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How to do well against Sertorius

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:26 am
by Amphisbaena
I have just started the Sertorius/Mithridates campaign for the first time, playing as the Romans. I have been playing Alea Iacta Est for a long time, but for some reason, I really struggle to deal with Sertorius. I have tried a number of strategies, either keeping Pompey in the north of spain and maintaining two large forces or moving Pompey south quickly and leaving only a token force in the north. Nothing so far has worked. Any suggestions?

Re: How to do well against Sertorius

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:01 am
by Durk
Play against Sertorius is a long game as he is so strong. Think of this a game of posts. That is, take cities where you can. Defend. Take more cities. Limit his range. When he no longer can draw upon a larger region, then move in.
This is a tough game as Rome.

Re: How to do well against Sertorius

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 12:07 am
by Random
Sertorius is an excellent leader and tough nut to crack. As I recall, there should be a political option at some point that allows you to spend money to have him assassinated and this helps solve the problem. If you cannot beat them, murder them in cold blood. It's the Roman Way.


Re: How to do well against Sertorius

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:32 am
by Amphisbaena
Thank you. This sounds as if I had been too impatient to wrap things up in Spain. I will re-start the campaign and see how things go with a more long-term strategy.