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Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:01 am

The Fronts, Late May 1919


Battle at Narva:

The struggle continues at Valga:

And at Daugavpils:


Another setback at Novocherkassk:

Regroup at Shakhty:

In other news:
- Khoper RAD captures MIKHAILOVKA, the last White foothold north of the Don River.
- KOMDIV Safanov defeats yet another band of terrorists, this time capturing two supply wagons!
- Reports are that large White forces are approaching two Red Partisan camps in Siberia. Well, at least they are not pressing the Volga River Line!

White Prisoners.jpg

White prisoners captured at Daugavpils...old men and boys being forced into combat!
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Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:01 am

THE FRONTS, Early June 1919


Onward, at Valga!

But retreat at Daugavpils!

Situation in the Donbas:

In other events:
- KOMCOR Stuka fails to take NARVA but will continue to assault the city.
- Green partisans have been spotted on the rail line to SEGHEZA.
- KOMDIV Safanov defeats the bandits yet again at TASHKENT.
- Moscow is alive with new recruits and trains pouring new equipment into the city. Oppressors of the people, beware!

Oppressors, beware!.jpg
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Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:29 am

Ripster8 wrote:A fluid situation in the Donbas

Ripster8 wrote:SFGHQ: Situation in the Donbas

Comrade, remember that Taganrog is in South theater, not in Ukraine, so it has mainly to be raided by the makhnovists, or those separatists soon will want to come back to their mom' if you want them to guard it.

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Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:00 pm

Some comments on the leaders that are appearing in the game just in case there is interest:

Bicherakhov, ossetian, and terek cossack commander. The field commander was LF, not his brother GF that is the name that appear in the game, so this is a little glitch. The portrait is right but not good, probably postwar, in the bottom of this page dedicated to him is a more correct portrait for a cossack.

Uborevich was lithuanian, Uborebicius the real not russified name. Was an artillerist and he is not considered so, and was also a good commander, army commander with 23 years, I am not saying he was Napoleon, but probably is underrated.

PI Stuka (Stucka) was an older man and the portrait is wrong, besides he was not a field commander, this must be an error in the game. The commanders of the red latvian army were Vacietis himself and then Slaven, until it was incorporated in the red army proper.

And a question to Ripster8, have you found any german force in the baltic?

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Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:33 pm

To Comrade ERISS, you are so right about the Anarchists. They are firm believers in the statement: "There is no place like home!" The Anarchists at Taganrog had their cohesion completely disappear over night! And so back home they will go! Thank you for reading and commenting!

Comrade Nikel, thank you for the historical detail. It is of great interest to me since the Russian Civil War is not a historical period I know much about. But the greatness of RUS is making me a fan. As to the Germans, as the next installment will show I did indeed find the Germans and it was not a welcome discovery!

Since I do not have to labor in the fields of exploitative capitalism today and because Mrs. Ripster8 is still away visiting family, it should be a good day for war! Onwards, comrades!
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Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:11 pm

Dear Comrades and faithful readers of this AAR! My chores are done, dinner is in the crock pot, I have a beer and cigar close at hand and plenty of Jack Daniels in the pantry - let us to war!
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Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:18 pm

THE FRONTS, Late June 1919

The latest news in Moscow:


Victory but at great cost at Tartu:

Also, Narva falls to the Red Army, and Iskritsky RAC and Liubimov RAC arrive in Polotsk, badly in need of rest.

The Mighty Tuk finds something unsettling:


KFGHQ (This is the Kharkov Front, GHQ, to which the Ukrainian RA units are atttached):


In other news:
- A Red partisan base in Siberia has been overrun by White forces. There were no survivors.
- KOMDIV Safonov defeats the bandits yet again. We have considered reinforcing him (or at least sending another leader to assist his efforts) but he is completely cut off from the RSFSR. Good luck, comrade!

And on a side note, a curious issue has arisen:
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Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:38 pm

The (in)famous first cavalry army. Created by Trotsky, when before the reds considerd cavalry outdated, reactionary and elitist. But was not outdated at all in the mobile russian civil war. Very afective against whites, but not so against polish cavalry that defeated it decisively in Komarov, the last great cavalty battle in history. Then participated in extreme violence against civilians and in progroms. It has a bizarre (even for soviet standars) monument in Lvov:

Here appears Slaven, that should be in Latvia. In the latvian version of the wikipedia there is a portrait of him:ēteris_Slavens

An error of the AI in Novo I should say, but be careful crossing rivers and attacking in Ageod games ;)

Witchery LOL :mdr: , you found an error in the game with Sablin.

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Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:07 pm

Comrade, it is painfully apparent that your knowledge of Socialist Genetics requires improvement. Lenin has written (in the margins of a Burger Borscht fast soup kitchen menu I believe, or maybe it was Kuban Fried Pigeon) that the New Soviet Man is capable of cloning himself for the Party: such is the power of Bolshevism in the Twentieth-Century.

Nevertheless Comrade, your outstanding narrative rolls on in spectacular fashion and the Revolution has been further advanced towards inevitable Victory.


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Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:10 pm

Ripster8 wrote:The latest news in Moscow

Victory but at great cost at Tartu

Comrade Ripster, we mourn Commandant Snesarev, but he was not supposed to send our precious chekists to the front first lines.
This shell was a warning for all commandants who may neglect our most loyal and usefull troops.

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Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:19 am

Comrade Nikel, thanks for the always interesting historical notes. I intend to used the new cavalry brigades as part of the new corps Trotsky is fielding. And if only I had listened to your advice about crossing rivers in the face of a dug-in enemy...ouch!

Dear Comrade Random, thank you for reading and posting! I remember the old days on the field of battle in Germany during TYW fondly. This new war is a lot more work, so many moving pieces, so many enemies! And Lord help us all if the 'new man' that so many have sought through the years is a cloned one! Hopefully I will be long gone before that happens! Although Kuban Fried Pigeon actually sounds pretty good...

And Comrade ERISS, Snesarev's death is a heavy blow even if he was a bit of an idiot as a commander. But command talent is rare among the Reds and must be remedied through mass, I'm afraid. Fortunately, Comrade Lenin decided on full industrialization early in the campaign!

Thanks to all for reading and commenting. The war continues!
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Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:20 am

MOSCOW, Early July 1919

RMC EJul19.jpg

SNK EJul19.jpg
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Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:53 am

The Fronts, Late July 1919

RMCGHQ, Moscow:
New COrps.jpg

NFGHQ, Petrograd:
Tuk and Samoylo.jpg

A new threat!

SFGHQ, Tzartisyn:
Frunze and Egorov.jpg

KFGHQ, Kharkov:

And in a province far, far away:
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Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:34 am

Ripster8 wrote:KFGHQ, Kharkov

Comrade Ripster, you let Dybenko alone in Cherkasy.
Pavel Efimovich Dybenko is a sort of downgraded Stalin. He's an independant mind but ruthless on the enemies of the party.
But too independant and corrupt.
We sent him to be the general of the Ukraine invasion. He commanded makhnovist and Grigoriev armies against Denikin in 1919.
But we had no confidence in him: we supplied Dybenko as reserve with 1 rifle only for 2 men (makhnovists with 1 for 4 and Grigoriev with 1 for 3), and fully supplied the vanguard donetsk bolsheviks against Denikin. Alas in april 19 this vanguard left its guard in a counterattack through a river and were counter-counter-attacked by the side on the river opposed beach by denikian cosaks who then could threathen the front. High command ordered Pavel to plug the hole, but Dybenko disregarded the orders of his superiors, and went south to Krym instead of moving his forces into the eastern Ukraine. The result of this insubordination was that the White army conquered Donbass, and later (August to December 1919) conquered the entire Ukraine. Dybenko invaded Crimea as an independant landlord for few months, but eventually he failed to conquer it and returned to the bolshevik lines.
We were kind to not shot him*, instead we reinstated him but in 1920 he was confirmed bad, so we downgraded him to military student to Moscow.
In 1921, he was given the dirty lead to attack and destroy the freeing soviet of Kronstadt.
So, I warn you about the man you left alone near Kiev, even for garrisoning he's not reliable, but you're lucky he should not bother in your history version here.
*EDIT, many years after: I always wondered why Pavel was not shot (but I nor had search for it), and I see this while watching a russian serie about revolution: Pavel Dybenko had been key for Lenin to take power then secure it, as Pavel (and that's why he was sent to makhno Ukraine) was known being great for tricking using anarchists (despite they dispised bolsheviks and often shot these manipulators) and "bandit fighters" to let them doing the revolution or even dirty job, but in the interest of the Party. So Lenin let him alive as a thank for his past, and as a joker for potential future so service. Pavel had a very rare skill among bolsheviks, who come from bourgeois "social-democracy": more than Trotsky, he was the action side of already unique Lenin theorical genious skill in "revolutionary" opportunism (tricking soviets, hence people and anarchists, in a bolshevik republic). Pavel did was finally shot by the Party, in 1938, but killed by this dirty job he had done on others for Stalin.
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Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:48 am

This AAR continue in a great narrative way !
Good, good :w00t: .

