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XIII Russian army not appearing in unit management screen

Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:10 pm

During the Military phase, when trying to assign an independent unit to an army, the Russian XIII army does not appear on the list of choices although the HQ is on the map. When I detach a corps from the army, it appears on the map as a detachment of XIII army, though.
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Fri Jul 26, 2013 7:42 pm

More information please! At first glance there does not appear to be anything in the Armies.csv that prevents attachments.

Which scenario?

Is it only the Russian XIII Army that does not appear on the list?

Is HQ XIII Army near the unit you are attempting to attach?

Could you post a screenshot or a zipped save file for the turn in question? If you do, can you please advise if you are using any modded files.



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Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:13 pm

I hate to ask this, but where would I find the save game file? I looked in c:\program files (x86)\World War One Gold\Data\Savegame but there is nothing in there other than an empty file called tmp.txt.

I looked in c:\program data and c:\users\me\app data too but no luck.

I am attempting to transfer custody of a detachment from one army to another. The detachment is adjacent to the receiving HQ. When I click on the "manage forces" button, the list of HQs in the lower left panel does not include the intended recipient HQ (XIII) only I to XII are listed, there is no entry for XIII.

Random wrote:More information please! At first glance there does not appear to be anything in the Armies.csv that prevents attachments.

Which scenario?

Is it only the Russian XIII Army that does not appear on the list?

Is HQ XIII Army near the unit you are attempting to attach?

Could you post a screenshot or a zipped save file for the turn in question? If you do, can you please advise if you are using any modded files.


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Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:10 pm

I am attempting to transfer custody of a detachment from one army to another. The detachment is adjacent to the receiving HQ. When I click on the "manage forces" button, the list of HQs in the lower left panel does not include the intended recipient HQ (XIII) only I to XII are listed, there is no entry for XIII.

Ah, the infamous Unit Management Screen...

Try this instead.

- Select the unit that you wish to sent to XIII Army HQ.

- Right-click on the unit and drag it a short way, you should see a red line as though you were moving the unit illegally.

- Release. A selectable menu should appear giving you the options to attach the unit to one of your HQ's. All HQ's and the number of Corps they currently command should be shown.

See screenshot:

As to where your game save files are residing, I have no idea, sorry. They should live happily in the ...\SaveGame folder and they do in WinXP, at least on my computer.

The saved game could help with the Salonika problem, I do not think I have every seen it work like that before. How did you get passage right? By diplomacy or by event?

A detachment of British V army was transported last turn to Salonika. We have right of passage from the Greeks - in fact, according to the diplomatic display, we have full access to Greek territory, not just Salonika. The French did their option to land their army there this turn as well. The French are in supply but the British are not. Any ideas why? The Turks are still neutral and there are no Central Powers naval units around.

If it's just a detachment and it is separated from V Army HQ, this might be triggering the isolation. Isolation and supply are treated differently and have different triggers, an out of supply unit that's not attacked can live forever but isolation is more or less related to the ability to trace an LOC to a command. It's possible that the Greek sea zone off the port of Salonika is what's isolating the Brit detachment.

If you had the save, a simple edit of the *.MAP file fixes this sort of problem.

See Jcrohio's post here:

Supply Question

Good Luck, keep us posted please.

Change HQ.JPG

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Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:18 am

What is the file naming convention for a WWIG save game? I can do a search. It has got to be here somewhere.

Edit: found it at C:\Users\Stewart King\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\World War One Gold\Data\SaveGame

So I can change the *.MAP file in some way to fix this problem?
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Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:35 am

Saved games consist of two files with the same name but different file extensions. When saving a game in the Options Menu the file name will default to the month(s) of the turn for example:
Jan-Feb 1915.MAP
Jan-Feb 1915.SAV

If Autosave is set ON the file overwrites itself every turn and will be named:

If using the Quicksave function (key F5) the files will be named:

Both the *.SAV and *.MAP files are editable with a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad and changes will take effect when the saved game is next loaded.

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Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:47 am


And here is the save game file, before my editing attempts...
(402.57 KiB) Downloaded 242 times
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Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:47 am

In the next diplomacy phase, I brought Greece into the war. Problem solved. I still don't understand how you are supposed to use those expeditionary forces without aligning Greece, though.

Changing ownership of the off-shore sea zone didn't seem to help.

I had this problem in a previous game too. The Greeks were supposed to be providing access to Salonika, but when I did the option to place an army there, they were isolated.
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Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:35 pm

I see what's wrong - Greece has no Right of Passage event so the expeditionary forces will be isolated if Greece is at peace. It would seem that when they wrote the Political Action to send forces to the Balkans they neglected to include an appropriate Right of Passage event. So subverting Greece does not work as intended.

That may be the What but how to fix it?

Don't know yet but you have tweaked my interest. Never noticed this happening because I do not send Western troops to the Balkans unless Greece is at war.

Did you get your Russian units attached to HQ XIII Army as intended?

Looks like your war is going well, particularly now that Greece is in.

Good Luck!


