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Wishlist for future games, while we wait for AJE...

Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:20 am

Some overall "polish & chrome" to the future games would be nice. Like better and more detailed battlesounds, marching sounds and other sounds in general.

The new detailed battle-report is a step in the right direction :thumbsup:

Lets have some nicer graphics, and maybe cut-scenes and other kinds of graphic presentations, when something exiting happens in the game. Leader-casualties, sieges, battles, naval-clashes and other events in the game, could all be made much more interesting and engaging!

Right now the games seems very spartan and unresponsive ("dry") to the dramatic events it is supposed to show, - even for a niche-game on a budget :(

With a higher production-value, I would gladly pay double the asking-price of today :coeurs:


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Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:32 am

good point ;)

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Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:38 am

Well, for better or worse, 'dry' is part of the charm of what we AGEOD fans enjoy about their games. So many studios put out games that are more style than substance. AGEOD does the opposite. Their games are as close to the old board games of old as one can get. So the high budget stuff like cut scenes, flashy FX and visuals isn't just not in their budget, it kind of goes against their overall design. The board style maps, the hand drawn portraits, it all speaks to a simpler time when boys were boys and games were games. I hope they continue to enhance the game play elements rather than working in the pomp and circumstance of big studio games.

Then again, I'm just a gamer and an AGEOD fan, so maybe they would love to go in that direction. For one, I like the stripped down simple style of their games. The simplistic design allows the player to spend more time thinking about moves and strategy while not being distracted by all the amazing sound and visual cues.

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Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:22 am

Boomer wrote:Well, for better or worse, 'dry' is part of the charm of what we AGEOD fans enjoy about their games. So many studios put out games that are more style than substance. AGEOD does the opposite. Their games are as close to the old board games of old as one can get. So the high budget stuff like cut scenes, flashy FX and visuals isn't just not in their budget, it kind of goes against their overall design. The board style maps, the hand drawn portraits, it all speaks to a simpler time when boys were boys and games were games. I hope they continue to enhance the game play elements rather than working in the pomp and circumstance of big studio games.

Then again, I'm just a gamer and an AGEOD fan, so maybe they would love to go in that direction. For one, I like the stripped down simple style of their games. The simplistic design allows the player to spend more time thinking about moves and strategy while not being distracted by all the amazing sound and visual cues.

Why not have the best of two worlds?

Retaining the impressive historical research behind the number-crunching battleresults and game-mechanics, but move a little away from the spreedsheet-presentations.

Keep the overall "feel" of the game as a serious simulation, but make it come "alive" through nicer graphics and attractive cinematic-sequences, whenever something crucial happens.

I see no contradiction between good looks & presentation, and serious gameplay.

I think the way forward for AGEOD is to offer more production-value, charge a higher price for their games, and get new customers who are now put off by the very basic looks of the games.

In that way, AGEOD could get a large piece of the "Total War" customers, that wants a more challenging and historical correct game-experience.

By moving a little bit away from low budget niche-games into the mainstream game-market, a lot of possibilities will open up for future games and the company.


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Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:14 am

BodyBag wrote:By moving a little bit away from low budget niche-games into the mainstream game-market, a lot of possibilities will open up for future games and the company.

This is in our future plans, although it is not always easy to have a business run when the volumes are lower...finding a good price / sales balance is one of the most complicated task.

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Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:38 am

PhilThib wrote:This is in our future plans, although it is not always easy to have a business run when the volumes are lower...finding a good price / sales balance is one of the most complicated task.

Yes, I realize that, but I think it is the only way to go, if you want AGEOD to grow, and be able to make even better games in the future.

Charge a higher price, put more production-value in, and make the games more attractive for the mainstream customer, without changing the games core-qualities.

If you could get just a slice of the "Total War pie", AGEOD's future would be very bright indeed!

There is a lot of TW-players that wants a deeper, more complex game, just look at all the mods :w00t:

And your core-customers would love a better looking, more engaging game, and be willing to pay for it!

(I would :D )


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Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:49 am

Boomer wrote:Well, for better or worse, 'dry' is part of the charm of what we AGEOD fans enjoy about their games. So many studios put out games that are more style than substance. AGEOD does the opposite. Their games are as close to the old board games of old as one can get. So the high budget stuff like cut scenes, flashy FX and visuals isn't just not in their budget, it kind of goes against their overall design. The board style maps, the hand drawn portraits, it all speaks to a simpler time when boys were boys and games were games. I hope they continue to enhance the game play elements rather than working in the pomp and circumstance of big studio games.

