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Structure of the White Fleet from 1917 to 1922

Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:57 pm

Southern Whites

The Black Sea Fleet
White Black Sea Fleet was established in January 1919 in Novorossiysk by the Volunteer Army. In July 1919 the Black Sea Fleet base was moved to Sebastopol. The Admirals who commanded the fleet at various times were: Vice-Admiral Vladimir A. Kanin , Rear Admiral, and later Vice-Admiral M. P. Sablin , Vice-Admiral D. B. Nenyukov , Vice-Admiral A. Gerasimov , Rear Admiral, and later Vice-Admiral M. A. Kidron , Rear Admiral M. Berens.

The Arctic Ocean Fleet
The Arctic Ocean Fleet was located in Arkhangelsk and the fleet was commanded by Rear Admiral H. E. Vikorst , then Rear Admiral L. L. Ivanov and hydrographic support was led by Rear Admiral B. A. Vilkitsky.

The Caspian Flotilla
The Caspian Flotilla was formed in the spring of 1919, by 1920 iincluded nine auxiliary cruisers, seven gunboats and number of auxiliary vessels. It was first part of the Black Sea Fleet command, but was later independently led by Rear Admiral A. Sergeev

The Volga Flotilla
The Volga Flotilla operated during June-December 1919 and were composed of four armored and several support vessels. It was commanded by Rear Admiral Alexey Zaev

Siberian Whites

[UThe ]Siberian Fleet[/U]
The Siberian Fleet took the side of the White movement after the speech of the Czechoslovak Corps in July 1918, during which the vessels were seized. At the seizure, the fleet was composed of: One auxiliary cruiser, ne gunboat, 11 destroyers, 13 transports, and other support vessels.

Various Admirals commanded the fleet at different times, Rear Admiral C. N. Timirev , Rear Admiral M. I. F. , Rear Admiral M. Berens , Rear Admiral G. K. Stark.
Also known as wis on the paradox forums.

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