme rule? :w00t:

Not since last March or so. I am now in January, 2 or 3 more turns and we should see some effect. I think it is just Hesse-Kassel holding out still...

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January 1867

Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:12 pm

The news spread around the world - Sardinia-Piedmont leads the Italian states in national unification! The Papal States have accepted the rule of the king of Sardinia-Piedmont as king of Italy. If this continues, the Emperor might well go to war with this new kingdom of Italy to secure and extend his rule over the important cities of North Italy next summer.


In our Norh African colony prospectors have determined a site that allows to grow tropical fruits, the construction has started already - another small step towards self sufficiency is made.

In Würtemberg, content has risen to 62 and the demonstrations have finally ended. The poplace enjoys peace and prosperity and an extensive market secured by the Imperial government's wise commerce politics.

The Prussian government has sent diplomats to the court in Vienna with a most unusual offer - in exchange for peace, they would cede the region of Brandenburg, which is their own capital Berlin!

Prussia offers Berlin.png
Rome annexed.png

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Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:19 pm

There is no reason I can think of that my mod would not be compatible with loki100's corrected Italian unification chain. Did you install it already or is this vanilla progress?
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Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:21 pm

Yes I did, from the very start, and now it seems to fire. And Kensai, check out the post above, I have edited it just now - good for a laugh :)

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Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:36 pm

LOL. Insane! How can this possibly happen? I am not even sure the game would be able to assign another capital for Prussia, essentially short-circuiting their game. :p

(a bug, probably)
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Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:56 pm

No unification, still. All minors, including Holstein, are 60%+ loyalty, but no "unification check" from Hesse-Kassel yet. Anything I am missing? BTW I played another unification event on Hesse-Darmstadt since I had 15 to burn and though it might improve things and got the report tat it was "destroyed/stopped by hostile locals" :)

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Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:43 pm

Hmm, are you sure you did not simply miss it? As I see the event, it should run automatically once it reaches 60%.

Code: Select all

SelectFaction = $AUS
SelectRegion = $Hessen-Kassel
StartEvent = evt_nam_AUS_Hessen-Kassel_UnificationCheck|1|1|NULL|NULL|$Hessen-Kassel|NULL

  MinDate = 1862/01/01
  MaxDate = 1898/12/31
SelectRegion = $Hessen-Kassel
  EvalLoyalty = >=;60
  EvalLoyalty = Dice;100
  EvalLoyalty = Dice;100

  SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_AUS_Hessen-Kassel_UnificationOK;CuOccurs;1
  ChangeLoyaltyFac = $Area_Central_Germany;5


Once all minors have recognized your supremacy and you control Berlin (ie the war lost for Prussia), it is a matter of time for the final event to fire... probability is rather high. Patience! ;)
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Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:18 pm

I might have, if it fired under 60% already (it did that in Saxony), but since I played the card and Hesse-Kassel went over 60% there was nothing. I'll just wait a couple more turns tonight (have waited 2 already last night).

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Early Apil 1867

Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:36 pm

Springs brings a new dynamic to Central Europe! Hesse-Kassel has made up its mind at last and will acknowledge the Emperor's primacy in all german lands.


The kingdom of the Two Sicilies has adopted the new Italian Tricolore as well, and the Italiabn king has immediately declared war on the Emperor, ordering a partial mobilisation in Italy. The Emperor sees his plans become ripe much sooner than he hoped for and immediately dispatches the battle fleet, now under the sole command of Tegetthoff, to block Geneva and provide reconaissance. Maroicic scrambles his Hungarian army from their camps at Alessandria to cross the border and take the war to Italian soil right from the start, Benedek - who the Emperor has sent back to North Italy some weeks ago - moves to Alessandria to protect this province and lend support to Maroicic. C-in-C von Gablenz moves the Empire's main army by rail to Venice, in 2 weeks John will follow suit to begin the campaign on Rome from there. More siege guns will have to be transported to the Italian theatre soon if Torino is to be taken, but first and foremost the Emperor demand his armies to meet the foe on the open field before the war can settle into sieges.

