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Introductory AAR for Alea Iacta Est, Marius vs Sulla

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:26 am
by blackcats
Hi, I want to expose more people to the goodness that is AGEOD so here goes...

I am playing in a 3 player game of Marius vs Sulla vs Mithradates. I am playing Sulla, who headed the Optimate faction at this time. For my money this civil war is far more interesting than the fairly boring war 40 years later between Caesar and Pompey. This civil war has it all, both Roman factions have brilliant generals, both have a chance to win and both have another opponent to watch out for.

I have to watch for our third player who is playing Mithradates, a semi Hellenized king in northern Anatolia. He has a huge army and a huge fleet. Most of the Greek states are throwing their lot in with him as they were sick of Rome. That didn't work out so well since Mithradates was a bit of a violent nut.

Dylan, who is playing Marius and the Populares faction has to protect Hispania from the tough Celtic Lusitanians. They are an AI faction but i think Dylan starts with virtually no forces in Hispania to stop them.

Re: Introductory AAR for Alea Iacta Est, Marius vs Sulla

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:07 pm
by Temgesic
Wouldn´t call the Caesar vs Pompey scenario boring. Perhaps if you play against the AI, but over PBEM and with a player who knows what he is doing that scenario can evolve in a interesting direction.

People often complain that it is unbalanced and i can agree to a certain point. But if you are Pompey and know what you are doing and planning ahead you actually have a great chance finishing that Usurper Caesar off! :hat:

Re: Introductory AAR for Alea Iacta Est, Marius vs Sulla

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:19 pm
by Generalisimo
blackcats wrote:....

I have looked around the forum and I haven't seen any post similar to this... so, I doubt you are spam bot.
Please stop posting with tags links, this is the final warning.

Re: Introductory AAR for Alea Iacta Est, Marius vs Sulla

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:49 pm
by Generalisimo
Just found out that this guy is copying posts from another forum and posting them here with links.