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Army Command Radius - a question

Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:53 pm

Having played through my first full campaign, I was wondering about the effects of army command radius, on units under that army's command.

I know that if you want to attach a corp to an army, then it has to be within the command radius of the army commander (displayed by pressing shift), and that the benefits of becoming attached to an army include the improvement of command structure, which can negate or reduce penalties relating to a shortage of command points within the Corps. However, if an attached Corps then travels beyond it's army commanders command radius, there doesn't seem to be any real detrimental effect to that force (ie: command penalties don't seem to reappear).

I assume there should be penalties to operating out of range, but how do they become apparent in game? Or, can a Corps pretty much go where it likes, without penalties, once it has become attached?

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:29 pm

the good thing about an out of range corps is it retains the advantage to being 'part of an army' - ie the higher CP limit as against being independent. But you lose all the advantages - traits/activation bonus/march to the sound of the guns - of being in range of the CinC.

So the thiing you see - ie the malus (or lack of it) for being part of an army - is indeed independent of a corps' physical location but you are missing out on a number of other benefits
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Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:08 pm

Yes, just as I thought - thanks Loki - it's a shame there isn't some form of out of command radius icon for an over-extended Corps.

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:28 pm

An army corps commander can also lose some command points if out of the command radius of the army commander. IE if in range he has a command ability of say 34, if he goes outside the army commander's range it will drop to say 32.
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