Early April 1867.jpg
Hesse-Kassel unification check.png

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:47 pm

Awesome! Now you got a challenge from the South. I guess the first months-years after their unification the Italians will be somehow weak to respond and seeing how your Generals head to Torino and Alessandria they will be severely defeated. Good call for them to move their government in the Eternal City. ;)

If all the minor German States have accepted the Austrian rule and Prussia is defeated and without its capital, then it is a matter of few weeks before the Confederation passes completely under Franz-Josef's strict command! ;)
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Late April 1867

Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:09 pm

Maroicic has successfully dislodged the Italian army under their king himself from Torino, although the battle was indecisive to to Vittorio Emanuele ceding the field rather quickly. Gablenz has arrived on the theatre and has halted Maroicic's army there to finish the Imperial deployment before taking further action - he speculates even on the low probability of an Italian counter attack which would give Benedek the chance to shine with his talents on the defensive. John's army has boarded trains and will be taken to Venice, from where upon unloading it will immediately advance on Bologna, which is the shortest way to the Eternal City itself. It has been reported that not all of Italy is enthusiastic about the unification and citizens loyal to the pope have risen in revolt against Rome's newly installed governor.



The battle fleet met the Italian fleet, although the outcome was indecisive both sides lost ships and sailors. He will now escort his damaged battle squadron to Tripolis before turning back to engage with the remaining squadrons once more. The shipyards of Trieste have started on 2 more light squadrons which should protect the heavy ships against torpedo attack.

Ligurisches Meer.png
Torino 1.png
Late April 1867.png

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Early May 1867

Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:39 pm

The Italian army seems to have regained its composture, but so have Maroicic's Hungarians, and Gablenz, who has arrived at Alessandria, decides to take care of the siege of Torino himself while the Hungarians shall have the first chance to test their mettle against the Italians. Bologna is besieged by the Imperials, while the Italian government is moving forces of the former Two Sicilies against the insurgents around Rome.


Colonial affairs worry us a bit. With a war on 2 fronts and a revolt in Lybia tying up Karl of Bayern's colonial troops, we simply do not have either the ships or the commanders to project military power in order to emphasise our claims to the Ivory coast - it has been invaded by British forces a couple weeks ago and Brithish colonial penetration is rising in the capital region. Maybe it's for the better, since a crisis which may lead to an unplanned war with the Queen would not be to our advantage for now.
Early May 1867.png

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:43 pm

It is interesting that the Italian fleet decided to engage with you, albeit being numerically in a disadvantage. Quite audacious this Ammiraglio di Borbone (which Italy probably got by the Two Sicilies). Your own legendary Admiral is unstoppable at attacking though. If this battle was on his initiative, the Italian fleet would have been scattered by now.

You are doing right. Best first to consolidate what you have gained in Central Europe and then move on to colonial warfare. It's only the 60s after all. Can't wait for your "Großdeutschland" to form. Then you can probably take on any challenge.
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Late May 1867

Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:01 pm

Gablenz is furious, and so will the Emperor be once he recieves the news from Italy - the Italian army has been forced to give battle 2 times around Genova, but managed to retreat to Torino and, under whithering fire from Gablenz' own army, seek shelter within the city's fortifications! What looked to be a matter of weeks will now be a miserable siege for months or years.


Tuscany has joined the unified Italy as well, so we expect Parma not to hold out much longer. All the while Prussia still refuses to accept their defeat, and even called for a new partial mobilisation in those areas the EMperor has left them in control of.

The hasty, ramshackle barricades on the main avenues to Bologna have been blown apart by John's mortars, so he orders the assault on the city. He can thus be expected to be "ante portas" within a few weeks.

Late May 1867.png
Torino 2.png
Genova 2.png
Genova 1.png

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:07 pm

Kensai wrote:Your own legendary Admiral is unstoppable at attacking though. If this battle was on his initiative, the Italian fleet would have been scattered by now.

There I was ridiculing Daun for being cautious, and then I do not make use of the most obvious talents myself! You are right, I should have sent him in in offensive posture with orders to hunt down the enemy, but since I have few ships I did not sent scouts ahead and thus wanted a more cautious approach. He was defensive/hold at all costs. Actually I was surprised as well they dared to meet me there! I sent him more as reconnaissance for the land forces even, since my experience with AGEOD sea warfare is that it is a slippery thing at best :)

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Late June 1867

Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:52 pm

Bologna is taken, Rome is under siege. South of Rome an army under the former king of the Two Sicilies has been reported, and the army to the east at Ancona seems to have been reinforced by mobilised troops. Vittorio Emanuele is besieged in Torino. Genova has been breached for the first time, Maroicic will order an assault if another breach can be made. An offer for peace has been turned down.


