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First time questions

Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:57 pm

Started my first 1914 campaign as the CP last night - have played through all the small scenarios and read most of the manual - sure I am making lots of mistakes!

I have five questions

One - received some corps on the first turn as reinforcements in Berlin - moved two to the Western front - in the August turn left them independent and used them to convert railroads - in the September turn got a lot of messages about reinforcements most of which I just clicked through (I know probably should have read them more carefully) - when I got back to the board both independent detachments were gone - I am assuming they got absorbed into a HQ - can anyone explain to me what happened and if they did indeed get absorbed into a HQ which ones (I think they both were not numbered corps - not tied to a specific HQ)?

Two - one of the original corps from the first turn reinforcements in Berlin I sent to the Eastern front - tried to make it part of VIII HQ - I think that HQ was a Main army for the East - so should be able to have 12 corps - I was not allowed to transfer to the VIII HQ - would not let me - again the coprs was not a numbered corp - not tied to any specific HQ - any help here?

Three - have to corps on the East front in September that are part of the XII HQ (I think might have been XI) - there is no HQ - is it coming later?

Four - I am still not all sure about converting rails - I know about the button that needs to be pushed and the concept of using a corp with this button set to travel through a region that needs its rails converted - it just seems like sometimes this does not work - couple questions with this A) can you travel through multiple regions converting multiple regions in one turn? B) do you have to follow the path of an existing railroad to convert a region or can you enter the region from any direction to convert? C) is it good strategy to always turn on the convert rail button when moving to a rail region if that region is reachable with the button pushed (I am assuming the yellow blinking can move to area is still accurate with this button depressed)?

Five - the build units screen - what is the idea behind having all units show on this screen? - what purpose does it serve? - also is this where you go to rebuild any destroyed units? - how can you tell which units are destroyed?

Thanks for any help

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Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:47 pm

Three : Yes, the HQ will arrive later, with a general in command, in Köenigsberg.

Five : existings units are here in case of you want to upgrade their firepower, I think.

Four A- I guess you can try, but converting costs a lot in movement (espcially converting in the east front)
B - I think not, but i can be wrong
C- I think the good strategy is usine a single corps and not your whole armies : converting will cause them to advance sloooowly. But a better tactic, in m opinion, is to wait for the interphase : railroads will be converted.

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Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:32 pm

you should not care for which units are destroyed (I am not sure if there is a way to tell) but rather, which units you need at the time :)

Also, worth remembering that each unit you build will decrease your number of per-turn manpower replacement for the coming quarter. So keep moderation :)

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Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:27 pm

Reinforcement schedules and Main Armies may vary with the selected War Plans so there is no guarantee German VIII Army will be the Main Army on the Eastern Front.

Showing all units on the Build Screen can be handy to determine if there are detachments that have been reduced since the loss icon on the HQ button on the right-hand side of the screen is not active for Army or Independent Detachments. Unfortunately it does not help locating them but knowing they are out there can help. It's always a drag when you discover an under-strength unit defending during combat resolution that you missed restoring before executing the turn.

Units that have been destroyed may be rebuilt provided they were not isolated when their destruction occurred. Units capable of being built (or rebuilt) will show a numerical button that represents the number of turns before the replacement unit arrives. Delaying construction decreases the cost in EP so a Corps scheduled for completion in three-turns will cost more than the same Corps built in four-turns. Mousing over the button will bring up the cost in money/EP and all Corps require expending RP except for African colonial troops, which cost EP but zero RP. You may only spend 50% of your available RP building new or replacement Corps.

Ships are built in steps, each taking three Interphases except the last step, Commissioning, which takes one turn.

Ordering multiple support units add one-turn for each unit greater than one. So if you order 2-artillery units they will be ready in successive months. Text in each unit section will display the date the unit will be ready.

Managing your RP's becomes vital. You may only expend 50% restoring depleted Corps and these deductions are made before combat losses. Likewise the RP values needed for Corps construction is only 50% of that available during the Interphase and before the RP replacement from the next game-turn. As attrition sets in you may find your Army's material strength and national economy booming while manpower (RP's), political commitment and National Will become increasingly scarce.

