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Aryaman vs Bertram, Part 2: The Revenge

Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:03 am

As the titel implies, the return match for the Far West. Aryaman won the first round 219 against 145 in VP (a 64 point difference), without reaching the Union goal (Ft. Smith or Little Rock). So I have to win with a better VP score, or take one of the objectives (and hold it). (edit: though my end screen in our first battle gave a draw, because neither side had gained its objectives, Aryamans screen gave him a victory. So I guess I have to win with a better then 64 VP difference. Taking Ft. Smith or Little Rock will do that, but isnt enough in itself).

Turn 1: Early July 1861

In the first turn not many choices need to be made. Lyon and his troops are the only active force on the Union side. And the Rolla depot is for the taking. So I send them there, after appointing Lyon division commander.

In general I can do two things, engage and destroy the CSA army, collecting VP that way, and take enough towns to get a good enough VP balance, or press on to Ft. Smith. Even while pressing on I will try to keep the depots intact behind me. That means defending them against CSA raids.

What I will do depends on the actions of my enemy.

I have 29 dollar and 29 men. I raise 2 cavalry regiments. Whether I want a decisive battle, or want to counter CSA raids, I will need the recon I can get.

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Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:58 am

Bertram wrote:As the titel implies, the return match for the Far West. Aryaman won the first round 219 against 145 in VP (a 64 point difference)

You mean 74, it is already tough enough to keep that advantage, I need every point.

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Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:16 am

Ah, I hoped you would not see that :D . You are right of course, means I have to trash a few more of your cavalry regiments :)

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Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:03 pm

Ah, I hoped you would not see that .

Now that you know he is seeing it it can be used against him also. :)
"We shall give them the bayonet." -Stonewall at Fredericksburg.

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Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:15 am

Turn 2: Late July 1861

We had the St. Louis massacre event: the Union managed to foil a plot by CSA supporters, and the popular opinion swings my way. With a bit of luck loyal citizens might bring Charleston to my side.

Decision time: does Lyon march on, or does he wait? As far as my intelligence goes the entire CSA force under Price retreated to the Springfield depot. I decide not to press it. If Lyon wants to engage Price he has to take all his troops with him. This means leaving the Rolla depot undefended. I rather keep the supply line open. This means that it will be difficult to reach Ft. Smith later, and I will need to destroy Price’s force to get enough VP.

For now I split up Lyons force. The main body stays in Rolla, waiting for reinforcements and guarding the depot.
One militia is send to Jefferson city, which is deserted by the CSA (according to my, rather shaky, intelligence). The cavalry - the MO Cavalry Brigade - is send towards Ozark to do some recon, with orders to evade combat. With some luck they might pounce Ft. Smith the turn after :) .
The 2nd and 3th US Cavalry (located in Lawrence) is send to the Fayetteville depot. They can reach it this turn, with luck they can capture it.

I have just 21 dollar. I raise 16 volunteers, and form a militia unit and a sharpshooter unit. Lyon can use the sharpshooter, and I need some troops to guard against raiding CSA cavalry. More cavalry units are to expensive (I pay 12 dollar for each), and they take 2 turns to train.

The VP total is 8 for the Union and 9 for the CSA with a 9 vs 9 added each turn. Morale is still 100 at both sides.

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Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:52 pm

I'll try to use it against him Daxil, but thusfar I fail to come up with something clever :) .

We got two turns done today - this way the battle will be over before the next year!

Turn 3: Early august 1861

Jefferson City was indeed deserted, and is now occupied by my militia unit.
The citizins in Chaleston raised a militia unit, and brought the town under Union control.
Price retreated from the Springfield depot, without burning it.
The 2nd and 3th US Cavalry took the Fayetteville depot.
The MO Cavalry Brigade took the harbor at Ozark.

The cavalry units I raised are not ready for another turn, and the same goes for the sharpshooter unit. The militia unit is raised in Bloomington.

So far, so good. Now what? I want Lyon to keep pressing on. But I certainly dont want the Rolla depot to be destroyed in a raid. So I split his force again. The Western Volunteers, a double militia unit, stays in Rolla. Lyon, with the Western Brigade goes on to Springfield. I run the risk of being defeated in detail, but I trust that my opponent wont reverse course. And I fear loosing Rolla more.

The 2nd and 3th US Cavalry regiments at Fayetteville are ordered to “defend and retreat”. I expect Price to try to take this depot back. He will be down on cohesion somewhat, so the cavalry might be able to get some hits in before retreating.
The MO Cavalry Brigade is send to Ft. Smith. Lets see if his militia is as heroic as mine was :) .
The militia in Bloomington is ordered to Jefferson city, to strenghten it against raids.