The Prussians are stirring. An army from the east is trying to besiege Berlin, which is being held by a line corps. Archduke Karl Ferdinand moves his army by rail to drive those pesky Prussians off, Clam-Gallas advances on Magdeburg on the off chance to catch retreating units from that army there.

Late June 1867 - Germany.png
Late June 1867 - Italy.png

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August 1867

Sat Apr 05, 2014 8:39 pm

The Eternal City has fallen, and so has Genova. Torino is holding out, the siege of Naples has just begun. Maroicic will add his army to the siege of Torino. In Germany, all armies made of reserve corps are now hunted down since the Prussians keep stirring up. Regular units are spared where possible.

The first armoured ships of the Imperial Navy begin to cruise the Adriatic. With these ironclads, Tegetthoff will start hunting for the Italian navy (or what remained of it). Supremacy in the Mediterranean seems to be an achievable goal.

Late August 1867.jpg

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:46 pm

I think now would be the time (in real life) when the British or French would try to mediate a peace, considering the whole "balance of power" issue.

Nice job, though. The Italian campaign is swift and deadly.

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Sat Apr 05, 2014 11:38 pm

Razor-sharp campaign! Leaves no chance for your rivals. I was expecting Italy to be a little bit stronger by the sea, especially once it absorbed the fleet from Two Sicilies, but no big effect after all.

Q-Kee, how many turns have passed since the last minor German State agreed to the Austrian-led tight Confederation? You could go to the Scripts subfolder and post the report from the latest turn. If more than 4-5 turns have passed there might be something going wrong. I think you fulfill the conditions by now and the percentage of chance on top is 50%, rather high.
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Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:42 am

I think now would be the time (in real life) when the British or French would try to mediate a peace, considering the whole "balance of power" issue.

I would not even object - I was basically forced to go to war with Italy, and I have always wanted Torino, since it has good industries and a vineyard, and it cements my hold on North Italy, the Po to the south and the alps to the west forming natural barriers. I do not really need or want a protracted war, and I sure do not wish to destroy Italy completely, so as to not go completely ahistorical and have some challenge for WW1. But I of course need the war score, so I am after their major cities at least. If the Brits negotiated a peace in which I get Torino, I would be just happy with it and leave the Italians be until their next DOW on me :cool:

Kensai, I should have told you earlier - you may call me Q if you so wish :) And no, this has no connections to Star Trek! I think 7-8 turns have passed, Hesse-Kassel's check was in April, I am now in August. I have to confess I did not keep a record so maybe Holstein has not agreed although I think I remember them checking...? I do not have control of Holstein, it is Danish - should I go and take it from them, I even have a CB for it?

BTW the untouched army at Ancona is intentional, I want the fort at Naples destroyed first, then will push south-east and try to surround it instead of risking that army escaping to Sicily or hide in Naples or Taranto where it would be hard to get at them behind the fortifications. Of course, they are always free to counterattack...

This is the event conditions, probability was 50 but I have altered to 100 now:


SelectFaction = $AUS
EvalIsAtWarWith = GER
MinDate = 1865/01/01
MaxDate = 1875/03/10
Probability = 100
EvalEvent = evt_nam_AUS_Sachsen_UnificationOK;=;1
EvalEvent = evt_nam_AUS_Hessen-Kassel_UnificationOK;=;1
EvalEvent = evt_nam_AUS_Hannover_UnificationOK;=;1
EvalEvent = evt_nam_AUS_Holstein_UnificationOK;=;1
EvalEvent = evt_nam_AUS_Hessen-[color="#FF0000"]Damrstadt[/color]_UnificationOK;=;1
EvalEvent = evt_nam_AUS_SouthGermanConfederation1867;=;1
SelectFaction = $GER
EvalHasCapital = [NOT]

Maybe the typo is what kept it? I will not correct and try another turn. Oh, if it was just the typo, I am grateful for it, since I have installed loki's new script only in March Italy would never have declared war on me if the event had fired in February!

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:58 am

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:Nice job, though. The Italian campaign is swift and deadly.

aye, it is indeed, brings a tear to my eye just to read it ...