Actually what is required is a Turn Rule rather than an Event. Adding a Turn Rule to allow France and Britain Right of Passage through Greece would seem to be an easy but inelegant solution since it would fire on Turn-1. Am trying to figure out how to link a new Turn Rule to the Balkan Expeditionary Force Political Action.

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Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:44 pm

The work-around you suggested for attachment worked just fine. Thanks.

As I said, the next turn I got the Greeks into the war, so now no problem.

Did you notice the horrid Russian morale? I can't seem to form a new government.
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Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:22 pm

New governments have a difficulty of eight (8) so a bit of poor luck in the invisible dice rolls can be brutal. Except of course it's just the Tsar's cronies hanging in regardless of what's happening in the streets. Just a thought but playing the Mutiny event card on the Austrian's might buy you some breathing space.

Not having any luck so far getting a Turn Rule to work that provides Right of Passage in Greece for Britain and France but will keep trying to pick away at it as time allows.


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Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:47 pm

So I formed a new government and almost immediately their morale began to decline again. They are losing one a turn for "borders not garrisoned", though I can't figure out which ones - they still have the armies on the (neutral) Turkish and Romanian borders. The Germans and Austrians are launching offensives without stopping, and they always seem to gain a victory although the manual seems to suggest that to have a victorious offensive on the eastern front you have to take several areas. And there is fighting in the streets in St. Pete and Moscow. I am tempted to overthrow the Tsar myself and replace him with Kornilov. I even have the Lenin card although I imagine that wouldn't be very good for the Entente cause.

In happier news, the British have broken through into north Germany.
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Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:32 pm

Sounds like fun, or like a race to cripple Germany before Russia collapses. Cool.

The 1-NM Failure to Garrison Borders penalty is, so far as I know not documented and when you track down the turn rule in the *.SAV file, it is none-specific as to which ungarrisoned area/province is causing the NM loss.

Part of the problem is that you receive the same message for not garrisoning areas/provinces in revolt, which are easier to find.

I suspect (but admittedly do not know) that it might relate to failure to have a continuous front with all forces contiguous and all areas/provinces occupied but there seems to be certain areas/provinces that trigger the penalty while others do not. Had France eat this loss too on a couple of occasions but after the winter redeployment phase the problem went away.

Even searched the original boardgame rules but could not find any cause or examples.

Good Luck!


Edit: - Supply and Right of Passage

It would seem that Right of Passage is not enough to allow supply by itself. So do not despatch an expeditionary force to Greece without having Greece at war. If Greece is an ally, no problem once they're at war, if an enemy, Greek owned provinces will become owned by you as you pass through them, allowing supply and again - no problem. This appears hard-coded and not user moddable.

I have modded the island of Mudros to be British-owned because without it a Gallipoli type operation becomes essentially impossible and Britain basically bullied Greece into letting the Entente navies use it, a violation of international law probably right up there with the German invasion of Belgium.

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Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:06 am

I am still unclear about what constitutes victory in an offensive. In the last turn, I got the message that Austria's Grand Offensive in Prezymsyl had been successful, but I still control Prezymsyl. And the German offensive in the north was turned back with terrible losses but they don't get a failed offensive report - or at least I didn't see it.

Another question concerns isolation - many Germans on the western front are surrounded by Allied units, as is an Austrian stack on the Italian front. Yet they don't seem to be marked as isolated. The Germans have one city (as far as I can tell), Metz, within their perimeter. According to the manual, they should have to have two cities to be a supply source. The Austrians down in the Alps don't have any cities.

Here's the save game file if interested; [ATTACH]23496[/ATTACH]
(408.12 KiB) Downloaded 238 times
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Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:56 pm

Speculation about the Second part first.

The German's actually have two fortresses (Metz and Thionville) plus the city of Metz but I do not think that the Manual is entirely accurate regarding some of the supply rules, cities and fortresses. I have had similar situations where huge encirclements have not produced the expected results.

However when I cycled the turn, the German southern pocket with HQ XIII Army and an independent Detachment now show as Isolated. So I suspect that everything is working as designed but we're lacking in documentation. See screen shot:


Russia is still getting the Failure to Garrison penalty of -1 NM so I checked the Front and outlying provinces for a continuous front and/or revolts. The only anomaly that I found is that Batum is adjacent to a Turkish province and is ungarrisoned. Being a Victory Point city, this might be firing that penalty and causing the drain on Russian NW. Try deploying a Corps in there and see if it solves the problem. Screenshot below:


Grand Offensive reporting generated by the enemy actions can be spotty for reasons unknown (to me at least). The reports from the failed German offensive might show up during the orgy of reports that generally come with the end-year Interphase when the failure penalty is imposed (if not before). I have no explanation for the Austrian victory report, sorry. Consider it propaganda perhaps or jingoistic reporting by neutrals and an aspect of the Fog of War.

Not much help I'm afraid.

DK_Fortress supply.JPG

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Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:00 pm

Wow! Thanks!

Someday I will figure out how to play this game...

