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Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:19 pm

Nikel wrote:Thinking again on the tsar assassination, perhaps the alternate history of White troops saving his life with the effects of rallying White factions and after the end of the great war facilitating a stronger international intervention in exchange of Democracy is not a bad idea.

Well, you can't expect a final international support and democracy with the Tsar leading the Whites :bonk: ...

Actually, almost nobody did care of the Tsar in late 1918. The February 1917 revolution already make it fall and established a provisional pro-republican governement (which was allied to Western powers in the WWI 1917 year), and which was later replaced by the Bolshevik power with the October 1917 revolution.

Most of the workers and peasants hate the Tsar and the nobility system after centuries of oppression and 4 years of WWI started by the Tsar's imperialist objectives.

Most of the middle class bourgeoisie support a provisional pro-republican governement (like the Komuch faction in the game, which had the possibility to gain international support from other parliamentary western powers if it had survived the summer 1918...).

Only a big part of the professional military high officers of the former army was royalist or for any kind of centralized dictatorship.

So the survival of the Tsar would not help at all to unite the White factions and to get a popular support (or at least less desertions...).

Even the assassination of the tsar in late 1918 had almost no political impact. Except maybe that the royalist military Whites will have difficulties to find a political plan and to agree together to chose a leader and a possible new Tsar, like they tried with Kolchak.

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Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:54 pm

Ripster8 wrote:Comrade Nikel,
Here is the desperate situation in Turkestan:

Safanov and his revolutionary patriots are defending Tashkent valiantly but they are surrounded by insurrectionist Green devils! And as I recall a White force appears from the south and captures the city, but who knows what will happen this time?

I guess Igrash Bey is wearing a hat but he still looks like a very wild fellow! Not to be trusted!

Those green devils are Basmashi rebels, muslims against both reds and whites. Their rebellion started in 1916 and is considered by some as the start of "the russian civil wars", happened when the imperial russian army tried to mobilize muslims for the great war. It would extend in the 30s, when the civil war proper was well over.

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Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:14 pm

andatiep wrote:Well, you can't expect a final international support and democracy with the Tsar leading the Whites :bonk: ...

Actually, almost nobody did care of the Tsar in late 1918. The February 1917 revolution already make it fall and established a provisional pro-republican governement (which was allied to Western powers in the WWI 1917 year), and which was later replaced by the Bolshevik power with the October 1917 revolution.

Most of the workers and peasants hate the Tsar and the nobility system after centuries of oppression and 4 years of WWI started by the Tsar's imperialist objectives.

Most of the middle class bourgeoisie support a provisional pro-republican governement (like the Komuch faction in the game, which had the possibility to gain international support from other parliamentary western powers if it had survived the summer 1918...).

Only a big part of the professional military high officers of the former army was royalist or for any kind of centralized dictatorship.

So the survival of the Tsar would not help at all to unite the White factions and to get a popular support (or at least less desertions...).

Even the assassination of the tsar in late 1918 had almost no political impact. Except maybe that the royalist military Whites will have difficulties to find a political plan and to agree together to chose a leader and a possible new Tsar, like they tried with Kolchak.

Well, it was alternate history, anyway Lenin was very fast ordering the execution when there was a possibility of him being liberated. And not only him, his direct family and other Romanovs elsewhere were eliminated in june and july 1918. Only just in case?

This tsar was very soft and would have accepted a democracy with a ceremonial monarchy, I was not meaning a comeback to the previous autocracy of course.

And well, we are talking after the fact what is very easy, the middle class that wanted a republic enjoyed instead of decades of bolchevism...

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Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:12 pm

Nikel wrote:Lenin was very fast ordering the execution when there was a possibility of him being liberated. And not only him, his direct family and other Romanovs elsewhere were eliminated in june and july 1918. Only just in case?

Yes, like all thousands others people, shot or otherwise. The tsar and his family were not an exception, they were in the normal rule of bolshevism. If they had not be killed, then it would be surprising.

This tsar was very soft and would have accepted a democracy with a ceremonial monarchy, I was not meaning a comeback to the previous autocracy of course.

But he was alone versus his police and army, i.e. versus his Whites, who at best wanted thereafter a 'democracy' were they would reign over the people for the bourgeoisy.

