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Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:36 am

Schwarzer Herzog wrote:Estoy igual que tú, con la cantidad de modificaciones que hay, empezaré una partida nueva, dicen que reinstalando el juego original desde cero y luego cargando el 1.02 va a ir más rápido.
Lo estoy haciendo, a ver si lo noto.

Recuerdo que las últimas campañas que estaba haciendo con los USA y con Rusia, el juego era realmente divertido, parche oscar, creo.

¿En serio?
- Confederate

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Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:27 am

Confederate wrote:¿En serio?

Sí, en ambos estados fui construyendo líneas de ferrocarril, en el caso de los USA se trata de ir avanzando hacia el oeste (y el sur) para comunicar territorios y facilitar el paso de tropas y mercancias, en el caso de Rusia, los primeros años se trata de ir creando industrias y minería y conectarla por ferrocarril a la línea St.Petersburgo-Moscu, es especialmente importante la zona carbonífera de la Ucrania oriental, con el tiempo también vas haciendo la línea que va al este, que es un proceso muy muy lento.

Para materiales y comercio son fáciles de llevar, en Rusia al principio has de hacer algunos cambios en las flotas mercantes y arreglar algunos déficits, pero si has llevado Piemonte, lo de Rusia es fácil. A los USA les sobra de todo, es como una Prusia en gigante.

En el tema bélico, Rusia tiene de inicio rebeliones en el Cáucaso y puedes hacerle la guerra al estado pequeño que hay sobre Persia, la guerra con los turcos es inevitable, si no la declaras pierdes puntos y no interesa. Los USA tienen sus historias con los indios, que si pierden una batalla huyen a otro territorio y se trata de irlos cercando, la guerras con Hawaii y Samoa también son provechosas, pero hay que prepararlas bien.

En la colonización tanto con uno como con el otro tienes mucho que hacer aunque no sea en África, para Rusia es importante el litoral del Extremo Oriente y su conexión con la zona europea, y para los USA el Oeste y el Pacífico.

Un inconveniente, pues el tiempo entre turno y turno, que aunque había mejorado no deja de ser largo, tengo que probar con el nuevo parche una vez instalado todo de nuevo, pero no me hago ilusiones.

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Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:46 pm

Soy un purista sobretodo con los hilos de AAR, así que he cogido un trozo de post del hilo del AAR de Beuckelssen y lo respondo aquí :D
picaron wrote: Espero que la rapidez en el turno se note con el nuevo parche, espero vuestras noticias :w00t:

Ya sé que depende del ordenador y de la fase del juego, del país, pero no paso nunca de 2:45, creo recordar que estábamos en 6 o 7 minutos ¿no?
Advierto que lo desinstalé todo y volví a cargar el 1.01, el de junio, y le añadí el 1.02 de noviembre.

Jeje ahora es cuando después de dos o tres turnos se te cuelga el ordenador o te encuentras con un bug que te deja tonto :neener:

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Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:50 pm

Schwarzer Herzog wrote:Sí, en ambos estados fui construyendo líneas de ferrocarril, en el caso de los USA se trata de ir avanzando hacia el oeste (y el sur) para comunicar territorios y facilitar el paso de tropas y mercancias, en el caso de Rusia, los primeros años se trata de ir creando industrias y minería y conectarla por ferrocarril a la línea St.Petersburgo-Moscu, es especialmente importante la zona carbonífera de la Ucrania oriental, con el tiempo también vas haciendo la línea que va al este, que es un proceso muy muy lento.

Para materiales y comercio son fáciles de llevar, en Rusia al principio has de hacer algunos cambios en las flotas mercantes y arreglar algunos déficits, pero si has llevado Piemonte, lo de Rusia es fácil. A los USA les sobra de todo, es como una Prusia en gigante.

En el tema bélico, Rusia tiene de inicio rebeliones en el Cáucaso y puedes hacerle la guerra al estado pequeño que hay sobre Persia, la guerra con los turcos es inevitable, si no la declaras pierdes puntos y no interesa. Los USA tienen sus historias con los indios, que si pierden una batalla huyen a otro territorio y se trata de irlos cercando, la guerras con Hawaii y Samoa también son provechosas, pero hay que prepararlas bien.

En la colonización tanto con uno como con el otro tienes mucho que hacer aunque no sea en África, para Rusia es importante el litoral del Extremo Oriente y su conexión con la zona europea, y para los USA el Oeste y el Pacífico.

