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AGEod Grognard
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Finals alteration

Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:49 pm

Just a heads up,

After some thought on the matter, at this point I'm going to change the finals from the full April 1861 GC to one of the shorter 2 theater scenarios. It's not really up for debate because this tournament and tournament #1 would never end if we played the full GC. At this point I think the 48 turn (?) 1864 campaign is the way to go. It's the only one of the 2 theater campaigns which seems short enough to accommodate a tournament yet seems long enough to be a final and also has some finality to it. Alternately we could play the 1862 campaign through to 1864. Some might say that's the way to go from a balance standpoint, but sine you'll be playing both sides in the 64 campaign it's naturally balanced also.

If people have thoughts on the matter you can post them here, but right now I'm heavily leaning towards the 1864 2 theater campaign for the championship.

"We shall give them the bayonet." -Stonewall at Fredericksburg.

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