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count taaffe
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Defeated in 1861?

Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:58 am

Yesterday evening a strange thing happened to me: in 1861 suddenly a window popped up, which told me, that I was defeated :wacko: . I was playing Austria-Hungary (in the GC-mode of course ;) ) and was in war with Switzerland, where, at the moment as the window popped up, AH had already two cities in its hand and the last one (Zurich) was besieged. So as I wasn't in another war with any other country and nearly to win the war with Switzerland I really can't explain myself that "defeated-message"

I was playing the game with beta-patch 1.01 h.

Any ideas are welcome :D

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Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:26 pm

This is an already identified issue with Great Britain winning a premature victory.
Nothing you did wrong. Developers just need to figure out a way to fix this.

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count taaffe
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Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:26 pm

Hi montgomeryjlion!

montgomeryjlion wrote:This is an already identified issue with Great Britain winning a premature victory.
Nothing you did wrong. Developers just need to figure out a way to fix this.

As always: many thanks for your prompt help :thumbsup:

Michael Hopcroft
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Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:15 pm

The problem I see is that what GBR does is outside the scope of Austria's influence. The computer runs, Prestige accumulates, and an unimpeded Britain acquires enough prestige to win regardless of what Austria does. At least that's what it sounds like -- I have yet to experience that myself because I haven't played in the campaign game yet (trying to walk before I run).

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Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:23 pm

Unless you are Russia, France or USA, there is little you can do. If you are, you can get enough prestige to deny Britain its victory.

Is there a way to edit Britain's prestige in a save game? If so, you can just drop it by 10000 points and keep playing.

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Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:30 pm

deleted. Sorry for the unconvenience. Feel free to send me a mail to get copy of the fix.
Fatal Years mod for RUS:

My blog:

[SIZE="2"]Players quotes about Fatal Years:[/size]

the more I play this the more I become convinced that RUS is one of the best strategy games I have ever played... and I have played many since the mid 80's. The AI in this mod is at level with Sid Meier's best efforts.

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Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:04 pm

Somebody has posted a quick fix on the paradox forum that disables Sudden Death.

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Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:13 pm

for devs - plese allow us setting of victory conditions/end date - like suden death on/off, play until date xxxxx, amount of Vp to win game and others.

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