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Year of the Four Emperors, To few Turns

Sun Jul 03, 2016 2:47 pm

Love playing this scenario as it offers so many strategies and options for the player. And i love to have multiple factions on the map than just standing fighting against one ex. Parthia.
But isn´t the scenario a bit short? 25 turns to manage your corner of the Roman Empire, with all the rebellions popping up. Batavian Rebellion, Revolt in Britain, Jewish Uprising and so on.

I think a 35-50 turn would be more suitable, i often feel a bit stressed when knowing the turns are ticking away. It makes me think that the scenario just goes out for the first man to conquer Rome wins :S

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Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:29 am

I do like your comment. But not only remember the game title, The Year, but that with Vespasian's victory, peace reigned for some time. The coups and revolts must act or die.

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