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Fri May 01, 2009 6:12 pm

What is the scale for the units ?
Regiments for Infantry (Musketeer, Fusillier) and Battalion for Grenadiers ?
Regiments for Cavalry ?

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Fri May 01, 2009 8:27 pm

I hope it is Battalions for all infantry, it is a common unit to all armies, while regiments could have 1, 2 or 3 Bns depending on armies.
Cavalry is more difficult, squadrons are probably too small, maybe some sort of standarized regiment.

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Fri May 01, 2009 9:00 pm

I would venture a guess that Regiments will be the standard scale. Having to manage individual Battalions/Squadrons might get somewhat tedious in larger armies. I think it is safe to assume that the larger container formation will be Brigades but higher than that I have no idea. I guess it could be Column, Wing, or Line.

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Fri May 01, 2009 10:10 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong but were SYW Armies simply: Army-Wing/Line-Battalion?

Battalions were organized into Regiments for administration and recruiting but they could easily be seperated for different tasks.

There was nothing like a Napoleonic or ACW Division or Brigade, correct?

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Fri May 01, 2009 10:37 pm

No Divisions yet but Regiments were Brigaded under a Major-General usually with around 2-6 Regiments per Brigade. The Brigades weren't permanent organizations. I am interested in how they will organize the armies. I guess it will be similar to BOA. They might just have Armies which contain Regiments.

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Sat May 02, 2009 7:59 am

Sol Invictus wrote:I would venture a guess that Regiments will be the standard scale. Having to manage individual Battalions/Squadrons might get somewhat tedious in larger armies. I think it is safe to assume that the larger container formation will be Brigades but higher than that I have no idea. I guess it could be Column, Wing, or Line.

I agree squadrons are too small, but Bns are ok, and less misleading than regiments, unless you have different units for regiments with 1, 2 or 3 Bns, each with different command costs.

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Mon May 04, 2009 9:16 am

Hum ... very important topic : Unit size.

We tried to respect each army organisation with few conditions :
- not too many sub-unit size :wacko:
- brigade were only temporary organization
- no division :neener:

In conclusion :

- SubUnits will be companies (infantry) or squadrons (cavalry)
- Units will represent Battalions
- Regiments will have between 1 to 4 Battalions (it depend on period and armies)

Companies size were slightly different between each army (between 65 to 200 mens) so we have set a company to 170 mens for musketeers/fusiliers and 120 mens for Grenadiers.

For example, a 56' prussian infantry battalion werelike this :
Musketeer battalion counted 702 men and included 5 companies => in game it will be represent with only 4 companies (4*170 = 680 men)

The reinforcement of January 1757 brought the total strength of a battalion of musketeers to 852. => in game we will add a company (5*170 = 850 men)

So the exact number of subunits won't be always right but we are always trying to respect historical unit size :bonk:

I hope to adjust this with beta tests.

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Mon May 04, 2009 11:43 am

For the Prussians do you represent the Combined Grenadiers Battalions and the Standing Battalion Grenadiers. The former were 4 companies that were gathered taken from 2 Rgts(2 Cies each).

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Mon May 04, 2009 12:09 pm

Hok wrote:Hum ... very important topic : Unit size.

We tried to respect each army organisation with few conditions :
- not too many sub-unit size :wacko:
- brigade were only temporary organization
- no division :neener:

In conclusion :

- SubUnits will be companies (infantry) or squadrons (cavalry)
- Units will represent Battalions
- Regiments will have between 1 to 4 Battalions (it depend on period and armies)

Companies size were slightly different between each army (between 65 to 200 mens) so we have set a company to 170 mens for musketeers/fusiliers and 120 mens for Grenadiers.

For example, a 56' prussian infantry battalion werelike this :
Musketeer battalion counted 702 men and included 5 companies => in game it will be represent with only 4 companies (4*170 = 680 men)

The reinforcement of January 1757 brought the total strength of a battalion of musketeers to 852. => in game we will add a company (5*170 = 850 men)

So the exact number of subunits won't be always right but we are always trying to respect historical unit size :bonk:

I hope to adjust this with beta tests.

From the game perspective, the important thing is not to give an unwanted advantage to one side by not using the same ratio unit size/command points, like happened in NCP with French regiments for instance (that had the same command points that enemy Battalions)

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Mon May 04, 2009 1:07 pm

Florent wrote:For the Prussians do you represent the Combined Grenadiers Battalions and the Standing Battalion Grenadiers. The former were 4 companies that were gathered taken from 2 Rgts(2 Cies each).

Combined Btn will Be 4(5 at the end of the war) Musketeers Cies and 1 Grenadiers Company

Standing Battalion grenadier will be made with 5 Grenadiers Cies (6 at the end of the war).
And yes they will be picked from battalions of Regiments.
It depend on the Oob, we will put only Combined Btn or Grenadier Btn on the map and if we put Grenadier Btn we will remove Grenadier Companies from from Combined Battalions.

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Mon May 04, 2009 1:10 pm

aryaman wrote:From the game perspective, the important thing is not to give an unwanted advantage to one side by not using the same ratio unit size/command points, like happened in NCP with French regiments for instance (that had the same command points that enemy Battalions)

A battalion represent between 600 to 1000 men, French regiment with 4 battalions will need 4 times more command point than Hanovrian single batallion regiment.

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Mon May 04, 2009 5:12 pm

Hok wrote:A battalion represent between 600 to 1000 men, French regiment with 4 battalions will need 4 times more command point than Hanovrian single batallion regiment.

Good, what about cavalry? there were regiments with 5 squadrons, other with 10 squadrons...will larger regiments require more command points?

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Mon May 04, 2009 5:36 pm

Ok so the typical Army will consist of Army->Regiments->Battalions->Companies/Squadrons? But since Regiments won't be versatile adhoc containers that hold any assortment of assigned units like Brigades do in NC, won't Regiments always have their historical Battalions? If so would'nt it make sense to have Regiments as the Units with their Elements being a varying number of Battalions depending on nation? Am I misunderstanding this?

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Tue May 05, 2009 2:57 am

Hok wrote:It depend on the Oob, we will put only Combined Btn or Grenadier Btn on the map and if we put Grenadier Btn we will remove Grenadier Companies from from Combined Battalions.



I'm looking forward to this game more and more.

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Tue May 05, 2009 9:44 am

Sol Invictus wrote:Ok so the typical Army will consist of Army->Regiments->Battalions->Companies/Squadrons? But since Regiments won't be versatile adhoc containers that hold any assortment of assigned units like Brigades do in NC, won't Regiments always have their historical Battalions? If so would'nt it make sense to have Regiments as the Units with their Elements being a varying number of Battalions depending on nation? Am I misunderstanding this?

The main issue is different :)

If you focus on Regiment = Unit and Battalion = SubUnit you'll have a problem with replacements.
=> Battalions can vary from 400 men to 1200 men and replacements are made with Subunits.

So when French player will receive a replacement, it will be more than 1000 men, for another countries it will be 500 or 600 men.

It's easier to balance the game if all nations can be comparable on the smallest elements (in size of course ... not on offensive/defensive values)

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Tue May 05, 2009 2:43 pm

I see, thanks.

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