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Warscore issue

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:57 pm
by MarkusBergmann
I have a problem with warscore as Germany in a 1880 start campaign.

I declared war on holland and proceeded to smash there European army.
I am occupying all of holland.
Problem is after the warscore reaches 102 it stopped going up.
Up until this point I gained 5/turn from holding the capital, but it just stopped.
So I landed some forces in Borneo and am occupying all of Borneo now.
I noticed that all farms, buildings and coaling stations in Borneo got destroyed the moment I took the province that had any buildings in it.
My warscore did not move, the only noteable change was that this lowered the warscore cost for claiming Borneo in a peace treaty from 176 to 170.

How can I ever claim Borneo with no way of rising warscore?

How can I possibly gain more warscore from here on out?

I read on this forum that warscore should keep rising as long as I hold the capital bit that is not so.
And this isn’t the first game where I am running into this problem.
This can’t possibly be working as intended or can it?
If anyone can give me a hint, I would greatly appreciate it.
This happens in a pbem as well in solo games.
I don’t really know of this is a bug or not either.
Any help is greatly welcome

Re: Warscore issue

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 12:42 pm
by Kensai
This bug shows up in my game as well. It is impossible for the player or the AI to claim the juiciest provinces or colonies if it stays stuck.

Re: Warscore issue

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 9:54 pm
by Durk
My understanding is that in historically absorbed regions, things go fine; but in regions not part of a faction's historic areas of interest things are designed to be difficult.
Holland is different. I am pretty sure it is 'protected' from being taken.

Re: Warscore issue

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 8:40 am
by Kensai
I am about to invade the USA as Great Britain from Canada. It just turned 1861 in my game. If the warscore sticks to about 101-116 as I noticed in the wars of AI (or minor mine) so far, it means I won’t be able to ask for the juiciest of American territories or for example to liberate Texas or California.

If a region has a warscore tally of 200 and the counter sticks at lower 100s, it means it is unreachable. The problem was not in the game in earlier versions.

Re: Warscore issue

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 1:51 pm
by Hero989
Can you Mod the War score for each region as possible fix? Thanks.

Re: Warscore issue

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:47 am
by Kensai
Possibly. But this is the base game we are talking about and a bug that was not there before. This warscore issue and the non-national regions (101%) automatic change for some colonies were bugs that were introduced later.