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Room for improvement

Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:42 pm

I love Ageod games and I think ROP is my favorite.
There are a few scenario issues (like being able to get reinforcement for nations that don't need it, such as Hannover and GB ,when you are dying for prussian units but they are no game breakers).
1. I have WIA/AACW/NCP and the text leaks out of the window still happens. I know there might be resolutions were it doesnt happen but still in modern coding(.NET) there are tricks to make it work on any resolution.
2. Sometimes under near unreproducible conditions I can't klick the end turn arrow for some reason so I use the keyboard shortcuts. Again a resolution issue there.
3.Klicking on the log to get more information such as the newspaper is really hard. I have to aim for the dot on the date to get the newspaper screens. I know you might say change your monitor but I have GeForce 8800GT with a syncmaster P2450 which works with all other games fine.
4. Once a detailed unit screen has been opened by mistake you really have to close it or scroll through all the units that is a bit annoying.
5. The saved games slowly but surely fill my drives until I get an error because the next turn cannot be saved properly. This can be avoided by saying save only the last 20 turns as an option. NCP saves 2 GB, ROP 3 GB that is a lot.

Sorry for the critisism but I just want to help.
Apart from that keep up the great work

PS: All these discussions about making the next games more compatible for the masses (ie. WW2 etc.) is not why I like AGEOD.I like AGEOD because they go for interesting and nearly forgotten conflicts i.e. RUS/ROP/WIA (apart from NCP which is a must in my book for any wargaming company).
I would go for the expansion of the ottoman empire (venice/austians/hungarians vs. Ottomans would be very cool indeed) or Gustavus adolfus(30 years war nearly everyone joined in that one) but the difficulty would be how to make these games different from ROP.
What I also see is AGEOD systematic approach to expanding the game engine.
BOA-WIA how do I make a wargame were movement and supplies are as important as units and can the AI deal with it
AACW expand on building troops, chain of command and slight control over the economy and can the AI deal with it
NCP naval issues,large amphibious landings and more complex chain of command and can the AI deal with it
ROP using Allies and improving military AI
RUS multiple units Air, trains,armor and a bit of politics and again can the AI deal with it.
PON the full monty, economics and diplomacy and war and... does it still work as a game?
Great development. One could think Mr. Thibeau thinks strategically.

Well done

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:53 pm

I also very much agree and hope to see more uncovered conflicts as future projects besides PON's more global approach. As an example Ottoman's expansion: even Ottoman army has 2 step forward and 1 step backward marching habbit :D even with that it shouldnt stall the evolution of the age engine. :thumbsup:

As for ROP: One small touch can be maybe to give manpower to Prussia and money to Austrian coalition via extended diplomatic options.

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:06 am

I would like to see a "Battle for the gates of Europe" AGEod games, with all the battles from the XIXth century (or alternatively XIVth - XVIth century) in the Balkans, which a map covering Austria, part of Poland, Crimea, all the Balkans, the Agean Sea and of course Turkey (at least the Western part).

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:19 am

Nice thema...what would be a nice tilte for such a game... Blood & Iron Battles (BIB) :cool: ?

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:43 am

I would associate such a name more to - say - a Ironclad battles game.

Totem.ru games, for instance. Those people manage to deal with war even more "original" and forgotten than AGEOD's


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Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:52 am

Yes, I know that Russian game...but the term Ironclad is too much associated with a few naval battles of the age (Hampton Roads, Lissa), so we would need something more 'Bismarkian' here ;) :D

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:21 am

PhilThib wrote:Nice thema...what would be a nice tilte for such a game... Blood & Iron Battles (BIB) :cool: ?

PhilThib wrote:Yes, I know that Russian game...but the term Ironclad is too much associated with a few naval battles of the age (Hampton Roads, Lissa), so we would need something more 'Bismarkian' here ;) :D

Bismark was not so bloodthirsty as your compatriots used to think. :D

It was Iron not Blood he placed first in his famous speach: Nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden — das ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewesen — sondern durch Eisen und Blut.

Great name for a game though. :)

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Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:58 am

So it could be "Age of Iron and Blood" = AIB :cool:

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:24 am

Yes There werent submarines, ironclads and tanks etc..

Only there were stories of population exchange during and after Balkan wars, which I used to hear peasants just in case wearing many belts to protect themselves from rifle fire during immigration from Salonika . Age engine can just fit that NM, loyalty and population exchange occured during that time frame. :)

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