And well, the middle class that wanted a republic enjoyed instead of decades of bolchevism.

Yes, someone that wanted something enjoyed instead decades of bolchevism, even the Whites (without the Whites, the bolsheviks would be almost nothing, like commies would be almost nothing in Spain 36 without the nationalist revolt).
We have to agree that Lenin was a political genius, he won everybody, even his own party.

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:07 am

Late December 1918

Comrade Chairman Lenin arrived at RMC HQ the evening of December 20, 1918. He had not received the RMC's orders implementing the JPC campaign plan for 1919. Trotsky's secretary quickly ushered Lenin into the commissar's office. Trotsky lay hunched over his desk, snoring loudly.

"Comrade Chairman, he has not left his desk for the past seven days," said the secretary in a hushed voice. "I am beginning to fear for his health."

Lenin smiled and nodded. "Let him sleep for another hour, comrade, and then tell him to meet me in my office."

One hour and fifteen minutes later Trotsky appeared in Lenin's office, orders in hand.

"I apologize for my sloppiness at work, Comrade Chairman," Trotsky began.

"Well, you've got to sleep somewhere, Comrade Commissar, and since you refuse to go home I suppose your desk will have to do, although the sofa looked a little more comfortable."

Trotsky smiled weakly, handed Lenin the RMC orders and began to pace nervously, hands behind his back.

"Comrade Chairman, we do not have the forces to implement the JPC plan completely at this time. If our resource and industrial limitations remain unchanged we cannot achieve the force levels they require until next fall at the earliest. I just don't understand how Rypsterakov thinks that we can just instantly produce trained, equipped soldiers under current conditions -"

"-Comrade Commissar, stay calm. Rypsterakov is dealing with a perfect world, where you must live in the real one. Neither of you is at fault. I think your plan is adequate given the reality that we face, if it is vigorously executed. I am most concerned about our supply networks, particularly as our forces move away from the heartland of the RSFSR. This will require careful attention, comrade."

"Of course, Comrade Chairman. I will issue the orders and provide daily updates."

"Thank you, comrade, and after you do that please go home and get some rest. We will need you at full strength for the struggle ahead!"

RMC Orders:
RMC Orders1 LDec18.jpg

RMC Orders2 LDec18.jpg

First Implementation at the Front:

NF LDec18.jpg

RMC LDec18.jpg

And new allies in the Ukraine:
Anarchist ally.jpg
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:16 am

Late December 1918

While headquarters fights the battle of the typewriter back in Moscow, out on the front it's all machine gun and bayonet:

Astrakahn is lost!

But Tashkent is saved.

And a first victory at Kiev.

Finally, more industry!

KOMCORs Tukachevsy, Snesarev and Samoylo are in the process of deploying their corps forward. Border divisions are forming at Polotsk and Smolensk. Reinforcements have almost arrived at Kiev and Ukrainian partisans are crossing the Dniepr River in force. The defenders of the revolution are on the march!

To Arms!.jpg
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:59 am

Early January 1919

Another victory at Kiev, completely securing the city:

But the Whites pounce on our disorganized forces at Polotsk and defeat them:

Of course, this means we are now at war with the nationalist regimes in the Baltic region!

Our new anarchist allies are spreading like winter locusts throughout the Donbas:

And communists/socialists from all over the world flock to the Red Banner, forming regiments of elite troops named after heroes of the revolution:

In other events:
- Kharkov GHQ has been established in Kharkov, under the command of KOMANDARM Antonov-Ovseenko.
- Tukachevsky, Snesarev and Samoylo arrive at their forward staging positions, but there have been some losses due to harsh weather. Armored trains are being deployed forward to these Corps and to the Corps of KOMCOR Egorov near Tzartisyn, in hopes of improving the flow of supplies.
- KOMCORs Iritsky and Liubimov to Smolensk to take command of the disorganized Border Divisions.
- Left/SR members of the governing coalition are strongly agitating to spread the revolutionary conflict to Finland, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Lenin urges caution and, for now, wins the day. But the disagreement is causing paralysis is certain parts of the SNK/RMC.
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:15 am

Late January 1919

KOMCOR Samoylo attacks at Medvezhya Gorya against Green insurrectionists:
Medvezhya Gora.jpg

