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Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:56 am

GlobalExplorer wrote:Hm. So AGEOD is now developing "Europa Universalis" games with the Paradox system.[video=youtube;9zZs8fuR1tA][/video]

Cheer up, man. You haven't even seen new game gameplay. It's nothing like Europa Universalis, and thinking that changes are bad things cause they are changes is amatuerish. Wait for the game, try demo and then play other AGE games on the old engine.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:00 pm

GlobalExplorer wrote:Hm. So AGEOD is now developing "Europa Universalis" games with the Paradox system.

And months after it was mentioned, still no news about a new, turn based AGE game.

My interest was at it's peak in 2007 and it lingered on for five years. It was a beautiful time and AACW will forever remain one of the best games I ever played, in 20 years of gaming.

But now it's dissappearing, I can feel it right now.

I just wanted to .. say something, before my heart goes to someone else. I don't know when and how, but seems to be the place where I will find new happyness.

And so you don't wonder one day later where your fans went.

I am sorry. What can you do, when a love affair is over.

Do you really believe that the latest series of patches are the last?

...and that we could patch without AGE support?

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:16 pm

Florent wrote:[B]"
I have worked this month or rather kept up some stopped work for a time ( when my mother died in October 2010) with a Marengo-Hohenlinden Campaign and the Great 1815 Strategic Campaign.

For Hohenlinden, all the French Armies (Italie, Réserve and Rhin) are done, most of the Austrians in Italie are also done, thus i have yet the Austrians-Bavarians to do.

For the 1815 campaign, i had already done the V and VI Prussian Corps as well as the Grenadier-Guard Corps adding some 80000 more prussians that fought in August and September 1815, many of the 167000 Warriors of Russia but the new leaders are also done.
The french armies of the Rhine, Jura, Gironde and Var are also mostly done, the big work for me will be the Austrians although i have done the Bavarians, Saxons, Württembergers.

Do you mean you are working on Napoleonic Era Scenario too with a ROP extended map (Northern Italy, ....) ?


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Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:38 pm

"Do you mean you are working on Napoleonic Era Scenario too with a ROP extended map (Northern Italy, ....) ?"

No, standard NCP map and Models, Units from the DB, actually the units used before 1809 to have a 1805 look, not a shako, the armies of 1798-1800 are the same good, seasoned veterans if not better than the 1805 troops, they are called Demi-Brigade rather than Rgts, there will be not a lot of new leader (Kray, Melas etc...), of course the Hussars and Cuirassiers will not have a look they had in 1800.
The Austrians were in transition for their uniforms, helmet in 1805 as in the game and small mitre in Italy.

I hope to be able to send the set-up files and the few lines for models/units before the end of April and will post them in the Beta/NCP forum.

The 1815 scenario will take longer as there is many leaders not in the DB especially russians.
There will be an alternative scenario (the Murat Option) with a little more intelligent Murat waiting for a simultanéous offensive with his Napolitan troops.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:42 pm

Florent wrote:"Do you mean you are working on Napoleonic Era Scenario too with a ROP extended map (Northern Italy, ....) ?"

No, standard NCP map and Models, Units from the DB, actually the units used before 1809 to have a 1805 look, not a shako, the armies of 1798-1800 are the same good, seasoned veterans if not better than the 1805 troops, they are called Demi-Brigade rather than Rgts, there will be not a lot of new leader (Kray, Melas etc...), of course the Hussars and Cuirassiers will not have a look they had in 1800.
The Austrians were in transition for their uniforms, helmet in 1805 as in the game and small mitre in Italy.

I hope to be able to send the set-up files and the few lines for models/units before the end of April and will post them in the Beta/NCP forum.

The 1815 scenario will take longer as there is many leaders not in the DB especially russians.
There will be an alternative scenario (the Murat Option) with a little more intelligent Murat waiting for a simultanéous offensive with his Napolitan troops.

Great ! :thumbsup:

Will it be a NCP mod or a DLC ?

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:53 pm

I think they will be included in a patch as the DB is used, many leaders have been done by the communauty for NCP, Nikel i think.
Philthib will decide but the 1815 scen will be ended later.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:10 pm

Hi Florent.

The portraits I did for NCP are included in the game since a long time ago.

Just curiosity, why this NCP revival when NCP2 is being created and with a different engine?

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:21 pm

Nikel wrote:Hi Florent.

The portraits I did for NCP are included in the game since a long time ago.

Just curiosity, why this NCP revival when NCP2 is being created and with a different engine?

Why not? It's a good game, and has never gotten the attention it deserves....
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Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:30 pm

Well, the game was abandoned years ago due to the lack of sales, interest, players, team, coordinator, full campaign... (I do not know which is more important) until Bohemond appeared.