I've some question to our Official Party Historian and Pravda reporter, the comrade Ripster8 :
- Does Lenin and Trotsky are using Requisitions and Conscriptions Regional Decisions, we never heard they did from now. And you should have a great use of it if you want to build a big Red army !
- The previous 1919 campaign plans of Lenin and Trotsky was only to defend the Baltic States borders after cleaning all Russian White troops on our soil in the borders sectors. But it looks like a real invasion of the Baltic states from 3 different axes is happening now. Don't we need this offensive forces in the Ukraine and Don fronts ? If we are not attacking East of the Volga, it should mean that we should attack and crush the Southern Whites before the Eastern White become too strong. So maybe we better need this offensive forces in the Baltic States on the Don front.
- Finally, what is the plan of our great leaders to win by Objective cities ? The Reds should have 20 of it on a list of 24. It means we can avoid to take 4 (indeed probably only 3, since Vladivostok is very hard to take before late 1921). So which 3 Objective cities they discard and which ones they target and when ?

I hope you will be able to found out this informations in the corridors of the Kremlin, comrade Ripster8 !

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Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:40 pm

As for bandits: Frunze captured Bukhara in 1920 seized some gold, valuable items. During the Turkish Indepence War Lenin was asked for help. Bukhara send financial aid to the war but it was partial. Some went to ‘transportation fees’ by Soviets through rail link to first to Astrahan,Kazan then Moscow and then to Turkey. But still valuable help. Even though triggers of some rifles are missing.

I see stacks not pushed to the command limit. Especially in PBEM (like in other AGEOD games) it is important to use max power stacks. Maybe because AI likes to divide a lot of his forces.
Important rail junctions are in Eastern White theater I think. Too much force in North to repair railroad or build depots.

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Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:32 pm

Gentlemen, greetings!

Comrade ERISS, I will keep an eye on this Dybenko fellow. He sounds like a sneaky sort of lad, and I don't need another Stalin right now!

Comrade Andatiep, thank you for your questions. I have not, to this point, used any Regional Decisions, for several reasons. First to save Engagement Points, although now since industrialization is largely complete I do have more EPs available. Second, Suppression RDs causes a loss of national morale and I am trying to keep my NM above 100. Requisition/Conscription RDs cause loss of support and since I am not using Suppression RDs I would not be able to rebuild support for my regime, although I admit my understanding of the how popular support fluctuates is a bit fuzzy. I guess, overall, this is a reflection of my trying to run a 'kinder, gentler' communist/socialist government and to avoid some of the horrors of the actual conflict, even in a digital reproduction of that terrible event.'What profit it a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?' Even in a game there are limits on what a man can do in the name of victory, at least with this man...

Less excusable, perhaps, is my deviance from the 1919 Campaign Plan! The Baltics are turning out not quite as planned, of that there is no doubt. I was pushing further into the area with the goal of perhaps taking Riga and Talinn, since the game is beating me up every turn for not holding them, through loss of national morale. And the persistent and vocal Left/SR part of my government continues to agitate and disrupt the political scene, so I thought perhaps if I took the Baltics it might shut them up without shooting them. Since my early efforts went well I pressed on, but it looks like too far. A rethink in this area is ongoing. And don't even ask me about Novocherkassk! My efforts in the Donbas have been nothing short of disastrous!

As to the 20 cities victory requirement, my planning and operations have been based on the situation on the ground - defending and expanding the RSFSR - and not on specifically achieving the game victory conditions. But since I assume that you all (as the developers of the actual game!) set the victory conditions to reflect a successful defense and expansion of the RSFSR I can and will modify my efforts in this area (and after all it would be nice to actually win!). But my main purpose in playing and in writing this AAR is to enjoy myself, and to provide an interesting and perhaps informative read to those folks kind enough to take the time to read along. And it is an added benefit to the reader to get the comments and suggestions of you, the developers of this fine game.

