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Political Actions

Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:31 pm

How do you know how many political actions you get each interphase? Cant seem to find information in manual or in forums.


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Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:53 am

The number of political actions varies one and eight and with National Will. I believe you also get one or two for having a Sacred Union or Warmongering government mood included in that total.

Once NW collapses and stability starts to fail, you often end up with the unpleasant choices and not enough political actions to fix things. I think they're hugely cool...


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Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:57 am

Thanks Random - any idea where you can actually find out how many you have used, how may you actaully have of the 1 to 8, and how many you have left. I looked at the board game rules and there is a National Will chart with (I think) the number of Political Actions on it. Wonder if this is used in the computer game.

PS Second game going well - kept Britian neutral and concentrating on Russia - Romania already gone (could not handle Bulgaria when she joined the CP) - think Russia is about to fold - have isolated many of her troops - found this the way to go in Russia

PSS Any idea on my other post about the hidden Russians - I guess hidden is a bad choice of words - the units are there but don't show up on the map - makes for a click fest trying to see where units are and where I can move

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:09 am

any idea where you can actually find out how many you have used, how may you actaully have of the 1 to 8

The Ledger on the left hand edge of the Political Actions window records your choices with check marks. It took some digging but see the NationalWills.csv file in the ...\Data\DB folder. Number of political choices is in column 3 ([color="#FF0000"]RED[/color]). Looks like I was wrong about the Government mood affecting the number of available Political Actions per interphase.

From the NationalWills.csv, read in six columns: NW;Combat modifier;[color="#FF0000"]Political Actions[/color];Strike test;Mutiny Test;Rebellion test;Capitulation test

Not sure what you mean about hidden Russians which is why I did not respond to that thread. The AI will produce empty Detachments for Fog of War; could you be seeing these?

Sounds like things are progressing not too badly for you, getting Romania out of the fight is always a bonus, unless she's on your side of course.


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Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:51 pm

This corresponds exactly to what I found in a NW chart that came with the Vassal version so thanks.

"Not sure what you mean about hidden Russians which is why I did not respond to that thread. The AI will produce empty Detachments for Fog of War; could you be seeing these?" No it is not those - I have used one of the reveal fronts events and these detachemnts contain corps. On the game map there is nothing there but when you click on the region they are there. This includes regions that are adjacent to my armies. I am wondering if I have screwed something up as you have never seen this. On my last turn a stack of 7-8 detachments appeared next to a Bulgarian unit. It was not there the turn before and it is not visible on the map but when you click there they are.

Enclosed is a save game if you don't mind looking - check around the Bulgarian units near Odessa
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THanks as always
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