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Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:42 pm

Maybe his merchants should try to trade some "rice" to those Swiss workers, they may get back on the job and start producing, or it could go all wrong, and the rice slows down procduction even more.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:37 am

Maybe his merchants should try to trade some "rice" to those Swiss workers, they may get back on the job and start producing, or it could go all wrong, and the rice slows down procduction even more.

Yes, too much rice in the diet does tend to "slow things down" ;)

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:20 am

Stuyvesant wrote:Why, your conundrum with Egypt almost sounds like commentary on wars in that wider region in the last ten years or so... Nah, couldn't be: it's just a game, after all. ;)

I do need to correct your statement: I sleep quite well (I am being prescribed medication for that). Instead it should read "All I need to do to Stuyvesant is mention Soviet Partisans or Kliment Voroshilov and he nearly has a heart attack at work."

Anyway, on to the update proper.

am impressed that Klim's boating trips on the Volga had such an impact ... :cool:

does seem the world would have been a safer place if Lou Chaney and his loyal British allies had played Pride of Nations instead of running around starting wars they had no idea how to win?

Stuyvesant wrote:So, is there anything you can do to influence the political system of Italy (pass reforms à la Vicky), or are you stuck with the situation the game sets you up with? I know you can play cards, but those seem like temporary bandaids, rather than permanent change.

Its one of those ways in which PoN fundamentally diverges from Victoria. Akin to the research model, you are no longer the all seeing Director of Studies and Research, instead your only choice is whether or not to invest. My national characteristics have changed 3 times so far, the opening S-P set (which I have no image for), what happened when Italy formed (lost image) and on Umberto's accession. The top image below was that changes and below is my current position:



So the only real change at that level is that proper men-beards are less common.

But pushing up education does improve the speed of research but also the speed at which militancy occurs (maybe the explanation for why I now have persistently high militancy).

I could do with the Government 3rd row on the left improving (its very elitist at the moment), so I am playing the 'reduce the priviliges of the landed parasites' card when I can in the hope that may provoke a change - not too optimistic though.

So to answer, it seems that, unlike in Vicky, you can't directly meld your country's social system.

Now, to go one step beyond that

Stuyvesant wrote:With your gunboats roaming the Nile, I now have the Madness song Night Boat To Cairo in my head. :)

The acumen of your business men is amazing. Are you sure they are importing rice? Is it coming from the Golden Triangle, by any chance? Or perhaps it's a tax scam, where they can deduct their import duties and essentially get free money from the Italian state? Or perhaps they really are just that daft...

I think the reason is that the business persons got into the wrong Casbah when buying their rice, or, at least, were lost in the supermarket?

Jim-NC wrote:You see the problem isn't the rice, it's the dancing girls that are delivering the rice. The rice is cheap, but the girls definitely aren't.

sounds plausible, the alternative is that each rice grain was individually delivered on its very own golden platter?

Dewirix wrote:That's a slanderous accusation - the rice is merely used as the centrepiece at elegant dinnner parties. :)

I'm also not convinced that the Swiss aren't just stringing loki along with this "strike" thing. I'm guessing they're trying to put a break on Italy's expansionist tendencies.

Fortunately, in this time line, we will give Silvio a miss ... and there was I just cursing the Swiss for being lazy and workshy, but yes, its obvious a cunning plot to stop Italy gaining its rightful place in the world

Jim-NC wrote:Maybe his merchants should try to trade some "rice" to those Swiss workers, they may get back on the job and start producing, or it could go all wrong, and the rice slows down procduction even more.

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:Yes, too much rice in the diet does tend to "slow things down" ;)

I think with the Swiss we can blame too much Rosti, that would explain why their coal miners have done no work for almost 15 years?

Note on updates

I'm going to be in the Netherlands from the end of this week for 10 days, so will have limited internet access. May manage one more update this week, but I'm ferrying a sick cat (not the one in avatar) to/from the vets, painting the house and trying to earn some money. Oddly this means I playing a lot of PoN (just let it run and deal with the turn when I can), but its harder to find writing time.
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
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January-June 1889: Spring cleaning (and other massacres)

Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:31 am

This report, and the next two, have something of the air of house keeping. My goal in this period is to prepare for the struggle with Perfidious Albion. So there is a certain amount of creating the necessary infrastructure, but overwhelmingly gaining the strategic position I want in Southern Africa. That means applying quite a lot of force to resolve all these niggly colonial wars I am involved in. In turn that will free up a sizeable force to seize S Africa – and, in effect, cutting the British Empire in two (this is my revised plan in any case).

Should add, the OOB post above is taken from Jan 1889.

So here's the standard stuff.



I managed to forget to take the Jan images, so instead that shows the full screen for June. What it indicates is that, with the exception of chemicals and coal, I'm now producing enough domestically, or can easily import, all I need.

On analysis, I decided another chemical plant was a good idea. Equally I can sell far more luxury goods than I can currently produce. So despite, wanting to be cautious about industrial expansion, I decide to create two more factories.




As above, that is the June position. I've labelled the six items that I either produce very little of (fruits and tea) or none at all. For all those, I am dependent on the 'businessmen have bought' events.

Happy People


Again, I forget to take the starting position, but the same dynamics as usual apply. Fairly high militancy (not helped as we have another economic crisis at the moment), but its not really leading to a serious loss of contentment.


Deploying heavier units does continue to tilt the balance in my favour, especially when the enemy is so powerful, the result is pretty much conventional warfare. Oddly, its the smaller conflicts I am struggling to gain control over.


My explorers push my borders further south ... as ever the locals are not happy


In early May, I finally reach the borders of the Boer Republics.


I've been juggling my forces, and send in a large army to gain control of Hwange.


Egypt continues to spawn regular revolts, I win the battles but time is really not on my side. I can't afford 3 major forces tied up running up and down the Nile (even if the Monitors like shelling passing crocodiles)



My objective list expands again. Fortunately, this adds Aden which I already own and then Djibuti goes on the list.


Pizza is invented ... and will be exported by the bayonets of the Italian Army


All of which boosts my prestige.


I am up to 77,400 and the British to 92,300. For me, this reflects a gain of 3,900 while they seem to have slipped back to only gain 1,300 this turn. As mentioned above, one the periodic economic crises has struck, so it maybe they have shut down some key industrial plants.

