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Maximum Tax amounts dropped / Trade box amounts wont save

Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:21 pm

I understand certain technologies up your maximum tax amounts (F4 screen). Through some technology improvement my max taxes were increased. After several game crashes and playing quite a few turns I noticed allot less trade so I checked my F4 sceen and noticed my max taxes had dropped (not sure if it was even below my original amounts. Does anyone know why this might have happened? I know I have a new president and a terrible current congress if that would affect it but couldnt find any references to it.

Also not as big a deal, but playing USA I edit how much my country saves for local population and emergencies through my chesepeak trade box. (reserving amounts that will not be traded, but noticed every time I quit or the game crashes I have to go back in and re-edit those amounts. Its not that big a deal except when I notice I have "reserved" like 500 of a resouce that should be selling all but 100 and it takes forever to re lower those amounts. Its probebly based on something what it auto changes it to but so far wha ive been doing has worked.

Sorry if any of this is allready answered somewhere but I couldnt find any reference to it in the manual or forums I searched. Also, I am playing the latest beta patch.


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Fri May 01, 2015 1:13 am

I see no one has ventured a guess? If its WAD I understand, possibily the fact that my congress has al 0's, at first I thought that was an error too. Maybe its because my new president isnt that great and has no help from congress ( I cant even send a state visit) Any input would be apreciated as I just got the game and this is my 1st time playing it.


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Fri May 01, 2015 2:34 am

Most of the time the US congress is 0-0-0. Sometimes they give a +1 somewhere (rare). Lincoln's your best president. The 1850's presidents are mostly pretty bad.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Fri May 01, 2015 9:23 pm

And nowdays they aren't really any better lol. Thanks for the heads-up! Still wondering why my max tax rates dropped back down to where they were I think before I gained the technology that raised them by 1...... that was a big help with extra money and it made me sad :(

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