Un inconveniente, pues el tiempo entre turno y turno, que aunque había mejorado no deja de ser largo, tengo que probar con el nuevo parche una vez instalado todo de nuevo, pero no me hago ilusiones.

Suerte interesante, bueno!
- Confederate

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Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:59 pm

Hay alguna noticia sobre un parche oficial? Estoy empezando a jugar con Bélgica por ir haciendo algo e ir aprendiendo del manejo de este "monstruo" :)

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Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:02 pm

packito wrote:Hay alguna noticia sobre un parche oficial? Estoy empezando a jugar con Bélgica por ir haciendo algo e ir aprendiendo del manejo de este "monstruo" :)

el 1.02 es oficial :)

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Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:31 pm

Schwarzer Herzog wrote:el 1.02 es oficial :)

Muchas gracias, voy a por él

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Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:54 am

Tengo problemas para ejecutar el parche 1.02 !!! A alguien más le ha pasado??

Lo descargo de la página de Paradox (de dos enlaces diferentes que puso Pocus) y nada, en los dos me da error. Si lo abro con winrar no me deja ni descomprimirlo. Si lo hago con winzip me lo descomprime pero al ejecutarlo me dice que está corrupto :blink:

Alguna ayuda por favor? :confused:

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Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:13 am

No he visto que alguien haya tenido problemas para instalar el parche, intenta desinstalar el juego y luego instala el parche. el enlace de paradox a mí me funciona.

Ya nos contarás que tal te va.

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Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:04 am

Descomprímelo con winrar. Así a mí no me da problemas.

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Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:13 am

Ok. Pruebo. Lo que he he,cho es bajarme el de 164 mb. Todas las veces anteriores solo me ocupaba 84mb. No se si me estaría bajando el correcto.

Mañana pruebo y os cuento! :thumbsup:

Gracias compañeros :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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PON quickfix 1.02d - May 14

Mon May 14, 2012 9:13 pm

Nuevo parche

PON quickfix 1.02d - May 14

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El contenido:

As this is a quickfix, this is not a comprehensive patch. You need to install patch 1.02 before. If you bought DLC, the correct order is:

a) Base game
b) all DLCs
c) patch 1.02
d) quickfix


Revised upkeep costs for units, all is WAD. Ships cost a lot on purpose (historical).
Revised when AI are dormants, fixing a bug preventing minor nations (even if controlled by players) from being able to pathfind correctly (hopefully!)
Reserve units (tag with *Mobilize* at the unit level) when disbanded (happens if the nation is at peace and not under threat) will now return their value in conscripts and officers into the pool.
If you have a negative number of colonial decisions, they are still shown in the interface: fixed.
Structures get the transport efficiency of their owner, not the owner of the region: fixed
More precision about who fights who in the battle log.
Factions created after game start have Terra Incognita everywhere: fixed once a turn is processed.

Notes, regarding requests we had:
a) Loyalty creep problem: not corrected yet
b) factions created after game start have Terra Incognita everywhere. This can be fixed by adding the proper command when they are created by script. If this is forgotten, the code auto synch all TI after a few turns, regularly, during hosting. Just be patient.You also get a command in the console to fix these issues.
c) request to reduce log details to speed up game. This is already handled by the Logbatch variable that buffers when the log is written on disk. Set it to 100 if you encounter write speed problems.


fixed: Patrol move (going back and forth to origin region) now works again.
fixed: a script engine error preventing a Russia event from converting serviles to peasants.



Non formed nations (formed = control at least one region) excluded from tariff relationships changes.

New ways of getting CBs (duration 6>24 turns) . Must be a formed nation.
In regions with overwhelming odds (at least 5 to 1), you can get a few MC % against your enemy.



A bug preventing mutual entries to work in the diplomacy engine.
A bug preventing Defensive treaty from giving a CB against agressor as it should be.
Sometime no peace terms would appear when asking for peace (was tied to the existence of vassals)

New ways of getting CBs.
Regions without controller will be given to whoever has the most unit, if no one to the Rebels.


Diplomacy interface improved for existing treaties.

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PON/VGN 1.03 First Release Candidate

Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:26 am

Fecha: 11 de julio de 2012

El enlace

Lo que contiene

Before checking if the fixes listed below are correctly fixed, please take a moment to verify that nothing working is broken by this patch

Thank you to all who want to beta test this release candidate.


