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Beyond Patch 1.08L ???

Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:32 pm

Since it's been six months since the official 1.08L patch was posted, is there going to be any further patches that fix/tweak the varous things that have been identified since then or still need adjusting (Army to Army mod, German overseas colonies, American Army inaction, etc) ???

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Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:51 pm

Let's say I collected all issue reports and I must find some time to work on them. I worked out a few fixes, but not all.
My purpose is to deliver a final patch to close the support on WW1 when I complete all this stuff, but I'm currently terribly busy for job and family affairs, and I don't have anymore the time for WW1 like in the past... :(

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Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:28 pm

As you can see on my posts, I finally found some time to work on a new patch. This will take surely longer than in the past, but at least I'm progressing... little by little, thanks to all your reports! :)

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:32 pm

If possible, could you have a look on why the AI is not moving some of its armies during the strictly turn-based move? As I recall, that is really the one thing which makes single-player turn-based mode inferior to WEGO.

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:56 am

Tamas wrote:If possible, could you have a look on why the AI is not moving some of its armies during the strictly turn-based move? As I recall, that is really the one thing which makes single-player turn-based mode inferior to WEGO.

I'd like to see more AI capability in the turn-based mode, too. I really like the army by army activation, and prefer it over WEGO, but the AI kinda sits on it's hands and is quite sluggish, as mentioned.

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:02 am

I'm currently working on PBEM engine (50% of features done, core engine 90% tested and fixed). I will spend some time on a-to-a AI when pbem is finished.

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:11 pm


Thank you, this game is not dead very good news.

Good luck for the work :thumbsup:
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Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:17 pm

calvinus wrote:I'm currently working on PBEM engine (50% of features done, core engine 90% tested and fixed). I will spend some time on a-to-a AI when pbem is finished.

Thanks Cal!

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Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:19 pm

I think I have now quit WW1G out of sheer frustration and that after trying to mod out some of the more objectionable behavior but today the straw broke the camel's back. Probably a camel from the German Arab cavalry currently fighting in the Voges mountians during the winter of 1915.

In spite of adding turn rules to lock the German colonial garrisons until mid-1916 and reducing Germany's sea transport capability to zero, in the Jan-Feb 1915 turn, three corps of German African troops, some 120,000 men, horses and guns (which of course, have no historical foundation whatever), just invaded the Falkland Islands - again.

All African colonies except Kamarun were captured so where three corps came from is unknown.

Never mind the three Allied fleets on the South Atlantic or the rainy weather which is supposed to prevent sea movement. Not posting a save file and no screenshot, we've all seen it too often so WW1G is being uninstalled as this is written. This is unfixable by the user and ignored by the publishers and I am tired of trying.

To those prepared to stick it out, Cheers and Good Luck.

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Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:36 am

Random, sorry to hear you've finally given up after many valiant efforts to find fixes.

I've recently given the game a second chance, including a couple of on-line two player games which worked reasonably well, but the annoying behaviour persists; multiple occupancy without battle resolution, units not moving, German colonial troops ruling the world, Turkey capturing India with a mega-force from nowhere after a single battle, the Falklands invaded time and time again, British African units locked in place while German units scamper all over the map, AI controlled GCHQs advancing through the frontlines, or floating in the sea, or making beach landings and ignoring doom on the main front, indestructible German battlecruisers which cannot be hunted down, etc. etc..

So, I'm pretty well in the same position as yourself. I won't uninstall but I'm left disappointed and won't waste my time on a big campaign again. I may dabble for half an hour on Konigsberg, Serbia, or the 1914 scenario but that's about it.

It's a real shame. Good luck everybody.

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Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:27 pm

Calvinus is working on somes fixes for the next patch, this should improve some strange overseas behavior :thumbsup:

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:23 pm

Yes, I look forward to the new patch, and PBEM may be worth a try, although multiplayer stability didn't seem to be a problem for me. Neither do I get game stalls anymore.

I fully understand how strange behaviours may occasionally happen in a game this complex which relies heavily on data, conditionals, randomness and exceptions etc. etc.. However, the fact remains that that very complexity means that so much is going on at any one time that those strange happenings occur sufficiently often to spoil my enjoyment of the game. I'd estimate something strange happens about once every 2-3 months.

