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RUS Official Patch 1.05 = April 26, 2012

Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:09 pm

RUS Official Patch 1.05 = April 26, 2012

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Lo que contiene

April 23, 2012 – Patch 1.05
================================================== ================================
The patch is a comprehensive patch, meaning it can be applied directly over your initial game
installation setup version.

Due to the significant number of Game-Engine related bugs fixed in this patch, AGE has decided to
post an official version as-is now.
The RUS beta team will conntinue to post patches that fix numerous Database bugs and improve
setups and events. Please be patient.

Having found an enormous number of Alias, syntax and Event-reference errors, all AI-scripting events
[except those for Finland Scenario] have been removed, pending rework. The errors are so wide
reaching, that it is questionable what the effects are on the AI. With the events gone, we can start to
see what the AI really does, and build new, well-documented, scripts from that.

Latest game engine [120422] fixed numerous bugs
- Spanish Language installation enabled
After installing the patch, you must edit your General.opt file [in RUS\Settings]:
2. *** Language ***
// language (0: English; 1: Francais; 2: Espanol; 3: Deutsche; 4: Russian; 5: Italian)
Language = 2
ThirdLanguage = 2
Bugs corrected
- Most officers should be promotable (except special historical cases)
- Some mistakes on DON portraits corrected.
- Bug corrected on red 75 and 105mm howitzers.
- Bug of Siberian Whites NM and EP losses during the Polish Intervention is corrected.
- Some in game texts mistakes corrected
- “Twin polish fights” bug is corrected
- Illegal characters removed from LocalStrings (; $ “)
- International Unicode text substituted for special charaters in Aliases and Unit/Group names
- Python script checks run: multiple Unit and Region Aliases corrected [thank you LaFrite!!!]

Scenarios affected/updated
Drang nach Osten, Grand Campaign, November 1918, May 1919, Poland 1920

- Reds now start the Grand Campaign with 120 NM (110 NM on Kolchak coup campaign), Southern
and Siberian Whites with 90 NM.
- More Red Guards in minor communist cities.
- Red have more recruits available at the start of the Grand Campaign and Kolchak Coup campaign.
- Mobilization option is now much more efficient for the Reds, less efficient for the Southern and
Siberian Whites.
- Raise money option is now less efficient for the Southern and Siberian Whites.
- Mobilization and raise money option now only cost 1 NM (instead of 2 NM) for all factions.
- Moscow and Petrograd produce more money and conscripts
- Tachankas now have the same speed as armored cars
- All factories now take 3 months (6 turns) to be built
- Red battleships in Kronstadt can now be repaired properly
- Northern Whites can now recruit militia (instead of peasants)
- All other Whites faction can recruit less militia
- Southern Whites independences recognition is now cheaper, but foreign alliances are most
expensive (10 NM for Baltic states, 20 NM for Finland, 10 for Caucasus League).
- More supply is produced in Moscow, Rostov, Ekaterinburg, Omsk, Tzaritsyn, Petrograd and Kiev.
- Sidorin is no longer a Training Officer
- Depots will ease the Polish Intervention in the Grand Campaign
-The Polish Intervention will not occur if the Siberian Whites are below 120 NM (Southern Whites
morale conditions unchanged)

See Read Me in your Windows Start Menu for complete Change Log

Y sobretodo gracias a Nikel :thumbsup: , Bohemond :thumbsup: , Phil Thibaut y Lodilefty por su mediación y culminación de que el juego se pueda jugar en español sin "mangonear" los archivos.

Estoy :)


PD: En el post #11, más abajo, vereís que está el RUS QwikFix3 for patch 1.05 = May 7, 2012, que arregla algunas cosas del anterior parche, y un poco más abajo el 5 y el 6
Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:10 pm

Gracias Picaron, pero yo no he hecho nada :)

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Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:34 pm

Saludos de un recién llegado.
¿Alguien sabe cómo se edita el archivo General.opt? He podido abrirlo con File Viewer, pero no soy capaz de cambiar el lenguaje. Muchas gracias.

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Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:08 pm


Es un archivo de texto, ouedes usar wordpad o el Notepad.

