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Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:43 pm

ohhhh ! trouvez le frein et arretez le train, on est loin du sujet : quand arrive RUS gold version.

salut !

courage Andatiep, "nous" savons comment traiter les mutineries ah aha !
[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

"Rendez-vous, général, votre témérité vous a emporté trop loin ; vous êtes dans nos dernières lignes." (un russe)

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Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:37 pm

andatiep wrote:I guess you are currently living in one EU country to be so well informed about the political regim out there ?

Anyway, as RUS Dev Team volunteer, you better go now into that mine to start to work with your comrades, who are some 'nazis citizens of EU' and from elsewhere, and maybe learn the proper use of Historical words with them, instead of trolling around outside.
We still have testing roadmaps to finish.

Actualy, yes, im from EU member nation. And here are acualy more similiarities to nazi regime, than differences. Of course, they do them in much more "public liking" way. Where to start ?
instead of simply jailing political oposition they simply wage media camgaing against anyone who is "euroskeptic" or chalenge political way of ruling party. They created private schools for childs of high-ranking members of eu goverment - very NAPOLA liking, isnt ?
They pushed many agencies with secret clausules in them in othervise "public liking and nice goal" agendas. Like SOPA, PIPA and similiar - presented as figting aganist piracy, but in efect it can be used for censorship of internet without any control.
And we have today another new agenda - proposed us-eu trade treaty. Why im not surprised that they are tring to block any closer look at that treaty from "outsiders".
And there we have "economy stabilization act" which was presented as safehold with money if another economic crisis come, but reality ? Any employ of that acency will have diplomatic imunity, so he will be above any law reach from any eu country, he was responsible only to eu leadership. Any eu state have duty to send to that agenda any amount of money they wanted, withou any explanation from them. Do i have to add, that no eu member national goverment can even look to at for which stored money are used, or if they even just lie there ?
Or just laws pressed from above, totaly ignoring national specific realities.

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Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:17 pm

Why do you need to use the term nazi regim to describe a current situation you know it is not and it will never be like the German Nazi regim from 1933-1945 ?

I could share many of your opinions or analyzes, but i disapprove the use (and so the possible corruption) of common historical words we all need to describe the history of the Humanity, just for present day political opinion and activism.

Please use proper words or create new words to describe your observations. Communism and Fascism/Nazism were called later to belongs to the family of Totalitarism regims. You could maybe say that there is a danger that EU become a Totalitarism, but please let the nazis in the part of our story they belongs so that it can clearly be learned by the next generations who there were and what they did.

Keep everybody in mind that calling the EU a nazi regim in 2014 is also relaying a mass communication of one belligerant in a war in Ukraine. I would like to avoid that this conflict become a troll's debate in this forum and i invite those who want to speak about it to continue in PM or to use other medias forums.

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Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:44 am

andatiep wrote: you need to use the term nazi regim you know it will never be like the German Nazi regim from 1933-1945 ?

Who knows the history in advance? Elected superior race: Mos Maiorum.

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Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:57 pm

salut !

bon, petit rappel :
je crois que ce thread est réservé au sujet suivant, l'évolution de RUS gold version et sa prochaine arrivée dans les "bacs"...
pour les sujets politiques et autres y faut voir ailleurs, merci d'avance

écrit depuis le wagon number 7 (celui avec la double maxims sur le toit) de mon train blindé bloqué par une congère sur une voie entre Omsk et Vladivostok..

Da Svidania !
[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

"Rendez-vous, général, votre témérité vous a emporté trop loin ; vous êtes dans nos dernières lignes." (un russe)

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Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:14 pm

czert2 wrote:instead of simply jailing political oposition they simply wage media camgaing against anyone who is "euroskeptic" or chalenge political way of ruling party.

Well, funny... it's quite normal in politics and it have nothing in common with nazi regime lol. And in my opinion it's actually good in this case because all this nationalists and "euroskeptics" are simply morons who want to turn Europe into some periphery between USA, China, maybe Russia(but this country is dying in my opinion) now, India and Brazil tomorrow. Europe will be some peninsula on the Asian continent or American protectorate(like once said Brzezinski) divided into many, proud but unimportant countries. That's what they want. That's what you want i guess. "United States of Europe" is slipping giant, super power with economy even bigger than US but such idiots want to squander it and destroy the only way we have in globalized world.
On the other hand I don't see much EURO-Totalitarian propaganda saying how beautiful is EU and why we need it so much. Actually the mythical "Brussels government" and the European Union itself is on a national politics level often a whipping boy - when something is going wrong or politicians are making some unpopular reforms(good or bad) they like to encumber them for it even if it's not true in that particular case. They also like to forgot that they are part of this "Brussels government"

They pushed many agencies with secret clausules in them in othervise "public liking and nice goal" agendas. Like SOPA, PIPA and similiar - presented as figting aganist piracy, but in efect it can be used for censorship of internet without any control.