Then again, I'm just a gamer and an AGEOD fan, so maybe they would love to go in that direction. For one, I like the stripped down simple style of their games. The simplistic design allows the player to spend more time thinking about moves and strategy while not being distracted by all the amazing sound and visual cues.

+1 :thumbsup:

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:11 am

Seriously I see no connection with total war fans with these games. If they want something deeper in tactical side they go for Histwar or Scourge Of War: Gettysburg. When Rome total war 2 out in future I'm pretty sure those games will also be abandoned for a while even by some hardcore fans of those games. That's the way it is.
I also don't undestand about the production value. For my side it is much related in gameplay not related to extra cut scenes or anything. If I want them I would be playing total war series but just for a while.
I find some assumptions pretty unrealistic.

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:24 am

I don't see the value for cut scenes, spoken text and stuf like that. After an abstracted battle, I want a report. A written one, not a five minute dying scene, or a movie of my citizens parying in the streets. If I want something it would be better looking event screens, with more background, and if possible a bit of advance warning for the event triggers. A faster scrolling map.... Improve what we have, a good strategy game, don't try to make it something it is not.

It happens every time, as soon as a tactical game appears (like Combat Mission) people want a strategic layer. As soon as a strategic game appears people want to add tactical battles, cut scenes, a mega campaign and world building... It never works, the game isnt build for it, and when I start a strategic game, I want to do strategy, NOT be bogged down an afternoon to jump in and play a specific battle.

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:54 am

The Cut scenes are the Event reports indicating the result of your choices. There is no need for Cut scenes.

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:48 am

perhaps some 1990s style, a window popping up:


or like Baldures Gate, the rotting hand in the wind


lets be honest, see another problem, you can have multiple "events" (trigger for such sound/movie/movements/acts...) in one turn and repeating that turn after turn... over 100 turns ?!
means, the redundancy would be pretty high and not bringing in additional distraction...
polishing the background like the extended battle report, thumbs up. changing the interface from boardgame to action game, nay.

what simply is at hand, change the music to your own taste, i think it was Laruku who already described the usual way ;)
...not paid by AGEOD.
however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:56 am

Those "extras" will be fancy the first time you play. Then they usually are turned off. So paying double price just for them would refrain some people to buy the fresh product, waiting for a cut in prices.
At least in my case. I have just preordered AJE because it is relatively cheap and, because of that, I would gladly like to contribute to Ageod. But expensive games might achieve the opposite result.

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:18 am

yellow ribbon wrote:
or like Baldures Gate, the rotting hand in the wind


Haaa, the memories of that great, great, game... :coeurs:

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:27 am

Franciscus wrote:Haaa, the memories of that great, great, game... :coeurs:

came to my mind as a textbook example...they should never have tried to improve AD&D, nor to bring such games on platforms like PS2...
*sight* back then, when the owner of a 133mhz PC wit 2GB HDD was already considered an IT specialist :wacko:
...not paid by AGEOD.

however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:11 pm

Franciscus wrote:Haaa, the memories of that great, great, game... :coeurs:

I'm playing the combined BGT-WeiDU version at the moment. Still very good!

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:48 pm

Speaking of Baldur's Gate, I think GOG has the sequel plus add-ons on sale right now for 7 bucks. Quite a bargain.

Back to topic though, I would actually love a Total War style tactical engine combined with an AGEOD style strategic map. However, as some have stated, the inclusion of a 3D map with textures, models, and the time consuming attention battles would require, would ultimately take away from the operational level that AGEOD games are known and appreciated for.

Having said that, I do think that a very simplistic tactical battle map with little chess type pieces (like in the Field of Glory series) would make for a fun addition and allow for players to have a real say in the outcome of battles. But that's neither here nor there. I still appreciate and play AGEOD games for what they are, not for what they could become.

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Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:57 am

Boomer wrote:Well, for better or worse, 'dry' is part of the charm of what we AGEOD fans enjoy about their games. So many studios put out games that are more style than substance. AGEOD does the opposite. Their games are as close to the old board games of old as one can get. So the high budget stuff like cut scenes, flashy FX and visuals isn't just not in their budget, it kind of goes against their overall design. The board style maps, the hand drawn portraits, it all speaks to a simpler time when boys were boys and games were games. I hope they continue to enhance the game play elements rather than working in the pomp and circumstance of big studio games.

Then again, I'm just a gamer and an AGEOD fan, so maybe they would love to go in that direction. For one, I like the stripped down simple style of their games. The simplistic design allows the player to spend more time thinking about moves and strategy while not being distracted by all the amazing sound and visual cues.

I agree with you to 110%. This type of game is AGEOD's unique brand and moves to mainstream through cut scenes, fancy visuals, etc., risks only diluting and ruining it.

