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WW1 Gold 1.08p or q ?

Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:57 pm

My WW1G game curiously still says 1.08p even though I added the latest patch from Calvinus website.

I actually have two versions of the game running on different machines. One was the original game plus the Gold add-on plus the q patch - has a WW1.exe file dated 19/02/13. When it starts up it says 1.08q

The other is a WW1 Gold from the triple pack and the q patch and that has a WW1.exe file dated 21/05/2013. When it starts up it says 1.08p - even though the exe file is later.

For what its worth the install from the triple pack seems faster and more stable and from what I can see the p to q changes were relatively minor for an occasional player - is that right?

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Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:38 pm

This sounds about right, my understanding was that the last "official" patch was "P" and that "Q" appeared only here. Checking the version on the Matrix/Slitherine page for WW1G, the last official patch is "v1.08 I" which is clearly an error and indicates the total indifference demonstrated towards this title by the publishers.

The differences between "P" and "Q" are listed in a WW1G Versions.txt file that I have on my laptop reproduced below. As I recall, "Q" was beta only and addressed PBEM issues with mixed success. Since I do not use PBEM, the other "Q" features are nice and the game runs well in Win-7 even if it takes forever to load. Actually started a new campaign today before reading your query.

[Version 1.0.8p]

Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a rare crash caused by orders removal during execution
- Fixed a bug introduced by PBEM that made impossible to play in multiplayer mode by LAN
- Fixed a bug that made possible in rare occurrences to have two stacks with the same ID when detaching or placing reinforcements

Scenario corrections:
- Corrected French text in step 6 of tutorial #2

[Version 1.0.8q]

New features:
PBEM play mode now generates a PBM file every time the game is saved. This file contains the informations about local player.
So, every time PBEM players must share a common SAV file because the game went out of synch, they are no more requested to modify the SAV file because the driver informations are stored in the PBM.

- Game updated to version 1.4.0 of irrKlang sound library
- Added some outstanding rendering performace improvements in map window
- Only HQs and GHQs are now displayed in the mini-map
- Major Land Battle AI is now more reluctant to retreat when one combat flank is won
(*) AI is now much more reluctant to play negative or self-killing events
- Large river crossing tests (performed during movements) are now automatically successful because they caused loss of synchronization in PBEM or Multiplayer mode
- Added memory lock checks in game audio engine to avoid crashes caused by memory access concurrency conflicts
- Corrected the picture of Turkish general Nureddin Pasha, commander of the 4th army in 1914

(*) Scenario corrections:
- Fixed the Event "England delivers Sultan Selim and Reshadieh battleships to Turkey" (FRA_003)
- The 'Strikes' and 'Nationalist Agitations' Events cannot occur anymore before 1917
- Added 'Mutinies' Event for France and Italy, it cannot occur before 1916 and has little chances to occur before 1917
- Fixed the Event 'Commercial submarine "Deutschland" arrives in Baltimore' wrongly scripted (not mandatory)

Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a rare bug in land battle AI that caused an infinite deploy/undeploy loop in case of major battle when 3+ corps were deployed on one flank and only 1 corps on the other flank
- RP stock level is now downgraded by one point when corps are eliminated during land battle after CR_Eliminated or MR_Eliminated results
- New PBEM mode now automatically sets the EventsDrawn parameter off (Turn section) when Clients load a shared PBEM SaveGame file
- Fixed crash in battle logs window
- Fixed bug in events loading procedure that made uneffective all die roll modifiers for event checks
- Fixed memory leak on game quit introduced by map performance improvements

(*) : not working for older savegames


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Sat Jul 02, 2016 5:38 am

Random wrote:, my understanding was that the last "official" patch was "P" and that "Q" appeared only here. Checking the version on the Matrix/Slitherine page for WW1G, the last official patch is "v1.08 I" which is clearly an error and indicates the total indifference demonstrated towards this title by the publishers.

See the dates of the patches at Matrix', they are 6 years old (I think last patch for Gold is rather 4 years and half old). Calvinus was not very clear too, that may be why Matrix didn't followed him for long.
Example: The last patch for the original WW1 (not Gold) was named v1.07 I, despite it was the 07 L, and Calvinus said he had made a 1.07 P (I think he intended, but canceled for working only on the Gold)...

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Sat Jul 02, 2016 12:34 pm

Thanks for replying guys, it seems p or q are ok for me as I only do solo play.

I did a complete new install of gold from the triple pack and the patch from Calvinus website on a windows 8.1 laptop. It seems to run very well (always a risky statement to make) and I'll settle for the game as it is now.

