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1775-1783: The Whites of *MY* eyes (vs. AI)

Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:47 pm

1775-1783: The Whites of Their Eyes

Me (rebels) vs. AI (Das Empire)
Settings: Delayed Commitment (Small)
Activation Rule: Blah (the third one: non-actives don't move)
No AI detect bonus
Difficulty level: normal
Activation Bonus: easy
Agresiveness: normal
Give AI more time

This is my 3rd game of WIA2 ever, which explains the easy-ish settings.
And the thread title.

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Episode 1: 26th of March 1775

Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:02 pm

"Gage is standing put inside the marvelous city of Boston", George Washington told his friends seated around the table. "He is waiting for the Crown to come with a relief force."

"Boston must be taken quickly", the man seated to Washington's right said in a guttural tone.

"Who is this man?", inquired John Adams.

"A friend of ours from Europe - recommended by the foremost Masonic circles which desire our victory". Washington had spoken with unease, waiting for the stranger to introduce himself.

"I am Prince Franz Hager", the man spoke. "I am a strategist by vocation, not a general. My task is to help you see the real priorities, and not brush them out of your way."

Pulling out a map from his left, he glanced quickly at the rebel leaders and spread it on the table.


"From my agents who are in the Crown's service in London I have gathered that there are ten locations that, if conquered by one side or the other, would decide the fate of the war irrevocably.

The black circles are the locations we must conquer: Quebec, Montreal, Fort Detroit and Boston.

The red circles - Pittsburgh and New York - are wavering. A regular Army unit must be placed there to persuade loyalists to give up their vain hopes.

The blue circles - Philadelphia, Richmond, Wilmington and Charleston - are valuable possessions that we already hold and must defense carefully."

The men around the table glanced with care at the map.

"Is Fort Ticonderoga not important to you? Norfolk?" Others added in a chorus of disapproval and disbelief: "Savannah? Augusta?!"

George Washington shook his head thoughtfully: "If we don't control Ninety-Six, we will have braves storming Charleston at will".

John Patterson, a clever justice of peace from Massachusetts, added: "Taking Vincennes and Pensacola, far beyond enemy lines, would show our supremacy over land like nothing would."

"They have their importance as well", Hager raised his arms, as if in self-defense. "I did not see fit to burden this map more than I should have."

Instead of being joyful, George Washington's friends hesitated. Their faces were slowly being filled with chagrin as they realized the magnitude of the task ahead.

"Well, gentlemen", said the Prince hardening the consonants. "What don't you tell *me* what can be done?"

"The First Continental Army is outside Boston", John Thomas explained. A doctor with a successful practice before the war began, he was gushing at the responsibilities which had been so rapidly thrust upon him. "Artemas Ward, our initial commander, was sick with a stomach flu. As not to waste time, we left him behind and set for the city. We have 9600 men and 16 cannons and that's not even counting Joseph Warren, who will coming with 800 more from Bunker Hill... from the north of Boston", he added for those unfamiliar with the geography of the region.

"Should do the job", nodded several of the men at the table. "Gage is a frightened hare", added Thomas' second-in-command, Israel Putnam.

"What shall we do with my men?" John Stark inquired. "The 480 soldiers of the 1st Hampshire - brave, powerful men."

"Do not come to Boston", said George Washington with a sudden burst of inspiration. "We may need you in times of trouble."

For a moment, silence fell upon the assembly.

"So it is", concluded Stark. "We take Boston. We wait to see how far and where the King decides to spread his filthy, greedy fingers."

"And we rally troops and militia", added Washington. "The more, the merrier."
Map 1 - March 1775.jpg

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Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:03 pm


Are you using 1.06?? if so, i highly recommend you to install also the interim update
To get all the latest fixes and goodies :thumbsup:
I recently finished this same campaign as the USA with 1.06.
I'm curious to see how it goes for you :)

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Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:11 pm

I did, thanks for tip. :thumbsup:

BTW, i'm not a very good player. Expect the worst and give tips anytime you feel like it (this is not just for arsan, everybody who reads this thread can contribute).

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Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:25 pm

whitewolf1981 wrote:I did, thanks for tip. :thumbsup:

BTW, i'm not a very good player. Expect the worst and give tips anytime you feel like it (this is not just for arsan, everybody who reads this thread can contribute).

