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Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:02 pm

Well, on the Republican side, you could have some 'fantasy' events working with a Foreign Entry level, like in ACW, where the French and British could intervene more or less directly (politically and historically very little plausibility, but it could be a nice "what-if")

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Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:15 pm

It would be great to simulate the faction battles (=POUM for instance) inside the Republican side via events. Making them AI controllable for some time would be too much work, but locking them for a few turns will do the trick.
Also don't forget about REAL foreign volunteers on both sides i.e. Irish and Portuguese Catholics on Nationalist side and US/European communists for the Republican side.
This will be great stuff for sure :coeurs:
Just two sides would do it. But with sub-factions and some "tricks" :neener:

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Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:19 pm

PhilThib wrote:Well, on the Republican side, you could have some 'fantasy' events working with a Foreign Entry level, like in ACW, where the French and British could intervene more or less directly (politically and historically very little plausibility, but it could be a nice "what-if")

Well my idea is not about intervention of the French or the British but to employ some EP's in order to gain some level of relationship and buy some armament, basically French and Soviet, as it was. And in the Nationalist side the same but with the italians and Germans. The thing is ''you have to do something if you want something" no letting it just as events. In this way ie the Republicans could have the Russians tanks not in Nov36, it could be latter or earlier.
I really dont like much the 'fantasy' just in the movies. ;)

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Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:28 pm

I agree 100% with your analysis... so your goal will be to make sure the setup produces enough EP for this. Unless I am mistaken, the Italians sent land troops in large quantity, and the Germans the infamous Legion this should be a little more than "buy stuff with EP"...that's where events can be useful...

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Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:14 pm

Thats right, the italians sent several units, even divisions like the Littorio and 23th of March. And replacements for them. This units will be part of a sub-faction with their own replacements (via event once italian help is trigger). The germans sent material, tanks and artillery and some hundreds of aircrafts. Also the italians send hundreds of aircrafts and their small tank fiat Ansaldo.
As you say i have to study carefully the amount of initial EP and its turn production for each side, this will be the key to make interesting the game.

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Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:08 pm

Like my cry to have a huge what-if without the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in RUS, a what-if real anarchist Spain (i.e. a powerless government without 'anarchists', a guerilla war instead of bolchevik military, etc) would be a hard work.

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Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:18 am

Yesterday i achieve to create Euskadi as Subfaction, so they will be republicans but with their own army, replacements, leaders etc...
In the image you can see how i CAN move both stacks, fantastic! :w00t: Also i have tested replacements and works fine.

Sorry Eriss but all the efforts will be in the historic line. Maybe in the future ;)

EDIT: Phillipe, if i create an Axix faction i have to define for it a capital necessary if im not wrong. So i will be forced to create a Berlin region?

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Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:16 am

Leibstandarte wrote:EDIT: Phillipe, if i create an Axix faction i have to define for it a capital necessary if im not wrong. So i will be forced to create a Berlin region?

That's where the Off Map Boxes comes in handy... if you remember old boardgames like SPI "Spies" or even ADG "Days of Decisions" they had boxes showing the home nation of the major powers with their big could do something similar, like a rectangle name "Axis Powers", showing both the Italian and Nazi flag...which will be an offmap box of one (or two) region(s)...then you add a city in it (e.g. Berlin if one region, Berlin & Rome if two), etc..etc..

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Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:10 pm

Then a new Region Axis will be added. France have its own region(very big) and UK will work as subfation of France with Gibraltar as its Capital.
and Portugal will be the last Faction with no influence on the game.

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Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:24 pm

I present you the very first defenders of Madrid.

Im defining new units for the Republican Army, at the moment 4 different kind of Columna unit, one is only formed with militias, 4 Bataillons, other have Milicianos, Guardia Civil, Sailors and Infantry(the remains of the previous Republican army), other militia and Carabineros/Guardia de Asalto. Each Bataillon will have around 400 men. The idea is that this units will suffer a transformation into Brigadas Mixtas beginning October/November.

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Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:16 am

Carnium wrote:Also don't forget about REAL foreign volunteers on both sides i.e. Irish and Portuguese Catholics on Nationalist side and US/European communists for the Republican side.