KOMCOR Tukhachevsky makes a bold thrust at Pskov:

Our forces rally at Polotsk and manage to defeat the exhausted Whites, hopefully giving us enough time to reinforce:

1st Ukrainian RA pursues the defeated separatists south of Kiev:

But KOMCOR Egorov is not in a hurry to cross the Don River in the face of superior White forces:

The anarchist cavalry makes a raid on the White GHQ at Taganrog and are repulsed:
Anarchists repulsed.jpg

In other events:
- Continued discord in the government between the expansionist Left/SRs and the defensive Bolsheviks continues to sap national morale and slows the functioning of government agencies. Lenin is determined to fight one war at a time and the majority of the proletariat agrees with him.
- A large Red partisan force has been raised in Siberia. They will do what they can to raise havoc along White lines of communications.
- Another large band of Green insurrectionists has attacked at Tashkent. KOMDIV Safonov will sally forth to disperse these miscreants with funny hats!
- The front along the Volga River Line remains quiet.
- White forces have not moved south from their base at Archangelsk. This is most fortunate, since most of our available troops have already been committed.
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:28 am

Early February 1919

Samoylo is delayed by the crafty Greens, who cut the rail line to Medvezhya Gora. Since an armored train joined Samoylo's corps enroute it delayed his arrival and caused losses due to harsh weather. Small details overlooked lead to big problems down the road...
Delay at MG.jpg

Petrograd is threatened by a huge fleet of the worldwide capitalist conspiracy. Fortunately they did not bring any ground troops with them! Also note the difference between trained and untrained troops. Train your lads before combat whenever possible!

The Mighty Tuk routed the White lackeys at Pskov and recaptured the city for the peasants and workers! The first of many victories for forces under Tukhachevsky's command:

The cowardly Whites retreated before our revolutionary heroes could put the bayonet to them! But this allows us to reinforce and regroup at Polotsk:

In other events:
- Governing coalition tensions persist, dropping morale and sapping government effectiveness.
- New factories are ordered at Tula, Novogorod, Smolensk, Yaroslavl and Vladimir. Once these are completed an unstoppable flow of soldiers and equipment will rise to wash away the White filth in a tidal wave of righteous revolutionary vengeance!
- KOMCOR Frunze has joined the ranks of the Red Army. He is an outstanding commander and can be expected to be in the forefront of the struggle to defend the dictatorship of the proletariat.
- KOMDIV Safonov once again disperses the men with funny hats attacking Tashkent. His very name is becoming a thing of terror to those savages!
- A Security Brigade is deployed to Novgorod to support KOMCOR Tukhachevsky's operations as White partisans have been spotted in the vicinity of Pskov.
- Forces of the victorious Ukrainian Soviet Red Army are resting after victories against the cowardly separatists south of Kiev. New offensives and continued victories are expected momentarily.

Workers, filled with revolutionary enthusiasm, demand that new factories be built so that they may work additional shifts in support of the struggle to secure the dictatorship of the proletariat and create the communist/socialist utopia that all of humanity longs for:

Soon, comrades, very soon!

The forces of worldwide capitalist oppression will soon feel the righteous anger of the peasants and the workers!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:11 am

Ripster8 wrote:. RMC GHQ
. And new allies in the Ukraine

Later the latvian will follow the makhnovists when they'll do their suicidal surprise attack (Kamenev said they had 1% success) through the Syvach to get arround the fortress Perekop guarding the Crimea. The red army had already made at least twenty vain and costly assaults on the fortress. Makhnovists had heavy casualties on the circling but it was successful, whites had to retreat from their heavy entrenchments.

Ripster8 wrote:Our new anarchist allies are spreading like winter locusts throughout the Donbas

You can't controle all the many small ANA detachments, they were not all makhnovists. However they could sometimes ally, like Maria Nikiforova, that dev' Andatiep added almost as a flavor near Odessa.

Ripster8 wrote:The anarchist cavalry makes a raid on the White GHQ at Taganrog and are repulsed

That's a try. However I don't think they did it before their 16 october 1919 raid, where it was a big surprise as makhnovists were told to be repelled to Uman, 1000km afar.

