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Is this a bug ?

Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:02 pm


I'm currently playing the GC as Japan and noticed something strange :

A few turns ago, my infantry units where updated from the 1850/70 model to the newest 1870/1890 one (new picture and slightly better stats ). The unused units available in my force pool were replaced by the latest ones ( so I had 6 available militia corps and still have 6 of the new ones).

However, the units already placed on the map where left unchanged and 6 new ones appeared in the force pool. And I think this is not what is supposed to happen : for example, I had already built 5 guards corps and now I can again build 6 new ones for a total of 11 ! Same thing for my other infantry corps and divisions on the map. In fact, japan OOB was simply suddenly doubled !

I'm pretty sure the new models were intended as replacement for the old ones not addition to the force pool (that's why I can't build 6 old model militia and 6 new ones for a total of 12) .

By the way, I wonder if this is not part of the problem with some AI nations having crazy OOB after some time : In my game, Austria is a monster currently waging and winning two wars at the same time against France and Russia ! (In fact, Austria has been at war since the beginning of the game and crushing all its opponents )!

What do you think?

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Re: Is this a bug ?

Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:13 pm

There are several problems with the upgrade and force pools.

My understanding is the 1850 tech (the one that fires for most factions at the game start) should not generate an expansion in available units. i also think this was dealt with in the last patch.

Now I think, the 1870+ techs are meant to increase the force pools. in effect that is the build up to the sort of huge armies of 1914. But its too easy to build them which means the build up happens too fast.

There is a particular AH problem that each national force pool gets the expansion in units. So they do very well as they get the German/Czech/etc expansions - I think the last patch was meant to have stopped this but not sure it does.

So there is a combination of WAD and bug.

There is no easy solution if you want to allow the late game build up of forces notionally creating the basis for a 1914+ style warfare. You can write a script to reset the force pools but then I think the end-game armies wil be too small.

You could try things like increasing the cost of the late game units. That might slow their appearance and is probably the best solution.

I wouldn't try to reduce late game resources, while that may sort out the military problem, it'll create a massive economic problem.

Apols - not the most helpful of responses but I think this captures the problem. There will be no more patches for the game (the last was all done in free time and the AGEOD team has shrunk since then) so its a case of either accept the situation or try a few work arounds.

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Re: Is this a bug ?

Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:35 am

Thank you Loki for your answer.

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