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Greetings from the frozen tundra!

Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:47 am

Not Green Bay for you (American) football fans out there. I greet you as a newcomer to the forum. It was back in ancient times, perhaps two years ago, that I originally created my forum account. Even though it was Birth of America that holds the distinction of being my first Ageod title I played, AACW was the one that grabbed me and refused to let go.

Then I stumbled on this game and as soon as I saw what it was about I had to get it :D

Utterly fascinating topic that I have always been interested in learning as much as I can. Incredibly not long after I picked RUS up I found a book about the allied intervention, which I [I]really[I] wanted to learn more about. I probably would have gotten it anyway but still very cool coincidence.

I've introduced myself over on the Civil War II forum and I wanted to do the same here because the Ageod forums have a great community.

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Pat "Stonewall" Cleburne
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Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:50 am

Welcome. AACW drew me in as well. RUS is the more complicated version. I just wish more sources were translated to English. Have fun!

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Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:54 am

Welcome :thumbsup: .

For US AACW veterans, you could look at this interesting US military point of view and report written in your language and called :

Can't give you officially a link here since i'm not sure about its diffusion licence, but i'm sure you will find it somewhere in a library or in the WWW ;) .

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