I have an opponent for a LAN game of this who is generally unfamiliar with AGEOD games but a very devoted long-time board gamer. So I want to be able to make sense of the system at some point.
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Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:32 pm

Glad to be of some help.

WW1G is one of my all time favourite computer games. I have learned to appreciate it for its strengths, its depth and its attention to detail and tend to forgive its weaknesses, which would be tiresome to recount here.

Assisting Members of the tiny WW1G community allows me to dig deeper into how the game actually works. Never tried multi-player though so Best of Luck!


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Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:19 am

I think that Orient Army expeditionary force event needs to be fixed, though. Maybe the event can change the actual control of the necessary hexes in Greece to the French or British?

And the "Right of Passage" event when played on Belgium or Switzerland could change the control of some of those country's regions for a limited period of time.

Otherwise, these events are meaningless and the Balkan Front intervention was a big deal for the French and British.

BTW, I have also noticed that I can't seem to send my units into Luxembourg? Is this WAD? Do I have to declare war on them? I'm assuming that they also have given the Germans Right of Passage. Maybe Luxembourg should just disappear as an independent country and those regions be transferred to Germany at the outbreak of war if Germany picks one of the "strong right wing" war plans.
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Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:22 am

Sorry for entering the discussion so late.

I checked the map above...

The German's actually have two fortresses (Metz and Thionville) plus the city of Metz but I do not think that the Manual is entirely accurate regarding some of the supply rules, cities and fortresses. I have had similar situations where huge encirclements have not produced the expected results.

Yes, the Germans are close to a Major City, and two Minor Towns are also present. So this avoids isolation. The Major City and one Minor Town are to be captured, then Germans goes out of supply.

BTW, I have also noticed that I can't seem to send my units into Luxembourg? Is this WAD? Do I have to declare war on them? I'm assuming that they also have given the Germans Right of Passage. Maybe Luxembourg should just disappear as an independent country and those regions be transferred to Germany at the outbreak of war if Germany picks one of the "strong right wing" war plans.

Luxembourg, yes it's a design mistake. It should be done part of German Empire, so avoiding such silly situations. You could tweak the MAP file, setting the control of those Areas to Germany...

Finally, for Salonika issue... I recall there's some turn rule about granting or automatic supply. Unfortunately I don't have the full list here. I'll see if some rule can be tweaked by event...
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Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:45 pm

Thanks Calvinus, really appreciate your stopping by.

Luxembourg, yes it's a design mistake. It should be done part of German Empire, so avoiding such silly situations. You could tweak the MAP file, setting the control of those Areas to Germany...

This fix is easy enough, I have already modified all my *.MAP files accordingly.

Finally, for Salonika issue... I recall there's some turn rule about granting or automatic supply. Unfortunately I don't have the full list here. I'll see if some rule can be tweaked by event...

I searched high and low but was unable to find any event or turn rule that triggered supply when Greece is still at peace. Of course that doesn't not mean that it is not there but if it is, the event or rule does to seem to fire as intended. I could not come up with the command to add a supply turn rule to the assorted Greek Political Options found in the PoliticalOptions.csv file.

So we welcome your help in this! Thanks again and in advance.


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Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:02 pm

Hey Random

Just curious - what .map files did you edit?


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Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:37 pm

For the Stock Campaign's go to ...\World War One Gold\Data\DB\GoldMaps\GrandCampaign\MapAreas.csv

Save the original somewhere safe;

Open this file with a text editor, M$ Wordpad or Notepad work fine. Do a word search for LUX;

Find the lines:


Edit to read:


Save and close. Now when a new Grand Campaign is started, Luxumburg will be German controlled, supply should work for both sides depending on ownership and you should be able to enter it as either side.

If you play other scenarios their specific maps should be altered the same way.

If you're using a JSGME enabled mod, the relevant MapAreas.csv files are found in the scenario files located in the MODS folder that JSGME created with the file structure similar to that above, for example:

World War One Gold\MODS\GC Naval\Data\DB\GoldMaps\GrandCampaign\MapAreas.csv

You need to deactivate the Mod in use, edit the MapAreas.csv file and reactivate the Mod.


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Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:26 am

Well, I got Metz and Thionville, so now all they control are a couple of French minor towns, yet they still seem to be in supply.

The Austrians tried to use Right of Passage through Albania, and as soon as they arrived on the other side in Serbian territory, presto! they were isolated. Need to fix this somehow.
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Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:05 am

TheDoctorKing wrote:Well, I got Metz and Thionville, so now all they control are a couple of French minor towns, yet they still seem to be in supply.

Looking at the map screenshot, if Germans still control Longwy and Briey (two Minor Towns), they are yet in supply.
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Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:42 pm

Odd that such a large army can supply itself from two captured small towns?

Reading the manual seems to suggest that the supply source has to be two friendly cities. I think that is a reasonable rule - that is, if there was a French pocket that contained Lille and Rheims, for example, then you would expect that they would be able to get enough shells and bullets and cans of beans (bottles of wine?) to keep the boys fighting. But I couldn't see them being able to do that if they held two German cities, much less two German villages...
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