As before, my economic development is the bedrock to this prestige gain but it is helped by making substantial use of the various prestige generating 'explorer' cards.
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Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:42 pm

loki100 wrote:am impressed that Klim's boating trips on the Volga had such an impact ... :cool:

That motherf%$ing bas' should have DIED!! I had half of my army bug-hunting for him south of Syzran and Samara, I had him all encircled and then that dipsh%#t unholy demon spawn simply vanishes! RAAAAAAGH!!!


I will go take my medicine now...

loki100 wrote:In early May, I finally reach the borders of the Boer Republics.


Yes: there are Boers that will submit to Italian rule and then there are dead Boers. They just don't know it yet.

loki100 wrote:Pizza is invented ... and will be exported by the bayonets of the Italian Army

I think that, for once, the deployment of bayonets and artillery will not be necessary to spread this bit of Italian (gastro)cultural influence around the world. Fancy that: spreading something solely on the strength of its qualities, as opposed to the strength of the army delivering it. ;)

Is it time to call it quits in Egypt yet, or are you made of sterner stuff? :)

Enjoy your trip to the Netherlands. I hope to be back there sometime next summer.

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:45 pm

I noticed that your tropical fruits stocks are very low. It appears that your lack of chemicals may be impacting your food production.

As to the petty tribal wars. Have you tried to make nice with them? A lot of tribal "wars" aren't really wars, but them not liking you. They will stop raiding your settlements when your relations with them get above 0. It's an undeclared war (as they don't declare on you, but only attack you for the fun of it), and you can't make peace. Just get good relations and they stop bothering you.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.


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Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:15 pm

Stuyvesant, I recommend dried frog pills. You can purchase them at any DiscWorld pharmacy.

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Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:59 pm

With the invention of The Holy Pizza you can finally start calling yourself a civilized country. That is all I have to say. ;)

Edit: Actually no, I have something else

As to the petty tribal wars. Have you tried to make nice with them? A lot of tribal "wars" aren't really wars, but them not liking you. They will stop raiding your settlements when your relations with them get above 0. It's an undeclared war (as they don't declare on you, but only attack you for the fun of it), and you can't make peace. Just get good relations and they stop bothering you.

But how will Loki keep his army in prime readiness for war? How will he root out the weak from his men?

Seriously though, do these continuous wars actually have some sort of positive effect on your armies? Are your men getting more experienced, your generals more talented? Yes, I know, talented Italian general (at least one who actually gets to a proper position of command) sounds like a strange thing to say.

I think that, for once, the deployment of bayonets and artillery will not be necessary to spread this bit of Italian (gastro)cultural influence around the world. Fancy that: spreading something solely on the strength of its qualities, as opposed to the strength of the army delivering it.

Yes, but he needs something to spread around the REAL pizzas, not the abominations that the Americans or the English pretend to call pizza.

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Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:36 am

How does PoN handle the First World War? I'm guessing that there must be something scripted in there, but that might make things tricky what with your plans for war with the UK. Conversely, it could be a great opportunity, although you'd probably have to spend most of your time fighting France.

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Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:45 am

Fighting pirates, rebels, and restive indigenes provides experience for the troops and for the commanders, but it is a slow accretion compared with the more dramatic jumps that are possible in great battles. Also, colonial one-star generals are not of much use in large battles, so the ambitious regular army officers may seek tours on the frontier to earn distinction and promotions (as well as increase their skills). In my China AAR (at Paradox - maybe it can be moved here) Guan Wen was OK to start but advanced to 5-6-3 over 10 years of mostly fighting Taiping rebels and then some splendid fighting in the Siberian War. Other commanders saw less action but also improved to some degree.

There are WW1 events, though Great Wars can always come early one or more times. Many game events give casus belli which the player can choose to pursue or not. Italy, for example, was wobbly historically and the events might allow it to stay out of a Great War around 1914 entirely, until ready to step in and decide the outcome.

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Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:45 pm

Stuyvesant wrote:That motherf%$ing bas' should have DIED!! I had half of my army bug-hunting for him south of Syzran and Samara, I had him all encircled and then that dipsh%#t unholy demon spawn simply vanishes! RAAAAAAGH!!!


I will go take my medicine now...

Yes: there are Boers that will submit to Italian rule and then there are dead Boers. They just don't know it yet.

I think that, for once, the deployment of bayonets and artillery will not be necessary to spread this bit of Italian (gastro)cultural influence around the world. Fancy that: spreading something solely on the strength of its qualities, as opposed to the strength of the army delivering it. ;)

Is it time to call it quits in Egypt yet, or are you made of sterner stuff? :)

Enjoy your trip to the Netherlands. I hope to be back there sometime next summer.

Ah, but you have to admit, you so enjoyed getting your morning email setting out the latest glorious deeds of the Red Army's crack cavalry regiments ... :w00t:

--- and perchance offering a biased view of the actual outcome from the last turn

War in Egypt I end at the start of the next update, I was gaining nothing and needed to free up the troops pinned down dealing with all the rebellions.

Trip to the semi-tropical Netherlands was great fun, I may have mistimed my return to Scotland though. Have decided to ensure that all the radios in the house are turned off for the next 48 hours

Jim-NC wrote:I noticed that your tropical fruits stocks are very low. It appears that your lack of chemicals may be impacting your food production.

As to the petty tribal wars. Have you tried to make nice with them? A lot of tribal "wars" aren't really wars, but them not liking you. They will stop raiding your settlements when your relations with them get above 0. It's an undeclared war (as they don't declare on you, but only attack you for the fun of it), and you can't make peace. Just get good relations and they stop bothering you.

I'm not so sure that is the reason for the Tropical Fruit problems. I have an image I'll use in the first 1890 update that shows changes in domestic production and most of my agricultural outputs are very stable. I think its the rule that is invoked to sell to domestic population, which is, I believe, 60% (or whatever) of stocks. So a low output good will sell more than is produced in one 2 week period and less than production in the next as the stock never really stabilises?

I'd not realised that I could do something about those border wars, so have just relied on brute force. This info was a bit late for this period but its something I will take into account. As below, some such skirmishes are good - train up troops, perhaps gain a promotion for one of my commanders, and the slow addition to my prestige - but quite often I could have done without the amount of time such a campaign dragged out, esp in regions where I was content with my current borders.

