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Capturing leaders suggestion & other after battle fates.

Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:26 pm

The only part this simulation that does'nt always ring true to me is the fate of leaders of badly lost battles.

At the moment a leader can just be killed in battle or end up "recovering from injuries" for a 2-4ish turns in a nearby city after his formation is destroyed. Both realistic outcomes but the "recovering from injuries" fate always happens - surly a leader could escape the destruction of his formation uninjured too.

Also a leader's "recovering from injuries" period could be a lot longer than just a few weeks depending on how badly he was wounded.

The "recovering from injuries" fate also happens when a leader looses a seige - in this situation would it not be more realistic for him to be captured as being in a siege he's surrounded & trapped. The possiblity of capture would also exist if a leaders force is beaten in open battle by an overwhelming enemy (esp with a lot of cavalry!)

Posts: 106
Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:16 pm

Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:32 pm

There are many cases when leaders are killed in battle - BUT their commanded formation is UNSCRATCHED! It is not good at all, like when 20000 army took over a city with 1400 men garrison and only casualty in the battle is a leader.

Realistically - captured leaders, also leaders who switched side are a pretty probable case.

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