And NCP2 will be released this year using a different engine though AGEod is working on it, so AGEod competing with itself.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:32 pm

And it's good for NCP 2, too, IMHO:
I think some people will check it while waiting for NCP 2 release, it's good NCP gives a good impression

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:35 pm

AFAIK they will be very different games except for the portraits and the units graphics.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:07 pm

Franciscus wrote:And it's good for NCP 2, too, IMHO:
I think some people will check it while waiting for NCP 2 release, it's good NCP gives a good impression

I agree; I am one of them... I unfortunatly know very little about this era. NCP is one of the AGEod games that I do not own and this thred has me considering spending the $20 to see what I have been missing.
NCP2 is a ways off and will be different. I am still on the fence though!
AGE games I own; RUS ,AJE, BOR, H:ToR, AACW, WIA, ROP,NC, CWII, Espana 1936, TYW

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:15 pm

"Just curiosity, why this NCP revival when NCP2 is being created and with a different engine? "

I had started something about a real 1815 Campaign in August 2010 and started working on it every friday afternoon when i stopped, for the Marengo-Hohenlinden, i had bought the Osprey about Marengo and Marengo-Hohenlinden Campaign by James Arnold, i already had a special issue by Tradition Mag and somebody, i think Nikel post Nafzinger links at this time.
The new game will certainly start or at least this is what i believe in 1805, i think, it is too bad that some scenarios would not be done especially the Egyptian campaign whereas the map is done. Perhaps somebody will work on it.
I didn't read anywhere that NCP wouldn't be sold by Ageod anymore, the new game being a Campaign whereas NCP was about individuals campaigns.

And yes the fact that Bohemond and Lodilefty and other players still worked on it motivated me to keep up the work started some time ago.
Moreover reading, finding old books or other informations on a scenario/Army/soldiers is sometime a very long process.
When an US bordgame player send me the work (8 vol)of the Austrian staff between 1896 or so to 1914 (and thus is not finished) about the War of Austrian Succession, it was a fantastic tool to do some scenarios between 1741 and 1744.
When i found an website about the Saxon Rgts in the 1730s done by Vlad Gromoboi, i contacted him and he send me informations about the Polish armies in 1734-1735 and where to find some memories of German Generals in Russian service that are very useful :thumbsup:
He also worked on the Russian army, his work being on the Nec Pluribus Impar, a website about warfare between the 1690 to 1760s.
I have also a good friend Vincent Trichet, a Great Napoleonic fan and figurinist which helped me often for anything Napoleonic...

The main problem after a release is that any of us would like to have more, have plenty of ideas ...that others will hopefully do. After a few month nothing is done and sometimes you have to go, this is what Pocus and Philtib explained to me to encourage me when i was doing the Russo-Japanese OOB, i thought i would be overwhelmed but in the end i did it !
Today, there is still plenty of scenarios that i would like to do or finished, and sure after the release of Ageod's AJE, i will certainly look at my books/Mag to see if something can be done with my knowledge of a particular campaign.
Fortunately there is plenty of people here to help and encourage and thus it helps a lot.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:22 pm

"NCP is one of the AGEod games that I do not own and this thred has me considering spending the $20 to see what I have been missing."

NCP is for now the best Napoleonic game while there is still some improvements to do.
Once they will be all resolved, it will be even better.
Yes there is no Campaign and some players were angry, in RoP only Campaigns were done and some players were surprised or angry not to have shorter scenarios :wacko: Life is so strange.

Philthib indicated that AJE will have both scenarios and Campaigns thus we will be all happy...i guess /Hope.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:29 pm

Oh, do not want to discourage, the contrary, just seemed strange to me :hat:

I hope you can work with Bohemond in the future so that you can create NCP3, with full campaign and production. Or even a new game of the Peninsular War :)

The problem of the scenarios is precisely the map that seems designed for a full campaign.

Egypt is very small in this map for a Egyptian campaign, the same for Italy, or so it seems to me ;)

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:38 pm

"Egypt is very small in this map for a Egyptian campaign, the same for Italy, or so it seems to me "

As for me i fear the time, 1798 to 1801 is a long Campaign and there were surely many quiet periods thus perhaps 2 or 3 small Campaigns to do an Egyptian Campaign is perhaps better.

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Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:56 pm

Nikel wrote:I hope you can work with Bohemond in the future so that you can create NCP3, with full campaign and production. Or even a new game of the Peninsular War :)

NCP3 ???

Start a fund collect and I will check if I have some spare time for new NCP with AGE Engine. :siffle:


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Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:07 pm

"Ah... The Great Northern War. If I had some money and much time, I will create a company to licence the AGE engine and make a game out of it."

Could be done with an extension of the RoP map on the North (Danemark and Sweden+Lithuania/Estonia/Lettonia and East.

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Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:41 pm

It completely could be, but you would need to add about 1/3 of the height of the current map to the North and 1/2 or more to the East, as you don't want the location of the future Saint Petersbourg and Finland to be off-map, and more importantly, you want Ukraine to be on map, because the most decisive campaign and battle of the war (the Poltava) was there. Ottoman Empire, while an important player of the war, can be off-boxed, as most of the Black Sea, I suppose, but you may also want Wallachia and Moldava, which are a little South of the Southern limit of the ROP map.

A smart map with "different" sections like the one of RUS would not even be useful, as the whole of Poland saw war and campaigns.

Difficult, difficult. A solution might be a map turned 45° with North-Western Russia in the middle, Denmark in the far left and Ukraine in the far right, but it could be hard to recognize.

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Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:37 pm

Narwhal wrote:[...]A smart map with "different" sections like the one of RUS would not even be useful, as the whole of Poland saw war and campaigns.

Difficult, difficult. A solution might be a map turned 45° with North-Western Russia in the middle, Denmark in the far left and Ukraine in the far right, but it could be hard to recognize.

AGEod's World War I game has a map turned 90°, and as I recall, this provoked howls of indignation and harsh criticism after the game was initially released. My personal experience was that it was a bit disorienting at first, but I quickly became accustomed to it, so for me, it was a non-issue. Even so, a diagonal orientation would be much tougher to become accustomed to, I think.

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