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questions galore

Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:58 pm


Anyone that can help on this feel free to comment.

1. In the F3 leader reinforcements file there is an event 'Red leader received'
This event has no conditions effects or anything else. Under it are a bunch of events 'Red leader received F1, F2, etc.
These events all rely on the trigger 'Evt name Red leader received'; Do they work even though the Original Red leader received event seems to do nothing?

I have tried an AI game as the Reds and i have never seen Antonev-Ovseenko enter.

Forget this one, my bad, this is a call event from every time you recruit a Red officer with engagement points.
Nevermind! sorry!

2. I found the problem (i think) in the British, French, American withdrawal from Russia in 1919-1920 regarding supply wagons. The event grabs all supply wagons of, say the British, in a region and there s a 75% chance that they all become the appropriate White faction's supply wagons.
However, if they do not convert there is a final event that says kill all British sub-units. This 'kill' event seems to only kill the elements in a supply wagon not the unit, leaving the white factions with empty units that are very fragile programing wise. If you try to disband them the game crashes. I am unsure of long term effects, like what happens if the Reds capture them? Will my game crash?

Anyway, the short term fix would be to do a 100% conversion of these supply wagons to the White factions and not 75%. In return lower the amount of free supply wagons that are received by Western aid to one per tick instead of two. I find two to be overpowered as it is.

More in a bit,


Posts: 89
Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:31 pm


Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:31 am

Every 4 months is simply too far apart for leader gain for the Reds, as i said elsewhere the Whites gain 4 usable leaders per tick while the Reds gain one.

I am going through the event files one at a time and i am unable to find an error in "Party members join the army", or "Recruit prisoners". They seem to have all of the same attributes as repeat working events. I am unable to find any spelling errors in these events. I did see that in the Red recruit prisoners
event the requirement is having 50 prisoners while the White events gives you 50 conscripts, and costs 50 conscripts but the requirement for the Whites is 500 prisoner companies.
Again, the Red version only requires 50 prisoner companies.

Tallinn Estonia seems to be spelled wrong.

more as i go.


Posts: 89
Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:31 pm


Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:02 pm


We will continue with event descriptions.

The Event "Red's raise money" states in game that you lose, what -2 NM, and gain 100 Rubles.
However, in the event file it states that the Reds gain 200 Rubles.
Which is what you wanted? the 100 or 200?

If i can input my 1.5 Rubles it would be for the 200 as the Reds are too hard to win with as it is.


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