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General of the Army
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Didius mod

Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:44 am

[color="#FF0000"]WARNING! [/color] Although playable, crash to desktop may happen due to "lack of memory", so don't ask Ageod for help, because it's my fault. Disabling music might help. It happened to me in september 194, about 20 turns since the beginning. I will try to solve this problem, but I'm not sure what is wrong. I have provided some files for any people knowing this stuff and willing to help (see second post). Meanwhile, you can enjoy it.

- Playing with Didius with this setup might be a challenge, because everybody wants your head and you are a dumbass leader. Your stats just suck!
- He has plenty of money, but raising a legion or paying elite infantry reinforcements reduces his NM in 5. (This wasn't inteded, but I think now that is something good, to avoid this faction to win easily). He may raise up to 10 legions in Italy, that's a lot!
- Didius, his army and navy have been unlocked and they are free to move now.
- Regional and political decisions implemented.
- New Frise graphics for this scenario
- Victory conditions added

In order to install this mod, you must make a backup copy of your LocalStrings_AJE.csv placed in the Settings folder. This is because a modified version is in the mod. Other files will be installed, but they will no interfere your games, as far as I know, because they are new files. Unrar the Didius.rar file and copy the files inside your AJE folder.

You may download it from this link:

Some images





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General of the Army
Posts: 619
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:46 pm

Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:48 am

I have almost finished a mod to release Didius in the Septimius Severus 193AD scenario. While testing it, I faced two crashes to desktop, after playing several turns. I am unable, so far, to mend it, so this is an unfinished mod, although playable in some way. I provide two files for any want willing to help, or just curious, showing the error messages and the last saved turns:



I have found other minor problems:

1. Each time Didius rises a legion, he loses 5 NM
2. Each time I add an elite infantry reinforcement, he loses 5 NM
3. Political decisions taken are shown in the message log as done by "Severians", instead of "Didians".

Losing NM is, in some way, good for the scenario, because this prevent Didius to be powerful.

I have noticed that the elite infantry has a strange "x" icon, instead of the normal one, as shown in this picture


I would also like to have this mod in a different path, to avoid problems with the modified LocalStrings and the rigth one. I know that there is a modpath.ini in the AJE folder, but I've no idea on how to use it.

I would thank you any help on these issues.

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