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:38 am

Muchas gracias, Nikel. Ya lo hice. Lo puedo editar y cambiar, pero no me deja guardar los cambios. Debo se bastante torpe, me temo. ¿Sabes qué debo hacer para que los cambios sean efectivos? Gracias, de nuevo.

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:49 am

¿Qué error te da?

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:01 am

Cuando intento guardar los cambios se me abre una ventana con el mensaje "Se denegó el acceso a C:\Program Files\Revolution under Siege\Settings\General.opt"

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:05 am

Debe ser que lo tienes protegido contra escritura.

Haz click con el botón derecho sobre el archivo, selecciona propiedades y mira si está seleccionado solo lectura. Cambialo y debería dejarte savar los cambios.

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:10 am

También puedes hacer los cambios, guardarlo en un pen drive o en un disco externo y luego copiar el archivo donde tengas instalado el juego. Me figuro que eso te pasa porque tienes el S.O. Windows 7.

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:37 am

Ya está hecho. Muchísimas gracias.

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RUS QwikFix3 for patch 1.05 = May 7, 2012

Mon May 07, 2012 4:35 pm

El buen amigo lodilefty no termina de trabajar, el resultado

RUS QwikFix3 for patch 1.05 = May 7, 2012

El enlace

Lo que contiene

You must apply patch 1.05 prior to applying this QwikFix!
Further work is in-progress, but the team wishes to make these changes available for testing.
This QuickFix includes changes from all previous 1.05 QuickFix versions
Python script checking has been done, with all identifiable Alias errors corrected [thank you LaFrite]

Drang Nach Osten:
--Fixed many text and event references
--Fixed RED 1st Armored Div event

Short Campaign [May 1919]:
--Corrected unit creation errors [Foreign armies Supply units]
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!
--Corrected CityScapes for many locations

Grand Campaign:
--Corrected Czech Legion demobilization events [creating Gaida Corps and several Garrisons]
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!

November 1918 Scenario:
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!

All Scenarios:
--Corrected warnings and events for French and Greek withdrawal
--Corrected incorrect Faction calls in events [Minor Allies FIN, CAU called, not defined in scenarios]
--Separated RED and POL Factory, Money and Rail options from F6 Various Options and referenced them separately into F6 Various and Poland Scenario [common, identical scripts]
--F3 Leader Recruiting Options [Red, White, Don, Northern White, Siberian White, Komuch]
===Now only spend the cost when you actually receive a leader [vs. every time you tried]
===You receive a message when "You were unable to recruit a xxxx Leader"
===All leaders in the "pool" are now available until end of December 1921

--Removed events that could cause duplicated Polish Army (and reinforcements) in all scenarios

RED DOW Options:
--Corrected Minors reinforcements events for Caucasus, Finland, Romania
--Corrected RED Alliance/Break with Anarchists options to allow break only after WHI or her Allies attack critical regions

--added German-Bavarian, Austrian-Hungarian, Austrian-Czech as Multicommand abilities + on leaders in Models
--Localized Model and Unit names, shortnames, text [now the translations in LocalStrings are used properly]
--WH4 Militia corrected to allow proper upgrade and integration into Divisions [created WH4 Militia model, changed components of WH4 Militia Units]
--Heavy Tank movement ratio reduced

--added Spanish lanuage corrections to LocalStrings_RUS [thank you picaron]
--Fixed incorrect text Localization references

Game Settings:
--Added parameters to GameLogic.opt to increase cohesion losses during combat, thus reducing the 'bloodiness' of combat

Ahora ya si, el juego empieza a estar redondo

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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RUS QwikFix5 for patch 1.05 = May 17, 2012

Thu May 17, 2012 4:37 pm

Ya tenemos otro mini parche:

RUS QwikFix5 for patch 1.05 = May 17, 2012

El enlace:

Lo que contiene (algunas mejoras con respecto al anterior miniparche)

[color="#FF0000"]You must apply patch 1.05 prior to applying this QwikFix!
Further work is in-progress, but the team wishes to make these changes available for testing.
This QuickFix includes changes from all previous 1.05 QuickFix versions[/color]

Python script checking has been done, with all identifiable Alias errors corrected [thank you LaFrite].

