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Jorje Vidrio
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Turn Checklist for Newbies?

Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:35 pm

As someone new to AGEOD games, I'm learning the various parts of the system, but I always seem to forget something.

Is there a recommended turn checklist of things to do, things to check, that a newbie can go through so as not to forget anything?


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Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:10 pm


This is not a proper check list, but it is how i do my turns on AGEOD games:

First i read the log, all messages, clicking on the ones i find interesting so i'm taken to the location on the map. Red messages (like battles and events) open a new window with aditional info. The log will give you a detailed idea of all that has happened during last turn.
Sometimes during the message checking i give orders the the units the message talks about right away. Usually simple things like changing postures, sending recently recruited units to the front, etc. Just to get it out of the way

Then i check the ledger, to see what political options i have available, to check replacements (and buy what i need and can pay for) and take a look at the last page to see how the game is going (objectives, PV, NM, relative strenght etc)

Then i check the regional decisions and decide if i want to use some.

And finally, i start giving orders to my forces on map, using the shortcut keys to cycle through all of the unlocked forces:
E for land forces
T for naval forces

I give orders to each stack, move or rearange them as needed or let them rest for a turn (using SPACE key).
When no force is shown with E or T, it means everybody has orders or will rest for one turn. You will never forgot ordering forces this way!
While giving orders, don't forget to check the supply situation of your forces, their cohesion, possible command penalties...

And of course, you should check the enemy forces on map, and study the info given on the tooltip to know or make a guess on what you have opposing you.

And that's all... press next turn and start all over again :)


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Jorje Vidrio
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Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:55 pm

thanks very much!

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:13 pm

It's probably also worth noting that just moving a force for the sake of moving or because you cannot think of what to do with it can often become a bad idea. The AGE-Engine rewards reasonable forward planning, even against the AI. Think ahead, think strategically and use the F7 screen to see where you are and where you need to go.


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Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:11 pm

Random wrote:It's probably also worth noting that just moving a force for the sake of moving or because you cannot think of what to do with it can often become a bad idea. The AGE-Engine rewards reasonable forward planning, even against the AI. Think ahead, think strategically and use the F7 screen to see where you are and where you need to go.


Good advice!
When in doubt it's usually better to stay put and see what happens than moving around with no good reason.

If you move you lose cohesion, may have atrition hits (depending on the weather and your game settings) and usually will lose the terrain and entrenchment advantage you get when defending on a region.

On AJE entrenchment and defending fire advantage are not very decisive, but on other games like CW or EAW with artillery and firearms triying to fight as the defender it's usually a very good idea!
A sound strategy on many cases is getting first to an objective, defend and entrench and force the enemy to attack you to try get it.

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Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:54 am

I thoroughly agree with arsan and Random, the only thing I would add is that units do not always move as far as you plan. While the E and T keys are essential to insure you do not miss any units, some units might be one day or three days from an objective and will not show using these keys. Double check each force you are moving to see if you can move them a bit more.

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Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:16 pm

Thank you! Now I know how to play... usually I missed allways something and I ended a bit confused.

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Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:20 am

Ok, an additional thought. When playing with factions who have the card,"Triumph or Parade," always check this option.

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