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siege problems

Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:06 am

I have a problem with besieging Azov. Three armies are stranded there for 6 turns (at least one of them activated at each turn and with assault posture) but they never initiated combat. All of the defenders were in the city, so they probably couldnt have evaded combat, but nothing happened turn after turn.

After 4 (or more) breaches one combat ensued but involved only about 1/10 of southern forces against all of my armies. Southerners were defeated and the following happened:

The city and the region remained in southern control. Their army remained in the region (now outside the city). The city is no longer marked as beseiged. My armies still have assault postures, but in three following turns no combat and no conquest of the city happened.

Is this a bug, or just a (very unlucky) occurence?

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