--Reinstated AI scripts for Regional Decisions and 'automatic' unit purchases
--Reinstated AI scripts for ANA, GRN, UKR 'non-player' Factions
--Reinstated AI Garrisons for many cities as they become owned

Drang Nach Osten:
--Fixed many text and event references
--Fixed RED 1st Armored Div event

Short Campaign [May 1919]:
--Corrected unit creation errors [Foreign armies Supply units]
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!
--Corrected CityScapes for many locations

Grand Campaign:
--Corrected Czech Legion demobilization events [creating Gaida Corps and several Garrisons]
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!

November 1918 Scenario:
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!

All Scenarios:
--Corrected warnings and events for French and Greek withdrawal
--Corrected incorrect Faction calls in events [Minor Allies FIN, CAU called, not defined in scenarios]
--Removed events that could cause duplicated Polish Army (and reinforcements) in all scenarios
--Corrected Minors reinforcements events for Caucasus, Finland, Romania
--Corrected erroneous syntax for Trotsky Captured and Kolchak Executed events

--Separated RED and POL Factory, Money and Rail options from F6 Various Options and referenced them separately into F6 Various and Poland Scenario [common, identical scripts]
--F3 Leader Recruiting Options [Red, White, Don, Northern White, Siberian White, Komuch]
===Now only spend the cost when you actually receive a leader [vs. every time you tried]
===You receive a message when "You were unable to recruit a xxxx Leader"
===All leaders in the "pool" are now available until end of December 1921
===Corrected instance where Nadiozhny could be recruited when already in the game
===Available Leaders reduced for Ice March, November 1918 and Short Campaign [May 1919] to avoid creating duplicates
===Corrected Alias error for the RED_Snesarev result
--Corrected RED Alliance/Break with Anarchists options to allow break only after WHI or her Allies attack critical regions
--Tooltips corrected to match the actual values
===Partial Mobilizations [RED, WHI, WH3, POL]
===Raise More Money [RED, WHI, WH3, POL]
===Party Members Join the Army [RED]

--added German-Bavarian, Austrian-Hungarian, Austrian-Czech as Multicommand abilities + on leaders in Models
--Localized Model and Unit names, shortnames, text [now the translations in LocalStrings are used properly]
--WH4 Militia corrected to allow proper upgrade and integration into Divisions [created WH4 Militia model, changed components of WH4 Militia Units]
--Heavy Tank movement ratio reduced
--Corrected missing parameters for leader WHI_Abramov
--Leader WHI_Shkuro given Cossack_Commander3 ability [Whites Cossack Commander]
--Corrected Russian-German Commander abiity [omitted from QF3]
--Tachankas now move at same speed as Horse Artillery
--added more Spanish lanuage corrections to LocalStrings_RUS and LocalStrings__AGE [thank you picaron]
--Fixed incorrect text Localization references

--New graphics for WHI_Kanin, WH3_Sirdar, GER_Bischoff, BAL_Zemitans, BAL_Zukauskas, FRA_Anselme, GBR_Poole, GER_Rommel, WH3_Kalmykov [thank you Nikel and Jack54]
--Corrected graphics for POL_SHaller and POL_JHaller [removed imbedded period in filenames and Models]
--Removed extraneous text from game-end Victory Screen window
--Minor text improvements in Element Detail window
--Corrected graphics for POL_SHaller, POL_JHaller, and WH5_Elvergren

Game Settings:
--Added parameters to GameLogic.opt to increase cohesion losses during combat, thus reducing the 'bloodiness' of combat

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Posts: 3492
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RUS QwikFix6 for patch 1.05 = June 4, 2012

Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:50 pm

RUS QwikFix6 for patch 1.05 = June 4, 2012

Ell enlace

Lo que contiene:

You must apply patch 1.05 prior to applying this QwikFix!
Further work is in-progress, but the team wishes to make these changes available for testing.
This QuickFix includes changes from all previous 1.05 QuickFix versions
Python script checking has been done [thank you LaFrite]
QF6 changes highlighted in blue.

--Reinstated AI scripts for Regional Decisions and 'automatic' unit purchases
--Reinstated AI scripts for ANA, GRN, UKR 'non-player' Factions
--Reinstated AI Garrisons for many cities as they become owned

Drang Nach Osten:
--Fixed many text and event references
--Fixed RED 1st Armored Div event
--Added some AI regulating events and Regional Decisions AI

Short Campaign [May 1919]:
--Corrected unit creation errors [Foreign armies Supply units]
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!
--Corrected CityScapes for many locations

Grand Campaign:
--Corrected Czech Legion demobilization events [creating Gaida Corps and several Garrisons]
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!
--Corrected Southern White Naval Force Pool change events [was allowing WHI to build RED ships]

November 1918 Scenario:
--Grigoriev Assasination event now requires both Grigoriev and Makhno to both still be alive!

All Scenarios:
--Corrected warnings and events for French and Greek withdrawal
--Corrected incorrect Faction calls in events [Minor Allies FIN, CAU called, not defined in scenarios]
--Removed events that could cause duplicated Polish Army (and reinforcements) in all scenarios
--Corrected Minors reinforcements events for Caucasus, Finland, Romania
--Corrected erroneous syntax for Trotsky Captured and Kolchak Executed events

--Separated RED and POL Factory, Money and Rail options from F6 Various Options and referenced them separately into F6 Various and Poland Scenario [common, identical scripts]
--F3 Leader Recruiting Options [Red, White, Don, Northern White, Siberian White, Komuch]
===Now only spend the cost when you actually receive a leader [vs. every time you tried]
===You receive a message when "You were unable to recruit a xxxx Leader"
===All leaders in the "pool" are now available until end of December 1921
===Corrected instance where Nadiozhny could be recruited when already in the game
===Available Leaders reduced for Ice March, November 1918 and Short Campaign [May 1919] to avoid creating duplicates
===Corrected Alias error for the RED_Snesarev result
===Removed White leader S.G. Ulagai from Grand Campaign option to prevent duplication.
--Corrected RED Alliance/Break with Anarchists options to allow break only after WHI or her Allies attack critical regions
--Tooltips corrected to match the actual values
===Partial Mobilizations [RED, WHI, WH3, POL]
===Raise More Money [RED, WHI, WH3, POL]
===Party Members Join the Army [RED]

DB: Models/Units/Abilities/Factions:
--added German-Bavarian, Austrian-Hungarian, Austrian-Czech as Multicommand abilities + on leaders in Models
--Localized Model and Unit names, shortnames, text [now the translations in LocalStrings are used properly]
--WH4 Militia corrected to allow proper upgrade and integration into Divisions [created WH4 Militia model, changed components of WH4 Militia Units]
--Heavy Tank movement ratio reduced
--Corrected missing parameters for leader WHI_Abramov
--Leader WHI_Shkuro given Cossack_Commander3 ability [Whites Cossack Commander]
--Corrected Russian-German Commander abiity [omitted from QF3]
--Tachankas now move at same speed as Horse Artillery
--Fixed bug where a Polish Army could not be created by Polish 3* Leaders after joining Siberian Whites in Grand Campaign

--added more Spanish lanuage corrections to LocalStrings_RUS and LocalStrings__AGE [thank you picaron]
--Fixed incorrect text Localization references

--New graphics for WHI_Kanin, WH3_Sirdar, GER_Bischoff, BAL_Zemitans, BAL_Zukauskas, FRA_Anselme, GBR_Poole, GER_Rommel, WH3_Kalmykov [thank you Nikel and Jack54]
--Corrected graphics for POL_SHaller and POL_JHaller [removed imbedded period in filenames and Models]
--Removed extraneous text from game-end Victory Screen window
--Minor text improvements in Element Detail window
--Corrected graphics for POL_SHaller, POL_JHaller, and WH5_Elvergren
--Corrected portrait for 75mm Mountain Artillery

Game Settings:
--Added parameters to GameLogic.opt to increase cohesion losses during combat, thus reducing the 'bloodiness' of combat

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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