I have a lot of money this turn. I raise two addtional sharpshooters, one militia, one cavalry and one artillery (10 pounder), to help with the sieges. This uses up all my men, and leaves me with 13 dollar to spend next turn.

The VP total is 17 for the Union and 18 for the CSA with a 12 vs 8 added each turn (which means a 197 – 138 end score; a 59 difference, not good enough). Morale is still 100 at both sides.

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Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:27 am

It is quite here - no other posts between my last one and this one - is everyone snowed in and without power? Or having obligatiory family time without PC and games?

Anyway here is:

Turn 4: Late august 1861

A lot happened this turn. There is an unknown event (type 143). No idea what it means, but it centers on Ft. Smith, and the MO Cavalry Brigade is still in Ozark. Maybe the river crossing was blocked? There is an ad hoc CSA fighting force across the river of about 40 strenght - some militia and a cavalry unit.
Lyons division took Springfield, and Price retreated to Lavayette. The 2nd and 3th Cavalry regiments managed to avoid Price troops. Seems they thought Price a bit to much to handle.
The militia in Charleston is missing, without any messages, so I decide to send a new militia unit from St. Louis. An other militia is send from St. Louis to Rolla. That is possible because in St. Louis the Western Command becomes unlocked, and a militia unit is raised there.
I send Fremond with the Western command to Springfield, after appointing him army commander. He is taking the sharpshooter unit and an artillery unit. And the supply of course.
The force in Lexington is also released. I leave a militia unit behind. Together with a just raised militia unit they will guard Lexington. The supply and Abercrombies Brigade are send to Springfield.
And finally I have my two cavalry regiments - the 2nd Indiana and the 3th IA “Horse Marines” - trained that I raised at the start. They are in Council Buffs. I order them to Lawrence, both to get closer to the battle field and to guard Lawrence from CSA raids.
The 2nd and 3th US Cavalry regiments - retreated from Lafayette - are still in excellent shape. I decide not to tackle with the Indians yet, and send them to Panther, to see if they can surprise the CSA there.
Lyon will stay at Springfield for now – he is not strong enough to tackle Price on his own. He will wait for Fremont and the Lexington force before moving. Unfortunatly that will take a month (due to the artillery the forces are taking along).

A bit troubling is that there is no supply in Rolla yet… I hope next turn some gets there. About 350 is piled up in St. Louis. I got plenty of train capacity (I refrain from sending Fremont by rail because of the supply).

I buy a cavalry unit and a militia. Would have like to buy horse artillery, to beef up the anti-raider patrols, but that isnt available.

The VP total is 29 for the Union and 26 for the CSA with a 12 vs 9 added each turn (which now means a 197 – 152 end score – 45 difference). Morale is still 100 at both sides.

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Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:58 am

With Christmas behind us, the reports restart:

Turn 5: Early september 1861

Things went as expected. The militia went to Charleston. Various troops are en route to Springfield. The 2nd and 3th US Cavalry surprised the CSA at Panther, and took the village. The 2nd Indiana Cavalry and the 3th IA “Horse Marines” arrived in Lawrence.
For new orders I send one of my two new sharpshooter units from St. Louis to Charleston, to bolster defences. The other goes after Lyon, and hopes to catch up next turn.
The enemy has burned the depot at Lafayette and has retreated to Ft. Smith. .

I spot Stand Watie and his warriors in Ft. Gibson. The 2nd and 3th US Cavalry in Panther will rest one turn, and then go after him. I expect him to be gone north by then, so I will torch the villages and the fort there, and go after him. The 2nd Indiana Cavalry and the 3th IA “Horse Marines” will try to catch him from the north.
When I have collected my troops I’ll advance from Springfield to Lafayette, and build a new depot. I have got the supply units to do that. I send the MO Cavalry Brigade from Ozark to Lafayette, to take the region (it still gives points, even without the depot), and to box in Stand Watie even more.

Supply arrived at Rolla (64/133). I hope it will be send on to Springfield next turn.

I buy another cavalry and a militia.

The VP total is 41 for the Union and 35 for the CSA with a 12 vs 9 added each turn (which still means a 197 – 152 end score). Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses and prisoners are 0.

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Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:53 am

Turn 6: Late september 1861

Stand Watie turned up in Lawrence, after taking Ft. Smith (nothern version). His Indian regiments were bolstered by a regular cavalry regiment – smart move. There was a short battle with the 2nd Indiana Cavalry and the 3th IA “Horse Marines”, which we won (our 1160 men against his 1470; Watie lost 270 men, we lost 184). Both cavalry regiments are rather low on cohesion, so they are send inside the town. Two new cavalry regiments from Council Bluffs (10th Kansas and 3th IA Left Wing) are send to relieve them and to chase Stand Watie.
I buy a cavalry replacement.

