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Detachment Problem

Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:03 am

Playing Campaign - Army to Army - everything going pretty well - having trouble with independent detachments - I know you are supposed to be able to move them after the last army activates but this is not happening for me

Have a number of independent German detachments that come into Berlin and cannot move them - any ideas?

The other thing that happens sometimes concerns forming detachments - sometimes I go to form a detachemnt and then am not allowed to place any other units in the detachment from the same region and army the original unit came from that formed the detchment in the first place (I hope this makes sense!)


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Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:58 am

Sorry Jack, cannot be much help in Army by Army mode since I generally use WEGO only. Do the detachments that appear in Berlin display the movement shading when you select them? Have you tried selecting them in the same sub-phase as one of the other armies?

What you may be seeing with regards to being unable to add to a new detachment is stacking limits kicking in. Although HQ reserves do not count against stacking limits, as soon as you detach units those will. Remember that a normal HQ can hold seven Corps but stacking is a maximum of six Corps in most terrain, four in mountains and only two in desert. Once you create a detachment from an army, particularly a Main Army it's very easy to exceed stacking limits since the entire new Detachment now counts against the total allowed.

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Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:42 pm

Have you tried to move the independent detachments during the last army activation?
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Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:03 pm

Did some playing around this morning with some old saves - Calvinus I knew this (move the independent detachments during the last army activation) but must not have been doing it! - worked this morning

As for my other problem in forming detachments - I watched the stacking limits carefully - put units in reserve to make sure of this - was trying to split of 2 calvary units - had five units in the army and a couple in reserve - plains region - trying to take two of the five units (calvary) and make them a detachment - could do it but had to do two detachments of one calvary each - would not let me have a detachment with two calvary - in another game under the same circumstances (As far as I can remember) was aloud to form this detachment of two calvary - not sure here

Couple other questions that came to mind

A) when the AI is moving (again Army to Army) are you supposed to be able to do a Reaction twice - once on each front - should the CP be allowed two reactions one East and one West?

B) Have red flags on some Austrian units - have to make mandatory attacks - did this and got the green falgs temporarily but still had the red flags at the end of the move - is this normal

C) I thought you could not advance in the turn (again Army to Army) with armies that had not been activated - this is not happening for me - couple of times now I have been in the middle of a turn and accidently hit the advance to next phase button instead of the perform move button (or whatever they are called) and ended my movements before I had a chance to activate all armies

D) Along the same note - I thought you could not advance a turn with red flags showing on armies (from "B" above) - even though I have Austrian armies with red flags showingg I was able to advance in the turn


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