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Turn 7 battles and results

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:15 am
by Jim-NC
There were 11 minor battles (8 of which occured at Louisville KY). The Union captured Mobile, AL.


And now the results:


Turn 8 orders (Early July)

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:26 am
by Jim-NC

AOP - hold at Petersburg. AOC hold around Chattanooga/Atlanta. AOT splits into 2 parts. 2 corps attack Gardner, and the rest go for Montgomery AL. Also, the union attempts to smash the remnant of CSA troops in Arkansas.

Purchases - 30 RR, 20 River, 1 Irregular reg, 4 Militia regs, 1 Artillery battalion
Replacements - 2 Elite Inf, 1 Skirm, 2 Cav, 1 Lt. Arty




ANV - Retreat south 1-2 regions. AOT attack McCook's corps NW of Atlanta (except Polk, who sits in Decatur TN). AOM retreat to Georgia (except Gardner). Wheeler leaves Louisville (after a lot of fighting).

Political Option - Measured Exceptional Taxes
Purchases - 20 RR
Replacements - 5 Inf




Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:08 am
by johnnycai
Turn 7 Comments:
Call for Volunteers, Bonds. My replacements are gone, and the carnage has begun yet. We need lots of replacements from here on. I also choose several cav. reg. to scout deep into reb territory and to keep patrol against rebs.

Lee has joined Jackson at Petersburg...but no attack. So, we will march/rail all we can there and prepare for the next punch, the rebs may wait expecting a battle, we may dissapoint them. The rebs have supply issues.

Sherman/Grant are marching eastward, towards Alabama. Mobile will be stormed. Hamilton is facing a few regiments. It appears the rebs have all retreated eastward into 'bama, except for Gardiner where he appears trapped and blocaded. General Banks takes up his post at NewOrleans gaining 7conscripts/turn for us there.

We send Crittendon and some nearby brigades to Louisville, the rebs have sent a sizeable cav. force.

Mobile falls as expected.
Foster does take Wilmington, so the rebs have their supply further diminished.
Hooker, Meade et al are all now at Petersburg, and Lee/Jackson and remain there.

Turn 8
Another decision, do we force battle at Petersburg with the whole reb army, since Longstreet, Beauregard and Stuart are all adjoining now or do we wait it out and see if ZOC will improve and force a battle on our terms or will supply disappear now with all Wilmington taken.
We decide to wait.

Hamilton will keep 2div. at Mobile and lead 2 to take the Ft. south of Mobile, we want to enable supply or use naval transports to remake any depots so we need to clear those forts away.
Grant/Sherman continue eastward, Sherman will cross the river and approach Montgomery. We have sent some brigades towards Pensacola last turn and this turn we will assault it. We will sail 2 trasports to there to build a depot.

Soon as we have the pics from Jim.

Turn 8 results (oops, I forgot to post them)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:50 am
by Jim-NC
Here are the results for turn 8. 8 minor battles, 2 major battles, the Union captured Louisville, and 2 minor naval battles.



And the results:


Turn 9 orders (Late July)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:21 am
by Jim-NC
AOP 1 Corps to Garysburg, 1 corps to Goldsboro, 1 between, 1 corps to Burkeville, attempting to cut of ANV east of pink line. AOC attack Columbus GA. AOT part attacks Montgomery, while part attacks Gardner.

Purchases - 40 RR, 5 River 5 Militia, 3 Ocean Ships
Replacements - 2 Elite Inf, 1 Mil, 2 Cav, 1 Lt. Arty




ANV - Retreat south, Lee&Longstreet to Garysburg, Jackson to New Berne, Bory and Stuart to Mecklenburg, VA. AOT hold position. AOM - Gardner retreat east.

Purchases - RR 30, Industrialize NC
Replacements - 3 Inf



Turn 9 more orders

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:22 am
by Jim-NC

Turn 9 battles

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:25 am
by Jim-NC
There were 6 minor, 1 moderate, and 4 major battles this turn.






Turn 9 results

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:26 am
by Jim-NC

Turn 10 Orders (Early Aug)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:45 am
by Jim-NC

AOP - Attack south. Stoneman's corps to Raleigh, Sedgewick's Corps to Goldsboro, Meade's Corps to Duplin, Liberate Norfolk. AOC - Hold. Mississippi Command - attack Gardner. AOT - attack Montgomery.

Purchases - 50 RR, 10 River, 3 Militia regs, 2 Ocean Ships
Replacements - 3 Elite Inf, 1 Inf, 3 Cav, 1 Lt. Arty





Turn 10 orders continued

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:49 am
by Jim-NC

ANV - retreat south. Jackson assaults Wilmington, Stuart to Lexington, Hardee to Carthage NC, Lee & Bory near Goldsboro. AOT - assault Columbus GA. AOM move to Atlanta.

