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Crash when moving a stack

Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:30 am

No save file as this happened during the first turn. What I did was split the stack in Uralsk in cavalry and infantry. The infantry stack has 2 supply trains, 1 infantry regiment, 1 field artillery, and Martynov. When I tried to move them to Orenburg, the game crashed.

8:54:05 PM (Reporting) User: Rysyonok Computer: RYS
8:54:05 PM (Reporting) Loading general settings
8:54:05 PM (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 689 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
8:54:05 PM (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 1298 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Siamo riusciti a catturare e difendere tutti gli obiettivi e le città strategiche ed abbiamo vinto.§Il tuo punteggio: ¤, Punteggio avversario: ¤ in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2720 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " "NB:§Falls diese Option nicht aktiviert wird, könnte es Konsequenzen geben:§- 1) Das internationalistischen Bolschewiki werden den Sownarkom dazu drängen, die Revolution auszuweiten und die Roten werden -1 EP und -3 SP pro Runde verlieren, wenn ihre Moral 105 NM oder höher ist.§- 2) Daneben werden auch die linken SR den Sownarkom drängen, die Revolution auszuweiten, falls die Entscheidung der Roten war ""Die Roten bleiben vereint!"" und sie werden -1 EP und -5 SP pro Runde verlieren, wenn das Morallevel 100 NM oder mehr beträgt.§Die Roten haben Grenzdivisionen in den Städten Polazk, Welikije Luki, Luga, Jamburg, Witebsk, Smolensk, Mogilew und Gomel, welche entsperrt werden, sobald die Roten sich mit den baltischen Staaten, Finnland oder Polen im Krieg oder sich die Westlichen Weißen vor den Toren Petrograds oder Moskaus befinden." in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2728 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " "NB:§Falls diese Option nicht aktiviert wird, könnte es Konsequenzen geben:§- 1) Das internationalistischen Bolschewiki werden den Sownarkom dazu drängen, die Revolution auszuweiten und die Roten werden -1 EP und -3 SP pro Runde verlieren, wenn ihre Moral 105 NM oder höher ist.§- 2) Daneben werden auch die linken SR den Sownarkom drängen, die Revolution auszuweiten, falls die Entscheidung der Roten war ""Die Roten bleiben vereint!"" und sie werden -1 EP und -5 SP pro Runde verlieren, wenn das Morallevel 100 NM oder mehr beträgt.§Die Roten haben Grenzdivisionen in den Städten Polazk, Welikije Luki, Luga, Jamburg, Witebsk, Smolensk, Mogilew und Gomel, welche entsperrt werden, sobald die Roten sich mit den baltischen Staaten, Finnland oder Polen im Krieg oder sich die Westlichen Weißen vor den Toren Petrograds oder Moskaus befinden." in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2895 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Moskau begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2902 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Petrograd begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 2909 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Sie haben mit Bau von Verteidigungsanlagen um Tzaritsyn begonnen: Der Feind darf nicht durchbrechen! in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 3659 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Hindenburg zurückrufen in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 3675 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Die Roten haben den Genossen Stalin enstandt, die Befehlsgewalt im Feld zu übernehmen in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:06 PM [Warning ] ULocalize.LoadLocalStrings: Alias too short at line 3682 need at least 3 chars (ignored): " Die Roten haben den Genossen Frunze enstandt, die Befehlsgewalt im Feld zu übernehmen in file: C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings_RUS.csv Can be that the key parsed is already an alias by itself in alias dir! ($Cavalry = Cavalerie would be 3 = Cavalerie)
8:54:27 PM (Reporting) System local strings loaded from C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv
8:54:27 PM (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 688 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
8:55:06 PM (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 688 settings loaded, out of 7 settings files.
8:55:09 PM (Reporting) Loading Display Options
8:55:09 PM (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations
8:55:09 PM (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 64065 ms
8:55:09 PM (Reporting) Cursors 50 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) DirectX Initializations 752 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Fonts 20 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 108 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 54 terrains files.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 1509 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Areas Loading 354 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Areas 355 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Theaters 0 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 190 Abilities loaded, out of 190 abilities files.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Units Abilities 231 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 18 StrucDef loaded, out of 18 StrucDef files.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Structures 93 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 43 FactionDef loaded, out of 43 FactionDef files.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Factions 723 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Game Engine version: RUS GOLD 1.00
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Max Texture size: 8192 x 8192
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 210 sounds loaded.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 35 Musics loaded.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeVoices 4 Voice Languages loaded.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_assault , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_assault_on , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_defence , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_defence_on , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_offensive , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_offensive_on , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_passive , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Redundant ImageID: pos_passive_on , ExImage ignored