Better in my view to spend resources on a gameplay, mechanics, and simple yet crisp graphics that properly reflect the time period to be covered. Plus a bug-free game, and professional translations (into English). And well-researched history of course.

Keep up the great work, AGEOD. Stick to your philosophy, and don't run into that squirrel wheel of corporate growth.

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Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:41 pm

I hear you all about cut scenes and such being so much 'fluff'. Having said that, I do think that nice, artistic, aesthetic touches are always appreciated and can subtly make a game more engaging. For example, I love the leader bust paintings in AJE. Whomever AGEOD's artist is, he or she did a great job. It's a small touch in the overall scheme of things, but it definitely adds a lot. Another example is in Sid Meier's Civilization V; when completing a wonder of the world you are presented with a beautiful painting and a cool quote. By contrast, I could never get in to Paradox's Crusader Kings. Not enough is visualized and too much is left to text boxes and the imagination in those games, in addition to the games being menu/spreadsheet purgatory. ;) But I digress.

One more thing as regards esthetics. I recently played an Indie Tolkien-esque fantasy strategy game called Dominions 3. It's a turned based area movement system like AJE, and whenever battles take place you are zoomed to a tactical display where you watch your armies fight it out (on autopilot) according to the troops you've deployed and the orders you've given them. Although they are relatively primitive sprite graphics, I still found the battles quite enjoyable to watch. They were enlightening as well, as you could see what your troops did well, and what was not so effective. Something like that would have been great in AJE, though I do understand that implementing it probably would have been beyond AGEOD's current resources. Don't get me wrong though, I like AJE well enough just as it is.

BTW, concerning the Total War series, I think like Blizzard, success and money spoiled Creative Assembly. I loved the Total War series back in the day, but by the time I got to Empire I was totally bored with it. That series is badly in need of a makeover. In any event I think AJE blows Rome Total War away. In AJE I feel like I'm confronted with the same strategic decisions that all the Imperators had to face, whereas RTW is a much too abstracted and dumbed down representation of historical events.

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Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:47 am

I'm a long time Dominions fan (played through opus 1 to 3 even, lot of PBEM). This is a very good game for MP, even if very time consuming.
In fact, the hosting system is partly inspired by Dominions.

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Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:56 am

Speaking of GOG, I wonder whether it would be a good commercial move (and possible given your contracts with other publisher) to get WiA as 4.99$ or even "free game" there. If a non-wargamer sites has a potential public for you, it is GoG.

Or just send them NCP. They are Poles, they are bound to like it :)

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Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:22 pm

Pocus wrote:I'm a long time Dominions fan (played through opus 1 to 3 even, lot of PBEM). This is a very good game for MP, even if very time consuming.
In fact, the hosting system is partly inspired by Dominions.

Yeah Philippe, Dom3 is a wonderful game, worthy of something AGEOD would do. ;) Also, you are totally on target about PBEM being very time consuming; probably the main reason I don't like it much. I recall in my HPS days I did a multi-scenario PBEM tournament of their Dienbienphu game, and it took months and months to finish. Also, it didn't help that I only won one of the six games and had more than my share of ungracious opponents. ;)

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Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:32 pm

World War I DLC for Pride of Nations in a v1.1 packet which updates all the content of the early 20th century and you will have lots of :love: from me! I know there is already an old AGEOD title called "World War I" but I think an update for PON would be a silver bullet which further enhances an already fabulous game while giving us content for the 100th anniversary of the start of WWI in 2014. I am pretty sure many software houses will try to commemorate this event with a title or two, so why not build up on a DLC of a fancy war period on a game that already has most of the underpinnings already in. :)

PS. Anyway, I expect and hope you give priority to the best project and take seriously of the opinion of our Proconsul, Praetor, and other AGEOD veteran gamers. The most loyal supports always know best! :D
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Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:34 pm


I'm new to this forum and relatively new to strategy computer games. My first exposure in strategy was with EUIII, Sengoku and Pride of Nations in 2011. My most recent exposure being Rise of Prussia just yesterday. Seriously, AGEOD is where it's at!!! :thumbsup:

My wish is simply this: to help AGEOD. You guys know strategy. You guys. I'm not a computer programmer or software engineer. I wish I were. I don't know how to mod games. I wish I did. Otherwise I would help AGEOD in such capacity. What I am, simply, is a consumer. One who loves your games! So from now on, no more gamersgate. No more Steam. No more other third party venues. I will buy directly from your website. I just have a few simple questions about placing orders. :)

1. I live in the US. Will your games, being distributed from Europe, be compatible with my US Windows operating system?
2. Your order screen offers a physical back up DVD as an option. If I order multiple titles in one setting, will I have all games on one DVD? Or will each title require its own disc?
3. Relating to digital download orders, is that a one-time-only download? Or will I have the option of downloading game/s again in future should my PC need to be replaced or it's HDD reformatted?

As it relates to spreading the word about AGEOD, how would it be best for me to do so? One thing I did just today in fact was that I contacted the corporate offices of GameStop to formally request that their catalogue include titles developed by your company. I did a search on their website but got zero results. I will continue to make that request on a monthly basis until you get your titles in there. I am a Power Rewards member for them (for my Nintendo 3DSXL stuff :neener: ) so they shouldn't get too annoyed with me. :)

Well, I guess that is all for now. I am really looking forward to each of your titles, now and future. So keep going and I too will spread your good name.

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Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:56 pm

Welcome Ex. With 1. you certainly will have no problems. For 2 and 3 I will leave it for others to answer but I know if you buy from AGEOD they will make sure they look after you. They are good like that - not many game companies have the personal touch of AGEOD - the reason I am still here after many years.


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Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:48 am

One thing I think is awesome is Paradox's three wings battle system. It still sucks, but the idea is great and I'm sure after a year or two we will be thinking how we were able to play without it. This can be implemented into AGEOD games by having a pre-battle screen where one can position units on three wings with each wing having different stances. The calvary,scouting,visibility values of your units would allow you to see how other stacks are forming their lines before you press the turn button. Frontage would limit how many units can be on the front line. Its a half-baked idea, but I think its possible even feasible to implement it into the games an allows for that happy medium between total hands off battle and some high level tactical input that won't take away from Ageod's grand strategy focus

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Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:09 am

hannibal_barca wrote:One thing I think is awesome is Paradox's three wings battle system. It still sucks, but the idea is great and I'm sure after a year or two we will be thinking how we were able to play without it. This can be implemented into AGEOD games by having a pre-battle screen where one can position units on three wings with each wing having different stances. The calvary,scouting,visibility values of your units would allow you to see how other stacks are forming their lines before you press the turn button. Frontage would limit how many units can be on the front line. Its a half-baked idea, but I think its possible even feasible to implement it into the games an allows for that happy medium between total hands off battle and some high level tactical input that won't take away from Ageod's grand strategy focus

Problem is how it would be done in PBEM.

PBEM constraints the case a lot.

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Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:21 am

Exsecratus Sicarius wrote:So from now on, no more gamersgate. No more Steam. No more other third party venues. I will buy directly from your website.
3. Relating to digital download orders, is that a one-time-only download? Or will I have the option of downloading game/s again in future should my PC need to be replaced or it's HDD reformatted?

of GameStop to formally request that their catalogue include titles developed by your company.

I am really looking forward to each of your titles, now and future. So keep going and I too will spread your good name.


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Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:07 pm

Narwhal wrote:Problem is how it would be done in PBEM.

PBEM constraints the case a lot.

Well what I envision is not a pre-battle screen after pressing the turn button that would somehow be out of synch with PBEM, but when hovering your mouse curser over the enemy stacks, depending on the recon values etc, you would see either a full setup of how their battle line is or partially see it with hidden values. Thats what i mean by a pre-battle screen, just anothe extra screen you see when u hover ur mouse cursor over the enemy stacks, or another ledger button, just some extra screen in the usualy turn stage we all know and love.

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Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:04 am

i liked the combat/battle system in ageods ww1 game, i played a matrix game set in the early roman period called 'hannibal in carthage' which seemed to use a very similar system, i think they may of been designed by the same person?
anyway, it was too much for the ww1 game, took too long to get through all the battles occuring each turn, but with a game like PON or AJE it could be quite a cool way of adding player input into the game during battle resolution?

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Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:23 am

squidelica wrote:anyway, it was too much for the ww1 game, took too long to get through all the battles occuring each turn, but with a game like PON or AJE it could be quite a cool way of adding player input into the game during battle resolution?

Obviously, a Spartan/Dominions 3 style battle resolution would only be tenable on pre-modern games prior to WW1. It would be perfect for AJE though. Again, I envision being able to give your formations high-level commands prior to battle and then watching the results in a 1-3 minute tactical video. Of course you could always have the option to just resolve without going to the tactical display; especially useful in battles that you know are obvious victories or defeats.

Again, I thought this system worked great in Dominions. The battles were entertaining, and it's easier to see what worked and what didn't when you have it visually realized than when having to read stats in an after battle report.

BTW, I saw a similar system used in the space 4X game Endless Space, and it was a great example of how not to do it.
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