And where is this censorship??

And we have today another new agenda - proposed us-eu trade treaty. Why im not surprised that they are tring to block any closer look at that treaty from "outsiders".

what would be wrong in US-EU free trade zone?
And there we have "economy stabilization act" which was presented as safehold with money if another economic crisis come, but reality ? Any employ of that acency will have diplomatic imunity, so he will be above any law reach from any eu country, he was responsible only to eu leadership. Any eu state have duty to send to that agenda any amount of money they wanted, withou any explanation from them. Do i have to add, that no eu member national goverment can even look to at for which stored money are used, or if they even just lie there ?
Or just laws pressed from above, totaly ignoring national specific realities.

LOL!!! Do you now that all national goverments- their ministers and prime ministers form this "eu leadership"??

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le Anders
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Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:31 pm

I think you guys are about to get slapped, seeing what the moderator seems to be saying.

Now, you fellows in GOLD/whatever dev team, could there please be a militia (battallion) unit called "Sparta"? It's perhaps not historical, but it would fit.

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Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:46 pm

le Anders wrote:Now, you fellows in GOLD/whatever dev team, could there please be a militia (battallion) unit called "Sparta"? It's perhaps not historical, but it would fit.

Why ? Do you mean a spartakist unit ? There is already units of German spartakist volunteers in the game coming in early 1919.

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Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:27 pm

Will it be released on Steam?

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Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:50 pm

andatiep wrote:Why ? Do you mean a spartakist unit ? There is already units of German spartakist volunteers in the game coming in early 1919.

Not quite.

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Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:02 pm

You have to wait for Ageod to climb all the chronology step by step with its games. And if you see one day such named battalion, the first one to be remembered should be this one :

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Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:04 pm

Švejk wrote:Will it be released on Steam?

I can't say yes yet, ...but i can't say no either... :)

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Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:12 pm

andatiep wrote:You have to wait for Ageod to climb all the chronology step by step with its games.

Or to wait for US history, as a RussianCivilWar-like is its future, with massive poor people and prisonners, and the few remaining indians, confederated against few army and federation still lovers.
RUS using ACW map.

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Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:43 am

I thought this was about you making a GOLD version, not about politics.

Anyway, comparison with Nazi Germany is a slap in the face of any serious Euro-Sceptic.
@czert you seriously should learn a bit about Nazi Germany, before you throw anyone in that same boat. You come off as a clueless loudmouth just wanting to piss off people.

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Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:02 am

Yeah ignore this other stuff, when are does RUS get its steam release!!!!!

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Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:48 am

BBBD316 wrote:, when does RUS get its steam release

No politics?
Maybe not Steam, for Andatiep is for free software:
Linux against Windows, so surely not for other DRMs like Steam either.
But it is not he who decides this, I think.

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Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:15 pm

Steam isn't necessarily DRM, it can just be a distribution platform. See for example Paradox games which have no DRM (I think the same with AGEOD games on Steam right now), you can download the game from Steam and then just copy that folder elsewhere and play without Steam.

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Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:22 am

This trick of Steam to deactivate the DRM does not remove it fully.
If you lose your Steam account, you have no longer the right to use your 'drm-free' Steam games if you bought the game in Steam store: the devs can say to you, 'sorry, you have no longer the rights on my game, I have no time for you, and please remove all files from your HD'. This is not the same if you bought the game in devs' store and they give you a key with. If the devs told you to buy in Steam store, not in their own store, then they have agreed to give their rights to Steam, and you loose the games if your Steam account is canceled. Sure, devs can be nice and give you some new rights without making you pay, but they are not compelled.

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Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:23 am

I could care less whether it's on Steam...

FYI, the Matrix Forum has an interesting thread about Steam DRM - see thread 3738746

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Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:02 am

BuckTurgidson wrote:I could care less whether it's on Steam...
FYI, the Matrix Forum has an interesting thread about Steam DRM - see thread 3738746

What is interesting?
In the words of Johan Andersson at Paradox Development Studio, "Steam is NOT a DRM, unless a developer wants it to be."

Lol, a whore of Steam champions his master: "A latch is not one unless you close it."
Soon he will say: "A pc game is not one unless you play with."

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Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:11 am

I like to mention that if a game is Steam only I don't buy it, and I am not the only one who does this.

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Tue Dec 09, 2014 2:13 am

Well just saying I don't buy the other way, I want my games in one spot.

I have bought all the AGEOD games on steam, but if Rus won't go on Steam then I will pass and wait for the next one. Happy to part with my money, but I use the platform I choose to use.

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Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:44 am

If a professional dev (I'm surely not, but others are, here) earns too few, then the money from everybody is welcome.
May RUS 'Gold' bring them some gold.

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