Director wrote:Stuyvesant, I recommend dried frog pills. You can purchase them at any DiscWorld pharmacy.

to be fair, it was quite disturbing for him. It was his first AGE PBEM, RuS is probably the most complex (not least in the formation of divisions and corps), he had me indulging in my taste for irregular warfare and myself and Narwhal re-enacting our tussle in Saxony from our earlier Rise of Prussia game.

Matnjord wrote:With the invention of The Holy Pizza you can finally start calling yourself a civilized country. That is all I have to say. ;)

Edit: Actually no, I have something else

But how will Loki keep his army in prime readiness for war? How will he root out the weak from his men?

Seriously though, do these continuous wars actually have some sort of positive effect on your armies? Are your men getting more experienced, your generals more talented? Yes, I know, talented Italian general (at least one who actually gets to a proper position of command) sounds like a strange thing to say.

Yes, but he needs something to spread around the REAL pizzas, not the abominations that the Americans or the English pretend to call pizza.

as above, yes I think some of these colonial wars have been useful, for troop training etc. If I'd known the trick of raising relations, I would have ended a few where the consequence was I that I expanded into regions I wasn't really interested in (like modern day Sudan, or Central Africa)

as to Pizzas, if I win, then I think I am allowed to declare that anyone who ever puts a slice of pineapple (or pepporini -- or all those other horrors like meat sauce) anywhere near a Pizza will face the full and rightful wrath of the Italian army

Dewirix wrote:How does PoN handle the First World War? I'm guessing that there must be something scripted in there, but that might make things tricky what with your plans for war with the UK. Conversely, it could be a great opportunity, although you'd probably have to spend most of your time fighting France.

There is a scripted sequence. I've not really looked at it in detail but one reason I rescued the 1878 war and the creation of Bulgaria etc was that is a precondition for the Balkan wars in the early 20th Century. An Ango-French alliance really would not suit me.

If I've clearly won (ie double the UK's prestige) and have some time left, I may set up my own Great War as an end of game entertainment. If so I think, given how things are working out, I'd ally GB with Germany.

Sir Garnet wrote:Fighting pirates, rebels, and restive indigenes provides experience for the troops and for the commanders, but it is a slow accretion compared with the more dramatic jumps that are possible in great battles. Also, colonial one-star generals are not of much use in large battles, so the ambitious regular army officers may seek tours on the frontier to earn distinction and promotions (as well as increase their skills). In my China AAR (at Paradox - maybe it can be moved here) Guan Wen was OK to start but advanced to 5-6-3 over 10 years of mostly fighting Taiping rebels and then some splendid fighting in the Siberian War. Other commanders saw less action but also improved to some degree.

There are WW1 events, though Great Wars can always come early one or more times. Many game events give casus belli which the player can choose to pursue or not. Italy, for example, was wobbly historically and the events might allow it to stay out of a Great War around 1914 entirely, until ready to step in and decide the outcome.

I don't think Italy has any purely colonial commanders, so at least its my regular officers who are slowly gaining from the small wars.

So, next couple of updates are sort of housekeeping ... then I need to try and remember just what I was up to :)
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
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July-December 1889: Belgium is a real ally and other surprises

Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:54 pm

As with the earlier part of 1889, this period was dominated in my planning by preparing for the struggle with GB. In truth this amounted to building up key stockpiles (as I cannot really defend all my merchant ships), replacements (so in the case of any large battles I can quickly replace my losses) and seeking to end as many of the colonial wars as I can.

To this end, I offer a white peace to Egypt and pull the army out even as the country erupts into yet another revolt. So, the second Italian-Egyptian war ends with Italy suffering its first defeat in a major enterprise.

Strategically, I was becoming more and more attracted to making the capture of South Africa a major focus of any land campaign.

So if the last episode can be seen as applying the undercoat, regard this as the first coat of paint.

[CENTER]Regular Reports[/CENTER]



Since the overall industrial and commercial situation is pretty stable, I'll just show the start and end position. As you can see (4th column), coal is becoming easier to gain (though I am paying the premium price). The only worry is chemicals, so despite wanting to be careful about over building, I decide to commission yet another domestic chemical plant.

Overall capital usage is steady at around 2600, indicating that the economy is basically stable.



As ever, less important. In effect, apart from opening and closing some things to control my stocks (also I can shift between modern production that uses coal and chemicals and older stuff that just reliese on capital). I can't buy much of the goods I lack, so its a case of relying on the astute businessmen to deliver.

(Un)happy people


So some of them, insist on being incredibly militant, but if anything, underlying contentment (34r column) actually increases. The confusing bit is the wide spread of militancy scores from 100% in some northern provinces down to nil for my happy Romans.

One good thing is the recent economic crisis finally ends in December, so hopefully this will help reduce thos militancy scores.

Military build up


I'll start showing this report again as it is relevant. What I am doing is slowly building up my replacement pools in expectation of some heavy losses when I clash with the British army.


North Africa

I ended the Egyptian war with a white peace at the start of July. As discussed, I couldn't really gain anything from them, and I certainly couldn't afford 3 major armies bogged down swatting occasional rebellions. So that is Italy's first defeat. Oddly, by giving up so much warscore, Egypt now really likes me, which will have some odd consequences as we will see in 1890.

Southern Africa

The struggle in this region was all but one of open, regular, warfare, due to the numbers involved. Unfortunately for the various locals, the Italian army is rather good at that sort of thing.


Also, with the Egyptian war over, Guiseppe and his merry band are ordered south. This will give me three large armies in the theatre. A little bit later a powerful defensive garrison is sent to Inhambane. This is fast becoming a key province as it is the only Italian controlled coastal region for some distance, as well as effectively bordering on to the British held territory.


Useful as despite my gains and victories, my smaller forces remain vulnerable.


But on balance, any defeat is quickly avenged.



Over the last decade, one of my focuses has been on Russia's Balkan allies. One reason Russia won't give me a defensive alliance is due to poor relations with some of their allies. As you can see, I am now in good relations with Serbia. Bulgaria and Montenegro. Unfortunately, Russia now finds a new excuse to refuse to give me a defensive alliance.


Equally I decide it would be fun to start poking a stick at the British. The chosen twig is to send merchants and missionaries to adopt new positions inside the British Empire. Any information on British troop movements is of course very welcome.


