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Some cheats would be helpful

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:57 am
by Cohnman5
Hohenlohe wrote:Hi Aphrodite,

. I tried some cheating and now saw that my overflow on ressources was reduced due to corruption.
But all in all it means fun...


Hohenlohe :love:

I am intrigued by your reference to "cheating" in the game. Could you give me some tips to "improve" the gameplay? I certainly would like to see some cheats(improvements, I mean). Especially to increase money, private money or resources. Pretty please! :thumbsup: :coeurs:

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:48 am
by Hohenlohe
Cohnman5 wrote:I am intrigued by your reference to "cheating" in the game. Could you give me some tips to "improve" the gameplay? I certainly would like to see some cheats(improvements, I mean). Especially to increase money, private money or resources. Pretty please! :thumbsup: :coeurs:

Hey cohnman, I would try to suggest you to remind of cheating can ruin your gameplay, but if you want to do so I will give you some help soon, I have next hour a date with a doctor...*sigh* thus I will give you that help some hours later if possible.

You can perhaps look for yourself in the structures files and change food, harbor and shipbuilding in a special way. Just increase the manufactured goods as output and the steel and coal and money and capital too and perhaps the supply.Thus you can a certain sum of ressources without changing the scenario files. If you want to change the scenario file you should look for your faction via the leader search you find it easily and then at top of your faction part you find the data about resources and then look for an equivalent to the ingame data. and mark your money and capital data which will be still the easy part, the other data is a little bit complicated. one mistaken data and your game is corrupted...*sigh*

But first ask the Philippes if we will be allowed to publish cheats...


Hohenlohe :bonk: :wacko: :coeurs:

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:07 am
by Pocus
Cheat as your wish, this is your game that you'll spoil :)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:31 am
by ess1
I personally would'nt like cheats to be published.

Perhaps a poll, although those who "cheat" perhaps won't take any notice.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:18 pm
by Hohenlohe
I will take only this chance to show, how you can cheat your game...I changed just some entries in a structure file about the Goods building like that...

UID = 133
Alias = Goods1
Name = $stc_nam_Goods1
Text = $stc_txt_Goods1
Kind = $stuProdSite
SubKind = $stsIndus
Family = $sfmGoods
UpgradeTo1 = $Goods2
UpgradeTo2 = -1
Sprite = Goods1¤.png
SpriteAlone = Goods1¤.png
Bitmap = Goods1
Z = 2
InCityScape = 1
InCountrySide = 0
IsExclusive = 0
CanDuplicate = 1
CanDeleteStruc = 1
MaxLevel = 1
Generation = *GOODS1*
BuildLevel = 1
MinControl = 0
MinCP = 0
MinDev = 0
AllowEnemyPresence = 0
VPGainOnStcBuilt = 18
VPLossOnStcLost = 24
BuildWeightLand = 5
BuildWeightAir = 0
BuildWeightNaval = 0
PillagerCanCapture = 1
NoRazeLevel = 99
RecoverRate = 0
RecovUseLevel = 0
RecovKind = $Land
RplMinLevel = 99
AIBuildCoeff = 150
Inp_Money = 0
Inp_Capital = 5
Inp_Coal = 1
Inp_Steel = 1
Inp_Mfg = 0
Inp_Minerals = 0
Inp_Oil = 0
Inp_Goods0 = $merIron|1
Out_Money = 0
Out_Capital = 0
Out_Coal = 2<<0
Out_Steel = 4<<0
Out_Mfg = 9<<3
Out_Minerals = 1<<0
Out_Oil = 0
Out_Prestige = 0
Out_Officer = 0
Out_Conscript = 0
Out_Goods0 = $merMechanicals|5<< nothing before as entry
Peasants = 0
Workers = 60
MiddleClass = 5
ReplPeasants = 50
ReplWorkers = 75
MinEffMiddleClass = 50
CapitalFunds = 300<<800
StateFunds = 0
Steel = 10<<30
Coal = 10
Goods = 10<<30
DayCost = 60 <<120
CostIncreaseTerrainPerc = 20
SupplyProd = 0
AmmoProd = 0
SupplyWant = 0
AmmoWant = 0
MinLevelSend = 0
MinLevelWant = 0

It is one possibility to gain some resources,but do not forget it can be spoiling your game and every patch set it back to standard vanilla version...


Hohenlohe who is an (evil) cheater :bonk: :wacko: :mdr: :w00t: :love:

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:50 pm
by Aphrodite Mae
Hohenlohe wrote:Hi Aphrodite,

nice to see you back.I can only remind that PON is wonderful even playing the Ottomans means to be funny. I tried some cheating and now saw that my overflow on ressources was reduced due to corruption.

But all in all it means fun...


Hohenlohe :love:

Thanks for your words of welcome, Hohenlohe! :)

I haven't tried any cheating yet, but I've already told Dixicrat that it's time for him to learn to Mod PoN! That's because I want to play India, and be "Ghandi Mae"! :D

I also want him to add a new resource: "Chocolate". I want to be chocolatier to the world!
"New Mission: Have the world's largest stockpile of chocolate." Now, that's a mission that a girl could really get enthusiastic about! :w00t: (Can you imagine the prestige?! :cool :)

Anyway, my approach to the game has been kinda different than the way that most of you men play, I think. But I'll talk about that in another post, in a more appropriate thread. ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:55 am
by Pocus
My wife don't understand why there is no shoes factories. Is it related to your statement?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:06 pm
by Le Ricain
Pocus wrote:My wife don't understand why there is no shoes factories. Is it related to your statement?

Your wife may have had a good idea.

Adelaide Boots

Uploaded with

Balmoral Boots

Uploaded with

Barrette Boot

Uploaded with

Oxford Shoe

Uploaded with


Uploaded with

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:29 am
by Pocus
very nice!!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:43 am
by yellow ribbon

just google:

"Shoes, Myth or Fact at Gettysburg"

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:39 pm
by Hohenlohe
How about Furniture plants or chocolate as a ressource for the luxury interests of the upper classes...??


Hohenlohe who thinks about shoe fabrics... :bonk: :love: