Truman Doctrine
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PON is still crashing

Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:13 pm

Installed the Quebec patch and PON still crashes at about turn 65-75 of the campaign game. This is the 5th attempt to play this retchid game time to ask for my money back under UK has the game is unplayable.

Actually PON is a better AGOED game than Heart of Iron that cannot be installed.

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:28 pm

hum...actually i am in the year 1894 and i started with patch OSCAR. way off from unplayable and much better than the vanilla version...

...i also played the first ten years with QUEBEC

ok, i remember you made your claims earlier.

no one can help you, nor solve your problems if you always give them not even the minimum information.

0.5) what is the system specification?

1.) do you install it from DVD or have you any online distribution

2.) if DVD: install, patch to 1.01 THEN patch to QUEBEC

3.) if online distribution, make sure you patched it correctly.

4.) if nothing of this all helps or you already did it:

WHY THE HELL you barely explain the problems each time?

please if you describe it, be more precise:

10 turns range are nearly a half years difference, no one can tell you what happens around this time.
it sounds a bit of the 1853 problems, but as a player i havent seen them for months now

to upload a mainlog would help too

and even if this would be not enough and it would be a systematical error with the game, someone can help you only IF HE HAS THE TIME...

i heard lately, even developers of computer games are pretty bad in divination...

even they need INPUT


obviously i speak as a player to a player, not for the company, nor for the devs...

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:48 pm

1.b) If you have a digital distribution which one?
3.b)If Steam did you follow the Steam specific instructions on installing the beta patch? - i.e. copy the game to another directory, and install the patch on that copy, and then run that copy.

When you say crash what exactly happens? When does it happen? What happens when you restart the game? What scenario are you playing? What nation?

Try attaching a copy of the main.log - from immediately after it has crashed as restarting the game will delete the old one.

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:40 pm

if you get a reproducible crash, then we should be able to fix it, provided you give details. I understand the frustration and needs of venting out, if you are stuck in the game, but just saying 'game is crashing' can't possibly be enough to help you out of the problem.

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:29 pm

Truman Doctrine wrote:Installed the Quebec patch and PON still crashes at about turn 65-75 of the campaign game. This is the 5th attempt to play this retchid game time to ask for my money back under UK has the game is unplayable.

Actually PON is a better AGOED game than Heart of Iron that cannot be installed.

Where are you playing the game?? Laptop or PC...because you told us that HOI will not be playable thus you can have any problem else like less graphic RAm or RAM should give us your PC data like CPU,RAM,graphics and OS like windows

then the main.log file and the last save from turn75

then the divine Phils can help you if they have the time...


Hohenlohe another fanboy who is not part of the PON Team... :coeurs: :thumbsup:
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Truman Doctrine
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Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:43 pm

It’s not just the point in the game that it crashes that’s frustrating it’s also the historical scholarship that’s gone into the game, I teach this era of history, thats impressive but for me let down by a crash that prevents the game being played further.

The game is a download as are all of my AGOED games except for Supreme Ruler.

PON is supported by Win 7 on a Dell PC

While the crashes occur in different game turns the point of crash is always identical at the very end of the Processing Day sequence 15/15 !!!

I have reinstalled Quebec but with no beneficial result

See log below

3:11:53 PM (Reporting) User: Claire Computer: COLOSUS
3:11:53 PM (Reporting) Loading general settings
3:11:53 PM (Reporting) USettings.LoadSettings 755 settings loaded, out of 8 settings files.
3:11:53 PM (Reporting) Loading Localized Strings
3:11:58 PM (Reporting) System local strings loaded from C:\games\Pride of Nations\VGN\Settings\LocalStrings__AGE.csv
3:11:58 PM (Reporting) Loading Display Options
3:11:58 PM (Reporting) Entering DirectX Initializations
3:11:58 PM (Reporting) LocalStrings & Settings 5766 ms
3:11:59 PM (Reporting) Cursors 209 ms
3:11:59 PM (Reporting) Fonts 10 ms
3:11:59 PM (Reporting) TTerrainDefs.Create 57 Terrains definitions loaded, out of 57 terrains files.
3:11:59 PM (Reporting) Terrains Definitions 377 ms
3:12:00 PM (Reporting) Areas & Theaters 1569 ms
3:12:00 PM (Reporting) Particles I 0 ms
3:12:00 PM (Reporting) TAbiDefs.Create 493 Abilities loaded, out of 493 abilities files.
3:12:00 PM (Reporting) Units Abilities 300 ms
3:12:01 PM (Reporting) TStrucDefs.LoadFromFile 164 StrucDef loaded, out of 164 StrucDef files.
3:12:01 PM (Reporting) Structures 287 ms
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) TFactionDefs.LoadFromFile 265 FactionDef loaded, out of 265 FactionDef files.
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) Factions 1483 ms
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) Application.Initialize OK
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Create OK
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Show OK
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) TSplash.Repaint OK
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) Starting Media Librarian
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) TAgeAudio Initializing Audio Engine
3:12:02 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeSounds 241 sounds loaded.
3:12:03 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeMusics 143 Musics loaded.
3:12:03 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.InitializeVoices 5 Voice Languages loaded.
3:12:07 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.Create Finished loading images in 4.243 seconds Memory usage: 39436 kb
3:12:07 PM (Reporting) Media Librarian 6535 ms
3:12:07 PM (Reporting) TParticlesDef.Create 4 particles definitions loaded, out of 4 particles files.
3:12:07 PM (Reporting) Particles II 5 ms
3:12:07 PM (Reporting) TDoodadDefs.Create 6 doodads definitions loaded, out of 6 files.
3:12:07 PM (Reporting) Doodads 2 ms
3:12:12 PM (Reporting) TListRegionDefs.Create 2869 Regions definitions loaded.
3:12:12 PM (Reporting) Regions & the Map 4965 ms
3:12:12 PM (Reporting) TListButtons.Create 70 buttons definitions loaded, from 29 frontend files.
3:12:12 PM (Reporting) Buttons 50 ms
3:12:14 PM (Reporting) TAgeDxComponentList.Create 29 frontend definitions loaded, from 29 frontend files.
3:12:14 PM (Reporting) TMediaLibrarian.GetMediaInfo: Unable to find MediaInfo for image: ledger_back
3:12:15 PM (Reporting) TFrontEnd.Create 29 frontend definitions loaded, from 73 frontend files.
3:12:15 PM (Reporting) Frontends Initializations 2372 ms
3:12:15 PM (Reporting) Starting Game World
3:12:15 PM (Reporting) TMerchandises.LoadFromFile 54 Merchandises loaded, from 54 Merchandises files.
3:12:18 PM (Reporting) TModels.Create 11276 (Cached) Models loaded in 3786 ms
3:12:20 PM (Reporting) TListUnitDefs.Create 10372 (Cached) Units loaded in 1096 ms
3:12:20 PM (Reporting) TWeather.Create 21 Weathers patterns loaded, from 21 files.
3:12:20 PM (Reporting) TEthnics.LoadFromFile 128 Ethnics loaded, from 128 Ethnics files.
3:12:20 PM (Reporting) TReligions.LoadFromFile 13 Religions loaded, from 13 Religions files.
3:12:22 PM (Reporting) TResearchDefs.LoadFromFile 416 Research loaded from 416 Research files, in 1910 ms
3:12:22 PM (Reporting) TDiplomacyDefList.LoadFromFile 81 Diplomatic Options loaded from 81 Diplomacy Definition files.
3:12:30 PM (Reporting) TRulerDefList.LoadFromFile 1847 Rulers loaded from 1847 Ruler Definition files in 8307 ms
3:12:30 PM (Reporting) TResearchDefs.LoadFromFile 37 Research loaded from 37 Research files.
3:12:30 PM (Reporting) TFactionMods.LoadFromFile 380 Faction Modifiers loaded, from 380 files, in 210 ms
3:12:30 PM (Reporting) TFacAttribDefs.LoadFromFile 45 Faction Atttributes loaded from 45 Attributes Definition files.
3:12:31 PM (Reporting) TRgnDecisionDefs.LoadFromFile 52 Region Decisions loaded, from 52 Decisions files.
3:12:36 PM (Reporting) Game World & attached DBs 6249 ms
3:12:36 PM (Reporting) Starting Data Parser
3:12:36 PM (Reporting) Data Parser 0 ms
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Max Texture size: 4096 x 4096
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Starting Renderer
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Rendering Engine 0 ms
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Starting Game ...
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Global Load Time: 74241 ms
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) TMain, CreateForm OK
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Application.Run Starting app...
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Game Engine version: PON 1.01
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) TGameSim.OnLoadGame_FilePicked C:\games\Pride of Nations\VGN\Saves\Crown Imperial\Crown Imperial~GBR.trn :Turn file loaded, # of entries: 625039
3:10:16 PM (Reporting) All gamesim data loaded in: 14002 ms
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Starting Hosting Phase Turn 73
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) All gamesim data loaded in: 13995 ms
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host: Starting AIs.
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host: AI files done. 65778 ms
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) THost.ProcessTurn Host file loaded, # of entries: 710009
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) THost.ProcessTurn Starting hosting of turn 2474 - 1853, Late Jan.
3:19:00 PM MakeSupplyDistribution 15185794.9 µs
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 0
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 1
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 2
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 3
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 4
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 5
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 6
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 7
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 8
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 9
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 10
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 11
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 12
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 13
3:19:00 PM (Reporting) Host MakeStep 14
3:19:00 PM [Critical ] TMap.Get RegionDef Index out of range (Index/MaxIndex): -1 2869
3:19:00 PM [Critical ] TScriptEngine.Parse Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 007C242E dans le module 'PON.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 000000B4 while parsing line 15993 : EvalColStatus
3:19:00 PM Check Research 3000573.1 µs
3:23:22 PM (Reporting) All gamesim data loaded in: 14169 ms
3:23:22 PM (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 215476 ms
3:23:22 PM --- End of Log ---

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:54 pm

dont tell me, i am an economist i mourned about some part of the game for four months... it became stable enough and here we go...i changed it...added some contents.

well lad, looks like as i supposed, you did a mistake while patching the game...

[color="YellowGreen"]"3:10:16 PM (Reporting) Game Engine version: PON 1.01" [/color]

looks like you are running the vanilla online version,not the patched one... :bonk:

[color="Red"]IS IT A DOWNLOADED GAME FROM "STEAM" ???[/color]

if yes, please do as Sagji said:

[color="YellowGreen"]1. copy the game to another directory

2. install the patch on that copy.

3. relink the paths for to the shortcut .exe and then run that copy[/color]

otherwise steam overules the patch, for you are not able to disable automatic update completely and the official 1.02 is not yet there, isnt it...

Truman Doctrine
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Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:50 pm

No the patch and PON are direct downloads from Agoed and not associated with STEAM and they are for PON 1.01 which is the download game sold on the UK Agoed website.

I have reinstalled the patch four times with the same result it crashes at the same end point. The patch was installed from withinside the C:\Games\Pride of Nations file

Whatever is going on surely the relevant lines in the log are those I have underlined below

5:08:13 PM [Critical ] TScriptEngine.Parse Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 007C242E dans le module 'PON.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 000000B4 while parsing line 15993 : EvalColStatus
5:08:13 PM Check Research 2941080.9 µs
5:08:13 PM (Reporting) All gamesim data loaded in: 14086 ms
5:08:13 PM (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 153245 ms

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:02 pm

Just as well... HOI is unplayable!! t


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Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:25 pm

Truman Doctrine wrote:No the patch and PON are direct downloads from Agoed and not associated with STEAM and they are for PON 1.01 which is the download game sold on the UK Agoed website.

I have reinstalled the patch four times with the same result it crashes at the same end point. The patch was installed from withinside the C:\Games\Pride of Nations file

Whatever is going on surely the relevant lines in the log are those I have underlined below

5:08:13 PM [Critical ] TScriptEngine.Parse Exception caught: Violation d'accès à l'adresse 007C242E dans le module 'PON.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 000000B4 while parsing line 15993 : EvalColStatus
5:08:13 PM Check Research 2941080.9 µs
5:08:13 PM (Reporting) All gamesim data loaded in: 14086 ms
5:08:13 PM (Reporting) Ended Hosting Phase 153245 ms

The MainLog file clearly states that you are playing the 1.01 version of the game.
Also, the error you are suffering is one that was present on 1.01 version and was quickly solved on the FIRST beta patch (the EvalColStatus in 1853 is a problem with a typo on a region).
So, even if you say this:
Truman Doctrine wrote:Installed the Quebec patch and PON still crashes at about turn 65-75 of the campaign game.

All the evidence shows that you haven't installed the last beta patch, or you have installed it on the wrong place.
So, please, reinstall the beta patch again. :)
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Truman Doctrine
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Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:45 pm

I installed the 1.02 Patch and PON looks to be stable thanks for the advice Generalisimo.

My next problem is how to install HOI when the installer for a downloaded game insists that I incert a disc.

Dont worry I will take that one elsewhere

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