Engine & AI
* You now get the history (past 12 turns) of the transactions of each merchandise, in the F4 window, when moving the mouse over the commerce & transactions band of icons.
* You can’t use Mobilize agenda in crisis if you are at war with anybody
* You can’t use Mobilize or Ultimatum agenda if under a peace treaty with other nation (as this would lead you to a war while under peace treaty)
* Ultimatum dominancy value reduced from 175 to 150. Partial mobilization dominancy value reduced from 350 to 300. Crisis control changed from -10 to -15.
* Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule).
* If too many breaches accumulated, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
* Rebels faction will now assault when possible.
* In siege, the besieger will spend a quarter of his battle usage of ammos per turn of siege (plan to have supply trains on the long run), and will suffer -50% to his siege value if he can’t afford that. For the besieged, the spending will be 15% per turn, with a -35% siege value if there is a lack of ammos.
* Fixed bug of a leader removed from his parent unit, corrupting the unit he is in.
* Regional decisions can’t be played anymore in region that are yet to be unlocked by the scenario
* fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege to happen, even if siege indicator was correctly shown
* A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better
* Revised upkeep costs for units, all is WAD. Ships cost a lot on purpose (historical).
* Revised when AI are dormants, fixing a bug preventing minor nations (even if controlled by players) from being able to pathfind correctly (hopefully!)
* Reserve units (tag with *Mobilize* at the unit level) when disbanded (happens if the nation is at peace and not under threat) will now return their value in conscripts and officers into the pool.
* If you have a negative number of colonial decisions, they are still shown in the interface: fixed.
* Structures get the transport efficiency of their owner, not the owner of the region: fixed
* More precision about who fights who in the battle log.
* Factions created after game start have Terra Incognita everywhere: fixed once a turn is processed.

Data or Events oriented changes
* Fixed sugar cane and sugar beet sync problem (sugar3 structures were activated before sugar2 and create an update problem).
* Moved Niger colonial capital to the proper colonial area (it was present in Mali)
* Added some force pool changes to some late game units to increase their capacity later in the game.

nb on the new tooltip about transactions and the added checks on crisis agenda: we will try to improve that further...

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:16 am

Por desgracia, de España nada de nada. Qué decepción.

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Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:02 pm

Laruku wrote:Por desgracia, de España nada de nada. Qué decepción.

Además, esto no concuerda con la declaración de FT de añadir un par de países jugables nuevos en cada parche oficial.

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Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:01 pm

Laruku wrote:Por desgracia, de España nada de nada. Qué decepción.

He planteado esto en el foro "hereje" y me han aclarado que este no es un parche oficial. Pero después ha intervenido Pocus y, entre otras cosas ha dejado escrito esto: "I believe that PhilT will render Spain a playable nation in the next official patch."

Tenderemos que contentarnos con el estupendo Mod de Laruku, y esperar un poco más.

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PON official patch 1.03

Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:32 am

Fecha: 1 de agosto de 2012

PON official patch 1.03

El enlace

Lo que contiene

* AI will calculate less extensively a few things in some theaters of operations distant from the player (increasing its speed slightly).
* AI will cache more paths calculation, speeding it up moderately.

* Units changed to ensure proper regional recruitment for subnationality forces (e.g., Russia, Commonwealth) - full compatibility with previous DB and saves.
* Reserve units (tag with *Mobilize* at the unit level) built normally by the player and disbanded when the nation is at peace and not under threat (no strong nation with poor relationships toward you) will now return their value in conscripts and officers originally paid into the pool.

* Revised upkeep costs for units, all is WAD. Ships cost a lot on purpose (historical).

* New code that detects better possible replacements used by units (should solve all GIN/IND cases).

* Revised when AI are dormant, fixing a bug preventing minor nations (even if controlled by players) from being able to pathfind correctly (hopefully!)
* You can now disembark troops from a fleet trapped in ice to an adjoining land region you have the right to enter.

* Land bombardment against offshore ships toned down. Naval bombardment effect increased.

Combat Report:
* More precision about who fights whom in the battle log.

* Besieged forces will now take attrition hits every turn, in proportion of their number and how the siege roll went (anti over-crowding rule). Check the tooltip in the stack window (encircle icon) for information about over-crowding.
* If too many breaches accumulate, then a surrender roll is always possible (whatever the presence of a depot, super elite troops, etc.)
* Rebels faction will now assault when possible.
* In siege, the besieger will spend a quarter of his battle usage of ammo per turn of siege (plan to have supply trains for a long siege), and will suffer -50% to his siege value if he can’t afford that. For the besieged, the spending will be 15% per turn, with a -35% siege value if there is a lack of ammo.
* A too low cohesion can make a stack call off an assault; aggressive leaders will have a tendency to force the troops though.
* Fixed a bug where a lone sneaky leader could prevent a siege actually commencing, even if a siege indicator was shown.

