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Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:10 pm

I did about 30 turns on Fallen Timbers(playing the indians) and it was a really interesting scenario to play, unfortunately there was a crash in the end of my third summer of raids and wasn't sure if i had the program to analyse the problem and i was in a hurry to do other things.
I will restart soon this intriguing and fascinating scenario and see if the crash happen again.
Most of the action was in the center along the river and i was able to do a few ambushes, take a fort or palissade but the coming of the winter put an end to the campaign.

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Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:18 pm

[color="Blue"]Moved this into a thread of its own, since it concerns a different topic than the original thread :) [/color]
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Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:24 am

When you get a crash, please send us the current turn and backup1 folder, otherwise we can't fix it. Thanks!

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