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 77.361 seconds Memory usage: 607260 kb
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Media Librarian 83008 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Particles II 36 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 0 doodads definitions loaded, out of 0 files.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Doodads 0 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 1983 Regions definitions loaded. PolyCount: 44815 TriangleCount: 40835 AdjacencyCount: 40845 JumpLinkCount: 3422
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Regions Loading 29531 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Regions(Area) Loading 5 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 58 buttons definitions loaded, from 26 frontend files.
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) Buttons 324 ms
8:55:57 PM (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 16 frontend definitions loaded, from 16 frontend files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ledger_back
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 26 frontend definitions loaded, from 38 frontend files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 12474 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Starting Game World
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 22 Merchandises loaded, from 22 Merchandises files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TModels.Create 1765 (Cached) Models loaded in 2203 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 1775 (Cached) Units loaded in 598 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TWeather.Create 16 Weathers patterns loaded, from 16 files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 0 Ethnics loaded, from 0 Ethnics files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 0 Religions loaded, from 0 Religions files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TAgendaDefs.LoadFromFile 37 AI Agendas loaded from 37 AI Agendas files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TMapAleaDefs.LoadFromFile 8 TMapAleaDef loaded, from 8 files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TAIAgentDefs.LoadFromFile 0 AIAgentDefs loaded, from 0 aia files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 0 files, in 0 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 0 Faction Atttributes loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TFacAttribsOverride.LoadFromFile 0 F.A. Overrides loaded from 0 Attributes Definition files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 6 Region Decisions loaded, from 6 Decisions files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TBattlePlanDefs.LoadFromFile 0 Battle plans loaded, from 0 files.
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) No sprite found to calculate standard
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 2375 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Starting Data Parser
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Data Parser 0 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Starting Renderer
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Rendering Engine 173 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Starting Game ...
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Global Load Time: 198351 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app... 710784 kb
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Game Engine version: RUS GOLD 1.00
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TGameSim.OnNewGame_FilePicked C:\Matrix Games\Revolution Under Siege Gold\RUS\Scens\Grand Campaign.scn Scenario file loaded, # of entries: 154252
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000001 Western Whites loaded in: 384 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000002 Eastern Whites loaded in: 402 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000003 Reds loaded in: 998 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000004 Greens loaded in: 209 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000005 Ukrainian Anarchists loaded in: 4 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000006 Germany loaded in: 88 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000007 Ukrainian Nationalists loaded in: 3 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000008 Poland loaded in: 3 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Faction data 1000009 non-Committed loaded in: 7 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Revolution Under Siege (Grand Campaig 1918, Early June (T: 4043) loaded
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) Gamesim data (excluding DBs) loaded in: 3535 ms
9:00:19 PM (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: Fixed_Band.png
9:17:47 PM (Reporting) TSlaveThing.SetBitmap: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: GrpInd_RailMove.png
9:26:32 PM [Critical ] TGameSim.UnifiedDrop Exception caught: Indice de liste hors limites (0)

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:11 am

German game? At least it seems it includes forbidden characters,
but it may be not what's causing the crash.
; (semi-colon), «*» or “ (double quote), &, and $ forbidden as characters

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Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:52 pm

ERISS wrote:German game? At least it seems it includes forbidden characters,
but it may be not what's causing the crash.

No, it really shouldn't have been... the installation language was English... and there weren't any German menus or anything else.

If anything, the second language on my PC is Russian.

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Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:29 am

Those error messages are related indeed to minor mistakes in the respective german language string texts, but these kind of errors do not cause crashes


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Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:23 am

Looks more like a DB error

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