Comrade Baris, thank you for writing! I have indeed not maxed out the command points available in my Red forces for the reasons stated in the original JPC report. In earlier efforts I tended to make giant 2000-3000 combat power stacks that could destroy anything, but then I wouldn't have enough forces to cover all the geographic areas that needed attention. But, in line with Comrade andatiep's comments, perhaps I am not utilizing the full production capabilities of the RSFSR to field the maximum number of combat units. I will reevaluate my current strategy and make adjustments as necessary and if possible.

Gentlemen, I hope these comments do not come across as too defensive. I very much appreciate you all reading and commenting on my feeble efforts. But at the start of this campaign I made it clear that I am a man of the Right but I am also a man of The Cross. I know it may seem silly to bring those things into a simulation, just a game after all. And there is no doubt that the political and economic situation of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century was badly in need of change. But in my opinion the Bolshevik revolution was a catastrophe for all of humanity, not just the Russians. The only way I can play a simulation of that horrific time is to tell myself that I am an agent of change but in line with my personal values. So I will not 'max out' the game options to squeeze every possible point of money, war supplies and conscripts out of an already wounded and fragile nation. It is silly, I know, to have compassion on my digital citizens in this manner, and to keep in mind the imaginary soldiers toiling away in the mud and the snow, far from home and under daily threat of death. But I am a citizen of country under stress, and I have been a soldier far from home and those things influence and inform not only my game play but my life. I do not have a heart of iron, my friends, and I cannot pretend to even in a game. So, I will do the best I can given the game parameters and in line with my limitations as a human being, of which there are many!

Of course, none of the above is an excuse for sloppy game play or for deviating from a sound original plan! Goodness knows I need all the help I can get, so I will head back to the planning room and see how I can improve my efforts! RUS is an outstanding game with the best AI in any AGEOD game I have played. I am enjoying myself thoroughly in fighting the campaign and in presenting this AAR. Thanks again to all who take the time to read and comment!

After breakfast, the war continues!
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Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:05 pm

Ripster8 wrote:Comrade ERISS, I will keep an eye on this Dybenko fellow. He sounds like a sneaky sort of lad, and I don't need another Stalin right now!

I don't think that he was made special in Gold version. But if there is a Platinum, I hope he will be somehow.

The only way I can play a simulation of that horrific time is to tell myself that I am an agent of change but in line with my personal values. So I will not 'max out' the game options to squeeze every possible point of money, war supplies and conscripts out of an already wounded and fragile nation. It is silly, I know, to have compassion on my digital citizens in this manner, . I do not have a heart of iron, and I cannot pretend to even in a game. So, I will do the best I can given the game parameters and in line with my limitations as a human being, of which there are many!

That's how I play too, and I think it should make the best AAR even if you lose, as you play the complete opposite of an AI.
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:30 am

August 1919

NFGHQ, Petrograd:




WFGHQ, Smolensk:
telegram AUG19.jpg


In other events:
- The capitialist/imperialist conspiracy has lost their taste for the war against the proletariat. It appears their units are being withdrawn.
- Desertions continue to plague the Red Army, necessitating another partial mobilization.
- EFGHQ is reestablished at KAZAN. KOMCOR Kamenev is promoted to command the HQ.
- The White threat from ARCHANGELSK has not moved further south at this time.
- KOMDIV Safonov continues to defeat waves of bandits at TASHKENT.
- MOSCOW and surrounding cities are awash in new troops and new equipment as the strength of the workers and peasants is mobilized for the fight to secure the future of the revolution.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:21 am

Early September 1919

Pravda early sep19.jpg


Egorov's RAC crossed the Donets River to begin the engagement. His force was pinned against the river under withering White artillery fire and suffered heavy losses. But with their focus on the river, the Whites were completely taken by surprise as three RAC's led by KOMCOR Frunze crashed down upon them from the northwest. Egorov's men huddled on the Donets banks heard the sound of Frunze's artillery like a terrible storm gathering in the distance, and then saw the White front lines explode into fire and dust. The fabled battle cry: 'URAH!' erupted from 100,000 avenging soldiers as they fell upon the disordered Whites, driving them with great loss into the city. Egorov's men wept for joy, embracing their comrades and celebrating their deliverance. In this largest battle of the war to date, over 130,000 Reds routed 25,000 Whites and captrured five artillery regiments and four supply wagons. The Reds will now attempt to storm the city before the Whites can send a relieving force.