* If an attack is called off without routing (aka AutoRetreat), the attacking forces will revert to defensive posture but won’t retreat into another region.
* A retreating army can now split static units (abandon them) to escape better.

MTB Warfare:
* Exported and modified 6 variables for ‘Maritime Trade Box’ warfare (a bit more damage against merchant ships).


Loyalty Bug:
* Creeping loyalty bug most probable cause fixed.
* Depending on the National Identity attribute, some loyalties in each country will be attrited away and given to owner. If you have suffered from the loyalty bug, you can bring up the console and type 'CleanupLoyalty’. On next turn processing, odd loyalties will start to be removed as described above but 100 times faster. In MP, only the Host needs to use this command.

* All structures previously had to pay upkeep before production. Structures upkeep and production are now ‘intermixed’. This will make it easier for players and AI to run their economies and avoid unintended structure shutdowns.
* You now get the history (past 12 turns) of the transactions in each merchandise, in the F4 window when moving the mouse over the commerce & transactions band of icons. May improve further.
* Added a craftsmen production increase to many existing Techs that multiply craftsmen production over the course of the game. These increases depend on the resource availability and internal production (more resource availability = less craftsmen production). The purpose of this is to help maintain economies over time, especially minor nations.
* When a businessman emergence event triggers, you’ll also get some precious merchandise in ‘exchange’ of the capital spent - message in the message log.

* Fixed structures to get the transport efficiency of their owner, not the owner of the region.
* Fixed sugar cane and sugar beet sync problem (sugar3 structures were activated before sugar2 and created an update problem).

Foreign Investment:
* Structures built in foreign lands cost more in capital funds (+100%, modified by a faction modifier named 'ForeignInvestMod'). Depending the nature of the host country (i.e closed trade, etc.) this modifier will be different. Host country is the one possessing the city if any (it can be a tribal).
* Foreign investments in your country now yield extra taxes (based on production value and your corporate tax rate). If taxation is too heavy, foreign businessmen can protest (lowering your relationship slightly) – this shows as a message just before the national market sales summary.
* Experimental & Major change: you can now place railways in foreign regions. The host country will end up owning the railway (and bear associated costs).

*Greatly increased chance for tariffs to hurt relations with other factions (based on tariff level). The chance is only based on amount of money taxed by tariffs.

* Regional decisions now can’t be played in a region yet to be unlocked by the scenario.

* Colonial decisions ‘Gunboat Diplomacy’ and ‘Naval Demonstration’ have been significantly toned down in the CP they can give (their advantage is to be effective in one turn), plus they can now trigger a revolt in 10% of the cases. Don’t spam them!
* All Colonial decisions had their money/capital cost upped by 50%.
* Decisions that change the status of a colonial area will broadcast a message to the world each turn they are running (so that players can play a contest stake more easily).

* New diplomatic item: Degrade Relationship. By applying various diplomatic pressures (legitimate or not) you can slightly degrade the relationship with the country of your choice.
* Fixed issue with others’ nations scores not appearing in Objective window.
* Lending support to another nation now always gives a 6 turns CB against aggressor against supported nation. This CB don't cost prestige anymore if you declare war (to help your protégé)
* Reworked the wording of some diplomacy items.
* All CBs between two nations are deleted when they go to war.
* Cost or gain of prestige from treaties/diplomatic entries is obtained only if the diplomatic entry deprecates naturally (example temporary CB aborted by war don’t cost prestige anymore).
* Duration listed in the tooltip, diplomatic window, is now the number of turns remaining.
* An interface bug in the Diplomatic window prevented the cancel of some entries.

* Defensive treaty prevents the use of any crisis agenda that can declare war or mobilize against the other country.
* You can’t use Mobilize agenda in crisis if you are at war with anybody
* You can’t use Mobilize or Ultimatum agenda if under a peace treaty with other nation (as this would lead you to a war while under peace treaty)
* Ultimatum dominancy value reduced from 175 to 150.
* Partial mobilization dominancy value reduced from 350 to 300. Crisis control changed from -10 to -15.
* Contest Stake regional decision has been reworked and should trigger much more reliably. Remember though that its aim is to trigger a crisis, with the stake being the colonial area in contest, and that no crisis can ever happen between countries with 25+ relationship.

