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RUS {public beta} Patch 1.05 RC1 = April 23, 2012

Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:34 pm

Un nuevo parche beta.

El enlace:

Lo que contiene:

Revolution under Siege
April 23, 2012 – beta Patch 1.05 - RC1
================================================== ================================
The patch is a comprehensive patch, meaning it can be applied directly over your initial game installation setup version.

Due to an enormous number of Alias, syntax and Event-reference errors, all AI-scripting events [except those for Finland Scenario] have been removed, pending rework. The errors are so wide reaching, that it is questionable what the effects are. With the events gone, we can start to see what the AI really does, and build new, well-documented, scripts from that.

Latest game engine [120422] fixed numerous bugs

Bugs corrected
- Most officers should be promotable (except special historical cases)
- Some mistakes on DON portraits corrected.
- Bug corrected on red 75 and 105mm howitzers.
- Bug of Siberian Whites NM and EP losses during the Polish Intervention is corrected.
- Some in game texts mistakes corrected
- “Twin polish fights” bug is corrected
- Illegal characters removed from LocalStrings (; $ “)
- International Unicode text substituted for special charaters in Aliases and Unit/Group names
- Python script checks run: multiple Unit and Region Aliases corrected [thank you LaFrite!!!]

Scenarios affected/updated
Drang nach Osten
Grand Campaign
November 1918
May 1919
Poland 1920

- Reds now start the Grand Campaign with 120 NM (110 NM on Kolchak coup campaign), Southern and Siberian Whites with 90 NM.
- More Red Guards in minor communist cities.
- Red have more recruits available at the start of the Grand Campaign and Kolchak Coup campaign.
- Mobilization option is now much more efficient for the Reds, less efficient for the Southern and Siberian Whites.
- Raise money option is now less efficient for the Southern and Siberian Whites.
- Mobilization and raise money option now only cost 1 NM (instead of 2 NM) for all factions.
- Moscow and Petrograd produce more money and conscripts
- Tachankas now have the same speed as armored cars
- All factories now take 3 months (6 turns) to be built
- Red battleships in Kronstadt can now be repaired properly
- Northern Whites can now recruit militia (instead of peasants)
- All other Whites faction can recruit less militia
- Southern Whites independences recognition is now cheaper, but foreign alliances are most expensive (10 NM for Baltic states, 20 NM for Finland, 10 for Caucasus League).
- More supply is produced in Moscow, Rostov, Ekaterinburg, Omsk, Tzaritsyn, Petrograd and Kiev.
- Sidorin is no longer a Training Officer
- Depots will ease the Polish Intervention in the Grand Campaign
-The Polish Intervention will not occur if the Siberian Whites are below 120 NM (Southern Whites morale conditions unchanged)

As allways, a full ChangeLog is available in your Windows Start Menu under Revolution under Siege

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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Posts: 3492
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:53 pm

El menú en español todavía no se ha incorporado al parche, no creo que sea tan difícil el incorporarlo al juego, pero ahí lo teneís.

Sabeís lo que ha trabajado en este juego y, la verdad, me siento un poco decepcionado con el trato, no ya a mí, sino a los que gustándonos los juegos de AGEOD nos gustaría jugarlo en nuestra lengua vernácula y se nos ningunea no se sabe bien porque razón.

Os dejo el enlace por enésima vez

Sorprende al enemigo mediante la estrategia y el secreto, mediante lo inesperado y la rapidez de tus operaciones

Dulce bellum inexpertis

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