I have never dared to assault Boston on 1775 as you seems to be doing :blink:
I always thought is wasn't feasible... It will be interesting to see how it goes ;) :thumbsup:

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Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:03 pm

I know what you mean. The game interface tricks you :D : the stack leader is Artemas Ward (2-1-2 :fleb: ) who is almost always inactive. So I separated him from the stack, and now I can move at will with that army.

From my previous -and only - experience with this scenario the siege goes fine and the British army sails off to a random loca... hold on, that just gave me an idea. Can I blockade Boston?! :w00t:

I'll keep you posted.

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Episode 2: 6th of June 1775

Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:49 pm

What General Philip Schuyler, Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold had understood from the German's map was that an attack on Canada was necessary.

General Schuyler[/CENTER]

Against Franz's insistence, a letter was sent to Montreal and Quebec, asking the mayors to join the Revolution.

It got an identical reply in both cities: the paper was torn into pieces, in the cheers of the loyalist Canadian crowd.

But no-one could say "no" to the Continental Congress just like that! The Congress adressed a more frankly-written address to the leaders of the French communities inside the two cities. The logic appeared sound: these people should have despised the Crown whose subjects they had become just a few years before because of the French-Indian war.

Alas, no response was received. The leaders of the rebellion began to think of Canada in military, rather than political terms.

Seth Warner's bloodless occupation of Fort Ticonderoga - one hundred miles south of Montreal, although it seemed less on the map - emboldened the Congress. "Canada now!" became their cheer.

A major debate took place in front of the Continental Congress on the 5th of May 1775. Benedict Arnold was the first to speak:

"Can Boston be our only target? The honorable Mr. Schuyler says no, the valiant Mr. Montgomery says no, and *I*, who have given and will give this revolution my all, say no. We are riding a wave of energy - my good friend Benjamin Franklin would call it "electrical" - and it must be unleashed upon those who dare dissuade our aspirations for freedom. Else, the people will be disappointed and our revolt will lose its popular appeal."

"What is Mr. Arnold's plan? We split our forces with no chance of victory", Franz Hager responded. "We will march precious troops over treacherous mountains, valleys and river banks, with lack of supply endangering their every step. The British will come and crush us unless we're ready."

A few minutes later, the German said to Washington sorrowfully:
"Arnold's brain-dead plan will win."
"I think not. I think it will lose, twenty-seven votes to twenty-nine."
Franz opened his mouth in surprise, while George Washington smiled proudly:
"I accept your advice as of the highest caliber. Therefore I seek to help you in all your endeavors. I had to do some political arm-wrangling, but I succeeded in getting the votes necessary for stopping any plan to invade Canada. However..."
"...You will not like this. The representatives of New York asked for the 5th regiment to be sent to Manhattan Island and quell the tory influence within the city."
"Our best trained division!"
"Yes. Either that, or five thousand men are heading for Canada starting tomorrow. Which do you prefer?"

Benedict Arnold looked from across the room in fury, searching for the German prince. He had figured out what had happened behind closed doors as Washington has made his rounds, persuading one Congress delegate after another. Franz and B. Arnold were staring at each other intently when a messenger awash in sweat suddenly ran into the room: "Boston has surrendered!"


[SIZE="4"]21?!?!?! T-w-e-n-t-y o-n-e?!?!?![/CENTER][/size]

A loud cheer rose from among the delegates. Emboldened by this turn of events, the Congress started printing paper money, in order to solve the shameful issue of the army's pay. The shameful escape of Lord Dunmore from Virginia's capital to Yorktown was another exclamation mark in a day of glory and joy.

The King took action of his own. A few months earlier than he had planned, he was forced to issue the following declaration as a response to the fall of Boston:

[color="Blue"]"Many of our subjects, misled by a desperate conspiracy of dangerous and ill-designing men, have forgotten the allegiance which they owe to the power that has protected and supported them, and have declared rebellion and traitorously levied war against us.

It is the better part of wisdom to put a speedy end to such disorders. We have thought fit to issue our royal proclamation that all our royal officers, both civil and military, are obliged to suppress such rebellion and bring the traitors to justice.

When the unhappy and deluded multitude against whom this force shall be directed shall become sensible of their error, I shall be ready to receive the misled with tenderness and mercy. For those who persist in their treason, the punishment shall be death by hanging. Given in parliament this 26th day of June in the year 1775." [/color]

By the time the words had arrived in the colonies, George Clark's rangers had already begun the siege of Fort Detroit - one of the strategic objectives that was necessary for winning the war.
surrender of Boston.JPG

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Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:55 pm

So, you managed to assault and take Boston in 1775 against all that british regulars?? :blink: :w00t:
It's most surprising!! how did it go?? can you post a battle report picture?? or tell us about the feat? :)

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Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:00 am

Voila! ... I have edited the previous post. The attachments weren't working.