Q-Kee wrote:Maybe the typo is what kept it? I will not correct and try another turn

the script syntax is pretty unforgiving, so yes (as I've managed a number of times) any typo will lead it to either fall over or skip elements. Misnamimg provinces is the easiest (don't rely on what you see on the map), I like to use the 'areas' file in gamedata as its both accurate and easy to navigate.

But things like - rather than _ will also cause problems.
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Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:38 am

Do not worry about the typo, I am not that sloppy. It was intentional. There are some other typos in the database (for example Lazzio). The typo was introduced from the guy(s) that wrote the region database and it went on. I had to write it the way they wrote it, otherwise it would give an error. Unless you are telling me it is indeed Darmstadt that is having the problem!! :confused:

With probability to 100% or if you strike out completely the probability condition, it should fire indeed next turn unless something different is holding you back, that's why I needed to read the script record of your latest turn.
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Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:41 am

loki100 wrote:aye, it is indeed, brings a tear to my eye just to read it ...

Just as I felt with your AAR :)

I have ran another turn, but still no success. Here is the the log and the savegame. What (where) is the script record?

I will change back to the typo and try again.
(3.23 MiB) Downloaded 319 times
!Main log.zip
(2.43 KiB) Downloaded 318 times

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:45 am

\VGN\Scripts\ I need the latest turn's script report
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September 1867

Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:06 am

The walls of Naples have been breached twice, the assault is ordered. The Freiherr von John has gained immense experience and risen in seniority on the South Italian campaign already and will soon go to meet the Italian armies in the field. Cavalry mops up North Italian cities while Benedek moved south towards Firenze to take those cities which are held by garrisons. The capital seems to have shifted to Firenze.

4 Prussian armies made up mostly of mobilised conscripts and there whereabouts are known to us. One is locked at Hamburg since it can neither pass through Danish Holstein nor Hannover, one hides inside Fort Danzig, one is kept at bay at Cologne, and one erupted into South Germany. Ramming is on his way by rail to quickly dispose of it.

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Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:20 am

Here it is. No unification still, with 100 probability, and the correction of Damrstadt un-corrected.
(297.54 KiB) Downloaded 343 times

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Early October 1867

Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:28 am

Naples is taken, but the plans did not work out - both Italian armies in the south have retreated in direction of Sicily. John will dispense with the clever stratagems and go at the immediately, while the weather is still good, and hopes to force them to give battle. Archduke Albrecht's and Rodich's corps move south too in case the Italians retreat back north or east instead of west to the island of Sicily.


Prussian forces have been successfully engaged. A naval scouting of the Ivory coast shows the locals have retaken one region, and a British force back at the coast.


The Prussians have again offered us their capital, plus some cash, as price for peace.

Early October 1867.png
Peace offer 2.png
Ivory Coast scouting.png

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Early November 1867

Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:38 pm

The combines power of the 2 armies finally gave us the edge we needed to breach the walls of Torino, and assault the forted up Italian army. Torino is ours! The Emperor will surely bestow a new title on Gablenz, raising him to the high nobility.


The other Italian armies have been defeated in Sicily as well but managed a retreat back to the mainland, where Archduke Albrecht and Rodich did not dare to engage but fell back on Naples. They are now told to hold there at all costs, while Benedek tries a forced march to Taranto - the encirclement will be complete then, the rest of the Italian armed forces doomed. John will besiege and take Palermo. The Italian fleet has not been seen anymore, except a light squadron trying trade war in the Med.

Torino 3.png
Early November 1867.png

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Late November 1867

Sun Apr 06, 2014 2:20 pm

While Germany is covered with snow and our agitators have once again made speeches to increase loyalty to the Emperor in the minor German states, South Italy sees the last battles with the remaining Italian army. Archduke Albrecht is granted the chance to make up for his earlier failure and finish off the enemy.


Late November 1867.png

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December 1867

Sun Apr 06, 2014 5:26 pm

The rest of the Italian army is being finished off, although they are more slippery than Prussians. As in Germany, also in Italy partisan units form but they are a minor annoyance only. Gablenz moves towards Firenze, the armies down south will have to be brought back by ship since there are no railway lines in all of South Italy. A Prussian army is hiding in Hesse-Darmstadt, making a sortie now and then, getting hammered back every time but they don't seem to learn. To make it short, nothing worth a report this month.

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