And, as always there is help here, probably most of us on the Forum have made dreadful WW1G errors and know that I still do so regularly.


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Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:04 am

Thanks all three of you for the replies - I feel pretty comfortable about your answers to my questions 3, 4, and 5 - going to go back and look at questions 1 and 2 again - I think I have a save - see if I can figure out what is going on

If I may I have two other questions - I have been playing WEGO (I think that is correct - the game play where movement is basically simultaneous) - would I be correct in saying that Initiative does not really come into play here? - having the initiative is only really valuable in the Army by Army style of play

Lastly - I have Ageod Battles in America game which uses the Wego system of game play - I don't want to be critical but that always confused me - I never really got a good feel for who was moving where and how far - where did movement stop - how was contact established etc - I think I would like the Army by Army mode - my second question is how does the game and the AI play using this mode of play? - at one point in these forums people were being told to avoid the Army by Army mode vs the AI - is this still the case?

Again thanks

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Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:53 pm

My preferred game play in WW1G is WEGO and have never found playing Army-By-Army as very much fun. Others swear by the latter mode so perhaps best to try both and see what you like. The best mode to play in is whatever is best for you and only you can determine what that might be.

Behind the scenes in WW1G WEGO is initiative and understanding which side has the initiative where (as displayed using the little helmet icons on above the Unit Display window) helps considerably when trying to sort out what's happening during a WEGO move. In Army-By-Army mode the action is more incremental and so it may be easier to see the effects of initiative when any portion of the Military Phase is run after giving Army orders. Is this what you're looking for?


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Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:07 pm

"Behind the scenes in WW1G WEGO is initiative and understanding which side has the initiative where (as displayed using the little helmet icons on above the Unit Display window) helps considerably when trying to sort out what's happening during a WEGO move. In Army-By-Army mode the action is more incremental and so it may be easier to see the effects of initiative when any portion of the Military Phase is run after giving Army orders. Is this what you're looking for?"

I think so - in WEGO I see enemy units moving through my lines to cities 3 areas back - I see my units moving where I dont think they should be able to - maybe I just need to get used to it but I have a hard time follwoing what units are doing - do units advance fully and then any areas they have in common with an enemy they go back to that area and fight? - the other problem I have is the battles - I struggle to keep track of what battle is what - I dont know the terrain well enough I guess - I use the breakthrough screen always just to try to get oriented - by the way if you want to do a breakthrough do you have to plot it before combat is over or can you wait until the end of all rounds of combat?

Thanks again

PS from my original post - question 1 the two missing coprs were placed in the GHQ on the Eastern front - not sure why - question 2 the issue with not being able to place a detached corp with a new HQ - went back and it worked fine (not sure what I did wrong)

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Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:12 pm

In army-by-army you have an option for activating a "breakthrough sub-phase", which allow you to plan all your breakthroughs after fighting.

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Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:38 pm

I see my units moving where I dont think they should be able to - maybe I just need to get used to it but I have a hard time follwoing what units are doing - do units advance fully and then any areas they have in common with an enemy they go back to that area and fight?

What you are really seeing is the AI's planned moves but these may be affected by your moves, terrain, weather and command considerations. The simultaneous nature in resolving WEGO turns supposedly sorts out all the muddle. You will note at times that when you and the opposition are both moving into an unoccupied province, initiative will determine who attacks and who defends, at the scale of WW1G the concept of the classic "Meeting Engagement" does not exist and one side, probably the side that got there "first" will have the defensive advantage.

the other problem I have is the battles - I struggle to keep track of what battle is what - I dont know the terrain well enough I guess

Here I would recommend JMass' Graphical Mod which renders the battle screen far more transparent and allows the Player to locate the battle far easier. I found it an awesome player aid and kick my butt that I took so long to try it out.

Also, after a battle, spend a few minutes to examine the battle log. This synopsis of the entire battle can take some time to load but details in chronological order exactly what rolls and modifiers were used to get the results that you see. Once you are familiar with the subtleties of combat resolution you may find that you refer to the log less often as you become comfortable with combat factors like terrain, weather, ethnic composition of the troops, doctrines and technologies.


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Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:18 am

Thanks for the replies - things are making more sense as I play - already have the JMass battle screen mod - it does help

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