The easy way for this is to give a special name for this bataillons in the case of the Catholics. For the Republicans will be a subfaction, The International Brigades. Its not clear how much portuguese took part so i will give them 2 or 3 bataillons "Viriatos I, II and III" but in this way they wouldnt have different Portrait.

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Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:41 pm

Last days i`ve been working on the initial deployment, writing directly in the script, so im not preparing the excel but should, bad thing for me.
For now there are around 50 percent of the initials unit, may be more.
Still have to add Galicia troops, Asturian units in both sides, Castilla units, Catalan units, naval, more aircrafts....
but take a look, its getting shape.

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Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:05 pm

Leibstandarte I am in awe! Only just stumbled across this (apparently I should pay more attention to the mods forum) and what you have created as a one-man-show in such a fairly short space of time is just fantastic! I really really hope that you get to finish this, as such an awesome start surely deserves a happy end, and playing the SCW on an Ageod engine would be a dream come true. I wish you all the best, and once again, exceptional work!

And thanks also to the various supporters, esp the developers taking time to help out! Your level of support really makes Ageod stand apart.

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Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:19 pm

Really thanks for your support deguerra¡ this gives me force to continue this hard task.
Im beggining to have fun while testing it, and can imagine it like the game i want to make. But there is work for months.

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Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:51 pm

Initial deployment in Catalonia almost finished.
Its difficult to now exactly the number of troops and its strengh but this is what i think will work well in the game, testing will say.
This troops have to march over Teruel ,Huesca and Zaragoza. No leadersfor the moment, Durruti will be added ;)

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Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:46 am

Adding events.

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Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:09 pm

The creation of the Popular Army
Around October in 1936 the Republican Government created the Popular Army, it was based in the unit Mixed Brigade. A Mixed Brigade had around 3 or 4 Bataillons.
To reflect this, we have the oportunity via a option to buy some conversions, and some militia models will be converted (randomly) into regular infantry model. When in a unit we have enough infantry models the unit will be also converted into a Mixed Brigade. The unic thing i still dont know hot to do if it can be done is to change the unit name into a Mixed Brigade name.
Here you have the images, i have forced to occur into the first turns of the game just to test it works.
First step, the unit is a Republican columna formed of 4 models of workers(militia) see modbetascreen38 upper part,
then one of the workers models is converted in august, see modbetascreen38 bottom part.
In this way the others 3 are converted and so the unit, see modbetascreen39. It just the same way as in AACW. :thumbsup:

And in a few months the Republican player will have a complete regular army, as it was historically.

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Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:57 pm

Added some ships.
Republicans ships in the strait.

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Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:40 pm

working hard in the units and models, atm there are 76 models and 62 units, much work still waiting, unist and models for the Legion Condor, most of the Leaders, some nationalist units...

two screens of the list of forces of both sides.



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Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:25 pm

Time for the railway network.
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Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:43 am

This week working on the Excel Files, so no visual progress.

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Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:03 am

Looking very good Leibstandarte (even where it is not visible :P).

Have you done any turns with the AI yet? How is it handling things?

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Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:11 am

Yes, a few turns, with the AI as republicans mainly. It is agressive against Segovia, Vitoria and Cordoba. But i havent tunned anything yet about IA so it is not very relevant how it is doing. But the game runs unde RUS engine so it should be similar.

thanks deguerra ;)

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:13 pm

something visible ;) boxes added to the Axis and Urss.

It would permit to appear them as factions in the game, not with forces but with diplomacy and reinforcements for both Nationalist and Republicans.

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:06 pm

Tengo curiosidad por saber como vas a resolver el 18 de julio, cosas como el transporte aéreo y naval de Africa, con la flota de la república al acecho, la toma de Sevilla, Oviedo, etc... es la asignatura pendiente de todos los juegos que he visto sobre la Guerra Civil.