MAP CHANGES: [applicable to ongoing games]
* Moved Niger colonial capital to the proper colonial area (it was present in Mali)
* Added a MTB connection for East Persia and North Balkans.

* Added some force pool changes to some late game units to increase their capacity later in the game.
* Fixed bug of a leader removed from his parent unit, corrupting the unit he is in.
* Fixed China (and other minor nations) problem of not being able to use their Junks ships because of early updates that made obsolete the unit too early in the game. Can't be applied to ongoing games, if the tech already triggered.
* Leaders killed in battles while embedded in an unit (corps commander e.g.) won’t cause recombination problems anymore.

* Models changed to include new Spanish army pictures (thanks to Xesco) - full compatibility with previous DB and saves
* GIN troops under GBR command reviewed and should get replacements as others troops now. [applicable to ongoing games]

* Events files fixed for syntax errors or wrong region selection processes which led to absence of effects (12 files - thanks to Bohémond for doublechecking).

* Fixed an interface bug in the Diplomacy window that duplicated costs in tooltips.
* Fixed regression bug leading to 0 upkeep. No more happy hour!
* Negative numbers of colonial decisions are no longer shown in the interface:
* Factions created after game start have Terra Incognita everywhere: fixed once a turn is processed.
* Fixed oil1 and oil2 structures sync problem (oil2 could appear BEFORE oil1).
* Upgraded REB faction to Unstable for gameplay reasons.
* Removed the merElectrical requirement for Shipyard2 Structure (was required way too early).
* Added the RI_Electrification requirement to all techs that activate structures that require merElectricals to operate to avoid the early need of merElectricals when actually you do not produce that resource (and most probably other nations do not either).

Un nuevo manual

Los dibujos de Xesco se incorporan al juego, ¡¡¡¡Enhorabuena!!! :thumbsup:

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:35 pm

Vamos a probarlo, felicidades Xesco :thumbsup:

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PON 1.03b quickfix

Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:43 pm

Fecha: 24 de octubre de 2012

PON 1.03b quickfix

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Lo que contiene

Dear players,

Here is a quickfix patch to Pride of Nations 1.03. Being a quickfix, you need to have 1.03 installed before installing this 1.03a, as this is not an all inclusive patch since PON 1.00.

We will do our best to fix and enhance the game, little by little every month (or even every fortnight, if a new problem arise).


-Fixed wrong parameters for Education modifiers on the tech tree.
-Added new modifiers on the tech tree based on more faction attributes.
-Fixed problem with german multinational abilities that were not working properly.
-Changed Move Ratio for Coastal Artillery Battalion, Fortress Artillery Regiment & Fortress Batteries to allow a slow movement of these units (before it was forbidden).
- Some minor nations will initially be unorganized (and will switch to minor later), so that craftmen production gears up only progressively.


fixed bug where defender would not lose a battle if in CS defender present
Canal rights should now work in all cases now

version 1.03a is deprecated

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

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1.03d quickfix for Pride of Nations, Vainglory of Empires

Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:43 am

Fecha: 16 de diciembre de 2012

1.03d quickfix for Pride of Nations, Vainglory of Empires

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Lo que contiene


Here is a new quickfix. Quickfix means it is not all inclusive, so you need to have installed version 1.03 before. Ongoing games are compatible with the quickfix.

Gameplay change
If a colonial region is of same ethnic as your main ethnic, has 100% loyalty and 95% or more colonial penetration, then it will switch to 'non colonial status'. This status will itself transform to national status if the region can link to your capital by land, otherwise it will stay in 'non national, non colonial status'

You can now lose several points a turn if your national morale is above 100. Chances depend of how high you are compared to the baseline of 100.The cap is 10 points a turn.

A unit can now replace more than one element of same family per turn, if the nation owning it have the proper faction modifier. Before, the modifier worked only for different families.

Region decision test NeedThisStrucAttribAny was testing only against your own attributes, not the ones of any nation/faction in the region.

Several files had some errors fixed thanks to Lafrite excellent tool (which is available to anybody asking for it). These files are:1880 VGN Natives Raids.sct, SPA 1880 Events.sct, VGN Natives Raids.sct, ITA Events.sct, SPA Events.sct

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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