- Lenin is determined to fight one war at a time and the majority of the proletariat agrees with him.

Lol, so it should make 15% of the people votes.

Thanks for your good AAR :)

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:04 pm

Thank you, Comrade ERISS, for joining our noble band of readers of this AAR! And for your historical commentary. I trust that under the Mighty Tuk's leadership the Latvian Brigade will not have to make any suicide attacks in order to defeat the White lackeys of the reactionary forces of history!

And still, the Tetris Song persists...
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:27 pm

As Nikel mentioned about the topic. (Basmachi) as a Turkish wording ‘Basmacı’ (negative meaning like a bandit; but also Ottoman Turkish use it as a typographer who prints books ) as one of the first modern guerilla warfare movement. From 1918 to 1924 was the harsh resistance. Later between 1929-34 more relaxed.

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:51 pm

Thank you, Comrade Baris, for your insight into the history and etymology of the conflict. All I know is that the Russian word for these rapscallions is 'terroristicheskiy' and they will be dealt with accordingly!
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:57 pm

ERISS wrote:Yes, like all thousands others people, shot or otherwise. The tsar and his family were not an exception, they were in the normal rule of bolshevism. If they had not be killed, then it would be surprising.

Yes, someone that wanted something enjoyed instead decades of bolchevism, even the Whites (without the Whites, the bolsheviks would be almost nothing, like commies would be almost nothing in Spain 36 without the nationalist revolt).
We have to agree that Lenin was a political genius, he won everybody, even his own party.

I do not think the tsar and other Romanovs were eliminated like many others, it was for a very concrete reason.

I do not agree with you, white movement is the answer to red revolution in Russia and the nationalist revolt in Spain, as you call it, was the same answer to the communist revolution. Cannot be agreement between us in this because I am afraid we are in the opposite sides ;)

I am not a fan of Lenin, though of course I recognize his victory was complete, except in some sites, like Poland.

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:17 pm


The latvian riflemen were raised in the great war, like many others the huge losses in the front transformed them in revolutionaries. Would become the pretorian guard of the red army fighting in many fronts and one of them, Vacietis, was the first commander of the red army. Understandably they are controversial in modern and independent Latvia.

50000 red troops in Kiev, from were came so many? :bonk:

Many of the internationalists were POWs of the central powers, some of them would become commanders in the spanish civil war. There were even chinese that were serving in labour units for the russian imperial army, could read that were very aggressive and the whites troops responded accordingly! I do not know whether this chinese units are represented in the game.

It is winter and snowy in the north, the movement of troops there is not causing you heavy losses enough to retreat?

The royal navy facing Petrograd, what are they doing there without troops? Demostrating the british rule the waves?

Any screenshot of the adventures of the red partisans in Siberia?

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 5:35 pm

Ripster8 wrote:Late December 1918
Astrakahn is lost!

What a good move from the AI. I still never succeed to do it when playing the Whites ! Maybe it's because i always played against Human players who set a better garrison than few Red guards units, but i would have done like you if playing against an AI because i would believe the fronts are too far.
I wonder from where came that raiding force. Does the Whites hold the Kuban ? They should have made a long road if it started from the Don...
Anyway, be cautious with that, it is a breach in your Volga defensive line, after all when the summer will come back and the White fleet could use this good base. Also i believe this is a White Objective that will give them VPs and EPs.

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:49 pm

Nikel wrote:I do not think the tsar and other Romanovs were eliminated like many others, it was for a very concrete reason.

The concrete reason is obvious. It is like when French revolutionary leaders decided to eliminate the King Louis XVI and its son in 1792 : If you don't want a dynasty to come back to power, you just have to kill the members of that family, since this medieval power is based on blood heritage of noble houses. In France, killing the king was a very efficient way to secure the Republic system, when the young French republic was at war with all its neighbours and most European kings who wanted to restablished the absolute monarchy. Louis XVI, like Tsar Nicolas II refused to support a constitutional monarchy system. It was not a moderate Tsar willing to have a constitutional monarchy like in England. It was the previous Tsar who was for it (unfortunately assassinated by SRs before the WWI, for those who like this political system).
So in France, it is not peasants and workers who decided to cut the head, but the moderate bourgeoisie who had no other choice to keep the power that secure a republican political system, since the first political system they tried to established in 1789, a constitutional monarchy like in Britain, was not possible at all, with that King and that neighbours.

The difference with the Tsar in 1918, is that it was probably not really necessary to do it according to the lack of support from the people and from the neighboring countries and western powers to an absolute monarchy with its imperialist goals (meaning here that the Russian White royalists refused the independance of the neighboring countries. BTW, you have to add this : if the Whites are ruled by the Tsar, you can forget the potential support of all neighboring countries in any alternate history) .
Among all anti-bolsheviks factions, very few thought about restauring the absolute monarchy. We where in 1918, not in 1792...

Nikel wrote:I do not agree with you, white movement is the answer to red revolution in Russia and the nationalist revolt in Spain, as you call it, was the same answer to the communist revolution. Cannot be agreement between us in this because I am afraid we are in the opposite sides ;)

Situations of RCW and SCW were different. In early 1918, the proto-stalinist Bolshevik party was ruling the government of the Soviets' side, although being a short minority among the SR and the Anarchists. Even if the Whites was not only "Right" factions but also moderate socialist SR, like the Komuch, this was a reaction to Bolshevik/communist power.

In 1936, the main "Left" political forces among the Republican side was the social-democrats UGT and the anarcho-syndicalist CNT with each 2-3 millions members. The pro-Staline Communist party was inexistent. To reward the growing Stalinian/Communist influence in the Spanish civil war, we should first thanks the French and English governments who didn't support the Spanish Republican bourgeoise and let them split and ask for German/Italian fascism or for Russian Communism.

But knowing what did happen in Russia with the birth of the first totalitarian regim (before Hitler and Mussolini), it is hard to blame all the peoples of the 30's to see communist/stalinians everywhere even where there were not...

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:06 pm

The tsar in 1918 was not, I guess, the same person than a few years before, he would have accepted everything, including of course something similar to british monarchy.

Western powers could have supported his cause, after all tsarist Russia had been their ally just a few months before, was not republican France who wanted imperial russians troops entering Berlin before winter in 1914?

In Spain the socialist party under Largo Caballero was revolutionary, and tried to start it in 1934. It is also true that there were also "good" socialists, like Besteiro.

Probably we are hijacking Ripster8 AAR, sorry comrade secretary, I started :)

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:29 pm

andatiep wrote:the Whites was a reaction to Bolshevik/communist power.

But the bolshevik power rised critically as a reaction to Kornilov, the first White, in September 1917, while it prepared too russian people to let down the socialist government for bolsheviks one month later.
Without the threath of Whites, russian people themself would have throwned the bolsheviks out from power.

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:36 pm

Nikel wrote:Probably we are hijacking Ripster8 AAR, sorry comrade secretary

This is almost certainly correct Comrades and while the discussion is terribly interesting it should probably be moved to the RUS forum.


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Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:47 pm

Thank you, Master Random! I was just signing on to share a line from the great movie, 'Dr. Strangelove':
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the war room!

I would appreciate it if we could keep personal disagreements and lengthy philosophical/political discussions to a minimum. I am trying to crush the oppressive imperialist hegemony here!

Historical points of interest are always welcome!

Many thanks to all who read and especially those who take the time to post comments. The war will resume shortly...
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Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:54 pm

Ripster8 wrote:Thank you, Master Random! I was just signing on to share a line from the great movie, 'Dr. Strangelove':
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the war room!

I would appreciate it if we could keep personal disagreements and lengthy philosophical/political discussions to a minimum. I am trying to crush the oppressive imperialist hegemony here!

Historical points of interest are always welcome...

LOL :mdr:

No more opinions coming from here, promised, just questions on your AAR and if find them, some historical facts that may be interesting :gardavou:

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Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:12 pm

Late February - Early March 1919

Waves of desertion hit the Red Army once again. This time it costs us $48 and 96 conscripts:

That means we need more money, comrades!

Iskritsky's Corps moves forward from Smolensk to Polotsk, looking to attack towards Daugavpils:

The Whites move a large force into the Donbas, scattering the Anarchists like rabbits!