I would set the following order of importance for fixes:-

1. Other than sieges there must be a final, end of turn check on mutual occupancy of territories so that any outstanding battles can be fought and resolved. This should include AI 'dummy' units which should be scrubbed.

2. Resolve why unhindered units, in other words in no way constrained by enemy action, sometimes simply do not move.

3. Unless occupied by a genuine isolated force any AI dummy units should also be scrubbed from an isolated territory.

4. Facilitate deployment by the AI of US forces into Europe once they are available.

5. Cut-back massively the Central Powers ability to do anything outside the main map i.e. Europe and the Middle East.

6. Have alternative deployment opitons for Italy and Turkey just in case they join the opposite side than they did historically.

7. Make the British fleet more representative of its actual strength.

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Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:33 pm

What can be said but that I'm obviously weak. Like an abused puppy crawling back to its tormentor I keep going back to WW1G and end up regretting the cycle... Probably for reasons related to something like the Stockholm Syndrome, it's difficult to keep away. After my rant I closed Explorer and checked the NO button on the uninstaller verification. Will leave the drama behind now and share some new-found insights.

Went digging in the files and found a nasty little AI behaviour that also happens to be easily moddable. Use a M$ text editor and open:

[color="DarkGreen"]:\World War One Gold\Data\AI\Modding\GER[/color]

Use a word search for "amphibious" or scroll about half way down until you find this:

[color="Red"]; The max number of amphibious offensives per turn [min 0, max 2]

Changed the [color="red"]=1[/color] to [color="red"]=0[/color], reloaded the October 1914 turn (well before the last Falklands invasion) and have played into August 1915 without the CP AI colony stealing. Don't know if this is coincidental or causal, those bugged by the AI super-colonial forces might want to do some additional testing.

Perhaps this amphibious offensives behavior overrides a zero setting in the sea transport capacity allowing that ugly world-conquoring tendency shown by the German colonial garrisons.

Or maybe not, just when I think I have a handle on how WW1G works, something usually happens to make me want to punch through my monitor, and that would be Really counter-productive. However, there are all sorts of moddable behaviours but I intend to use with caution and be on the lookout for the Laws of Unintended Consequences to make an appearance. On the otherhand, if this can mitigate some of the more historically impossible AI moves, it's worth a try.

It seems to have worked over seven full turns even though the German colonial units are still doing strange things. For example both the Togoland and SW Africa garrisons showed up in the Qin Tao box during the still ongoing siege by the forces of Japan. Not ideal but better than them capturing Singapore or French Indo-China. Also a Turkish amphibious assault on Suez that got by the Indies Fleet patrolling the Red Sea was slaughtered on the beach head, and serves them right!

So now August 1915, German NW is in the single digits as is the French RP reserves. Russia is torn by strikes as the Army is racked with mutiny. The French 1915 Grand Offensive has been a bloody failure so far and there are no more men to allow it continuing. The RN blockade is still ineffective and even though they sank a U-Boat and have a U-Boat:Escort ratio of 2:7, I lost 28 EP last interphase. These are all good though and strike to the core of why WW1G has so much to offer.

Chris Ferrous' hit the high points in his latest post, fixing the seven issues he identified would vastly improve the game.

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:10 am

Welcome back Random :thumbsup:

The ability to mod this game, along with the depth and replayability are what have me hooked at the moment. As well as the list of fixes listed by Chris I would also add the AI in a-to-a mode needs improving which I think is already on Calvinus's to do list.

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:42 am

Hello back Random! :)
Your tweak works yes, by making German AI not planning any one amphibious offensive. So no invasion by sea, most notably in Africa.
I believe anyway that a further rule should be added in the game (as done in the boardgame, as Philippe recalled to me after your reports): Germany should be able to do amphibious invasions only in Baltic and North Sea! This would let we set back that param to 1...
However such a further rule would mean additional coding, that I'm studying for. ;)

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:09 am

RGA wrote:...the AI in a-to-a mode needs improving which I think is already on Calvinus's to do list.

As I wrote, this is in my task list. Now I'm testing the PBEM engine (the new buttons for pbem are finally available thanks to Jmass! :thumbsup :) . As soon I finish, I start working on a-to-a improvements.