In the same spirit, the Belgians act very diplomatically. Both ending a small revolt for me, and handing the province back to its proper Italian owners.




So my prestige has gone from 77,300 to 81,100 (ie + 3,800) and Britain from 92,200 to 93,900 (so back to around +1,600-1,700). Equally its good to see their NM remains relatively low (77) while mine hovers around 130 depending on recent events. If that differential remains intact, it will be a valuable bonus come any war.
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:32 pm

In the same spirit, the Belgians act very diplomatically. Both ending a small revolt for me, and handing the province back to its proper Italian owners.

What treaty is it that allows you them to return the province to you? (According to the map). Commercial or military or right of passage?

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:37 pm

So Egypt... To construct a tortured metaphore: when you thump someone repeatedly with a brick bat until their face is bloody, and then you say 'Oh, okay, just a bit of fun, no harm done, I'll stop now', they think you're super-awesome? Interesting - perhaps an extreme example of Stockholm syndrome?

Nice of the Belgians to hand back that territory. I guess they realized A) it's a fever-plagued bit of jungle anyway and B) no-one in their right mind wants to give the Italians any excuse to start another bush war. :)

Final observation: how on earth do you have such positive diplomatic relations with Tuscany? I was under the impression, erm, how to put this delicately... I thought Tuscany was done for. Taking a dirt nap. Sleeping the Big Sleep. i.e. being dead and non-existent.

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:04 pm

I believe he has a DA with Belgium (the 100 relations). Also, the game doesn't always remove old factions, thus the Tuscans are ZOMBIES. This could explain the big militancy problems in the north, they are being overrun by the zombies. And Loki's government has sent away the army to some sunny locale, and stopped defending them from the zombies. It all makes sense now.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.


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Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:15 pm

Jim-NC wrote:I believe he has a DA with Belgium (the 100 relations). Also, the game doesn't always remove old factions, thus the Tuscans are ZOMBIES. This could explain the big militancy problems in the north, they are being overrun by the zombies. And Loki's government has sent away the army to some sunny locale, and stopped defending them from the zombies. It all makes sense now.

High militancy = Zombies looking for food
High contentment = Zombies finding food

The zombie hypothesis works surprisingly well. :)

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:11 am

proper feedback later, but this is too good to miss out on :cool:

If the zombie Florentine hypothesis holds then it merely puts PoN fully into the spirit of the period , I mean such classics as Jane Austen and Zombies etc. Actually that analogy fails totally since I loath all that lot of Eng Lit and not a great zombie film fan (had to suffer too much Dickens taught in an awful way at school, and that including a surfeit of Brontes et al), perhaps its less than valid given how much I like PoN.

All the states I have, *ahem* eliminated, really like me for some reason. Maybe its because I have relieved them of all the burdens of statehood etc? Its also why you often see 'tensions between' and one state doesn't exist (there are tags for a load of releasable nations). In fact one of my, not very secret, wargoals for the British war is to force the release of Scotland. I only need +250 for this small task ...
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Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:59 am

So what is wrong with all normal world activities ceasing to be reported?
Perhaps PoN needs "Royal baby" events?

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:43 pm

loki100 wrote:Equally I decide it would be fun to start poking a stick at the British. The chosen twig is to send merchants and missionaries to adopt new positions inside the British Empire.

How did I miss this gem before? I'm sure that catholic missionaries adopting new positions inside the British Empire would be a highly effective tool at stoking British Jingoism - what with the prudish attitudes of the day (at least in public). Add in that it's the damn Papists at it again and I'm sure that Queen Victoria would utter her "We are not amused" line before sending in the red coats (with strict instructions to shoot anyone displaying so much as an ankle).

loki100 wrote:All the states I have, *ahem* eliminated, really like me for some reason. Maybe its because I have relieved them of all the burdens of statehood etc?
Perhaps they were all ardently communist and misunderstood the 'Withering of the state' part?

jokeon wrote:So what is wrong with all normal world activities ceasing to be reported?
Perhaps PoN needs "Royal baby" events?

I believe "Royal baby" events would send loki into a paroxysm and would result in an immediate invasion of London with the express goal of burning down Buckingham Palace (and any other regal residences). This would be fun in the short term, but in the long run I believe Italy will be crushed like a bug, since he's not ready for war yet. :)

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Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:25 am

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:What treaty is it that allows you them to return the province to you? (According to the map). Commercial or military or right of passage?

Its a legacy of the Piombieres chain, part of that is the creation of a Latin Currency Union and that produces a defensive alliance with Belgium. I'm happy with it as if anyone attacks Belgium it will also trigger a war with France, so its another way of keeping German central Europe firmly in place.

But that little mechanism is genius, its typical of all the little gems buried away in PoN and the degree of thought behind the mechanics of this game. I wasn't even aware my Belgian chums were stamping out a rebellion for me.

Stuyvesant wrote:So Egypt... To construct a tortured metaphore: when you thump someone repeatedly with a brick bat until their face is bloody, and then you say 'Oh, okay, just a bit of fun, no harm done, I'll stop now', they think you're super-awesome? Interesting - perhaps an extreme example of Stockholm syndrome?

Nice of the Belgians to hand back that territory. I guess they realized A) it's a fever-plagued bit of jungle anyway and B) no-one in their right mind wants to give the Italians any excuse to start another bush war. :)

Final observation: how on earth do you have such positive diplomatic relations with Tuscany? I was under the impression, erm, how to put this delicately... I thought Tuscany was done for. Taking a dirt nap. Sleeping the Big Sleep. i.e. being dead and non-existent.

Yep, Egypt is indeed an early example of the Stockholm syndrome. As you will see in the next post, they really really like me and are prepared to stand up for me on the world stage.

Jim-NC wrote:I believe he has a DA with Belgium (the 100 relations). Also, the game doesn't always remove old factions, thus the Tuscans are ZOMBIES. This could explain the big militancy problems in the north, they are being overrun by the zombies. And Loki's government has sent away the army to some sunny locale, and stopped defending them from the zombies. It all makes sense now.