How did I do it? Removed Ward. United all armies near Boston (forgot the name of the territory). Sent them to Boston with orange attack setting. Event (no battle).

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Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:33 am

Oh, so you didn't assault?? the british forces were inside the town and you lay siege on them, isn't ?? On which turn did you do it??
How many turns of siege until they surrendered??
Has Howe reinforcement arrived yet?? (i think he arrives in turn 2 or 3 with lots of forces).
PD: all that info can help the WIA team balance the campaign... maybe you have been very lucky or have found a loophole :blink:

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Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:04 pm

Second turn.
Turn 1: I move into the region. (orange setting, not red! not the "full assault" one!)
Turn 2: they surrender.
Howe wasn't there yet.

Just as a note: many events don't show up in the Message Box in all occurrences of playing the campaign - although they should. Ex.: First time I played the scenario I got an event about Beaumarchais doing stuff for the rebels. It's only the second time that I played the scenario that I got the (earlier) event telling me who Beaumarchais was.

Same for the Arty unit appearing in the late summer of 1775 at Fort Tico...
The units appear in every occurrence of playing the scenario, but sometimes I get a notice in the Messages box, sometimes i don't. There's something buggy there definitely.

Concerning the surrender: Keep the option there. It's realistic, possible and create game alternatives to history, which is the whole point of games like BIA2. Just my opinion.

I have also decided to drop the AAR altogether. The reason is: I put my (winning) Boston force inside the city and they became sieged by the Boston Loyalists (power 23). So several thousand men were sieged by one unit of 60 or so people. :blink: When I asked the Boston army to leave the assault and attack by selecting the red engagement option (full attack) they didn't. :blink: 2 turns in a row this happened. So they ran out of supply. Ridiculous - both the situation and the game mechanic which resulted.

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Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:11 pm

Has Howe arrived yet? With the Naval Squadron? Loyal New Englanders?

All should arrive at Boston, although the fleet may be 'pushed' into Boston Harbor... arrival 50% chance each turn stating May 75

1 turn siege again. hmmmm, maybe too fast, eh?
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Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:23 pm

whitewolf1981 wrote:I have also decided to drop the AAR altogether. The reason is: I put my (winning) Boston force inside the city and they became sieged by the Boston Loyalists (power 23). So several thousand men were sieged by one unit of 60 or so people. :blink: When I asked the Boston army to leave the assault and attack by selecting the red engagement option (full attack) they didn't. :blink: 2 turns in a row this happened. So they ran out of supply. Ridiculous - both the situation and the game mechanic which resulted.

The red assault button is not for that. ;)
You have to drag the besieged stack outside the town, into the same region or some other adjacent region (in orange or red posture) for them to attack the besiegers and break the siege. :thumbsup:

What worries me much is the one turn siege resolution :bonk:
Too many reports like this lately... :( and all with big forces inside... can this be the cause??
Also, the British force at Boston will do better staying outside of the city. i'm sure they would have repelled the rebel militias that way.
Can this be fixed on the scen setup Lodi??
And What happens with Howe reinforcements if Boston has fallen?? :confused:


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Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:03 pm

arsan wrote:The red assault button is not for that. ;)
You have to drag the besieged stack outside the town, into the same region or some other adjacent region (in orange or red posture) for them to attack the besiegers and break the siege. :thumbsup:

What worries me much is the one turn siege resolution :bonk:
Too many reports like this lately... :( and all with big forces inside... can this be the cause??
Also, the British force at Boston will do better staying outside of the city. i'm sure they would have repelled the rebel militias that way.
Can this be fixed on the scen setup Lodi??
And What happens with Howe reinforcements if Boston has fallen?? :confused:


Playtest time.....

Actually, the Gage forces do start outside the city, but Athena puts them inside. Thus, it's an AI issue, nothing I can script.

Howe will arrive at Boston no matter what - loaded in a fleet. Athena likely will just sail away with them. The New England Loyalists arrive on land, though, and are locked for one turn, so they obviously wanted to stay at home!!!!! We may want to put them on board ships too!
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Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:35 pm

In my new test game, Ward and Army move to Boston turn 1, siege starts turn 2.

It's August, 1 breach has occurred, Howe has arrived, Washington has arrived and the siege goes on.