But that may leave an opening for the cautious KOMCOR Egorov to move on Novocherkassk:
Egorovs chance.jpg

Safonov wins again but is besmirched!

In other developments:
- Mighty Tuk is resting his Corps at Pskov in preparation for attacks westwards. KOMCOR Snesarev will be in support.
- The coalition government continues to be roiled by internal dissension. Lenin refuses to expand the war!
- KOMCOR Samoylo is attacking again at Medvezhya Gora, this time without the train.
- The East Front remains quiet.
- The Siberian partisans are still organizing themselves (and the weather is bad) but partisan combat is not my strong point, comrades!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Sep 30, 2016 12:13 am

Ripster8 wrote:Safonov wins again but is besmirched!

Comrade, honor and truth are feeblenesses in our just war for the people. It's our charge to have the habit of reverse weapons to protect the revolution. Listen and read the great Trotsky.
Let the old tools to weaken the anarchists and other whites. Loyalty, for the Party of the workers and its great leaders is all that counts.

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Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:05 am

Comrade ERISS, I know there is 'no honor among thieves', but surely there must be a place for 'honor among Reds'. But then again, maybe that is one reason why it all came crashing down to ruin in the end, one reason among many.

In any event, in my 'kinder-gentler' communist/socialist revolution, we will make small allowances for honor, and for truth, too...
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Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:10 am

Early - Late March 1919

Red factories in full production!
Free BDE.jpg

Some of the capitalist oppressors call it quits...
French evac.jpg

Hungary on fire...

The Red Coalition Government under pressure...
world revolution.jpg

Samoylo succeeds but...

And success in the Ukraine but for how long?

Lastly, the Mighty Tuk has questions for NFGHQ:
telegram 1.jpg

May need to watch Tuk, he might be getting a little big for his 'budenovka'...
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:23 pm

MOSCOW, April 1919

RMC to SNK: (Note: New abbreviations that will be used include RAC for Red Army Corps, and RAD for Red Army Division.)
RMC APR19.jpg

SNK Apr19.jpg

And on the streets of Moscow...
Pravda apr19.jpg
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Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:42 pm

THE FRONTS, April 1919

Samoylo RAC attacks SEGHEZA

Tukhachevsky RAC attacks VALGA

Iskritsky RAC attacks DAUGAVPILS

Frunze RAC attacks LUGANSK


In other news:
- Separatists threatened Kiev forcing USRA forces to pull back and defend the city. The bandits were easily repulsed and the city is secure.
- Nothing to report from Tashkent, which continues to hold out despite being surrounded by thousands of men with funny hats.
- Battleships of the imperialist hegemony continues to threaten Petrograd but they do not dare come within range of the guns in the Kronstadt Fortress manned by the gallant sailors of the Baltic Red Fleet:


Gallant sailors of the Baltic Red Fleet. OK, they are a little on the anarchist side of the spectrum but, remember, we are trying for the 'Big Red Tent' theory of communist/socialist government!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The Hanged Man is a representative of humanity who is found between two kingdoms - that of this world and that of heaven."

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Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:50 pm

THE FRONTS, Early May 1919


Success at Segheza:

A new attack at Narva:

Battle at Valga:

Battle at Daugavpils:


Repulse at Novocherkassk:

A fluid situation in the Donbas:

In other events:
- Another wave of desertions hits RA units. The supply of conscripts is falling dangerously low.
- Tashkent continues to hold under repeated bandit attacks.
- No new reports from Archangelsk or Siberia.
- The coalition Red government suffers continuing internal discord.

(On an AAR sidenote: I am still experimenting with lettering on the slides. White seems to work better than red and blue. Will continue to work for greater clarity and readability. Your patience is appreciated, especially with my typos!)
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The Hanged Man is a representative of humanity who is found between two kingdoms - that of this world and that of heaven."

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Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:51 am

MOSCOW, Late May 1919

SNK Late May19.jpg

Bad news!

To arms, defenders of the communist/socialist paradise!

Money and Rail Capacity needed!
Money and Rail.jpg

A new GHQ:
New GHQ.jpg

The indomitable strength of the workers will now reach the battlefield!
Last edited by Ripster8 on Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The Hanged Man is a representative of humanity who is found between two kingdoms - that of this world and that of heaven."

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