Yes, the Belgian alliance is from the late 1850s. I'm not so sure its a hugely realistic interpretation of the events around the Latin Customs Union. I'd always believed that was for show, Louis Napoleon trying to reinvent some of his Uncle's diplomatic structures by trade rather than the bayonet. But in game, it gives a solid basis for my anti-German alliance (at least in the West).

jokeon wrote:So what is wrong with all normal world activities ceasing to be reported?
Perhaps PoN needs "Royal baby" events?

Stuyvesant has already correctly identified that my likely response to any Royal Baby (note the capitals, at the moment in the real English world there is only one) event would be to arrange for the Italian army to throw a pizza party in Central London. One of our more bonkers newspapers (I think it is a newspaper but it reads more and more like a right wing version of Pravda with its own perfectly constructed, internally consistent world, that bears no relationship to reality) managed a solid 18 pages devoted to the shocking news that somewhere in the world, a woman gave birth to a baby. I believe, from the same source, aforementioned baby managed its first pre-planned royal wave as well, though I rather prefer this version of the alleged wave.

Now where Stuyvesant maybe wrong (a very rare event in his long and glorious commenting career) is in his interpretation of my ability to arrange such a pizza party. He should know I am deadly with matches.

Stuyvesant wrote:How did I miss this gem before? I'm sure that catholic missionaries adopting new positions inside the British Empire would be a highly effective tool at stoking British Jingoism - what with the prudish attitudes of the day (at least in public). Add in that it's the damn Papists at it again and I'm sure that Queen Victoria would utter her "We are not amused" line before sending in the red coats (with strict instructions to shoot anyone displaying so much as an ankle).

Perhaps they were all ardently communist and misunderstood the 'Withering of the state' part?

well I don't actually have a CB for this planned war with the evil empire, so if a few nuns manage to rile them up then all the better. If not it will be a case of sending in my famed diplomatic diplomats to trash a few nightclubs until the British take the hint. Think of it as an early inspiration for the Bullingdon antics of our beloved Prime Minister.

I fear that for places like Tuscany, the version of the withering of the State has been Stalins not Marxs. In other words there state has been well and truely withered but mine is still going strong.
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January-June 1890, Egypt loves me and the Italian army runs out of wars

Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:37 am

So, this is the final one of this sequence. Just in case anyone is worried this is but a long tease, honest, I will go to war with GB .... at some stage.

Much like the latter end of 1899, this period was about crushing all those natives who were opposed to becoming part of the Italian Empire. Also a juicy range of new research options become available.

Anyway, onto the details.

[CENTER]Regular Reports[/CENTER]



Given that the economy is basically stable, I thought it would be useful to show the opening and closing reports in some detail. The main thing is that while the overall usage of PC (and thus, domestic production) is pretty much even there is quite a lot of shifts in the particular goods and the balance between production and trade.

I suspect the main reason for this is the consquence of my new shortage good – chemicals – as this is an input in turn to a number of other industries and to my more modern agricultural units.



One thing to note there is that for the most part my domestic production (second line in each set) is pretty stable, but the stocks (top line) are clearly varying.



So, there are varying levels of lack of happiness (col 5) but actual contentment is 100% across Italy (col 3) at the start and at worst is 97% at the end of June. My suspicion remains this is connected to my rather authoritarian government form, but even then it is rather confusing given the range from 0-100 in terms of militancy.

The other factor is I am playing all the population and development cards on a regular basis. This includes the less effective telecommunications option as I no longer need to carefully manage my stock of manufactured goods.


Perhaps the most important event in this period was the steady unveiling of the 1890 research options. I opt to invest in them all (no shortage of state cash). I was briefly tempted to scale back on my plans for war with GB till some, such as the Bolt Action Rifles and Machine Guns became available. However, I assume that GB will research at much the same rate as I do, so can see no real gain to waiting.


Note also, the second generation of steel battleships is in there, that plus some improved naval defensive techs sets up the pre-Dreadnought class.

The other once in a decade event was that, briefly, the Swiss had been at work. By January, fortunately normal service is resumed.


Somewhat late, the Italian press notice I have conquered Eritrea. Well done chaps, only some 25 years after it actually happened.


As with the previous six months, my main focus was trying to end the wars in Southern Africa. Usefully the last province bordering the Boer Republic(s) is discovered, and, as usual the locals are not happy.


Well this time I am in no mood for lots of running around ...



That, and a series of other, equally bloody actions, more or less put an end to the locals.

Up north, Egypt suddenly becomes very friendly. Yep, if anyone now tries to menace me, then they will have to answer to Egypt.


To celebrate, the Italian army wins another one sided battle.


Anyway, all those one sided victories have helped my prestige gain.


I've gone from 81,100 to 85,400. Again the core of this gain is coming from my manufacturing industry. Of the 400 prestige points I gained in the last turn, 253 came from industry. However, the rather brutal approach to ending the colonial wars produced a steady flow of prestige from battles. Britain went from 93,800 to 95,500, which seems to be its default range of around 1,600-1,700 every six months.

As a wee teaser, I reported some time back that I had more steel plants than they had. Well I have since found out this wrong as I was only looking at the British Isles. Instead, like the caring sharing imperialists they are, they have built up quite an industrial base in some colonies. In contrast, I've stuck to the conventional pattern of letting the colonies stick to primary production while all the actual manufacture takes place in Italy. Bad me.

The figures for losses and NM are of some relevance to what is to come next.

So, at this stage 2,584,096 Italians have died to enable Italy to rule the Eastern Mediterranean and most of East Africa. The British have managed to kill 2,784,870 of their troops achieving not very much (that is obvious in any case). My NM, not shown is 128, there's is 86. That differential offers quite a potential combat bonus for me.

In terms of combat power, they do outnumber me (the score of 136), but I don't think that brute force will count for much in this war (unlike in my wars with Austria). The theatres of operations are going to be widely spread out and I think it is which side guesses, and tailors, force allocation in each that will have the local advantage. I'll do a short pre-war, OOB and planning AAR to set out where I have got to in terms of preparations.

Anyway, here is the situation in S Africa on the eve of war.


I'm assuming the Boer Republic(s) will be neutral. If so, any clash will take place in the coastal region.


Time to start formulating some detailed plans for the demise of Perfidious Albion and its incorporation into the fast growing 'lira-zone'. Given my existing role as the global number one opium supplier its worth noting that in this period the Italian currency was known as LSD (lira-soldi-dinari).