Looking at GBR troops/supply inside, though, they are almost out of 'carried supply', so something will burst soon...

The quick surrenders we are witnessing need to be examined [saved games], as it's always 'iffy' for me to create a similar situation. With the saved game, we can then adjust parameters.... :D
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Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:40 pm

Well, at least the 1 turn siege surrender doesn't happen always :thumbsup:
Whitewolf, could you compress and post the saved games of sieges turn and the previous one??
(the two first turns on the campaign will do i guess)
Maybe lodilefty can spot something in them :)

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Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:05 pm

The one turn siege victory does happen in WiA but after all the Pontiac tests I have done I can certainly say it seems to be very rare.

Maybe once in a blue moon it should happen? A fort commander losses his nerve or his troops do? Worth looking into though - is it just a case of rolling a 12 type thing? You can get a double breach in one turn I think? I have the siege results table somewhere.

Cheers, Chris
P.S. as Arsan mentioned - you will have to drag your units outside of the structure to attack the besieging forces (unless you sortie to join with friendly troops moving in to attack the region) - otherwise one man standing outside could result in the starvation of thousands inside :)
Also worth hitting the enter stucture button when you do this to make sure your units go back inside after they have seen the besieger off - and keeping a small unit inside just to make sure the besieger doesn't gain entry.

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Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:14 am

Thanks everybody for the tip about the army. I'll try it.

Attached you have 2 saves: "the very first turn" which means what it says and "Backup11" (which is the 2nd turn of the campaign). Load "Backup 11". Click 'end turn'. Gage has surrendered 4 out of 4 times in my tests before uploading the save here. Enjoy.

Note: I was so engrossed/shocked that I didn't notice Howe arriving. Apologies for that error.
the very first turn.zip
(190.56 KiB) Downloaded 420 times
(966.36 KiB) Downloaded 397 times

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Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:33 am

whitewolf1981 wrote:Gage has surrendered 4 out of 4 times in my tests before uploading the save here. Enjoy.

Thanks! :thumbsup:
The 4 out of 4 surrender is to be expected. If you don't make anything different in the turn, just reprocess it the same roll number will be used every time.

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Episode 3: 7th of October 1775

Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:31 am

Arsan, the Spanish Colonial Minister, paced angrily throughout the room.
"That idiot Gage has cost us a lot of money! All commercial agreements between Spain and the British Empire are in a mess because Boston was lost! Everything produced around and north of Boston is sealed off from our markets unless we recognize those rebels! That surrender should have never occurred!"
Michel Lodilefty, the French Ambassador to Spain, nodded:
"Military disasters occur all the time. Such is the wish of God."
Arsan stared angrily at his friend:
"You are too calm for my taste. What other news has reached you from the colonies?"

[SIZE="4"]Dude, please be THE MAN!! or else I'm losing this scenario[/size][/CENTER]

"A man named George Washington is in charge of the Second Continental Army, forming in New York. He has had experience in the French-Indian War and could present a real challenge to the British Army... if they do not take him seriously."
" Second Continental..? Where is the First?"
Lodilefty smiled broadly:
" They are the ones who occupied Boston and who brushed away that Loyalist uprising."


" It was to be expected", Arsan muttered. "Six hundred men against eight thousand... What else?"

Lodilefty thought for a few moments.
"The siege of Detroit is ongoing. No success for the rebels as of yet..."
A servant walked into a room and handed a letter to Arsan. After reading it quickly, the Spanish Minister thrust it into Lodilefty's hands:
" It seems that Howe is more of a fool than even Gage was."


Lodilefty smiled calmly:
" His hope is to reach the South, where the war is disputed between bands of loyalists and rebels, cities changing hands several times a month. Howe has endangered his supply lines for this goal."
" Sheer insanity".
"There are two Continental Armies in the north, my friend - getting stronger and better trained every day. Perhaps establishing a solid base of operations in the South is the key to halting the rebellion."
Arsan didn't answer. His eyes were glazed with shock as he remembered the day he had received the news that Boston had surrendered. Another such occurrence would be too much for him to handle - he thought to himself.
Howe's Gambit.jpg
The Massacre of Oxen's Yards.jpg

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Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:39 am

I think Spain and France would have been delighted by seeing the English in trouble! ;)

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Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:34 pm


Sorry to re-up this old post, but what happened to your AAR whitewolf1981?! I was really interested as I am currently doing this campain with the Americans and the same overall level of difficulty...

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