The Western Army HQ arrives in Springfield, as do some supplies and the Lexinton troops. I merge them and send them on to Fayette. The cavalry – the MO cavalry Brigade - already took that region. They are send back to Springfield, to defend against a raid. A militia unit is also left behind in Springfield, under Sigels command. A sharpshooter unit will joint hem in the next two weeks – hopefully this is enough to keep Stand Watie at bay.

A artillery unit is send from St. Louis to Rolla, to help the militia there to defend the depot. If Stand Watie gets neutralized it will be send on to help the coming siege of Ft. Smith.

I buy another militia unit – sharpshooters and cavalry are not available. As I have 3 dollar left, regulars are out of reach.

The VP total is 53 for the Union and 44 for the CSA (seems there were no VP for the cavalry skirmish) with still 12 vs 9 added each turn (No points for the Fayette region? ) still means a 197 – 152 end score. Morale is 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 180 for the Union, 270 for the CSA.
No prisoners are taken.

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Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:00 pm

Bertram wrote:Turn 6: Late september 1861

Stand Watie turned up in Lawrence, after taking Ft. Smith (nothern version). His Indian regiments were bolstered by a regular cavalry regiment – smart move.

Yeah, that was what I thought... :(

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Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:05 am

I think it was actually smart - something I will use for sure in an other game. It makes Stand Watie able to take towns, at a slight cost. Sometimes you get unlucky though :) .

Turn 7; Early october 1861

Somehow Fremont got his orders mixed up, and he stayed at the Springfield depot. Pretty bad, as the ground is turning to mud, and the time is pressing. I order him again to Fayette.
Stand Watie retreated to Cherokees. 2nd and 3th US Cavalry regiments have arrived in Creeks, and are ordered to attack Stand Watie. They have no time to torch the village. The MO Cavalry Brigade, just arrived in Springfield, is also send to Cherokees to deal with Watie.
The regular CSA cavalry unit stayed in Ft. Smith (north) to cover Stand Waties retreat. The 10th Kansas and 3th IA Left Wing cavalry regiments, chasing Stand Watie from Lawrence after arriving from Council Bluffs, gave them battle. The two regiments of Union cavalry (1200 men) against 330 CSA soldiers. In three seperate fights the CSA got totaly defeated, for a loss of only 90 men on the Union side. :thumbsup: The regiments used all their ammo though and the stockpile at the fort is empty (I guess Stand Watie took al the ammo south), so they are send back to Lawrence to recover.
An unknown unit destroyed the rail near St. Louis – I need a cavalry unit there to do recon. The 4th Indiana has just finished training in Council Bluffs, so it is send there. A newly raised militia unit from Bloomington is send to repair the rail.
The cavalry units at Lawrence (the 2nd Indiana and the 3th IA “Horse Marines”) are not recovered yet, and stay another turn.

I buy two replacements – a militia and a regular infantry. The cavalry replacement isnt “used up” yet.

The VP total is 68 for the Union and 53 for the CSA (one VP for the destruction of the CSA cavalry regiment?) with still 12 vs 9 added each turn (still no points for the Lafayette region – because there is no town I need to use continued presence to swing the control) - means a 198 – 152 end score. The difference is now 46. VP. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:45 am

Turn 8; Late october 1861

Something surprising happened: I used all my replacements – one infantry at St. Louis, where the Arsenal Garrison got an infantry regiment added, one at Rolla, where the Western Volunteers got a militia regiment added, and one at Springfield where the MO Cavalry Brigade got a cavalry regiment added. I usually dont like this, as those replacements are actually more expensive then the regular regiments, and they usually pop up where you dont need them. But this time they were all added where I could use them…..

It seems there was a Bushwackers unit tearing up the rail near St. Louis. The fort bombarded them when they passed – I hope to the south. An other piece of rail is destroyed north of the Missouri river – not really a problem. The militia is repairing the stretch between St. Louis and Rolla.

