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Suggestions for Trotsky

Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:27 pm

Alright, so since there's a new patch I've decided to pick this game up again, since I had decided to wait until som of the bugs were ironed out, before continuing.

Anyway, I can't help but notice that Trotsky is still "just" another general (albeit with excellent stats and abilities), and that he demands the first promotion to army command. I remember discussing this in another thread, but I don't think a solution was ever settled on.

The problem is, of course, that it's grossly ahistorical. Trotsky is supposed to zip from front to front, pitching in where his help is most needed, not taking personal command of any single front.

As I see it, there are two solutions:

1) Keep Trotsky as a general, but make him a 1-star, non-promotable, very low seniority general, so that it's not necessary (or possible) to give him command of an army.

2) Turn Trotsky into a support unit, keeping the name, graphics and abilities of the current unit. This means that Trotskys strategic rating, offense and defense stats have to go, although I believe he could still influence those stats of other units present (much like signal troops). I personally prefer this solution, since it seems to be most in line with history, that is Trotsky appears somewhere briefly, giving a major boost to all kinds of stats, boosting morale, and helping cohesion recovery, then he goes somewhere else where he's more needed.

Anyway, what does everybody think? Any other suggestions?

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Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:33 pm

Flop wrote:Alright, so since there's a new patch I've decided to pick this game up again, since I had decided to wait until som of the bugs were ironed out, before continuing.

Anyway, I can't help but notice that Trotsky is still "just" another general (albeit with excellent stats and abilities), and that he demands the first promotion to army command. I remember discussing this in another thread, but I don't think a solution was ever settled on.

The problem is, of course, that it's grossly ahistorical. Trotsky is supposed to zip from front to front, pitching in where his help is most needed, not taking personal command of any single front.

As I see it, there are two solutions:

1) Keep Trotsky as a general, but make him a 1-star, non-promotable, very low seniority general, so that it's not necessary (or possible) to give him command of an army.

2) Turn Trotsky into a support unit, keeping the name, graphics and abilities of the current unit. This means that Trotskys strategic rating, offense and defense stats have to go, although I believe he could still influence those stats of other units present (much like signal troops). I personally prefer this solution, since it seems to be most in line with history, that is Trotsky appears somewhere briefly, giving a major boost to all kinds of stats, boosting morale, and helping cohesion recovery, then he goes somewhere else where he's more needed.

Anyway, what does everybody think? Any other suggestions?

We tried this but because of engine limitation, no satisfying solution could have been reached. We know Trotsky was not a field general, but this is still the best way to keep him playing a major role in the game.

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Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:50 pm

Seb wrote:We tried this but because of engine limitation, no satisfying solution could have been reached. We know Trotsky was not a field general, but this is still the best way to keep him playing a major role in the game.

That's too bad. Can I ask why none of those solutions worked out? Personally, I'd prefer to have Trotsky as a support unit or low-ranking general, rather than as an army leader.

In my current game, he's been sitting in Simbirsk for the last 4 months, and while having him there is obviously important, I'm not actively using him much.

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Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:30 am

In my mod i made Trotsky a helper unit like the British military missions to the Whites.
It works this way and I like it, but i understand the designers point of view.

Part of the problem is that the early Bolsheviks were not tied to several thousand years of military tradition. Many of the Central committee men served as ad hoc generals when they were needed even though they were not part of the military. I removed Stalin from the game in my mod as he was never a general except maybe for two months in winter '18-'19, but Kamenev is the same. He was a Central committee member but also served as a general.


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Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:53 pm

Why not include supply trains in the game?(By "supply trains" I mean literally echelons under the manual control of the player)
Right now, I find armored trains could be used for the same purposes for some time, but it would be more interesting if instead of those little horse-drawn supply trains, there would be railroad-based supply trains. And maybe possibly use them for armored train building purposes, decreasing number of war supply needed?
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