Thanks again for your replies.

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Sun Jul 03, 2016 3:59 pm

Taillebois wrote:Thanks for replying guys, it seems p or q are ok for me as I only do solo play.

I did a complete new install of gold from the triple pack and the patch from Calvinus website on a windows 8.1 laptop. It seems to run very well (always a risky statement to make) and I'll settle for the game as it is now.

Thanks again for your replies.

Tallebois, do you have a link to the patch on Calvinus's website?

I too have Windows 8.1, but my many attempts at getting the game to work have all failed.

I am encouraged by your success, and would like to try using the same patch you did.



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Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:22 pm

@ Vaalen,
What directory do you install the game in? I believe that it defaults to install itself in the C:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) folders. In my experience, putting WW1G in either of those folders practically guarantees issues even if you can get it to run at all. If you have installed it into one of these folders, uninstall and run a registry cleaner like C-Cleaner to make sure that the game is completely removed.

I can run it pretty well on my wife's Win-8.1 laptop;

- Run the installer using Win-XP compatibility and set the executable to this as well once installation and updating is complete. Of course set as administrator and allow all users.
- Install directly onto a letter drive, my folder name is E:\World War One Gold
- In the configurator:
- Set "Use Monitor Resolution" from the screen resolution drop-down menu. Never set to "Lock Full-Screen Mode".
- Disable music.
- Adjust mouse sensitivity to taste, mine is set slightly left of centre using a 2-button wheel mouse with a cable. In my experience WW1G does not like touchpads or wireless mouse for controllers. No idea why.
- Do not use "Give AI more time".
- I have found that setting load maps and load sounds at start helps graphic when playing but makes for very long load times.

If you've already tried all of the above without success, I have nothing else to offer. Good Luck.


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Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:41 pm

Random wrote:@ Vaalen,
What directory do you install the game in? I believe that it defaults to install itself in the C:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) folders. In my experience, putting WW1G in either of those folders practically guarantees issues even if you can get it to run at all. If you have installed it into one of these folders, uninstall and run a registry cleaner like C-Cleaner to make sure that the game is completely removed.

I can run it pretty well on my wife's Win-8.1 laptop;

- Run the installer using Win-XP compatibility and set the executable to this as well once installation and updating is complete. Of course set as administrator and allow all users.
- Install directly onto a letter drive, my folder name is E:\World War One Gold
- In the configurator:
- Set "Use Monitor Resolution" from the screen resolution drop-down menu. Never set to "Lock Full-Screen Mode".
- Disable music.
- Adjust mouse sensitivity to taste, mine is set slightly left of centre using a 2-button wheel mouse with a cable. In my experience WW1G does not like touchpads or wireless mouse for controllers. No idea why.
- Do not use "Give AI more time".
- I have found that setting load maps and load sounds at start helps graphic when playing but makes for very long load times.

If you've already tried all of the above without success, I have nothing else to offer. Good Luck.


Random, Thank you. I have tried some of these things, but not all of them. I will try all of them, in the order you suggested. I am grateful for your help.



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Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:33 pm

Random wrote:@ Vaalen,
What directory do you install the game in? I believe that it defaults to install itself in the C:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) folders. In my experience, putting WW1G in either of those folders practically guarantees issues even if you can get it to run at all. If you have installed it into one of these folders, uninstall and run a registry cleaner like C-Cleaner to make sure that the game is completely removed.

I can run it pretty well on my wife's Win-8.1 laptop;

- Run the installer using Win-XP compatibility and set the executable to this as well once installation and updating is complete. Of course set as administrator and allow all users.
- Install directly onto a letter drive, my folder name is E:\World War One Gold
- In the configurator:
- Set "Use Monitor Resolution" from the screen resolution drop-down menu. Never set to "Lock Full-Screen Mode".
- Disable music.
- Adjust mouse sensitivity to taste, mine is set slightly left of centre using a 2-button wheel mouse with a cable. In my experience WW1G does not like touchpads or wireless mouse for controllers. No idea why.
- Do not use "Give AI more time".
- I have found that setting load maps and load sounds at start helps graphic when playing but makes for very long load times.

If you've already tried all of the above without success, I have nothing else to offer. Good Luck.


Well, I did everything except use the registry cleaner, as I know nothing about them. During installation, an invalid registry message popped up. The game did seem to install fine, but just hung on the initializing stage, with nothing displayed on the screen, for a very long time, with nothing happening.
i suppose I had better learn about C Cleaner.