Fremont arrived in Fayette this time. My control is only 35%, so no points yet… I order him to build a depot.
My last cavalry unit – the 5th Indiana Cavalry regiment - has been trained in Council Bluffs. They are send by river to Lexington.
The 2nd and 3th US Cavalry arrived in Ft. Gibson, but avoided combat with Stand Watie and retreated to Topeka. I send them on to Cherokees.
The MO Cavalry Brigade, now consisting of 3 regiments, also arrived at Ft. Gibson. They didnt engage yet.
The 2nd Indiana Cavalry and the 3th IA “Horse Marines” are almost recovered and are send from Lawrence to Springfield. The10th Kansas and 3th IA Left Wing cavalry regiments take their place.
I send Waschmans artillery on from Rolla to Springfield. With the addition militia regiment there the other units should be able to hold the depot – and there is no heavy raiding force near.

I have 18 dollar and 18 men. I debate saving it for now – I might need another supply wagon for Fremon to get him trough the winter. But I decide to buy a Marine, I need to cross the Arkansas, probably against resistance….

The VP total is 80 for the Union and 62 for the CSA with still 12 vs 9 added each turn – still means a 198 – 152 end score. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:43 am

Turn 9: Early november

A white Christmas is assured in this war: the first snow has fallen. Apart from that not much happened.
Fremont is building his depot – another 7 days to go. He did change over the region to Union control.
Cherokee is taken by the 2nd and 3th US Cavalry. The MO Cavalry Brigade is still at Ft. Gibson, as is Stand Watie. Seems they are in the Christmas spirit already: not a shot is fired. They can last at least another two turns on their rations, I let them stay, the 2nd and 3th US Cavalry regiments are ordered to join them.
Both the cavalry detachment consisting of the 2nd Indiana Cavalry and the 3th IA “Horse Marines” and the Waschman artillery arrive at Springfield. I send them together on to Fayette.
My militia didnt manage to repair the railroad – they go in the retry this turn.

There is 70/30 supply in Rolla, and 120/70 at Springfield – should be sufficient for the winter.

I order one cavalry replacement raised, as I expect some skirmishes. To my surprise Panther is still in my posession, tough the population is 100% rebel. I expect them to take the town any moment.

The VP total is 92 for the Union and 71 for the CSA with now 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. That is not enough (though it was for my first count :D ). Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:44 am

Turn 10: Late November 1861

The US Cavalry is a bunch of sissies!!! The 5 regiments retreated and avoided combat against Stand Watie his 3 Indian regiments!!! 5000 US troopers avoided 1500 indians!!!
I’ll retreat them to Fayette – if they make that, they retreated the wrong way of course (and somehow the MO Cavalry used up their rations for two turns in one turn – must have build a party? Together with Stand Watie maybe?).
The Militia repaired the railroad. General Curtis arrived in Rolla. He is send to Springfield, where the action is (he might end up with an cavalry command).
The Fayette depot is ready, but still empty. I hope some supplies arrive next turn.
The 10th Kansas and 3th IA Left Wing cavalry regiments have recovered in Lawrence, and are en route to Fayette.

I have 21 dollar and 30 conscripts. I save them for now – I might need that supply wagon.

The VP total is 105 for the Union and 79 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:19 am

Turn 11: Early december 1861

Snow everywhere. The MO Cavalry manages to reach the next region, and has even some supply now. They will reach Fayette next turn.
The 2nd Indiana and 3th IA Horse Marines arrive in Fayette. They are joined by Curtis. They will need some time to recover from the cold experience. The artillery is added to the Western Command.

I now have 37 dollar and 45 conscripts. I dont buy anything.

The VP total is 118 for the Union and 87 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:18 am

Turn 12: Late december 1861

Deep winter, not much happens. The MO Cavalry arrives in Fayette. My marines are ready and start moving to Fayette.

My Cavalry reserve is used up, I buy a new one. I also buy a regular infantry brigade (2 infantry regiments) and a mixed brigade (one infantry and one militia regiment). Fremont will have to do without the extra supply wagon.

Much to my surprise the rebels havent taken Panther back yet.

The VP total is 131 for the Union and 95 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:49 am

Turn 13: Early Januari 1862

The weather turned even worse – blizzards in most of the regions. As a result not much happened. Most cavalry took some losses due to the weather, but non are in danger. The cavalry replacements are used up again, so I buy a new one. The infantry brigades I called up last turn are being build in St. Louis (Sigels Brigade) and Council Bluffs (Tuttles Brigade).

I spot a CSA supply caravan in Ozark, but due to the weather I can not reach them. I wish them luck in the blizzard…..

I order Curtis with some cavalry from Fayette to Van Buren (the region north of Ft. Smith), to do some recon for the coming attack. Got to get moving soon…..