Replacements - 1 Elite Inf, 3 Inf



Turn 10 battles and results

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:56 am
by Jim-NC
There were 5 minor and 3 major battles. 1 minor naval bombardment.




And now the results:


Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 3:31 am
by johnnycai
Turn 8
On day2, Lee decides to retreat southward, realizing the whole Union army is now at Petersburg and the CSA army is unable to resupply. It appears that by retreating out of the Petersburg region the CSA loses its military control of the region to the point that the CSA stacks revert to offensive and attack. I base this on the battle report screenshots, its unclear that the rebs, as shown in the battle report, would attempt to assault Peterburg while the map overview shows Lee on defensive posture attempting to march southward...perhaps my opponent knows what was ordered and why.

We inflict serious harm here. As we shall see...

At Harper's Ferry, Va. Wharton leads a cav brigade and takes Harpers Ferry.
Near Atlanta, McCook defends well but gives ground against Bragg and retreats towards Columbus and Grant's command, where we wanted to attach him anyway.
Ft. Smith Ark, was attacked, we begin to seige.


The battle at Petersburg with the whole reb army was amazing, I have never seen so many in battle. Lee/Jackson/Longstreet will have to move south or be cutoff stuck at Norfolk. We will drive southward and force them to fight for the rail line to Wilmington. Reynolds and 3divs. at Wilmington will plan on stubbornly defending it as the main reb. stacks are in disarray in Viriginia.

Sherman will march on Montgomery Al, Grant will follow. McCook off his battle against Bragg, surrounded and almost cutoff will naturally assault Columbus, Ga. where a nice, fat depot sits guarded by Pemberton's spent army stack from Mississippi and mucho supply wagons...all which we would love to capture. McCook is near spent but he needs this one.

Not much else to do but finish off Gardiner if we can.

Resting and inactive at the Ft. Smith seige.

Lee, Longstreet and Ewell get mauled at Garysburg, Beaurgard at Burkeville.
Jackson retreated prior to Garysburg falling and so escaped southward.
Columbus does fall for McCook, the rebs dont move any defense forces there.
Pensacola falls, Gardiner in Ms. gets more beatings for Ord's corps.

The CSA losses are piling up, they have lost effectively 2/3 of their Eastern army in my estimation. Jackson is low on supply and has his retreat blocked.

I see a glorious opportunity to march southward at full speed all the way to Charleston.
Jackson slipped away, and plans to assault Wilmington or at least to counter Reynolds. We will send all southward against Goldsboro...

Turn 11 orders (Late August)

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:03 am
by Jim-NC

AOP - move south with many units. Howard to capture Norfolk. AOC holds position. AOT holds position. There is much reinforcement.

Purchases - 30 RR, 10 River 2 Militia, 3 Ocean Ships
Replacements - 4 Inf, 1 Lt Inf, 2 Cav, 2 Lt. Arty, 1 Hvy Arty





Turn 11 orders continued

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:08 am
by Jim-NC

ANV - retreat SW towards Charlotte and Lumberton. AOC and AOT retreat eastwards towards middle Georgia. The AOT attacks Hunter at Savannah.

Political Options - Print money
Purchases - None
Replacements - 7 Inf, 3 Cav, 1 Arty




Turn 11 battles and results

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:13 am
by Jim-NC
There were 4 minor and 1 major battles this turn. The union was able to capture Norfolk.


And now the results:


Turn 12 Orders (Early Sept)

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:24 am
by Jim-NC

Hunter besieges Savannah. AOP moves forward several regions Attempt to capture Camden SC (cutting ANV supplies). AOC attacks Knoxville, Thomas moving towards Atlanta. AOT is moving east to capture Columbus GA.

Purchases - 40 RR, 20 Riv, 2 Ocean Ships
Replacements - 1 Elite, 5 Inf, 1 Skir, 2 Cav, 1 Lt. Arty, 1 Supply





Turn 12 orders continued

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:27 am
by Jim-NC

ANV retreats to S.C. AOT retreats to Charleston. AOM eastwards.

Replacements - 2 Inf, 3 Cav, 2 Arty



Turn 12 battles and results:

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:29 am
by Jim-NC
There were 10 minor battles, and 2 minor naval battles.


And now the results. The union captured Atlanta.


Turn 13 Orders (Late Sep)

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 2:57 am
by Jim-NC

AOP attack southwards. Hunter is besieging Savannah. AOC holds around Chattanooga. AOT moves east.

Purchases - 30 RR, 10 River, 2 Support
Replacements - 6 Inf, 3 Cav, 1 Lt. Arty, 1 Art, 1 Supply




ANV retreat southwards 2-4 regions. AOT hold at Charleston. AOM move east. Polk moves SE to Abbeville SC.

