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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:56 pm
by Ripster8
Comrade Nikel - greetings!

The eastern whites have been very quiet - some gathering of forces along the Volga but nothing threatening. Good for the Reds!

The German and Baltic forces evaporated quickly under the blows of the Red Army! Surprisingly, a baltic army corps appears to be operating in the Donbas area - I have no idea how it got there...

The free peoples of the Baltics are currently organizing independent people's soviets to chart their own course into the new communist/socialist future! Paradise on earth is very close now, comrades! The peasants and workers of Lithuania anxiously await their own liberation from the capitalist exploiters!

Stalin continues to be a thorn in my side...grrr...

I think you are correct - it must be the deadly anarchist 'tachankas' that are slaying the Whites by the bushel in the Donbas. Maybe I need to build some of them for the Red Army!

I am playing with 'standard' attrition, and have had mixed results with winter operations. The Mighty Tuk had no problem moving to and capturing Pskov in winter, but poor Comrade Samoylo's corps was absolutely wrecked moving by train from Riga to Vitebsk - 90% casualties and there was no combat involved! Devastating! In the Donbas there have been no similar disasters and I have avoided moving during 'blizzard' turns. It is definitely hit-and-miss to conduct combat operations in the winter, but the revolution demands sacrifice from all, comrades!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:03 pm
by Ripster8

As the new year dawns a review of the general situation is in order!

Objectives & Victory Points:

RMCGHQ, Moscow:
RMC Moscow.jpg

NFGHQ, Petrograd:


WFGHQ, Smolensk:


Donbas Region:

EFGHQ, Kazan:

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:00 pm
Ripster8 wrote:- it must be the deadly anarchist 'tachankas' that are slaying the Whites by the bushel in the Donbas. Maybe I need to build some of them for the Red Army!

. Trotsky was spitting on the anarchist tactics and strategy, but the Red army studied their mysterious movements and tried to apply them. It was successfull in Poland, what saw french Capitaine De Gaulle (yes later the Général), until Stalin spoiled the orders*, like calling his friend Budyenny to immobilize his cavalry on a siege. Red army succeded in copying the tatchanka tactics but they were not in the Red army doctrine, preventing the freedom of combattants in fear of desertions. So there were some fighting red tatchankas (maybe operated by cheka??), but it was mainly for the propaganda. * Stalin, wanting to keep Ukraine, was not necessary wrong, but his non coordination spoiled the global strategy, the poles rushing in south hole. (and yes, what was critical too was the red secret codes known by the poles..)
. The Whites thought they had nothing to learn from mujiks, so they had some tatchankas but they didn't know (or didn't want?) how to tricky use them efficiently, so ingame they have (almost) none.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:46 pm
by Ripster8
Desertion is the primary cause of losses in the Red Army right now, unfortunately. I am hoping that another year of great victories will bring the deserters back to the glorious Red Banner!

Lenin needs you!.jpg

Comrade Lenin needs you!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:48 pm
by Ripster8
The Joint Planning Committee PLAN OF CAMPAIGN FOR 1920, Moscow, January 1920





Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:03 pm
by Nikel
Yep, definitively eastern whites AI is very passive.

I suppose baltic troops in the Donbas is unhistorical, they had enough in their countries, perhaps andatiep may comment.

Only the polish can save this, or at least save Europe from communist revolution! :dada:

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:02 pm
by Ripster8
MOSCOW, January 7, 1920

Chairman Lenin addresses the Congress of Soviets:

Lenin Speech.jpg

Lenin Speech1.jpg

Lenin Speech2.jpg

Lenin Speech3.jpg

It is said that 'Big Reds don't cry' but the congress was awash in tears as Lenin finished his address. Perhaps the good chairman is growing a bit of a heart after all? Must be this new, kindler, gentler communism/socialism and dare I add anarchism? FYI, as is hopefully obvious, I wrote the speech myself. Don't know that Lenin ever quoted from the Bible...

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:38 pm
by Ripster8
Comrade Nikel, the peace-lovingl people of the RSFSR extend the olive branch of harmonious coexistence to our Polish brothers! Choose the path of peace, and let us remain friends. Choose the path of war, and the righteous fury of the victorious Peasants' and Workers' Red Army will be unleashed upon you. Beware! The Mighty Tuk leads these crack troops and he has never lost a battle!

Mighty Tuk.jpg

"I am convinced that all that is needed in order to achieve what I want is bravery and self-confidence. I certainly have enough self-confidence.... I told myself that I shall either be a general at thirty, or that I shall not be alive by then."

Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Hero of the RSFSR, known affectionately by his troops as 'The Mighty Tuk'.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:09 pm
by Ripster8
MOSCOW, January 1920

telegram RMC JAN20.jpg

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:17 pm
by Nikel
Ripster8 wrote:Comrade Nikel, the peaceful people of the RSFSR extend the olive branch of peaceful coexistence to our Polish brothers! Choose the path of peace, and let us remain friends. Choose the path of war, and the righteous fury of the victorious Peasants' and Workers' Red Army will be unleashed upon you. Beware! The Mighty Tuk leads these crack troops and he has never lost a battle!

"I am convinced that all that is needed in order to achieve what I want is bravery and self-confidence. I certainly have enough self-confidence.... I told myself that I shall either be a general at thirty, or that I shall not be alive by then."

Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Hero of the RSFSR, known affectionately by his troops as 'The Mighty Tuk'.[/CENTER]

Międzymorze is the price of peace! :wacko:

Map of the future.

The attachment miedzymorze1_NN.jpg is no longer available

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:23 pm
by Ripster8
Then it is war, comrade! On to Warsaw!

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:43 pm
by Nikel
Capitalist top secret information from the future, to be destroyed before it passes to soviet hands.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:54 pm
by Ripster8
January, 1920 - Outside of Mariupol, newly liberated Ukraine territories

Out on the picket lines and in the trenches there were no fine speeches, no telegrams, no clean, well-fed deputies singing 'The Internationale'. There were only cold, hungry, dirty and desperately tired young men trying to make the best of a bad situation. Only 18, 19, 20 years old these lads had seen things that would haunt them for the rest of their days. They lived in an almost trance-like state, never enough sleep, never enough to eat, always too cold or too hot or too wet, fleas and lice infesting their filthy, ragged uniforms - it was an intricate and persistent state of slow-motion torture. Many men broke under the strain, leading to suicides, self-inflicted wounds, mental collapse and widespread desertion. And worst of all - the thing that would hurt them the most in the years to come - was that they had seen so much death, had lost so many friends and dear comrades that they could no longer cry. Now when one of their number fell they would just sigh, shake their heads, curse the enemy and dig a shallow grave. Then it was back to trying to stay alive. But a man who can no longer cry is a man who has lost the pathway to his heart, and a man with no connection to his heart is a walking corpse.

But maybe, just maybe these young men would survive this terrible war somehow. Maybe they would return safe home to their families at little farms and villages all over Russia. And maybe they would finally get to marry the pretty blue-eyed girl from the next farm over, and have children and grandchildren and see them grow up in a safe, prosperous and just country. Maybe sitting there at a family party someday in the far future and seeing all the happy faces, hearing the joyous laughter and looking into the still-beautiful blue eyes of a wife of more than 40 years, maybe then the hearts of these dead men would begin to break through the terrible scars of sorrow and loss, back into the sunlight and the fresh, clear air, and these men, these dead men would live again. And an ocean of tears would flow, then, across the wounded land, bringing healing, peace and forgiveness.

Maybe, perhaps, let it be so! But for now, comrades, the dead do walk among us...

Tired Red soldier.jpg

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:18 pm
Ripster8 wrote:Don't know that Lenin ever quoted from the Bible...

What a nice guy lol !!

- a Red Army soldier, harmed by makhnovists:
" When we did not shoot at each other, we were drinking together. We were the same. "
" (After reading the Makhno thanks to his fighters)
Did you ever hear a Bolshevik say 'Thank you all' ?? "


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:22 am
by Ripster8
THE FRONTS, Late February - Early March 1920

Enough weeping and gnashing of teeth - we have a war to win, comrades!

RMCGHQ, Moscow:
RMC March.jpg


The SWFGHQ was activated last month in hopes of preventing command confusion due to the presence of Comrade Stalin at Kharkov. Guess that didn't work out so well...

SFGHQ, Tzaritsyn:


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:09 am
by Ripster8
Late April 1921

Pravda Apr20.jpg

We asked, no begged for peace, but the Poles have chosen war instead. And they shall have their fill of it before the Red Army is through with them!

WFGHQ, Smolensk:

Sorry for the mispelling, Mighty Tuk!.

SFGHQ, Tzartisyn:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:29 am
All these WSU (and Conscripts)! You collect them to build a tank division?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:54 am
Ripster8 wrote:The eastern whites have been very quiet - some gathering of forces along the Volga but nothing threatening. Good for the Reds!

Nikel wrote:Yep, definitively eastern whites AI is very passive.