I have the start of a plan for S Africa but its based on almost no knowledge of British deployments.

You can see my main base, north of the Limpopo. The next province is jungle, and movement is very slow (but its nice to see the Portuguese building a rail line there). On that basis, I am now tempted to make a naval landing at Durban and use lighter colonial units to take control of the northern British provinces. I have the naval transport capacity in the region to move one of my armies at a time, so its all a bit of a gamble.
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:54 pm

Cracking stuff as ever.

I've been slowly catching up on this over the last week or so, and I had to register on the forum as soon as I finished my reading.

Very impressive the growth in the Italian Empire over the last few decades. All the more impressive considering how saddeningly poor Italian facial hair is increasingly becoming.

Garibaldi's retirement was a real blow for Italy. Hopefully he's enjoying said retirement though, doing his bit for conservation by making numerous endangered species in Africa all the more endangered. And at least Italy can turn to gifted generals such as Guiseppe so as to fill the void Gari has left. Anyone with such stunning fashion sense clearly a military genius.

loki100 wrote:Up north, Egypt suddenly becomes very friendly. Yep, if anyone now tries to menace me, then they will have to answer to Egypt.

Always useful having some willing cannon fodder on your side. Uh, some willing allies on your side that is.

Very much looking forward to the coming encounter with Great Britain. The Italian navy is hugely skilled, it's officers and sailors left with an enviable battle readiness after their years of shelling camels and crocodiles, the Italian army is battle hardened like no other, years of constantly being drubbed by various native rebels having seen to this, and Italy's newest ally was just recently left devastated by her new partner. Nothing can go wrong.

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Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:09 am

^^ Hi morningSIDEr :)

loki100 wrote:So, at this stage 2,584,096 Italians have died to enable Italy to rule the Eastern Mediterranean and most of East Africa. The British have managed to kill 2,784,870 of their troops achieving not very much (that is obvious in any case). My NM, not shown is 128, there's is 86. That differential offers quite a potential combat bonus for me.

A quick check on wikipedia confirms that your casualty rate so far is more than Italy suffered in both world wars (17% higher if we include killed and injured, 174% higher if we just consider deaths). It seems that loki-controlled Italy is a fairly dangerous place, especially for a man old enough to serve in the military.

I think a lot of Italian mothers must be trying to persuade their sons to get a nice safe posting in the navy. Time will tell as to whether that's a good plan.

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Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:24 am

It is a good question what will be the theaters of war, the priority objectives, the opposing force assessment or reconaissance results, the force strenghs of the relevant armies, the commanders, and the assessment of enemy intentions and capabilities. Will invasion of the British Isles be required for warscore? It seems likely, which would suggest appropriate basing in Europe or a daring descent in Ireland or Scotland accompanied by a diversion.

Looking at it from the British point of view, the great concentrations of troops in the empire are nomrally are in Britain and India, with a smaller concentration in South Africa facing the Boer Republics and scattered troops in the Americas, Asia and the rest of Africa. Very spread out, and tied together by the route through the Med and Suez Canal. Malta and Gibraltar are desirable targets, Gibraltar the more useful and dominating for Italy, and would need to be a focus early on before it can be reinforced as already discussed.

Italy with enough fleet strength can control the Med and benefit from interior lines if the canal remains passable, and land-based connection (RR I assume) down the African coast that makes it readily defended. Destroying the British fleet in the Indian Ocean and screening could keep the Indian Army locked up in India and prevent British reinforcement in the South African campaign. Meanwhile, with the seas clear it would not take a huge army to go on a romp in Asia or even the Americas if scouted in advance and if the British fleet can have its attention focused elsewhere.

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Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:07 am

Egypt's preference for you is easily explainable. First, they hope that fawning on you will stop you from attacking them. Second, they'd rather deal with you than the huge revolt that occurred as soon as you ended the war (evidently the population does not love their rulers). And third, you brought them pizza. What's not to love about that?

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Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:02 am

loki100 wrote:One of our more bonkers newspapers (I think it is a newspaper but it reads more and more like a right wing version of Pravda with its own perfectly constructed, internally consistent world, that bears no relationship to reality) managed a solid 18 pages devoted to the shocking news that somewhere in the world, a woman gave birth to a baby. I believe, from the same source, aforementioned baby managed its first pre-planned royal wave as well ...

Hmm. You know the coverage ran 18 pages? You are aware that the autocratic newborn did a royal wave? Comrade, you seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time perusing this counter-revolutionary rag. Most disturbing...

morningSIDEr wrote:Cracking stuff as ever.


Very much looking forward to the coming encounter with Great Britain. The Italian navy is hugely skilled, it's officers and sailors left with an enviable battle readiness after their years of shelling camels and crocodiles, the Italian army is battle hardened like no other, years of constantly being drubbed by various native rebels having seen to this, and Italy's newest ally was just recently left devastated by her new partner. Nothing can go wrong.

Wotchers, morningSIDEr! (Is that the correct Jeeves and Wooster expression? I'm still working on my oblivious upper-crust nincompoop English)

Good to see you around and your overall analysis of the Italian armed forces seems spot on. But never underestimate loki's burning <a-ha! 'tis A pun!> desire to play with matches in Her Royal Majesty's Dominions.

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Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:29 am

I wonder if you have a name for the planned war with Great Britain, if not can I suggest "The War of Welsh Rabbit"?

Welsh rarebit or Welsh rabbit is a dish made with a savoury sauce of melted cheese and various other ingredients and served hot, after being poured over slices (or other pieces) of toasted bread,[1] or the hot cheese sauce may be served in a bowl accompanied by sliced, toasted bread. The names of the dish originate from 18th-century Great Britain.[2] Welsh rarebit is typically made with Cheddar cheese, in contrast to the Continental European fondue which classically depends on Swiss cheeses.

This is in the tradition of other silly names:
The War of Jenkins' Ear (known as Guerra del Asiento in Spain), was a conflict between Great Britain and Spain that lasted from 1739 to 1748, with major operations largely ended by 1742. Its unusual name, coined by Thomas Carlyle in 1858,[5] refers to an ear severed from Robert Jenkins, captain of a British merchant ship. The severed ear was subsequently exhibited before Parliament. The tale of the ear's separation from Jenkins, following the boarding of his vessel by Spanish coast guards in 1731, provided the impetus to war against the Spanish Empire, ostensibly to encourage the Spanish not to renege on the lucrative asiento contract (permission to sell slaves in Spanish America).[6]

So in Italy it could be called the "Pizza War".