Purchases - Heavy Industry in SC


Turn 13 battles and results

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 3:25 am
by Jim-NC
There were 10 minor battles. Savannah bombarded for 48 hits, and was hit for 0. Ft. Caswell bombarded the union for 50 hits, and suffered 7 in return. This turn saw the death of many CSA generals:

R Taylor.
S. Buckner
I. Trimble
J. Hood
H. Heth
R. Ewell
J. Breckinridge
J. Floyd
W. Bate
G. Doles
D. Jones

And now the results:


Turn 14 orders (Early Oct)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:54 am
by Jim-NC

AOP and 2 corps assault Jackson's Corps. Howard to assault Ft. Sumter. AOT moves east to Augusta.

Purchases - 50 RR, 5 River, 3 Ocean Ships
Replacements - 7 Inf, 2 Cav, 1 Lt. Arty, 1 Supply




All forces except Jackson to Charleston SC. Jackson moves to Lumberton NC.

Purchases - med Industry South Carolina
Replacements - 2 Inf


Turn 14 battles and results

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:56 am
by Jim-NC
There were 7 minor and 1 major battles. There were 2 minor naval battles (no damage to either side).


And now the results:


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:08 am
by Daxil
Jim-NC wrote:There were 10 minor battles. Savannah bombarded for 48 hits, and was hit for 0. Ft. Caswell bombarded the union for 50 hits, and suffered 7 in return. This turn saw the death of many CSA generals:

R Taylor.
S. Buckner
I. Trimble
J. Hood
H. Heth
R. Ewell
J. Breckinridge
J. Floyd
W. Bate
G. Doles
D. Jones

And now the results:


jeeze thats a slaughter. One wonders how thats explained off. Perhaps seppuku?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:06 pm
by Jim-NC
Most of them were recuperating from previous wounds. I think that somehow gave them a higher death chance.

I can see the CSA newspaper account "They were all abed recovering from nasty union wounds, when suddenly up rode a dasterdly band of union stragglers bent on slaughter and pillaging. These valiant generals although gereviously wounded attempted to preserve southern virtue, and were cut down in their prime. They were able to drive away the ruffians, but at a great cost. The nation grieves for their gallant loss."

Turn 15 Orders (Late Oct)

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:31 am
by Jim-NC

Sedgewick attacks Jackson, everyone else moves to surround Charleston. Assault on Savannah, with movement to secure Texas/Louisiana.

Purchases - 70 RR, 20 River, 7 Militia, 1 Support
Replacements - 2 Inf, 2 Cav, 1 Lt. Art, 1 Arty, 1 Supply




Jackson to Charlotte NC, Stuart moves north to beside Charlotte. Everyone else collapsing into Charleston/Ft. Johnson.

Purchases - Med Industry S.C.
Replacements - 1 Cav



Turn 15 battles and Results

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:33 am
by Jim-NC
There were 14 minor and 1 major battles. There was 1 minor naval bombardment, and the CSA Tennessee was sunk by union bombardment.


And now the results:


Turn 16 orders (Early Nov)

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:41 am
by Jim-NC

Orders to blow the Lexington NC depot. Sedgewick moves to Lexington. Everyone else is surrounding Charleston.

Purchases - 100 RR, 30 River
Replacements - 7 Inf, 2 Cav, 1 Lt. Art, 1 Supply




Jackson assaults the Lexington NC depot. Stuart to assault Lumberton NC. Wheeler to McDowell NC.

Political options - 6% War Bonds, Partial Mobilization
Purchases - Med industry in SC.
Replacements - 1 Elite, 5 Inf, 1 Cav, 1 Lt. Art, 1 Arty



Turn 16 battles and results

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:45 am
by Jim-NC
There were 4 minor and 3 major battles. There were 2 minor naval battles. Savannah was able to bombard for 50 and received 3 in return.




And now the results:


Turn 17 Orders (Late Nov)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:56 am
by Jim-NC

Sedgewick attacks Jackson and moves on to Raleigh. Reinforecements move to Raleigh to protect the depot (5 units including AOP). Howard assaults Ft. Moultrie. Slocum to Jackson SC.

Purchases - 50 RR, 15 Riv, 4 Militia
Replacements - 1 Elite, 2 Inf, 4 Cav, 2 Lt. Art, 2 Arty





Jackson moves to Raleigh NC. Stuart moves to Hart GA. Several CSA forces converge on Lumberton NC.

Purchases - Med Industry in SC
Replacements - 1 Inf



Turn 17 battles and results

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:00 am
by Jim-NC
There were 7 minor and 2 major battles this turn.




And now the results: