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Naval oddity

Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:45 pm

In a recent game under the current version, I had moved von Spee's fleet into the Atlantic. A turn later, von Spee was intercepted by the entire Japanese fleet which had followed him there. After the battle, I noted that all of the other Entente Pacific fleet units were also stacked in the Atlantic region with von Spee.

This just seems crazy to me as, historically, I see no possibility that Japan would've sent her fleet to the Atlantic under any circumstances. It would seem like fleets need to be tied to a home port in some fashion. I know that a nation can have a few raiders, like Germany's CL's or even von Spee's squadron, roaming the world at large, but entire fleets would have a much greater logistical problem doing the same.

This naval development just seemed pretty random and arbitrary to me and it occurred to me that possibly there are constraints in the board game that are not in the PC game to keep this from happening. If so, maybe something should be looked into to keep fleet basing and operations a little more grounded.

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Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:03 pm

There are no such constraints in the boardgame, and as a consequence in the PC game. On the other hand, I do not know how to code such constraints with the current rules scripts. What you suggest is a change request in the game design.

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Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:15 pm

I think the board game have some restraints to prevent such thing to happening. Because you only are allowed to do missions max 2 seazone away from your home port, and you must end your turn in your home port, is quite hard for Japan to do any effective missions, at least outside the pacific.
Dont really know if this is anything you even should try to implement.

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:59 am

Theodor wrote:I think the board game have some restraints to prevent such thing to happening. Because you only are allowed to do missions max 2 seazone away from your home port, and you must end your turn in your home port, is quite hard for Japan to do any effective missions, at least outside the pacific.
Dont really know if this is anything you even should try to implement.

Related question: I wasn't able to send my German overseas ships (on small cruiser squadron in pacific, and a couple subs in Africa/Indian Ocean) is it possible that this is why? = "not allowed to do missions to far from "home" port?

Also is it possible to send Central Powers fleets past Gibraltar, or not?

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 8:58 am

Anthropoid wrote:Related question: I wasn't able to send my German overseas ships (on small cruiser squadron in pacific, and a couple subs in Africa/Indian Ocean) is it possible that this is why? = "not allowed to do missions to far from "home" port?

Do you mean the Hoch See fleet? :blink:

Anthropoid wrote:Also is it possible to send Central Powers fleets past Gibraltar, or not?

The Gibraltar Canal is closed to CPs. :neener:

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:45 pm

calvinus wrote:Do you mean the Hoch See fleet? :blink:

Germans have: Pacifik (at Rabaul), Atlantik fleet (West Africa) and Indien fleet (East Coast of Africa). I have not managed to get any of these fleets to return to Germany home ports, even after sending Pacifik through the Panama Canal.

The Gibraltar Canal is closed to CPs. :neener:


This is contracted in the manual: 14.1.6 (p. 67)

Gibraltar is passable by any warfleet.

also here: 14.2.2 Checking the Sea and Mission Validity

(p. 69)

Straits: (Gibraltar, Danish and Turkish Strait) If any enemy fleet passes
through a friendly straight, the enemy fleet is revealed.

and here: 14.2.3 Contact Value and the Naval Encounter Test

(p. 69)

Strait: if an enemy fleet tries to cross a strait, the encounter is
automatic. Straits are: Dardanelles (in the Sea of Marmara). Gibraltar
(in the Mediterranean, before the gate). Danish straits (in the Baltic).

Also under the text for Spain (p. 177)

Great Britain must
maintain a fleet with at least 1 B, 1 AC, 1 CL, in

But I don't see any box or anything, a place to PUT fleets so that they station in Gibraltar?

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:08 pm

The path generator for naval moves (and transports) has to be improved and corrected. Now it takes several ports before the final destination. This could be the cause of your problems in tracing a route to the German coasts. When this fix will be on, we will have a nice improvement.

For the Gibraltar canal, I remember now a last minute change that Bruno asked me to do... but I do not recall the motivation... too much time spent since that day! :wacko:

Edit: anyway I will remove the Gibraltar rule in respect of what stated in the manual. :)

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