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Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:33 am

morningSIDEr wrote:Cracking stuff as ever.

I've been slowly catching up on this over the last week or so, and I had to register on the forum as soon as I finished my reading.

Very impressive the growth in the Italian Empire over the last few decades. All the more impressive considering how saddeningly poor Italian facial hair is increasingly becoming.

Garibaldi's retirement was a real blow for Italy. Hopefully he's enjoying said retirement though, doing his bit for conservation by making numerous endangered species in Africa all the more endangered. And at least Italy can turn to gifted generals such as Guiseppe so as to fill the void Gari has left. Anyone with such stunning fashion sense clearly a military genius.

Always useful having some willing cannon fodder on your side. Uh, some willing allies on your side that is.

Very much looking forward to the coming encounter with Great Britain. The Italian navy is hugely skilled, it's officers and sailors left with an enviable battle readiness after their years of shelling camels and crocodiles, the Italian army is battle hardened like no other, years of constantly being drubbed by various native rebels having seen to this, and Italy's newest ally was just recently left devastated by her new partner. Nothing can go wrong.

Hello and welcome, this seems to fast becoming Paradox in exile …. I think the next update will show just how poor standards of facial hair have become in Italy in the last decade. The British PM and Queen have more facial hair than my pair combined, bad show really.

I presume that Garibaldi set up a charity for endangered animals on his retirement. As with Prince Philip, I equally assume they became endangered simply because he shot so many of them. I think the Italian navy has eliminated most animals that start with C.... in Africa now, so the next up for gunnery practice will be the D's … if only I can find a Dodo.

I do think with Egypt on my side, I need to fear … well I need to fear one nation less.

Dewirix wrote:^^ Hi morningSIDEr :)

A quick check on wikipedia confirms that your casualty rate so far is more than Italy suffered in both world wars (17% higher if we include killed and injured, 174% higher if we just consider deaths). It seems that loki-controlled Italy is a fairly dangerous place, especially for a man old enough to serve in the military.

I think a lot of Italian mothers must be trying to persuade their sons to get a nice safe posting in the navy. Time will tell as to whether that's a good plan.

But then on the positive side, I have won 5 out of 6 of my main wars, they have managed to get killed in all sorts of romantic and exotic places and, most importantly, no-one, anywhere will ever put a pineapple or a meatball on a pizza. Plus, in a very Mussolini style, I have invested in population expansion (the screenshot with my reserves in the next post shows just how much Italy has grown in this respect).

Sir Garnet wrote:It is a good question what will be the theaters of war, the priority objectives, the opposing force assessment or reconaissance results, the force strenghs of the relevant armies, the commanders, and the assessment of enemy intentions and capabilities. Will invasion of the British Isles be required for warscore? It seems likely, which would suggest appropriate basing in Europe or a daring descent in Ireland or Scotland accompanied by a diversion.

Looking at it from the British point of view, the great concentrations of troops in the empire are nomrally are in Britain and India, with a smaller concentration in South Africa facing the Boer Republics and scattered troops in the Americas, Asia and the rest of Africa. Very spread out, and tied together by the route through the Med and Suez Canal. Malta and Gibraltar are desirable targets, Gibraltar the more useful and dominating for Italy, and would need to be a focus early on before it can be reinforced as already discussed.

Italy with enough fleet strength can control the Med and benefit from interior lines if the canal remains passable, and land-based connection (RR I assume) down the African coast that makes it readily defended. Destroying the British fleet in the Indian Ocean and screening could keep the Indian Army locked up in India and prevent British reinforcement in the South African campaign. Meanwhile, with the seas clear it would not take a huge army to go on a romp in Asia or even the Americas if scouted in advance and if the British fleet can have its attention focused elsewhere.

I think I have to fear you have access to my laptop. That is a good summary. Next post sets out the OOB and my plans. In effect, I want to isolate India, there is no safe route in the Med (unless I have really underestimated the RN) and I can make S Africa dangerous for them. The war will fall (initially) into 3 theatres. Invasions of India and S Africa and opportunistic actions in the Med.

I've played a year and half of the war an there is a lot of Warscore to be had without invading GB. Since coming back from the Netherlands, things have been a bit weird. I'm spending one day renovating and painting (good for getting a lot of PoN played) and one day manically trying to earn money. The result is a lot of chance to play and damn all to write.

Director wrote:Egypt's preference for you is easily explainable. First, they hope that fawning on you will stop you from attacking them. Second, they'd rather deal with you than the huge revolt that occurred as soon as you ended the war (evidently the population does not love their rulers). And third, you brought them pizza. What's not to love about that?

Esp the pizza, I mean, everyone knows you only get high quality pizzas after the Italian army has invaded you (twice). But yes, that was my interpretation, that in effect it was 'we'd better be nice to these loonies or they will invade again'. The actual mechanic is if you don't use up Warscore in the peace treaty, it seems to be added back onto your relationships leading to a firm friendship.

Make friends by invading and trashing their country ...

Stuyvesant wrote:Hmm. You know the coverage ran 18 pages? You are aware that the autocratic newborn did a royal wave? Comrade, you seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time perusing this counter-revolutionary rag. Most disturbing...

Wotchers, morningSIDEr! (Is that the correct Jeeves and Wooster expression? I'm still working on my oblivious upper-crust nincompoop English)

Good to see you around and your overall analysis of the Italian armed forces seems spot on. But never underestimate loki's burning <a-ha! 'tis A pun!> desire to play with matches in Her Royal Majesty's Dominions.

Yep, I left the actual checking to someone else, but it was claimed to have been 18 pages. Every now and then I screw up my courage to see what version of the world they are on about at the moment.

At least this time, I won't be burning down N America … although Sir Garnett's suggestion about doing one in Canada is very tempting.

jokeon wrote:I wonder if you have a name for the planned war with Great Britain, if not can I suggest "The War of Welsh Rabbit"?