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:43 pm

Pues me temo que va a seguir siendo la asignatura pendiente porque yo parto de la situacion con las ciudades en manos de los que las ganaron, no voy a poner combates en Sevilla, Barcelona, Madrid etc... porque si lo hago, teniendo turnos de una semana el nacional por ponerte un ejemplo tendria que dedicar la primera semana a luchar en Sevilla, y en realidad la domino en poco mas de un dia y el resto los dedico a moverse rapidamente por las cercanias, y reforzar Cordoba que estaba muy amenazada.
El transporte aereo sera via opciones, eso si, se dara a elegir que unidades quieres pasar, cada una con su opcion.
La flota republicana va a estar representada pero me gustaria hacerlo de manera real, porque era una gran flota sobre el papel pero nada mas.
Oviedo si que pienso que figure con sus unidades asediadas en la ciudad, eso lo permite bien el sistema de AGEOD.

A mi me preocupa mas el tema de la aviacion y el que se formen frentes, no pilas de tropas como en AACW por ejemplo, y eso es delicado de hacer pero espero que posible.

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:32 pm

Leibstandarte wrote:Pues me temo que va a seguir siendo la asignatura pendiente porque yo parto de la situacion con las ciudades en manos de los que las ganaron, no voy a poner combates en Sevilla, Barcelona, Madrid etc... porque si lo hago, teniendo turnos de una semana el nacional por ponerte un ejemplo tendria que dedicar la primera semana a luchar en Sevilla, y en realidad la domino en poco mas de un dia y el resto los dedico a moverse rapidamente por las cercanias, y reforzar Cordoba que estaba muy amenazada.
El transporte aereo sera via opciones, eso si, se dara a elegir que unidades quieres pasar, cada una con su opcion.
La flota republicana va a estar representada pero me gustaria hacerlo de manera real, porque era una gran flota sobre el papel pero nada mas.
Oviedo si que pienso que figure con sus unidades asediadas en la ciudad, eso lo permite bien el sistema de AGEOD.

A mi me preocupa mas el tema de la aviacion y el que se formen frentes, no pilas de tropas como en AACW por ejemplo, y eso es delicado de hacer pero espero que posible.

ponle un "candao" a la flota republicana y inactiva, asi el nacional puede tomar Sevilla, si no no habra partida.
Por cierto que el desarollo de una partida debe ser cerca de la historia, pero en el inicio, yo veo eso del "desembarco" de Africa a Andalucia como un evento obligado, y luego empieza la partida realmente (como una opcion, el bando nacional tiene la iniciativa por ejemplo)
Porque realmente no puede darle al republicano la opcion de destruir las tropas que vienen del Marruecos facilmente si no la partida se termina no ?

[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:52 pm

FENRIS wrote:ponle un "candao" a la flota republicana y inactiva, asi el nacional puede tomar Sevilla, si no no habra partida.
Por cierto que el desarollo de una partida debe ser cerca de la historia, pero en el inicio, yo veo eso del "desembarco" de Africa a Andalucia como un evento obligado, y luego empieza la partida realmente (como una opcion, el bando nacional tiene la iniciativa por ejemplo)
Porque realmente no puede darle al republicano la opcion de destruir las tropas que vienen del Marruecos facilmente si no la partida se termina no ?
Historicamente el mismo dia 18 y el 19 por la mañana se transportaron tropas por mar, unos cientos de hombre pero que fueron decisivos en controlar la zona de Cadiz y el campo de Algeciras.
Ademas de eso por avion se empezo a enviar tropas desde muy pronto, la ayuda alemana e italiana llego bastante rapida.
Asi que es historia, ademas el dia 5 de Agosto se transporto el convoy de la Victoria, que fueron otros pocos cientos de hombres y material.
Con eso se domino no solo Sevilla sino que se llego a Badajoz, se mantuvo Cordoba y se unio con Granada. Eso fue a pesar de la marina Republicana, que bien es cierto que podia haber hecho muchisimo mas pero no fue asi.

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:04 pm

Pues en mi opinion, lo mejor es un "setup" que empieza con las tropas ya la zona de Cadiz y Algeciras, las defensas historicas (es decir nada) y el jugador establece a partir de este punto los movimientos etc...

No se si hubo muchos combates navales en la guerra civil.

[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:12 pm

Pues esa exactamente la idea que tengo FENRIS. Si hubo algunos, se perdieron algunos destructores, el Canarias y submarinos.

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