Unfortunately, my spare time is really little, so I'm working very slowly. However, in April I should be much more relaxed for WW1. ;)

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:12 am

Random wrote:...Probably a camel from the German Arab cavalry currently fighting in the Voges mountians during the winter of 1915.

By the way, this is now fixed. Special Arab units (for example those used in Arab Army led by Lawrence or those in Senussi Army led by Wassmuss against Italy) cannot be anymore recruited and deployed, they are now available only by event.

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:07 am

Welcome back, Radom :)

Good news Calvinus :)

As for U-boats and blockade results in 1915, this is all pretty normal as per boardgame rules :)

The blockade results especially, as it not only represent losses due to blockade per se, but general longterm effects of it on German economy. So it will take some time for its full effect to be realized in terms of lost economic points

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:51 pm

calvinus wrote:By the way, this is now fixed. Special Arab units (for example those used in Arab Army led by Lawrence or those in Senussi Army led by Wassmuss against Italy) cannot be anymore recruited and deployed, they are now available only by event.

Understood. Hope that your little one is well too!

Can you also fix teleporting naval forces?

September 1915, Japanese forces finally take the German port of Tsing Tao where the survivors of the East Asia Squadron took refuge. In the October turn they magically appeared in the Turkish Black Sea port of Trebezon.

Turned off Fog of War long enough to get this screen shot:
Teleporting East Asia Squadron.JPG

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:51 pm

Random wrote:Understood. Hope that your little one is well too!

Can you also fix teleporting naval forces?

September 1915, Japanese forces finally take the German port of Tsing Tao where the survivors of the East Asia Squadron took refuge. In the October turn they magically appeared in the Turkish Black Sea port of Trebezon.

Turned off Fog of War long enough to get this screen shot:

It should be replicated, just to see if the fleet moved by sea, or it was something like a placement of reinforcement... or something similar. :wacko:

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Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:57 pm

calvinus wrote:It should be replicated, just to see if the fleet moved by sea, or it was something like a placement of reinforcement... or something similar. :wacko:

WILCO. Probably take a day or so but I will redo the September turn with the AI Log function active or bash on until until the siege ends. Hopefully the Japanese Army can repeat its performance and take the forts again without too many more delays, they have been trying for five turns now. Those reinforcements for the garrison from Kamarun and SW Africa didn't help the Entente cause any...

We'll see where the Pacifik Squadron ends up next time and report back here.


From the September 1915 .SAV file:


Postion 2951 is the Qin Tao box.

From the October 1915 .SAV file:


Position 1486 is Trabzon, Turkey.

I have no idea what the position numbers after the "|" represent but there was no apperant sea movement as there were considerable Entente forces patrolling at sea between China and the Dardenelles. Teleportation seems likely from what I saw, note no movement path identified in October.

Find below the September 1915 game save files.
(454.61 KiB) Downloaded 220 times

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Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:10 am

The only idea that comes to my mind is that when the German navy has been forced to evacuate the Qin Tao port, the procedure for determining the new sea position was bugged and selected that new weird position... I'll try to reproduce it. Thanks.

Edit: indeed I recall that procedure seeks coastal sea zones and Qin Tao is bordered only by open sea areas... this could be the cause of this weird behaviour. :wacko:

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:09 am

Fixed also the latest bug reported by Random: the cause was a weird retreat to "nearest friendly port"! :D

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:30 am

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:25 pm

Excellent news, very well done, Sir! Thank you.

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:38 pm

Other news: I introduced a script that removes the immobilization rule for Austrian and French armies on Alps when Italy enters the war. This fixes the erratic bug reported by somebody (armies remain locked).

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:43 pm

Great news Calvinus :thumbsup:

Do you have an idea about when the patch will be available ?

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:54 pm

Yet two big issues to work on (a-to-a improvements and german amphibious invasions stuff) plus the pbem testing... that means not less than one month, sorry.

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:21 pm

Luca: Give it up man! It is too complicated to program so it works smoothly. You tried. L3

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:04 am

Added this too:
- Military AI improved to make amphibious offensives outside of Europe allowed only to Japan, France, Great Britain and USA (moddable)

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