The VP total is 144 for the Union and 103 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:45 am

Turn 14: Late Januari 1862

Still snow everywhere. The MO Cavalry Brigade is recovered, and joins Curtis in Van Buren. I had hoped Curtis could tell me the size and strenght of the CSA troops in Ft. Smith, but he must be still gathering intel. Time is getting short.
The two infantry brigades are formed. The one from Council Bluffs (Tuttles) is send to Lawrence, to defend against indian raids. The one in St. Louis is send along the supply route to Fayette. Got to have some garrison of Fayette when Fremont advances.

I buy an additional infantry replacement. Plenty of menpower, no money..

The VP total is 157 for the Union and 111 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:14 am

Turn 15: Early Februari 1862

The weather isnt getting any better. And to make matters worse an epidemic has hit my main army, reducing it to 200 strenght (from 300). Still, I send them to Van Buren – not much choice. If I dont start now, I will never get to Ft. Smith. Some cavalry stays behind to guard the depot.
I spot another supply wagon in Ozark. This time I send an cavalry regiment to intercept them – they might get lucky.

I buy 3 militia – time is to short for anything else to be of use.

The VP total is 170 for the Union and 119 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:18 am

Turn 16: Late februari 1862

Fremont arrived in Van Buren. His force is down to 55 strenght. The enemy force on the other side of the river is about 450 strenght… Seems I am not going to take Ft. Smith.

I am curious how he managed to keep this force in supply. I see he has bought mainly artillery (his force has at least 4 batteries), that might be part of the solution.

I send Curtis with his cavalry to Little Rock – who knows if it is undefended.

I buy two more militia.

The VP total is 183 for the Union and 127 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn – this means a 209 – 143 end score: a 66 difference. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:47 am

My strategic comments on the game
My plan was to retreat quickly Price to Ft Smith and defend that key position until winter, that would be enough to win the overall match as i had a 74 VP advantage from my previous game.
In the first turn I bought militia to garrison Ft Smith to avoid surprises, like cavalry raids early in the game.
Then the following turns, as i retreated to Ft Smith safely, I bought 3 artillery units, to boost my militia units firepower. After turn 7 it was clear that Bertram was taken a relaxed approach, so no attack was inminent. I started then to build supply wagons, and to send them to Ft Smith. I was several times just one turn away from total starvation, however in the end my wagons arrived in time and I could keep my force enough supplied.

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Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:03 am

I guessed that would be the case. Still a bit strange, that were my men had no supply at ll in the previous game, building supply wagons somehow had them arrive with supply, making additional supply available :( . But a smart use of this mechanism :)

Turn 17: Early March 1862

Fremont is back up to about 100 strenght. The enemy is still 400 strong though – no use in attacking.
Stand Watie his indians just doubled, so he has a 100 strong army of them now in Cherokees. I expect him to try to take Fayette or Lawrence. Both are defended, but not for 100 strenght – I can not spare that much men.
Curtis with is cavalry is going to Little Rock, though the enemy is about 100 strenght there, and he is but 70.
No further orders are given, nothing to do..

The VP total is 196 for the Union and 135 for the CSA with still 13 vs 8 added each turn. Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:26 pm

Turn 18: Late March 1862

Still snow everywhere. Fremont is up to 200 strenght – still no use in attacking, in fact I wouldprobably loose VP instead of gaining them when i attack. Crossing the river would drop Fremont back to blow 50 strenght anyway.
The cavalry is sieging Little Rock, but the garrison is stronger then they are.
No orders are given.

The VP total is 209 for the Union and 143 for the CSA. This is the end score I guess (I haven tgot the final turn back yet). Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:38 pm

Bertram wrote:Turn 18: Late March 1862

The VP total is 209 for the Union and 143 for the CSA. This is the end score I guess (I haven tgot the final turn back yet). Morale is still 100 at both sides.
Combat losses are 270 for the Union, 630 for the CSA.
200 CSA soldiers are taken prisoner.

I got the final turn, end score
Union 222Vp, CSA 155VP
Losses: Union 270, CSA 630
No prisoners
So, in the end Bertram wins this second game by 71 VP, and I win the overall match by just 3 VP, a very narrow margin indeed. Good fight Bertram! You kept me counting VPs every turn...
I think Bertram´s strategy was very sound for a Campaign game, but in this scenario he just could not gather enough strength to the final push while at the same time detaching forces to protect his supply line.

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:02 pm

Nice work, guys :)
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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:13 pm

Bert: Why, do you suppose, didn't Pap destroy the depot? He plans to get it back? Rebs are doing nothing and still leading in VPs? t :p apy:

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:37 pm

Good work guys!! Thanks for the notes. Why use Fremont for anything? Just getting him to Ft. Smith from St.Louis is hard to imagine! When is he "active" at all? t

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