Welsh rarebit or Welsh rabbit is a dish made with a savoury sauce of melted cheese and various other ingredients and served hot, after being poured over slices (or other pieces) of toasted bread,[1] or the hot cheese sauce may be served in a bowl accompanied by sliced, toasted bread. The names of the dish originate from 18th-century Great Britain.[2] Welsh rarebit is typically made with Cheddar cheese, in contrast to the Continental European fondue which classically depends on Swiss cheeses.

This is in the tradition of other silly names:
The War of Jenkins' Ear (known as Guerra del Asiento in Spain), was a conflict between Great Britain and Spain that lasted from 1739 to 1748, with major operations largely ended by 1742. Its unusual name, coined by Thomas Carlyle in 1858,[5] refers to an ear severed from Robert Jenkins, captain of a British merchant ship. The severed ear was subsequently exhibited before Parliament. The tale of the ear's separation from Jenkins, following the boarding of his vessel by Spanish coast guards in 1731, provided the impetus to war against the Spanish Empire, ostensibly to encourage the Spanish not to renege on the lucrative asiento contract (permission to sell slaves in Spanish America).[6]

So in Italy it could be called the "Pizza War".

The other thing about Jenkin's Ear was treaty of Utrecht, that had ended the wars at the start of the Eighteenth Century was very unusual for the time. Most such treaties dealt with specifics, such as territory transfer, that one gave the British an ill-defined right to the slave trade. As with all ill-defined rights, it proved a ready source of friction.

You are right, this war needs a snappy title. The Anglo-Italian war doesn't really do it justice. The ostensible CB is some graffiti found in Jerusalem. So, here's a challenge dear readers, come up with suggestions for a name for the war. If it helps, the first 18 months-2 years is going to be fought almost exclusively in S Africa and India.
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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Preparing for War

Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:43 am

So, subject to actually having a valid CB, its time for the big show down. A lot of this information has been presented spread out over recent updates but it seems useful to recap on the OOB and my ideas as to how to prosecute this struggle.

One thing I have been doing recently is improving my replacement pool. I'll gain more, especially line infantry on mobilisation, but I suspect that there will be some bruising battles. If so, the quicker I can replace losses, then the less likely it is that I'll end up with too many lost elements.


As you can see, in anticipation of numerous acts of heroism, a new medal has been ordered (this gives a small boost to NM and the replacement pool).

So lets start on OOB and plans. For the opening stages, my logic is there will be three theatres of war: The Mediterranean, South Africa and India. I know from the prestige charts the British have more military power than I do, but I suspect my army is a lot better. The gamble is whether I have assigned enough to each theatre to give me an advantage. If any stalemates, my central position should make it easier to shift units around – unless I have really under-estimated the Royal Navy.





You've seen that before, in effect, once the reserves are added that is four powerful armies defending Italy. They can be used for a Mediterranean campaign or sent to the other theatres of war as things develop.



A, is a squadron of 4 (older) cruisers and 4 destroyers. I plan to use this for commerce raiding but it can also escort B. B is the balance of my transport fleet, and is large enough to move one of my Italian armies at any time (so even if the focus is on India and South Africa I can be aggressive in the Med region). C is the main battle fleet and has 12 out of my 16 Battleships (the counters with the 607 power), the other 4 are now in Southern Africa.

I'll not recap on the defenses, but there are strong forts and large garrisons in Sardinia and Sicily, as well as at other key points. On mobilisation, I am expecting to gain around 8 more divisions which I'll probably keep back in Italy for now.

Overall, I'm still not sure how to approach this theatre. If there is no early British threat, then an invasion of Malta seems a good idea. Cyprus is rebel held, so if they lose Malta then their only base left in the Mediterranean will be Gibralter.


There are two powerful armies tasked with an invasion of India. They are currently deployed at Jerusalem after their warm up exercises in Egypt. A large transport fleet has been split into two so both armies can land at the same time.


Ricci's army is too large to fight effectively, but one of his corps is to be detached to provide rear area security once the armies have landed.

India is a real gamble. I have no idea what is defending the region and once I have landed my two armies (currently in Jerusalem), it will be some time before I can send reinforcements. I identify two targets. Karachi is the 'safe' one, with no fort, but then it has no depot. Bombay, despite the fort, offers a depot which will help supply my operations (and undermine the British). The choice is one that will prove fatal for a lot of Italians..


[CENTER]South Africa[/CENTER]

This shows, the area to the north of the British sector. They have an army that has been wandering around the Portuguese controlled regions for a while, and that will need to be dealt with. Guiseppe and his Alice Band are due to ensure that school is indeed out for them. Once he's done that, he can be deployed to S Africa proper.


A key part is a powerful fleet, with 4 of my battleships and 8 cruisers. This will support naval landings but also help close off any ability of the British to reinforce India. Since I will have naval control of the Med, I think I can effectively chop up the British Empire, making it almost impossible for them to reinforce India.

This, very large scale map, shows the key locations.




I only have the naval capacity to move one of my armies at any time, and since I am afraid of the location of the British forces I opt not to land at Durban but to the south. An opposed naval landing is often a major disaster in the AGE system unless you have overwhelming force.

In addition to the shown units, there are masses of colonial, native and lighter units scattered around keeping things in order (well ...)

So there we are, as ready as ever. Except we need a CB.


This takes a few attempts, but the British ambassador to Jerusalem is finally caught painting graffiti – this was removed before seen by anyone but the police - but was believed to have stated "Romanes Eunt Domus". War was the only reasonable response that would satisfy Italy's mortally wounded pride.

AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
PoN Manufacturing Italy; A clear bright sun
RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
WIA Burning down the Houses; Wars in America; The Tea Wars

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Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:40 pm

I a straight up fight between you and GB, I think it'll come down to whoever has the better navy. Once you establish naval superiority in the Med and Indian Ocean you can shift your forces around, allowing you to make up for overall numerical inferiority by concentrating to strike targets and giving you the flexiblity to run away to lick your wounds if necessary.

Also, as a minor nitpick, why would there be a British ambassador to Jerusalem? As I understand it, ambassadors are the top-ranking diplomats assigned to a given country, which in this case would be Italy, so they're not likely to be wandering around the boondocks of your empire. Perhaps it was the British consul to Jerusalem, which might give you opportunities for a suitably Roman-flavoured name for the war.

EDIT: Oh, and great stuff in the post. Very much looking forward to seeing dear old Blighty suitably humbled.

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