Beware, Koltchak may be securing a russian government as a contender who could internationaly, and as a whole russian people feeling, be recognised the 'true' Russia. Reds have to collect the maximum victory (the better is to win with the Towns) if they let Eastern Whites growing (instead of going to Moscow). (that's the turteling East strategy I told about pbem, not nice for the other White..) The later you manage the problem, the more Kolchak is able to secure a victory.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:38 am
by Ripster8
Comrade ERISS, greetings! I have a lot of WS and conscripts for two reasons: First, because I am getting 'free' brigades from the new factories far in excess of what I can place under effective leadership. In other words I have too many units already and not enough commanders to lead them in the field. I don't know if I will field leaderless corps/divisions, or what - still thinking. The second and bigger reason is that I need a large reserve to cover the MANY, MANY, MANY 'Waves of Desertion' events that plague the Red Army. They vary in intensity but it is not unusual to need 1500 hits worth of replacements for a single desertion event, and that is with all of my forces having VOKhR units assigned. It is irksome but I am playing the game as designed so I will hold my whining for a late date!

As for Kolchak, well I have two wolves by the throat already. Once I kill them I will turn and slay the third (at least that is my plan!).

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:49 am
by Ripster8
Late May 1920

RMCGHQ, Moscow:
telegram may20.jpg




Tomorrow it is back on the chain gang for a few days, dear readers, so posting will be reduced. Also all the 'desertion' events have me feeling a bit crabby so it is probably best that I lay off for a bit!

Don't Turn Your Backs!.jpg

Don't turn your backs on the Revolution, comrades! The peasants and workers are depending on you!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:05 am
Ripster8 wrote:I have a lot of WS and conscripts for two reasons: First, because I have too many units already and not enough commanders to lead them in the field. The second and bigger reason is that I need a large reserve to cover the 'Waves of Desertion' events, and that is with all of my forces having VOKhR units assigned.

. Sure okay about the Conscripts, but about the WSU too you can't spend them and they are too so needed for replacements of desertions? (just a question)
. You build only VOKhR? not Cheka? If this, I'm okay in your way of playing :)
But, if I understood well, VOKhR is a conceding anhistorical added flavor: IIRC, they were started to be built only in late year 1920, and they took this name only in the 40' years!, before this they were just added (low quality) 'Cheka' with a guard duty only. But ingame they can be used early to simulate (wargames are what-ifs) that we want the relatively 'softer' police instead, and it needs a name ('low Cheka' was not very good: 'low' is not a bolshevik word for their own, and 'Cheka' may not be liked by some players).

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:28 am
by Ripster8
Replacements use more money than WS, so money is the restriction here, money and conscripts. So I am not sure what I could spend the WS on if I need to save money for replacements. But I am open to suggestions...

As for the VOKhR vs. Cheka units. I am a bit confused. They both seem to do the same thing (help prevent desertion and fight partisans) but one is cheaper than the other. So I just buy the cheap one and leave it at that!

I will give you one thing, Comrade ERISS, you are a persistent fellow! Bon soir, mon ami!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:35 am
Ripster8 wrote:for the VOKhR vs. Cheka units. They both seem to do the same thing but one is cheaper than the other.

. Cheka combat units are higher quality and more resilient in combat (1 big unit); even they are told lesser Combat Value than VOKhR, they have actual better skills and wholeness keeping (not losing an half part), they are rather intended for serious duty in a force versus Whites (or Black..), if they can retreat to refill...

. VOKhR is easier destroyed: very slightly more numerous but in 2 small elements (and losing some made you shell from the back a general as reprisal lol ;) roleplay joking, that was not a game feature).
So the VOKhR is rather to garison in the rear, and to fight Greens rather than being against Whites (where VOKhR usually lose at least one element before being able to leave the fight).
but if you play 'gentle', you should endure less Green uprisings than usual.

Yes you must carefully compare both to find this, this is not newby friendly :)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:33 pm
by andatiep
Always a pleasure to read that AAR :) !

Could we have a screenshot of the Objectives & Victory Points panel after the enter of Poland in the war ? What is the new balance of the forces ? What kind of victory is the more reachable, between VP victory or Objective city victory ?

About Baltic troops in Don, i would need the saved files of the game just before it happen to check it.

About your lack of leaders to form divisions with all your brigades, remind you can also use the 2 stars corps leaders of a force to form a division with (remove the Corps command before), and then if you merge them with an other 2 stars corps leader with a lower seniority, it give the "corps command" to the other, even if it is a division. I like to full such "division" with only arty units, like a corps arty reserve. This way you save CP in the force and this unit usually don't need to stop to recover many casualties since arty are support units rarely damaged.

About checka combat unit, they have a special ability in cohesion that make them nice inside a division units. VOKHR is when you don't have enough.

I'm surprise about your desertions problem even with all forces with VOHKR units. But there is always still a little chance to have desertion with it and maybe you didn't had luck. Would need also to have saved files if you want i check.

So go on and tell us how will finish this story :w00t: !


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:33 pm
by Nikel
Historically the Cheka was the soviet state security agency, while the VOKhR were its armed forces, so a section of the Cheka. IMO Cheka combat units and VOKhR looks redundant historically.

They were similar, I suppose, to the SS and the Waffen-SS.

Kolchak in this game, looks to me like the bizantine emperor waiting for the Turks to enter Constantinople. Is there any explanation for the AI passivity andatiep?

Good you have so many desertion events, otherwise the game would be already over :)

Polish troops, at last!

The attachment Polish-soviet_propaganda_poster_1920_Polish.jpg is no longer available

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:48 pm
andatiep wrote:About checka combat unit, they have a special ability in cohesion
that make them nice inside a division units.

Oh yes I had forgot that, in fact that was their first role
(I mean chekists when assembled as a combat unit, not that it was the main role of the Cheka organization):
Pushing from the rear the red soldier to being serious,
it was a Trotsky generalship (that pleased Stalin).
True chekists being psychopaths were feared by the red soldier,
while vokhr were more numerous common sadists sufficient against civilians.
I overstate a little :D

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:08 am
by Ripster8
As per request here is the current Objectives and Scores screen, Early June 1920:
Objectives EJun20.jpg

And regarding the VOKhR vs. Cheka debate. I am aware historically that the Cheka were murderous Red b*stards responsible for tens of thousands of deaths during the civil war. Got it. But the game requires either a Cheka or a VOKhR unit be assigned to all Red forces in order to have a 75% chance of avoiding severe losses during the repeated "Wave of Desertions" event. The only reason I chose VOKhR is that they are slightly cheaper than the Cheka unit ($2 & 10 conscripts for VOKhR; $5 & 7 conscripts Cheka). Early on I am short money and have enough conscripts so I chose VOKhR. I leave them at Corps level only, never assigning them to divisions (maybe I am doing that wrong?) as I do not see them as a combat unit, more like military police. I have never seen one destroyed in combat. (I wonder if I should put them in divisions - is that why I am still suffering heavy losses during desertion events? Hmmm....)

Again, as stated earlier, in order to be able to play as the Reds I have to posture them (at least to myself) as kinder, gentler Bolsheviks, welcoming to their Left/SR and anarchist comrades and working towards a general harmony in a multitude of diverse leftist political positions. We all know that this was very far from the case historically. And I would argue that this hardening of theory and doctrine led directly to the rise of Stalin as internal Bolshevik politics became a game of 'Bolshevik, Bolshevik on the wall, who's the Reddest of them all!' And Stalin won that particular hair-splitting exercise and millions died because of it.

In any event, in Ripster8 land, the Reds are a communist/Left-SR/anarchist alliance that makes political and administrative space for all factions while seeking coordination in military and economic affairs. There are no mass-executions (but the deserters are beginning to p*ss me off...), no torture chambers, no 'Red Terror', no pogroms, etc. And the VOKhR/Cheka are just your helpful military police: "Which way to the front, comrade? Why it's right over their, soldier! Good luck and victory to the workers and peasants!"

But Stalin will die in my little fantasy land, of that you can be sure!

No war tonight. Too tired and still a bit grumpy. Hopefully tomorrow I will be up to smiting the Whites hip and thigh...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:33 am
by Baris
I generally build engineer units a lot and put them in every stack possible so they will be always better entrenched after move. It could be important when playing against White player. For the problem of lacking leaders for reds, in later game it benefits to form quality stacks with tanks, art. Quantity of red concripts itself is useless without a leader. Sometimes even with a leader they are useless also. :cool:

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:55 am
Ripster8 wrote:the current Objectives and Scores screen, Early June 1920

Beware, for the Whites victory, while the Towns are not cumulative, the Victory Points are: total you don't lead, they have far more than you, and they seem to win more VP per turn too. That's what I said: you must not forget or omit to win any VP (while staying in your playstyle of course), or you will regreat it (a red player could have win if he didn't neglect his tools while obsessed by his combat prowess).
But if you soon destroy south Whites and win against Poles, you should be able to go East and win in the very end, doing the reverse than History (first squash east so unable to they win their VPs, however lose poles, but crush south too in the end).

I chose VOKhR. I leave them at Corps level only, never assigning them to divisions (maybe I am doing that wrong?) as I do not see them as a combat unit, more like military police. I have never seen one destroyed in combat. (I wonder if I should put them in divisions - is that why I am still suffering heavy losses during desertion events?)

You're doing right (and in your style) if you simply put at least one vokhr in each stack (not uniquely at Corps upper level); and only the Combat Cheka has the division feature. Or you have no luck, or there's a bug.
I saw 2 MP elements destroyed, they were maybe from 2 different vokhr units so they were not completly destroyed, for now...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:31 am
by Nikel
Ripster8, will you upload some saves, so that andatiep may have a look?