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Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:20 pm

vaalen wrote:Tallebois, do you have a link to the patch on Calvinus's website?

I too have Windows 8.1, but my many attempts at getting the game to work have all failed.

I am encouraged by your success, and would like to try using the same patch you did.



This is where I found it:


And I put it in Program Files -- not the x86 thing whatever that is

My laptop is a Toshiba Win 8.1 with Intel HD graphics and 1.7 whatevers - pretty basic (which explains why PON and WON are so slow I guess)

Good luck

PS - patch is right at the bottom of the page.

PPS - after posting I thought I should at least fire it up. I did and played the Palestine scenario - minor victory as the Turks including a very satisfactory victory over Lawrence.

But the reason for the PPS is that on installing the patch from Calvinus's site I left all the settings as default when it first started - that means the 3d soldiers not the 2d tokens. I haven't yet had the courage to change things as it seems to be OK!

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Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:26 pm

Taillebois wrote:This is where I found it:


And I put it in Program Files -- not the x86 thing whatever that is

My laptop is a Toshiba Win 8.1 with Intel HD graphics and 1.7 whatevers - pretty basic (which explains why PON and WON are so slow I guess)

Good luck

PS - patch is right at the bottom of the page.

PPS - after posting I thought I should at least fire it up. I did and played the Palestine scenario - minor victory as the Turks including a very satisfactory victory over Lawrence.

But the reason for the PPS is that on installing the patch from Calvinus's site I left all the settings as default when it first started - that means the 3d soldiers not the 2d tokens. I haven't yet had the courage to change things as it seems to be OK!

Thank you , Tallebois. My gooodness, I would never touch those settings or dare to change them since the game is actually working!

I think I have to solve a problem with the registry before I can go on, though. I appreciate the kind wishes, and your sharing the link and your experience.



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Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:55 am

Taillebois wrote:My WW1G game curiously still says 1.08p even though I added the latest patch from Calvinus website.

I actually have two versions of the game running on different machines. One was the original game plus the Gold add-on plus the q patch - has a WW1.exe file dated 19/02/13. When it starts up it says 1.08q

The other is a WW1 Gold from the triple pack and the q patch and that has a WW1.exe file dated 21/05/2013. When it starts up it says 1.08p - even though the exe file is later.

For what its worth the install from the triple pack seems faster and more stable and from what I can see the p to q changes were relatively minor for an occasional player - is that right?

i just installed the game (bought from Gamersgate years ago) followed by the Q patch but the game still only shows 1.08 when it loads - is there any way to tell what version i am actually running?


[and thanks for all the useful info posted by others here)

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Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:28 pm

Are you certain that you bought the Gold edition? GamersGate now sells the Centennial edition (or used to, via Steam?) after the rights were bought by Digital Froggies but it was (and maybe still is) engaged a legal dispute over ownership. Anyway, you should see 1.08q as the version on the Menu screen; if you're not seeing it:

- Check to ensure that the patch installed into the correct directory and there is not some odd folder (perhaps named World War One Gold) in the game root directory or elsewhere.

- Check the Options screen in-game to see if there's a check box for "Play By Email", if there is than you're probably running 1.08q regardless of the version number showing.

The 1.08q patch was the final definitive patch for WW1G (as far as I am aware) and should be all inclusive and installable in all Gold versions. Let us know how you make out; good luck.


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Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:54 am

Random wrote:Are you certain that you bought the Gold edition? GamersGate now sells the Centennial edition (or used to, via Steam?) after the rights were bought by Digital Froggies but it was (and maybe still is) engaged a legal dispute over ownership. Anyway, you should see 1.08q as the version on the Menu screen; if you're not seeing it:

- Check to ensure that the patch installed into the correct directory and there is not some odd folder (perhaps named World War One Gold) in the game root directory or elsewhere.

- Check the Options screen in-game to see if there's a check box for "Play By Email", if there is than you're probably running 1.08q regardless of the version number showing.

The 1.08q patch was the final definitive patch for WW1G (as far as I am aware) and should be all inclusive and installable in all Gold versions. Let us know how you make out; good luck.


thanks - just checked and it is the gold version and under multiplayer does have "play by email" in the menu so it looks like the Q patch installed ok


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Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:48 pm

After you replied, did some checking and I was wrong as PBEM was introduced in version 1.08N and not "Q", although it received a major make-over in the latter patch. Apologies for the bad data but it does not seem that your game displays as the "N" version either so unsure of what's going on here.

Did you check for an additional World War One Gold folder on your system?


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