The Anarchist general Makhno played an important part in the victory at Novocherkassk. By drawing away a large White corps Makhno ensured the victory there even though he suffered a hard-fought defeat.



And yet more factories, comrades!
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:50 am

Late September - Early October 1919

RMC EOct19.jpg

SNK EOct19.jpg

And a most curious battle at Donetsk!


Nestor Makhno, a very intense man it seems...
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:52 am

Ok, my mistake! It was actually 5000 Whites and 5000 of their horses that Makhno dispatched from a distance. Still an amazing feat!
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:04 am

Ripster8 wrote:Donetsk: Makhno suffered a hard-fought defeat.

But the White here suffered an even harder-fought victory, with 40% more losses than the 'loser' (who were 5 vs 11), so by itself it's a Red victory, as Whites have less conscript reserves. Sure it's far better that it permit the true great victory at Novocherkassk.

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Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:18 am

Ripster8 wrote:RMC to SNK

Makhnovists were only feared by the more intelligent Whites. Others (so many) still believed mujiks can't fight well, the proof is that those paesants use treachery tactics and retreat swiftly, the white losses are only luck or it's because Makhno had a german high-staff (Whites had to invent this legend). To the despair of the few conscious white officers, Denikin never took the threat seriously, what doomed the south whites.

Ripster8 wrote:And a most curious battle at Donetsk!

An early suicide battle versus austro-hungarians (allied to germans) resting in Ukraine was told being 1 vs 30!!! (maybe Archinov exagerated a little), it was a tricky raid with fury and point blank machineguns, and makhnovists surprisingly made them prisonners after killing some. It was after this battle that Makhno was called 'batko' (little father) by the mujiks.

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Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:59 am

Thank you, Comrade ERISS, for the interesting historical details. Always a pleasure!
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:01 am

Late October 1919

An unwelcome guest:

And Red Army problems!
No leaders.jpg

The Baltic End-Game:

On to Rostov!
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:50 am

MOSCOW, Early November 1919

Pravda ENov19.jpg

Winter fight.jpg

Closing in on Daugavpils.
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:09 am

Late December 1919


So much for things slowing down in the winter...


Kiev remains dangerously exposed. The Red Army must finish the DONBAS campaign and then get moving into the CRIMEA and WESTERN UKRAINE!


At least things are quiet here!

In other events:
- Three RACs have been moved to the WFGHQ area: Tukhachevsky, Samoylo and Bliumberg. Samoylo's RAC sustained heavy attrition losses as it moved south. Sometimes winter moves go well, sometimes they don't. This one was particularly ugly.
- KOMDIV Safonov is still fighting off the bandit hordes but he is very low on ammunition.
- We have begun to recruit replacements from among White prisoners. If we have to feed them then they might as well earn it! Hopefully by serving alongside politically-minded Red Army soldiers they will adopt a more revolutionary attitude!
- We have begun to 'Care for the People' to demonstrate the communist/socialist government's deep concern for our citizens. And also to gain victory points!
- Two tank factories have come on line and we will begin raising armored forces for employment at the front.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:41 am

Ripster8 wrote:- We have begun to 'Care for the People' to demonstrate the communist/socialist government's deep concern for our citizens. And also to gain victory points!

At least in pbem, doing ALL you can do is essential. You can seem that this 'Care' is a flavor feature (well, I think it was intended like that at first lol), but it is very important for the future. Victory Points are not so important in RusGold, but it may however decide the victor in the end: the Red military victories may be not enough if a White player (mainly the Eastern) use his army in a good protective way where it counts (but the AI may be not as smart). Don't regreat having been neglecting!

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Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:38 pm

This is not going well for the White cause, the red horde is overwhelming :(

What are the eastern whites doing, waiting their turn to be crushed?

And in the baltic? What are the german and nationalist baltics doing? They have fought each other surely.

Baltic peoples welcome read army liberators! Only can be dirty red propaganda, if you repeat a lie enough times... said comrade Lenin.

It seems only Stalin card can stop the revolution :mdr:

Regarding ranged casualties, they are by fire, not only artillery, can also be machine guns, rifles,... Perhaps the famous tachankas? It seems Makhno alliance with the reds is very strong!

Which grade of attrition are you playing with? there is a lot of activity in winter.

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